The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, November 19, 1920, Image 2

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. MRS. H. OOODWIN, AuliUni Mllot
tT, f
The.going is good (on the trunk high
way.) Pete O'Harra says, "Too d n
good." Ask him.
However, nllrotula lend to WnttH
R. Rogers HnnUvore, where you will
find con I oil lientera, teel rnnnes
nnd pipelenH furnncea.
Wlintn iineful nnd beautiful Xmn
gift n nice sewing machine makes!
Have us save one for the faithful
wife. We have them guaranteed for life. The
wonderful Two-Spool, the Rotary or Vibrator.
Tho Year V M HI
Six Month I W
Threw Months W
hair. rov. i. .... mo
ChIiii tl th f lUllItt St tllllM. Ortaea
iiMc.nd ix.llm.ttir.
Individual are often grateful, but
communities, commonwealths and na
tions seldom or never are. We all
know of instances wherein towns,
when opportunity arose, have turned
against the most active am! public
spirited of town buibfer. Oregon
allowed its greatest senator of all
time to be buried beneath the repub
lican landslide. Woodrow Wilson is
destined to become one of the out
standing figure of history for his
work in behalf of world welfare, yet
has been discredited by hi country
men; ami now the great statesman
and patriot of Greece, Premier Venls
elos, has met with similar re
pudiation. The reward of loyal and
effective public service must lie, it
would apcar, in the approval of the
servant's own conscience.
We are overstocked on auto robes
and horse blankets and must have money,
and have decided to close out these two
items at cost.
They are all the famous 5A robes and
blankets and we have them in a large va
:' riety of colors and patterns.
Whitman's Harness Store
Milton. Oregon (Phone 122)
The average cost of raising spring
wheat this year was S2.:ttS a bushel,
and of fall wheat $1.88 a bushel, ac
cording to figures furnished by Pro
fessor Mung of Iowa State College.
However, if farmers hereabouts had
sold at better than two dollars, we
fancy they would have admitted hav
ing done fairly well. If it costs so
much to raise wheat as Professor
Mung's figures would seem to indi
cate, Umatilla county land values
would not have been likely to have
advanced to unprecedented figures
for wheat growers would lose money
nearly every year.
During the two years ending No
vember 19 more than twenty millions
of dollars has been spent on 1444
miles of road in Oregon, an average
of around 114,000 a mile. Of this
improved highway, 686 miles were
graded, 395 miles rocked and grav
eled and 363 miles paved. Good
roads, it is quite apparent, cost good
money. All the more reason why
some effective plan should be adopted
to prevent confirmed speed demons I'11 authorities. Those who fear
fro.,, wesrimr th.-m out. It was not (?v "P Rr CttS
Orcgon-s intention, we take it, to membership on tho ground that much
km.n.1 twontv millions in two vears " w' wasted.
for speedways.
Opposite Hotel Pendleton.-
J. C. Penney Co. Everyday
Economy Prices
quality, Union made Bib Overalls,
pair $1.79
dard grade blue or gray chambray,
each 9IC
27 Incn Good Quality Outing Flannels, plain
white, dark or light patterns, yard 23c
36 inch Heavy Quality Outing Flannel, white
only, yard 29C
27 Inch Percales, light and dark patterns,
yard 15c
36 Inch Good Quality Percales, stripes,
dots, etc., on dark and light grounds,
yard 19c
36 Inch Heavy Percales, in a good range
of pleasing patterns, yard 23c
36 Inch Best Quality Percales, all desirable
patterns, yard 29c
36 to 34 Inch Filet Curtain Nets, of good
quality and attractive patterns, yd. 49c
Kiddie Cloth, galatea and devonshire
cloth, yard SSc
27 Inch Genuine Amoskeaf Apron Checks,
yard . . . . 19c
30 inch Silkollne, good quality, suitable
for darperies. comforter coverings,
etc., yard ?5c
Comforter Coverings, good quality, pleas
ing patteros. yard 15c
25 inch Prints, standard quality, white
figures on blue or black grounds,
yard 12ic
17x32 Inch Cotton Iluck Towels, each 25c
18x33 inch Pure White Bath Towels,
each . 25c
18x34 inch Cotton Iluck Towels, each Kk
18x3-1 Tart Linen Iluck Towels, each 3Uc
18x34 part Linen Iluck Towels, hem
stitched border, each 39c
These are not "special sale" prices nor is there any unsatisfactory
strings fastened thereto. Just straightforward merchandising on a
cash basis by one of the largest and fastest growing retail organizations
in America. With the foundation of its success based upon that time
tried policy 'The Golden Rule."
J. c. mm cu., A KiA'iluKIWlbi! lKI5Tli'Uli6N
are due to re
vise their views.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN To the legal voter of School District No. 19
i --r-s of Umatilla County. State of Oregon, that a SCHOOL MEETING of said DIs.
Twenty-eight of Oregon's 36 coun- Kighty members of tho House of trict will bo held at School House, on thu 2&1 day of November, 1930, at 8:3U
ties have already pledged themselves Jiapsount are said 10 oc nuiuing o does. In the afternoon to voti on tho prouilion of levying a Secial district
to aid in the sale of Christmas seals,
the organized community effort to
finance the Oregon Tuberculosis as
sociation in its fight tgainst the most
dreadful disease scourge of the ages.
In the several counties where there
are public health associations the seal
sale will be directed by them. In
others, the entire county has been
taken over by some enterprising in
jobs. Trouble is that few jobs will
likely be hunting the eighty members
of the House of Ilapsburg.
