BREVITIES Mra. ccra uuncan em. - w,u wllll wh( here from their how near Spoffortl hi . h0.riul lor AmniiKf uy. Weston ladlca bidden to share in the festivities wit!' Meeilamea J. H. Williams, E. M. Smith. John Freder Ick McNoe, C E. Fisk. W. S. Trie, R. Morrison, Leon Lundoll and H. Goodwin. Mrs. Haiti Wilney return! Sun- whero she treat- i.ini nd it now regaining her ,ur mnt, and U now regaining nrr Col. F. G. Lucas has returned from t the, honlo of hcr , ,ntl a three weeks' trip into southern hter Mr am, Mr4, j. V. Smith. Weston Mercantile Company Colorado. In a fast and exciting basket ball game last evening Weston High de daughter, in this city. L W. Barnes waa hero this week -. fhrlan. ' Wash., having been featcd "Duncan's Five" by the close u ,,y th illntsi ( hi, core of Ave te four. It was a well earned triumph for the school. -At the Methodist church Sunday mother, Mrs. Sarah McDoiigal. MclHiuKal's condition has shown nurkml imnrowment of late, much evening Dr. Lincoln L. Wirt gave an u cntfourasomont of her family earnest ana appealing eaurww m frjt,n,,. half of Near East Relief. All who f T wickcr hai cnlargetl his ros heard the speaker were moved by a . , hoWingll on orth Bn.l street fee line of sympathy for the worthy haM of ,ul from Mre. and distressed Armenian people, ' . Ul..,1( Mr. and Mrs. Frank Trice and chil dren were dinner guest at tn Charlva Price country home, last Sunday. Cash for chickens. J, K. Beynouis. Titirih service. Wni. Beaton.. 7 who are still in urgent "d of help. The aMea is expected t bring sub stantial fruit when the Weston dis trict is called upon for ita contribu tion. Appalling facta and figures were given by the speaker. Mrs. W. M. Davia has returned w.u. wan. Armistice Day Celebration We would ask our patrons to make Armistice day was observed wont good their credit with us that w appropriately and successfully yes may protect our own. Read our ad. tenia? afternoon at Memorial hall. Jones A Jones. Weston, by Athena-Weston post of Andy Barnett made his first trip to the American Legion. The out town Monday, following a severe at- standing feature was a splendid ad tack of pneumonia. He waa heartily dress bx Judge Jacob Kanaler of greeted by many friends who are Portland, whose words rang with the glad to see him about again. spirit of true patriotism. Judge George Winn furnished a most in- Kanxler and Dr. C 11. Smith were teresting experience to his Sunday fellow officers in the 361st infantry, school class last Saturday when he 91st division, and the speaker paid took them by auto to Walla Wa'la, high tribute to his comrade for his where a tour of inspection of the courageous and efficient work as a Washington state penitentiary was medical officer in the front line, made. The boys who . enjoyed the Words from hia colonel coromenda outing were: Arthur Starmer, Ed- tory of Dr. Smith were also read by ward and . Fred Has. Grant Key, Judge Kanxler. The remainder . of Raymond Anderson, Ordell Pedcrsen, the program included pleasing music Ernest Hnuter, Harold Beaton, Rob- by Payant's orchestra; an address of art Dickson, Allen Kirkpa'trick and welcome by Dr. Smith, who presided; Ralph Graham. a chorus by Athena High and a The annual report of Weston li- comedy skit by Weston High, tho brary filed with the city council last Utter being a colored doughboy Wednesday evening show 3525 books offering by Nard Jones, Leonard Bul circulated among patrons during the fincn Md Arden Lucas which. brought year ending November 1, 1920. In uproarious tribute; an inspiriting that time 82 new members have been sing song" under the direction of Ji registered. A permanent Wme has . Williams, in which the audience been secured for the institution and shared; a piano duet by Lucinda Dell ita affairs are in a flourishing condi- anj Audrey Winship, and a vocal solo tion. by Mrs. D. Scott Fisher. Rev. M. A. S. G. Price has returned from the phinney gave the invocation and the Umatilla river, where he has been benediction. Memorial hall was lit visiting at the home of hia daughter, er&lly jammed to the doors. Mr. Price expects to leave soon to j ii : ..1 -.!:. epenu m. .mr ... mre. vu.iu.- Motored to San Francisco, nia.- . Howard Shriver, a farmer near The R. G. Salings are now in San Moscow, Idaho, has sold 145 spring Francisco at the August apartments, lambs at $125. He claims this sum 421 Leavenworth street, after a mo is practically velvet, as the lambs toring trip from Weston which they lived on the summer fallow and kept describe in a letter to friends as in the weeds down. The instance is teresting and enjoyable. Miss Lois quoted in support of the argument Saling is already in school, and Mrs. that every farmer should run a few Saling will soon -begin hcr advanced sheep, study in voice. Pasnuale Amato, world famous bur- They made 1168 miles in one week, itone, wUl sing at the Keylor -Grand, having had no trouble with the cx- Walla Walla, November 15, under ccption or two punctures anu one the auspices of Malen Burnett and blowout. , Mrs. C. F. Van de Water. They followed a winding road Shubert's Original Jazr Orchestra through the Siskiyous, paved nearly of Chicago comes to Athena Opera all the way, and next day came to house tomorrow evening, November the Sierra Nevadas and Mt. Shasta. 13th, in a return engagement, after a They saw beautifu rivers containing successful tour along the coast and thousands of salmon of all sixes, and through British Columbia Singing Mr. Saling was brought to wish that Novelties and Melody Jazz. Dane- he had taken his fishing rod. They ing from eight-thirty .to twelve, say: ; The Latest Music, One Night Only. "We hardly think the Columbia L H. Dowd was here 6n a busi- highway is entitled to boast of much ness visit this week from his farm superiority over the Pacific highway near Washtucna, Wash., and while in the way of scenic attractions." returning home stopped at Walla to visit his brother. Mr. Dowd re- ' ports conditions as fairly good in his, district He has finished his haul ing and seeded 400 acres of wheat, leaving the remainder of his crop un til spring. Wilbur Fuson, who has been as sisting Hugh Lieuallen in farm work near Helix, has returned to his home in Weston for the winter. Local fans will endeavor to persuade him to re main next spring and enlist in the home-town ball team. Dogs attacked Frank Greer's flock of sheep last Saturday night and badly mauled a number of the woolly ' animals,; although none were killed. Monday night, supposedly the same dogs made a raid on the sheep in J. A. Lumsden's alfalfa pasture be low town, but before they could do -much damage. "Lum" drove them off with a fusillade of shots. Several I THE AMERICAN dk RED CROSS NJ S&PEACE TIME fej Child Welfare FT 1 V. I - ' f E - y i Soys and firU who learn early to talrav nrnnF enrm nf thoir toAth town dogs are said to have been rcc throots ear ttomachtt hava ogniied as among the marauders. wa(Je a ,ong tep toward heaUb7 Contractor Ashworth has finished manhood and womanhood. Through building a neat five-car garage for J. ltg pMio health and nursing serr- A. Lumsden. Threshing from the shock was in progress this week .in two or three inches of snow on Basket mountain. This unusual harvest scene for the season was witnessed at the William Warfield place on Basket mountain. . Mesdames C. H. Smith and E. C. Rogers entertained most delightfully a company of friends at the home of the former in Athena, Tuesday after noon. A number of war relics wer exhibited and explained by the host ess, and were viewed with much in terest by the guests. Among the ices, the American Red Cross alms eventually to reach all school children with 'teachings regarding disease per vent Ion and health promotion. Here's a school nurse treating a little girl for sore mouth, at the same time im planting a valuable lesson Id teeth brushing and proper diet. Six crates containing li pairs of young China pheasants from the state game farm at Corrallls were shipped last week to Juntura, in Malbeui county. pup !?ICT Begins Monday the 15th Closes Monday the 22d eves Big says TRUTH hurts no one. We do not hesitate to state in adjusting our business to the new conditions it becomes necessary to turn thousands of dollars of new fall merchandise into money. The need is imperative the demands on us must be met. WE MUST LEAD in lowering prices. The tide is irresistible. The entire northwest is demanding a 30 day basis of ac counts. "Lower prices to the consumer" is the slogan of the times. We are adopting this plan that we may save you money on merchandise. Men's Khaki Pants 200 Pairs $ One-Third Less $ Mens' clothing elwill close out'and the suits for boys and men are-marked accord ingly. - Men's overcoats, mackinaws, leather vests, shirts, are greatly reduced t Men's Hats Through error in shipping Ive are in receipt of a shipment "of hats that we are instructed to sell rather than return. We have marked them low but for this sale will throw the en tire lot out at 20 percent less. The shipper's blunder a saving to you. Every shoe in the house reduced. Big lots to close-out. TThey are cutfsome 25 per cent, some 20 percent, all REDUCED. - The shoe section will be your greatest opportunity Xmas tics for one-third less;! a big lot just in. Men's cotton gloves' 8c. Every Ramson'i Overall in'the house for this sale, $1.98; one pair to customer. Blankets greatly reduced. Sewing machine oil 19c Women's .Coats $49.50 $38.75 $33.00 $29.69 down To;m wa ruccs All $75.00 Coats This Sale - -" $60.00 " " " - " $50.00 ' " " - -" $45.00 - Throughout the List, New Rich Plushes and Cloth Coats Alike Splendid lots of LADIES' SKIRTS, to close out at less than cost of material. A special lot of ladies' and misses' coats; good, heavy materials, good style, worth to $30100; this sale, $9.89. $35.00 coats for $13.89. Broadcloth, Vel our;nd the trimmings are, worth the price. TRICED HATS $4.98 Your choicej ofjjiny trimmed, hat intho house, comprising hundreds of dollars worth of new fall creations. Many just in and pro nounced beautiful. Hats priced at $18, $15 and $12 all go at $4.98. If .these last the first day we will be sur prised. 36 inch white outing, standard quality, 47c; no limit. Fine lot ladies' waists, some worth up to $5.00; to close, choice'.$1.98. One lot of women's waists worth up to $3.00, now 98c. Silks one-thirdjless. - - - - - .... YOU have attended our former sales and know the genuineness of each statement; this will eclipse all the others;; we are de termined our change of policy will immediately react in favor of our customers. MEVER were such price reductions. Goods already marked down are cut again. Piles of goods every where priced at seemingly impossible figures. Weston will appreciate this buying opportunity, ; The money must be raised. The prices will do it. BY s 3 1 I