EADER ESTON WESTON, OREGON. FRIDAY. NOV. 19. VJ20 NUMBER 24 VOLUMK 43 ' Oieeon News nous . Chi OF SEBASTOPul FALLS TO BOLSHEVIK Birthday Surprise Party liwrll Duncan, one of Wcstoii'a nun I ji -pulnr young mi'ii, reached the Hi' of twenty -on" year last Moii dnv mul Im'immio I In- liniment victim " 1 1 " f mi uncxH--ted observance in hi Redi Wipe Out Wnnael'i Arm) or at the hm of Mr. m.i Mrs. ivrii u (iirri. n urn i wthv the huiiMi At tins unumI rvi'hlnjc hour FROM" OVER e: hill.' and Muter Whole Crim ean Peninsula. accompanied the atudents eompri.oiu; the cut in th school play, to IMi JaatVveiilng. A rainy day preceding the "evening, made the roads diflVul: of negotiation. Ik'rt Pierfol came over from hia of On U Constantinople Th. army Krai Wrangel, the and bolshevik lead l-ome him. A moitt delightful evening wan imined with games ami munic ft In aouth lliisala. baa bn wiped out fr Uivrrniunii, and a twu courmj and a number of ble g.n.rals have UIHt.(iii waa Hvrvrd. Thoaa present committed tulclde. were: Misses iMlie llrandt, Kiithrr A mob la Hebaatopol haa pillaged Davia, P.liza and Vira Morrison, he found a Jovial company of young ufc. iH Aide, dremied In their bent, to wel- , . k... ... ' .a A..uuitulv.nn '" I'1" in Hkni Ut Saturday. Kir tb American Red Croaa storks. Thirteen tboussnd refugees have ar rived here from Brbaainpol, hut be cause of the lack of accommodations In J he city, they are etill aboard ship, ni pored In the Doephorui. Heeral thouaand'nior. are due here, and iria und.r.tood So.ooo have ba permitted to take paeaaie from the Crimean rlty. It was foflnd Impoaal hie to provide ehlpa for the entire population of 10,000. Two thouiaod wounded men also have arrived and have been dlatrlbuted among the Trench and llueelan hnepltale. Babaetonol fell to the Ruaaian aoviet fnrcei at I o'clock Sunday evening after the evacuation plana had been fully carried out, according to word received here. Oeneral Wrangel, it it atated. ii lb laat to leave, going aboard the cmtaer Kornlloff. cheered by hla troops. A fire wblch originated through an areldent d.ttroy.d the hlahly valuebla atoree of the American Red Croaa at Mr. and Mm. George Banister re visiting at Witsbnr,, this ?-. They wilt leave soon to upend tho V'in tir in California, ami Mr. aid Am. Ralph llaynle will occupy their rel- lenr on Fifth atrcft. v - i. . ..I ilia ti-ath lifimn ni nr ale and visited IIIH par- ill hia unual work -a day attire, . . t Mr . 1Inl)Mniwl UI, from K lnulul ...... 1 .... M U J.f lltl. .. .. .... - I Pendleton by hln two BiHlerii, wra. rn and Mra. .Smith. The little one waa 111 thirteen day, Mr. ami Mra. l.unen uannon imi followiiiK the eating of applea poia- ilauKhter Horeiiee have iron.- on a oned from the effecta of apraying. trip in Port land, Markhficld, and mi- Th parenU have tho aympathy of aildy California. Thj in Mr. iiagn- thclr Athena frienda. "' first trip to the coaxt. Miaa Zola Keen- waa operated UHn Mm. Cetiie Sturifia arrived Wed- Wednewlay at Walla Walla, for-rcluf neaday morninif from San r'ranciwo, tnnn a loii-landiiiK caae of inteati- and ia at the home of her pnrentt. nat trouble. The appendix wa re- Mr. and Mra. F. II. Iloyd, on Fifth moved and lr. Sharp, who aemated alni't. in tho operation, rcporta tle patient F. K. UGrow made a i)paiiie trip to be nroirrcaeinif far better than waa to Portland thia week, and also took V . vxfiecUd by the aurgeona. However, in tho biC etotk ahow. SatlUday AlterSOOn UUD mm Kw,nB wjn bKrd to remain Mi Vira Morriain of Weaton waa The Salunlay Afternoon club met bed-fant for a much longer eriod in the city a couple of daya thia week, November 13 at the Homo of Mra. J. than ia uaual, nay the doctor. s - the Kuent of Miaa Eva O'Harra. C. Trice. After roll call, which waa R.ina have asain interfered with Tho attractive bungalow on east anawered by quotationa from Dickena' the progrcaa of atreet improvement Main atreet built for Mra. Ann Tay Wavel O'Harra and Ruby Price; Mra. Frank Smith; Mcaara. Rulon Smith Carl llrandt, Carmen Oliver, Darwin Hall, Herman O'Harra, Lyle Webb, UnJer O'Harra and Lowell lluiuan. lor, haa reached completion