The total amount of money needed by the district during the fiscal year be-
ginning on June 20, 1920, and ending on Juno 30, 1921, is estimated In the
Judging from the League of Na- flow'na" budget and includes the amounts to be received from the county
tions news from Geneva, Old Man ,fhtK' 'um' '' school fund, special district tax, and all other moneys of the
World has started something that dlH,rict:
cannot be "scrapped" by Warren G. Hudoct-Estimated Expenditures
Harding and the g. o. p. . , , ....
Teachers salariea $14,400 00
In I.... than twenmim.t. .ft Apparatus and supplies, such as mapa, chalk, erasers, stove, cur-
dividual or by an influeiai women's tbe cxplo,ion ,n w.n Kta!v!.::::::::::::::::::'::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ww
street, more than 75 Red Cross Repairs of schoolhouses, outbuildings or fence 660 00
your grain, and will give prompt atten
tion to orders for anything in its line.
International Stock
and Poultry Food
Hay, Rolled Barley, Oats, Wheat and
Millfeeds. Chicken Feeds, includ
ing Corn, Wheat, Scratch Food, Bone,
Shell, Grit, Meat Scraps and Fgg Mash.
J. A. LUMSDEN - Proprietor
organization. Mrs. W. D. McNary is
director of the sale for Umatilla
nurses and 35 field directors were jjnjto,.', wages
assisting the stricken,
The scrap in the extreme East End
Janitor's supplies.
ruei. . . , ,
ite of its union high school ff--'-. M
Editor Ticket has this to say about
ki whnat mnrlrAf In tha JMirront
. : ; over the sit
nut riT Knipn aum iteview: neceni . a
- ... WOUKJ Mflll lO indicate inai "Union lMtmtym mnH tmtinnrv
" -- 7 ,t win be.
dian movement much more drastic
1.2S0 00
116 00
tMK) 00
M 00
36 00
25 00
Sections 117,
144 to 141, and 422 of the School Laws of Oregon,
than writar untfrlnt..rl. Statistical Tl ...u ...Lii..n ,
' 1 nunc wiiv miv iia-vuiabuiK nn w , . . ,t . ,
position is strong and for the long whrther or nt the democratic party Tot'LZTthJrn "w"e b "P""'1 fr all purpose
GOO 00
pull will assert itself. Temporarily,
everything depends upon confidence,
which is shaken sadly. December
wheat owned below 2.10 should be
held fur profits. March wheat in a
strong position."
will ever "come back," are due
find that it has never gone away.
during the year $18,651 00
Estimated Kcceim
From rnmilv ihfinl fiiml Aninir tl,,, miitf u... 4 fjvi a.i
Since demobilization the Red Cross Krom state school fund during the coming schotl year..'.!! ! 'f2 00
uiiiiiiumj amount 10 ou received irom an omer sources during me
coming school year-High School fund , 1,048 00
has kept in constant touch with fam
ilies of 800,000 soldiers, sailors and
Investigation continues to dis- s
clo4o the fact that millions were Just when Soviet Russia is appar-
wasted by Uncle Sam in Ins wur cntly on its last legs, it begins to
shipping business through careless- make a centipede look like an angle
ness and graft. This is one of the worm.
nnnnltioa nt war whirh thf Ifnibul
States should seek to avoid for fu- We are prone to wonder why it is Balance, amount to be raised by district tax 114,476 00
ture venerations bv loininir in tho that money is getting so "tight," af- Drted this 28th day of October, 1920.
movement for world neace. t Sheriff Taylor has raided all the am(. Frk, Vl'f.f' .
uiniricv viera
Total estimated rucuiiits. not including the'money to be received from
. the tax which it is proposed to vote 4,076 00
Tolal estimated expenses for tho year. . . 118,651 00
Total estimated receipt nut including the tax to be voted 4,076 00
J. M. Banirtbr,
Chairman Board of Directors.
If farmers had only sold their - - -
wheat at the price obtaining early in ' In an average month this year the
the fall, it would have made all the Re1 Cross aided 42.'I,8H8 adults and
difference between tight and easy 101,755 children in Europe.
times throughout this immediate sec-
tion. However, it is their wheat and
we hope they will have no occasion to
get soured in the spring on that Chi
cago Fickel.
France and England are beginning
to And that Greece is a slippery
The news from Russia should, we
suppose, be read; but it is Red too
See me for CHICKENS and all kinds of
PRODUCE. Blacksmith Iron, Shafting
and Piping. .Bought right, and for
sale at lowest prices. Do it NOW.
Ca IRON and JUNK '
J. R Reynolds
iy V Water Street (second block north of Main)
WESTON - , - - - - OREGON
In the care it is taking to respect
the Monroe doctrine and to avoid any
question at Geneva affecting Amcri- .
can interests, the League of Nations
is showing far more consideration , order to avojd much mnKtMry
tor the United States than the United mconvenience we muiit reque(,t that
States has shown for the League of potron prepared p8y thefr
N8t'on8, bills when our collector calls. We
also desire to notify them that all of
our own responsibility for service
ceases -when electricity is delivered.
"There is a dangerous young wo
man loose across the Columbia," says
The Oregonian. "She attacked a ci
tizen and kissed him and when he re
covered he was out $72. What can a
man do when he sees one coming?"
Why not beat her to it, kiss and
collect ?
J. II. Rockhill and family of Two
Rivers, Wash., were recent visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Jones and
Red Cross administration conts less other Weston friends. Mr. Rockhill
than four percent, according to Mr. bought and is farming an alfalfa
I Benson of Portland and other com- tract on the Columbia river.
We offer restful ohairs and other comfortable
A. M. ROSS---Furniture and Undertaking