GIFT GIVING AND ECONOMY Go Hfliul in Hand at Thin Store Our immense stocks ore brimming over with happy uuggestions for Practical Christmas Gifts Gifts that aro economical because of their lasting useful ncss desirable and satisfying because of their beauty and worth. SANTA CLAUH nnd TOYLAND Toyland with its wonderful uirtiy of Toys is com plete. Santa Claus has already shipped to this store the most delightful assortment ever shown in Walla Walla. This display will delight the youngsters of all ages, and older folks too. Dear Old Santa Will be Here in Person From Sat., Dec. 11th, to DKC. 25th. He will preside over Toyland and will give a Toy free to each good little boy and girl who cpmes hero to visit him. You Children are invited to write to him, addressing your letters in care of The Davis-Kascr Store. Tell him what you want for Christmas and bo sure to give your full name and address. He will try to answer every letter. DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING AT THE ECONOMY GIFT STORE THE DAVIS-KASER CO. Headquarters for Toys Complete Homo Furnishing Department Store 10-20 Alder St, Walla Walla. Wash. BREVITIES DO YOUR 1ISTI1 S SUGGESTIONS 4 PASTIME P Pool Hall O Lest Ye Forget O 8 rruk Stack ll fiti Mc rticr talk Cttit o r II. Hoy h, tell her your tnle of woe witli a nice box of cnnly 35c to S0.00 o Davis & Davh)o WESTOII ' CASH r.lAREET FRESH MEATS OF ALL KINDS HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR LIVESTOCK, HIDES. PELTS, &c. HASS &SAUER I Dependable Spr& Plug Dcdge Cars Service Trucks SUadsrsaUieiolTlm Oils and Supplies Expert Repairing All Work Guaranteed MILLER & I BOOMER WESTON! Good second-hand piano for llffO ISO cash, balance $10 per month. In quire at thla offlce. IT 1H K&Uluf v 8 uiy uraying Leave orders at resi dence (Marsh cottage) south of Weston Mer cantile. Phone 361. A. LINDEKEN I GEO. HEMSTITCHING DEPARTMENT . A. M. JENSEN CO. Hemstitching, Pecot, Chain Stitch Inif Embroidery, Braiding,. Plain Stitching. Button Holts and Buttons Covered, Pleating. MK5V M. Hi. tKKUUSUN Phone 036. Walla Walla, Wash. Phone 83 Young milch cowa wanted, Jerseys preferred. Inquire at thii office. Athena and Weston are among the even branch libraries in the Umatil la county system to qualify as stan dard libraries. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Greer became the proud young parents of a son and heir Thursday at their home south of town. 1 The cash drawer In the office of the Liberty Auto Co. was tapped Wednesday evening and about $18 in silver taken. Mr. and Mrs. Adams were absent at supper, and Ray O'llarra was so busy with the buss ing engine of a motorcycle In the gsrage work shop that he did not hear the thieves. The month of November just closed was supposed to have been ex ceeding wet In this section, but the records of Observer Merrltt A. Ba ker show that It was only a sit moist . The month's precipitation' was 2.79 Inches, as compared to a to tal in November, 1019, of 3.68 inches. The precipitation for the past ' 12 months totaled 22.32 inches. A son was born Wednesday morn ing to Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Davidson at their home in this city. The Standard Thratro will present i especially ' attractive bill next Sunday, December 5, when the entire net proceeds go to Athena-Weston post, American Legion. This benefit program- includes Lieutenant Iock lear in "The Great Air Robbery" and Charlie Chaplin in "Shoulder Arms.? Next Wednesday night, December 8, the Standard will present pictorially the greatest horse race of the age the victory of Man o' War over Sir Barton on a Canadian track. For Sale-a Singer sewing machine, 5.00; a wickor baby buggy and wicker bassinet, $10.00 each. Mrs. N P. Bennet. "The Yellow Sheet" is the title of a clever and entertaining story id the current issue of Lone Scout mag atine. It is based upon the experi ence of two boy scouts who got out a country paper for five weeks during the sickness of the editor, and May nard Jones, Weston High school Soy, is the young author. This is the fourth time thst 'Nard has broken into the Lone Scout with an absorb" ing tale. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse L. York and Roscoe Beamcr returned Inst week m ti i .i .. At . ..t..:sJ Mrs. York's sister. Mrs. Jacob Mmmsmsmmmmsnmmmmmmmmmmm:, Routhcr, and 'attended the stock tthnw Tlwv wont In &Jiitifti. and - - - - - "; also had the pleasure of visiting Mr. "ent by brcakmg loose from the dray and Mrs. James Ritchey and Mr. and Mreering willy nilly over the ad Mrs. J. F. Killgore in Washington J"nt landscape. The horses plunged county. through no less than seven fences Mrs. S. T. Ferguson has returned whil on thcir mad 8a,,0P' but nen to her home In Seattle after a visit brought to a stop were found not to with her . parents,. Mr. and Mrs. C. sustained a single scratch. E. Miller, at Iheir home on Normal ... Jwes Bell has acquired a seven heights, and her brother, Leon J. Vnger Buick,. new and handsome, Miller. " having traded in his old car of the William Beaton has returned from Mmo make- week's stay "over the hill," bring- Joe Ucuallen was in Weston again ing back a Saxon roadster. He this week upon