and Aunt Ann ia now moving; into her prop-, eity. John Wall and Claude Sanders will leave for Portland today, going from there by water route to San Francit- ChriMmas Carol, a paper on Dickens' )n Athena. The rock base on Jeffer Hiatorical Novels, by Mrs. M. W. n,n street had been spread and ia in Pedvraen, waa greatly enjoyed. Dis readiness for the hot stuff as aoon as russlon of the topic was led by Mrs. the weather will permit The work Payne. Current Eventa, led by Mrs. jn(r crtw hai been transferred to Pen Wurxer. followed. Mrs. Emery dleton tomnorarilv. Staggs was elected to membership in Mr and Mrf Theodore Russell of . here they will spend the winter, the club and Mrs. Iliinney and Mrs. port,nd wer, in th, city Sunday, at- The boys hope to find employment in Winn, two recent members, were wel- UnAing the jLynie-Banieter wedding, the Golden Gate city, coined at tho meeting. A dainty 0thcr out-of-town gueets wera Mr. Fell In Front of Plow, lumh was served by Mrs. Hodgson Bn(J Mn E H jgrd 0f Waita- N. Burokcr met with a serious ac- and Mra. Wurrer, asalated by tho huTg. Mr tm( Mrg qj McConnell ci,icnt last Friday while plowing on hostess. Mrs. McNce waa present aa of lMix. Mr ,,,4 Mrs. C. E. Fisk of the Charley Betta place south of town, a club guest. The next meeting will .,.,.,. Mr. C. , Kmjth and lira, a sudden iumo bv his team threw II. B. Grant haa li-n elected mayor t Dallas. Ilippnt-r'a new I0K.000 hotel will aoon be open to the public. The eehool houae at Bpray, Wheeler eounty, waa totally deatroyed by fir laat week. The 1920 tax roll shows total valua tion of f37.174.-t60 for Uxable property In Marlon county. Harney county at the recent tlectlost passed an Initiative bill placing a S eent bounty on rabbits. Asseasnirnt rolls for Coos eounty have beeQ completed and abow a total valuation of 23,442.li2. Out of 361 studenta In a Balem school examined by the school nurse, 170 wer found physically imperfect. The total rainfall at Marshfield dur ing the month of October waa 10.14 Inches, breaking all previous records. With f 1100 on band and a budget of only 2o00, Cr-sweU will probably have the lowest tax rate of any tows In the state. The annual whool budget of Med ford, an increase of $10,130 over laat year's budget, waa passed by a vota of 183 to 13. ' The annual teachers' tnatltuto ol Marlon county will be held In the high school buimir.g in Salem, November 22. 23 and 24. The Bend Commercial club closed ltaf three days' membership campaign with - a total of 366 members and pledgee for? a $7500 service fund. FIRST SESSION OF -LEAGUE CONVENES Delegates to Assembly Keen to Meet World ! Problems. A An deneva. Determination to teeet ! trlcate problems la world affairs aad to lay firmly the foundation stones ol the league of nations waa evident in the demeanor of delegates of forty one countrlea when tbey convened here Monday for the first session of tht assembly of the league Paul Hymans of Belgium waa elect ed permanent president of tho league of nationa at the opening aesslon of the league's assembly. Ho received 35 votes to four votes for Preaidenl Motta of Switterland. and ope each for ex President Ador of Switzerland i . . . . 1 . S) ih. TZLn Z. In trado coZr. hrW W,lh th' C'Ub J 'ith. Dr. and Mrs. Fred Lie him from hi. gang plow on which he Si .Z ZZ ZT .rm. wsal. M'mwW h""- ' Pcmlieton; Mr. and Mrs. i. T. WM nding. in front of the three plow id Th. Amerl an M cZ. Con- , Licu.llcn and Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Lieu- Uarcs, hi. head and face being cut in LnJJ!X?!tom!L) esr- hrmn wcr b,,5lly T IIen, Jr., of Adams. frightful manin-r as a result. Eleven ai.nl nop a. la aiding the w ug.es. t.r thU week in digging apuda, 'J ' . . Miu h wcrc uken to cIose the gash- s: r ? nr- ttrsss Smss r'zsrx - . air tiainn iiivnic. fc--- -- - -- o - Bebaatopol. numbered more than 100 COO as proved by captured papers. Twenty thousand of these wer. rsv. airy divided Into three groups. Th. cavalry under General Mudenny, who left fhe antl bolshevik forces and Join ed the bolshvvlkl. suffered heavily, according to. Wrangel. particularly la offle.rs. large and the quality extra good throughout the entire mountain dis trict. The Weaton Mercantile Co. has been shipping some potatoes in r.r lota to the Yakima country, and Taxlcab service. Win. Beaton. Ralph llaynii Afur playing the nifty Umapine High school football team two games ono of which waa a tic, Athena High will take on Hermiston for the last - , . it Is thought that these are Intended to bo used for aeod. So far the Mcr- r" tomorrow afternoon. cantile, which is represented In this Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Ferguson were matter by Lester O'Harra, haa been in Portland this week. nble to secure a price netting f 1.50 a Several auto loads of Athena High ack to tho mountain growers. school pupils, teachers and patrtns, r. "State-Wide" Telephone Service Our efforts are constantly directed to the extension and im provement of "state-wide" telephone service. Large and small communities are dependent upon each other, commercially and socially. Good telephone equipment in the cities and towns of Oregon, with good construction and well maintained "long dis tance" pole lines and wires between, mean their mutual conven ience and profit. m . a f, , The value of any telephone is proportionate to the number of other telephones which may be connected with it In Oregon there are approximately 138,000 telephones connected with our system. Ideal telephone service irieans the prompt connection of any one of these with any other and the least possible loss in strength and distinctness in the conversations that follow. Our entire plant is engineered and constructed with the ob ject of rendering a satisfactory "state-wide" service sufficient in facilities available and with these facilities efficiently main tained. JFor this purpose the telephone equipment must be bet ter, local and trunk wires must be of proper size and type, and central offices and switchboards must have additional apparatus , to accommodate and care for the long distance circuits. j Before the troubled period of the war we alwavs aimed to maintain "spare"'or.reserve plantthat is- plant ahead of im mediate needs, thus insuring prompt and more satisfactory com pliance with demands for service as they arose. During the war this reserve was exhausted as the materials we use were required and properly taken by the Government and those in dustries given priorty consideration. ; With the reconstruction period, as is the case with all other lines of business, our problems have continued to an unexpected degree. We are still hampered by shortage of materials and delayed deliveries. We realize the requirements of our long distance patrons. We have a comprehensive and well defined program designed to provide additional toll circuits sufficient to meet the present and constantly growing demands. The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co. a very cheerful patient ana acmes any undue pain from the injuries. A Stag Banquet. Homer Watts, Hvho returned last week from his Canadian hunting trip, entertained a number of friends at a stag banquet at his home Saturday evening. The piece dc resistance to grace the festal board was moose meat, spoils of the Canadian chase, served in hospitable hunter style. Mr. Watts was assisted in serving by Kay Logan,, who accompanied him on the hunting' trip. The guests were, M. L. Watte, B. B. Richards, F. B. Boyd, M. W. Hansell, F. S. LeGrow, W P. Littlejohn and Harold Haynie. Scalped in Auto Accident. Dr.. Sharp and Smith had a task of some proportions the other night, when a garage man of Walla Walla was brought in for repairs, his scalp having been almost torn from his head. The man with two others was bringing an automobile to the McEwen ranch, when the car in which he was riding overturned, the windshield cutting his scalp from the nape of his neck to his forehead. Ho was taken to Walla Walla next day by his companion. Chautauqua Leaves Deficit: The week's chautauqua entertain ment closed Tuesday night with a Night In Maoriland, one of the best numbers on the program. The num bers as given on the program of enter tainmcnt were good as a whole and gome of them were of high order. The attendance was not sufficient to finan ce the course through without a defi cit, which must he raised by those who sponsored the chautauqua course. i tut aecona annual convention ana show of the Western Walnut associa tion will be held in Portland on Wed nesday and Thursday of this week. Threshing machines are still running on Basket mountain, east of Weston. It is expected that all the grain will be threshed by the end of the week. An official postal bulletin announces the restoration of the ' pnstoff ice at Riddle and Butuerlin to the presiden tial class, effective as of October 1, thia year. The Oregon Agricultural college stu dent livestock judging team won the lntercollegfRte contest held at the Norihwest Livestock show at Lewlston, Idaho. The concrete pavement between Pendleton and Walla Walla, with the exception of nine miles between Wea ton and Blue Mountain, haa been com pleted. The Oregon public service commis sion has Issued an order granting an Increase In rates to the Ca'.spooia Tele phone company, with headquarters at Sutherlin. and Leon Bourgeois of France. ' Wben M.. Hymans, who bead tb. Belgian delegation and Is a former foreign minister of Belgium, declared tba first session of the aaembly open, 'the hall was crowded with men and women and there were several women among tbeMelegates. M. Motta, in hia greetings to tht delegates, thanked the peace confer ence for having selected Genera ' as 'he seat of the league of nations and also thanked President Wilson for calling the meeting of the assembly ' here. : The first session of the league as sembly waa greeted with the ringing of all the bells In Geneva after aev eral minutes' illence by all the people ' of tbe canton. President Motta of Switzerland was followed by M. Hymans. Most of the 'South and Central American republics have full delega tions here for the session.. Tbe United States waa not repre sented officially but throughout tho -session there will be present American "observers" who will keep Washington fully informed of developments. At a meeting of the conncil of the league Sunday arrangements were made for the United S rates to have a represent tlve on the financial commission, as well aa the commissions on 'economics and mandates, should she so desire. Under recent arrangements I am in a position to offer loans np to $5000 at six percent F. G. Lucas. Cash for chickens. J. R. Reynolds. The pear crop of the Medford dis trict of the Rogue river valley will rfbt go over 790 cars this year, of which T87 cars have already gone to the eastern auction market. Miss Grace Arnold, who Is reported in newa dispatches as reaching the United States after harrowing experi ences In Russia, is a Lane county girl, her home being at Pleasant Hill." The annual convention of the Older Boys' conference for western Oregon will be held in Salem December 10, 11 and 12. More than J00 boya will be In attendance at the conference. Indications of oil at the Colnt 8t. George diggings near Crescent City are better every day and recent develop menta point to a gusher being brought In. The drill ia now down 420 feet. The state highway commission haa made a proposal to Clackamas county to build the bridge at Oregon City and pay two-thirds of the amount, the county to have three years to pay lta portion. 'II Vj"-.- -TiW" " " TheiPYHlMID of SERVICE Htrtater tvery Service Motor Truck will carry this new em' tlem on the radiator. HE Service System of SCIEN TIFIC CUSHIONING is pro " nounced everywhere a phenomenal 8uccess. I n thousands of testa it has set new standards of motor truck -reliability. SCIENTIFIC CUSHIONING absorba shocks and enceaaivo vibrations before. thev reach the engine, transmission, diner t entUl and other vital points. Thus in Service Motor Trucks th. most destructive enemy to life and efficiency i. conquered. Remarkable records under all conditions are made possible. Normal power and speed under most strenuous read abuse are maintained for years. You are invited to inspect thia feature at our display room. ' WESTON GARAGE Miller a Booher. Dealers sK MOTOH TRUCKO With the Jtaf Pyramid on the Radiator