WESTON EADER -!' VOLUME 43 WESTON, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOV. 12, 1920 NUMBElf 23 i 293 REPUBLICANS IN NEXT HOUSE Democrats Will Number' 138 While Other Parties Will Have Four Members. The second half win M'orvK'M, and ) n-tty (Ik lit Indeed. Frcnchy Laroux I i. . :'iti" bad ahoulder llc. t ItU'.l. Ountauqiia On at Athena The Chautauqua Ukiii Hi week program In Athena at tin auditorium lat iiiicht, with a falr-slxed audience In attendant. The program es pecially Interesting and entertaining. Tonight an especially good number Naw YorkRepublican vlrtnrloa la ch'J'l,1 tomorrow evening, three rontroailonal dtstrirtn. two now tw Alexander Trio will be heard In rpreontd by d-mocrata the flfih on,'rt, one of tho strongest number Missouri, lib Minnesota and the lid " lho "" program. The American Red Cross la nr tiv ap 4A nut deUil. Dr. WatU haa had yeara of AA Ul IX DILL experience in me treatment or eyea New York aasured with the receipt of bolated relurnt, determined cf In Italy tha lineup of the hoime of rnpro nlatlvea after March 4 next, accord ing to unofficial .-.-Ctrnn. The republlcana will hava 293 rep- reeentatlvea In the houM to 131 d-nw JUNIOR RED CROSS HELPS "Life' Balanco Sheet," the big tor ture of throurc, la on for the fnuith evening, and tho Chautauqua clow Tumday night of next week, with "An Evening in Maoriland." crate. Tba other four, of the 435 mem ber, Include one aoelallat, on lode pendent, one Independent prohibition lit and one Independent-republican. Tbe figure reprraent a net gain for tha republlcana of tl nmibrri and a loaa to the democrat of t. The pre, ent eongreaa contain an equal number of nlacellaneoua member, four, with 111 republican and !0 democrata. Tb election of H .chard P. Emit, republican, over Senator Oerkham, democrat, mad the tenth turnover In favor of tba republlcana and will give them tl aeata In the aenate to IT for tha democrat. Of tba 14 corneal for aeata In the adnata republlcana won IS and demo crata elne. The republlcana circled U senator to aueeeet republican and 10 la place of democrata. Republican galna were made In Arltona, Califor nia. Colorado, Idaho, Maryland. Neva da, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota and Kentucky. IN COMMUNITY'S WORK. Athena Hold I'm ine. Athena High met Umapin High again yetrday, thU time on the neutral grid at Weeton, where the football battle on a field of mud and now waa a spectacular and note worthy feature of Armistice day. The heavy Urn-pine term wai held to (urge quantltlea Through the Junior Red Crosa the school children of thi county have an Important part In work of tha local Red Cro chapter. Throughout .the Northwest ftiool children are taking a keen Interest In the aetlvltlna In which they are engaging a member of thlt organisation. These acllvltlea do not Interfere In any way with tho mgular work of the echoola. but they do add test to cla room studies. In Portland. Tacoma. and Spokane the Junior have fin need clinic, where children have been given dental and medical examination. In numer ous rountle throughout Idaho. Ore gon and Washington they hive mado provision for first aid klta In every rural school. Heilde other actlvltle. tb Junior of Dolio, Idaho, are provid ing flower for tba Darracka Hospital In that city whore many disabled ex- cervic men are receiving treatment Poor, crippled children In many town have received badly needed atten tion, and the bill have boon paid out of funda raised by tho Junior Red Cross. Through tho Junior Red Crows thousand of children In Europe bava been fed and given med'eal care through contribution by member of tho Junior Red Cro In thl country. Tb Junior of tho Northwest gathered of clothing for the -' NsjV ' f ' mm-''- - f ' . : . - ' VV::'0ft7''.i s . ' m " , .,. . r J a f' 4 :.i fOURTH' . PSD CROSS i COU-CALC - v. ' STILL r6ftEATEST- km m ' m laaaaWi. tiJJ e I T and fitting glasses. While practic ing at Weston, he fitted large num ber of Athena people and gave emi nent satisfaction in all cases. Mrs. Eliia Brandon of llalaey, Ore gon, was a guest over the week end of Athena friends and relative. Mrs. Brandon, who ia tbe mother of Mrs. G. C, Osbum, now of Portland, left Monday in response to a summons from Hay, Wash., where her aen, Mr. Mark Brandon, reside. Mr. Brandon had been severely injured when hi clothes became entangled in the coga of a Kancline engine, though not a? riouxly, it is rvjiortcd. Entertain Portland Jurist Dr. and Mrs. C. It. Smith of thia ity entertained Judge Jacob Kanz ter of Portland, at their home Wed nesday and Thursday. Judge Kant It r, who delivered the principal ad drefts at the Armistice Day exercises at Memorial Hall Weston, yesterday, is a world war veteran, and served with Dr. Smith in all engagement participated by the 361st Inf., 01st Division. Judge Kanzlcr waa commissioned ' captain in the C61st Infantry, and at j remnt retains the rank of major of infantry irf the army reserve corps Aside from the practice of law in Portland he is identified to a great degree with public activities in the metropolis. Ho conceived and pushed to successful termination the develop ment of George Park, comprising 14000 acres, extending along the Col umbia Highway, and was president IN 3 YEARS; ASKED Four Billions Annually Is Rec ommendation Made p ' Congress. .- The "Greatest Mother" concept which waa vlsuallaed In the faraoua art ' the cIub that established PortUnd poster used by the American Red Crosa to It second war fund campaign public markets, haa had lie symbolism adapted to tfce Red Crose work of the post war era At present be holds the office of and will Illuminate the main poster to be used in the Fourth Roll Call Novem- Judge in the Court of Domestic Re ber 11 25. This adaption will bear the title 'SHU the Greatest Mother In lationa, in Portland. the World." Kvcryone la familiar with the original "Tho Greatest Mother In tha World," the effectiveness of wtlch has bcon shown In part by tbe fact that It haa furnished a synonym for Rid Cross that bas como to almost a household term. More than any other symbol, except tbe rod cross Itself, the public hss made it the trademark of the American Red Cross. glorious tie,, six to six, by Athena in a game creditable to .both con testanta. Athena scored a touch down In the first period. "Lefty" Kretxe'r carrying tho pigkln over in an off tackle smash, llmapine fol lowed suit in tho mcoikI itcriod, neither aide being able to kick goal. Wild Children of tho Ural." wlio were recently returned to their homes by tbe American Red Crosa after hav ing wandered uncared for over the waste of Siberia. And now, through tho Junior Red Crosa, it I being mado possible for children In this country to correspond with children In olhor landa. Post Benefit at Athena On Sunday evening December 6th the Standard Theatre will present a benefit superlative program for the Athena-Weston Post, American Le gion. The.net proceeds derived from that eight's exhibitions, will be given the Post for its general fund. ' " The program selected for the bene- Mr. J. F. Herr le recovering from duughtera of Mr. and Mrs. Frank fit night will be appropriate to the the effects of a fall, in which she waa Rainville, and nieces of Mr. Stanton, occasion. The main feature will pra- sevcrely hurt, last Friduy morning. Mrs. J. A. Lumsdcn was over from sent Lieutanent Locklear an Ameri- Mr. and' Mrs. Thomas iTanaher and her Weston homo Tuesday visiting can ace of renowned aviation distinc- Mi'ss Frances Rainville of Lcwinton, Mrs. Lilla Kirk. tion, in Universal' super production Washington. The nation wiil faci a continuation of the annual tax, bill of four billion dollars for a period of 'at least three yeara If eongreaa mdnpu reeommendatlona drafted by raaury . officials and which. waa understood, have b.-cn laid befotw H-retary Hous ton for approval Mr. Houston, it waa said, probably will Include such recommendation In tbe form of an analyala of tbe govern-,, ment' financial condition In bla forth coming annual report to eongreaa. The analyst will ahow, and accompanying reeommendatlona will auggeat. It waa said, that a three-year program for tax revision la required la order to meet mslurlifc; government obllgatlona and cover curr .-v federal expenaea and that appro, stately eight billion" dol lars In victory notes, -war aavlnn se curities and treasury certificate of In debtedncts wtil be due for payment within the next three yeara. Reeommendatlona to be made by Mr. Houston. It waa understood, will pro-' poee abolishment of tbe excess profit ' taxes In their entirety and the aubstl tutlon therefor of a graduated income tax of a substantia! deeper cut than tinder present revenue law. It was : believed tbe new income taxes would apply only to incomes above 15000 an nually and that provision would be jnade for a graduated Increase even on the additional tax aa tbe amount of' Income grows larger. . OVER THE HILL" Idaho, are visiting at tho John .Stan ton home, the two young ladies being SCARCITY OF TEEPHONE EQUIPMEF.T As new subscribers a number of individuals have recently placed orders with us for telephones. Old subscribers have asked for service at new locations. They have been told by our representatives that immediate compliance with their desires . was impossible, owingk to lack of "telephone facilities" in a par ticular locality. "Why," one will say, "The poles and wires are on the street and the house is alreayd wired." We wish that the problem were as simple as it ; sounds. There may be poles, but every wire may be in use giving service to others. There may be a cable, but" every circuit in it may be assigned to telephones already installed. There may be spare wires and circuits, but no switchboard apparatus at the central , office to which they can be connected. There may even be sec tions of switchboard, but not available for operation on account of the lack of necessary accessories such asv ringing keys, re lays, etc. The reason for the shortage of telephone equipment is sim ple. During the war period we were unable to maintain our re serve or stock plant as the same materials we use were required and taken for Government purposes and for industries properly favored by the Government. Since the war, with the unexpect edly prolonged problems of reconstruction, production and de livery of materials needed to meet even current demands have been delayed. Every business "concern is having similar exper iences. The manufacturers of telephone equipment have been bending every effort to fill our ordrs, but they in turn are meet- ing the same difficulties in securing rubber, paper, silk, glass, porcelain, tin, thread, shellac, metal parts and other articles not generally associated in the public mind with telephone service. At the same time with this abnormal situation with refer ence to materials there exists iin unprecedented demand for tel ephone service- and even under these circumstances our record is one of fulfillment of demand. In the first eight months of this , year we have added 6863 telephonse in the State of Oregon. In the eight months prior to the declaration of war we gained 2655 telephones. - We desire to give sevrice as much as a patron wishes to re ceive it. We desire to promptly comply with the suggestions of public authorities who have taken a proper interest in the situ ation. We are facing abnormal conditions but we will of nec essitygradually overcome our difficulties. The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co. NOTICE OF SCHOOL MEETING Mrs. William McBrlde is reported "The Great Air Robbery." Since he ill at her home in Portland with a se- made thia picture, and while engaged vere case of rheumatism. m making another the brave lieuten- Mrs. Will Potts ia down from her ant waa killed. For the comedy, no home at Rexburu, Ida., visiting her better nor more appropriate selection; son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and could be suggested than Chaplin in Mrs. Archie Mclntyre. "Shoulder Arms." Mrs. B. B. Richards and Roland left Sunday for several weeks' so journ in Spokane, and the judge is en- Wnlla Walla growers are holding joying the doubtful pleasures of bach- their . -"hctA, practically none of jng, ' which was shipped out of the county Mrs. II. H. Hill has gone to North October. Banks are declared to be Yakima for a visit, accompanying aiding the farmers, and little of the home her son, Will Rider, who motor- Ave million bushel crop haa been sold, cd over last week. ' ! Mr. and Mrs. L. R. O'Harra came over from Weston and spent the week end at the home of Mrs. O'llnrra'a parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Grabill. Omar Stephens took a load of about 16 youngsters, including the minister and M. L. Watts, to the ball game and Armistice Day exercises at Wes ton yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Elliott left yes terday for Winslow, Arixona, to re side. Mr. Elliott vacates the position of electrician for the Preston-Shaffer Milling company. Miss Velva Mansfield was in the city from Walla Walla Tuesday even ing over to attend the "shower" giv on -in honor of Hiss Helen Russell, who is soon to become a bride. Tom Gilkey, James Clevenger, Mil lard Kelly and Harry Keller returned yesterday from their Grand Ronde hunting trip. They were successful in killing several deer and two bear. . Mr. and Mrs. E. Ridenour arrived yesterday morning from Homestead, Measuring the Baby Red Cross Aids Mothers in Directing Proper Care and Attention for Children. Lost Spectacles in case.. Kindly return to this office. Young milch cows wanted, Jerseys preferred. Inquire at thia office. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN To the legal voters of School District No. 19 of Umatilla County, State of Oregon, that a SCHOOL MEETING of said Dis trict will be held at School House, on tbe 22d day of November, 1920, at 2:30 o'clock in the afternoon to vote on the proposition of levying a special district tax. The total amount of money needed by the district during the fiscal year be ginning on June 20, 1920, and ending on June 30, 1921, is estimated in tho following budget and includes the amounts to be received from the county school fund, state school fund, special district tax, and all other moneys of the district: Budget Estimated Expenditures Teachers' salaries $14,400 00 Apparatus and supplies, such as maps, chalk, erasers, stoves, cur tains, etc -. , 600 00 Flags 60 00 Repairs of schoolhouses, outbuildings or fences 660 00 Janitor's wages 1,250 00 Janitor's supplies........ 115 00 sruu uu 60 00 36 00 76 00 25 00 Fuel Light Water Clerk's salary Post sue and stationery .- Orceon on their wav to their home in For the payment of bonded debt and interest thereon, issued under c . . ... 1... .... i I .... .1 I I . X t Seattle, and will visit relatives in fgn " . . . . ... Athena, Weston-, Milton and in Walla ' ""' Walla. . Total estimated amount of money to be expended fur all purposes Some' complaint is being registered duri, the ycM ; 18-551 00 by local merchants relative to certain ..' Estimated Receipts persons who are alleged to be taking 600 00 small wares from show counters and display tables. These parties are said to be known and are being watched and if the practice is kept up some one is going to be brought before the grand jury on a charge of shoplifting, is the statement of one Athena mer chant. Dr. F. D. Watts has opened his new office' for treatment of refractory eyes, and has an elaborate equipment, The office is located on the upper floor of the Watts & ' Rogers hard- From county school fund during the coming school year. . .... ........$ 2,502 00 From state school fund during the coming schocl year..... 626 00 Estimated amount to be received from all other aources during the coming school year High School fund , 1,048 00 Total estimated receipts, not including the money to be received from the tax which it is proposed to vote ..:....$ 4,076 00 Recapitulation. . ... Total estimated expenses for the year $18,551 00 Total estimated receipts not including the tsx to be voted 4,076 00 Balance, amount to be raised by district tax. . . . . : $14,475 00 Dated this 2Sth day of October, 1920. Frank Price, " . J. M. Banister, Attest: District Clerk. " Chairman Board of Directors.