his return to La struck a car trade while in Athena. Grand trom Portland, where he has Recent sales of wheat aggregating been living treatment While con 8500 bushels have been made by lo- iderably improved, he has not yet cal growers, to Frank Price, manager sufficiently regained his health to re ef the Weston Warehouse Co., on a turn to the heavy work of a railroad basis of $1.35 a bushel for No. I. It blacksmith. is estimated that less than half of Mr. Mm. John Frederick Mc the Weston crop remains in the daughter, Mane Josephine, hands of the growers. who have been visiting for several Andy Barnett, who drives a Ford wa hc Goodwin home, left over th. Kin. 2 mail route, renorts the Monday morning for Portland. county road at the head of Pine creek Mrs. Frank Hildebrand, whose crit grade to be in a dangerous and al- U"88 hM greatly alarmed her most impassable condition. Flood w. 18 now lne Aluminum and Nickle Plated COMKiTY PLATE SILVERWARE BEAUTIFUL ELECTRIC STAIiD LAIIPS UNIVERSAL PERCOLATORS PYREX GLASS OVEN WARE WEAR-EVER AUDI HIGH GRADE CUTLERY AND MANY OTP USEFUL GIFTS TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION. o" o o TOYS DOLLS, DOLL BUGGIES, COASTER WAGONS, AUTOMOBILES. SAMMIE KARS, TODDLER TOYS. IRISH MAIL and other WHEEL NOVELTIES, ICE and ROLLER SKATES,, AIR RIFLES and many other nice things for the KIDDIES. Come in and get your 1921 Calendar JOIMES.& JOIMES Hardware :: Implements :: Lumber WESTON. OREGON mm What BO lis Clrsa Wast Fk Mm r; we know A LIBERTY BELL BANK MAKETbe LIBERTY BELL YOUR nraKT- a VIHHW lias BELL Residence 275 waters ran down the grade, cutting daughter, Mrs. DR. N. P. BENNET ' Dentist . Weston Mercantile Building Weston, Oregon an awkward channel and exposing huge bowlders. ' Wednesday J. E. Jones abandoned his summer mall route via the Blue Mountain sawmill, and went direct across to Basket mountain from the .Tamarack church. Jim doea this ev- You Need Your Home Paper and it Needs You ry x months, and it is invariably a sign of winter. ', George Kinnear and William Singer are moving their beef cattle to Hud son's Bay, where the stock will be fed jnm alfalfa. Ueorge will remain there to M THE WESTON HILLS will ROLL, GRIND or CLEAN your grain, and will give prompt attcn . , tion to orders for anything in its line. International Stock and Poultry Food Hay, Rolled Barley, Oats, Wheat and Millfeeds. Chicken Feeds, includ- ' ing Corn, Wheat, Scratch Food, Bone, Shell, Grit, Meat Scraps and Fgg Mash. Wood and coal J. A. LUMSDEN Proprietor home of her Don E. Bennett, in Walla Walla. Late reports say that her condition continues very serious. The recent rabbit drive' at Warden, Wash., was the greatest ever held in southern Grant county, Washington. More than 300 hunters took part and more than 6000 rabbits are . said to have been killed. ' Several hundred of the slaughtered bunnies were sent to Spokane for distribution among -the poor by the Salvation Army. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Dowd were over Walla Walla Sunday, yisiting nnwt'ft iuknU And thair taK care or ncm. Mr. singer laieiy friendg , gencral From the tren(l of oougnt a Ji)U duh wr ne improve- hj8 conversatio( it would not be sur mcnt of his mountain herd. J. r. pri8ing if in Bnother year or 80 H A Lieuallen and Ralph Tucker will feed would back 0 a arMi Too nluch their stock at the Wurser place until ,elsure jj, upon him January. Other local stockmen have j A McRa6 wa8 here Sunday, re rounded up their stock from the ittrning to Wana Wana from a mo. mounUin rangoand will feed them on twIng trip to Helix He found the their home ranches. ds too muddy to get Helix Mrs. Richard Wright of Big Tim- out to his ranch, ber, Montana, niece of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Ernest Reynolds and little son I R. Van Winkle, is visiting at the were visiting in Weston this week Van Winkle residence in this city, from Tacoma, where Mr. Reynolds Mrs. Wright is accompanied by her holds a position as foreman in the two children, and traveled a thousand city department of public works, miles by automobile from Big Timber , to Weston. NOTICE TO PATRONS Lafe McBride's bus team became In order to avoid much unnecessary "frightened while nearing the depot inconvenience, we must request that Monday and tried to run away, all patrons be prepared to pay their overturning and wrecking the bus. bills when our collector calls. We Lafe himself was dragged out of the also desire to notify them that all of rig but escaped unhurt, as did also our own responsibility for service the horses. The mixup terrorised the ceases when electricity is delivered, dray team of George Lindeketi, PRESTON-SHAFFER which added to the general excite- MILLING CO. IF you could see them admire the banks in our window and hear them talk, you would know too. Why not make the Liberty Bell Bank your Christmas present to the children? g They want it and it will be entirely appropriate; and the g habit of saving which the bell, encourages will be helpful g throughout their lives. ..THE FARMERS BANK OF WESTON.. 8 . BUTTER WRAPS at Leader Shop NOTICE INTEREST will be charged on all accounts running longer than 30 days. HH. GOODWIN K: