The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, November 05, 1920, Image 1

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i ."3
National and Division Head
quarters fake Less Than.
4 Per Cent of Funds.
Red Cross Roll Call the fouriti an
ml r enlistment of members In (ha
American organlsatlonwlll be held
here November II lo 2i. Officers In
charge of the Roll Call for the chapter
of which tbla city forms a pari, how
ever, feel that the raavaaa In Ihla
taction practically ran be rmnpleted
wlthla the f Irat week of ih tnm ml
should tha present plana for Inieuslve
work be followad out.
In all In work preparatory lo the
Roll Call tha Hd Cross this yr. aa
last, haa laid stress on (he point that
tha movement la purtily a duc mlior
Inn activity, and not to ba confused
with "drives' or other campaigns.
Tha national body alto I laying fin
phaala on tha fact itat mora than 60
par cant of all membership fa so
eured haa ramaln In tbla community,
and on lb low "ovarhaad" coat of
tha organisation.
"While tha Rod Croat haa not ben
subjected to that violent rrltlrltiu of
eilraveganre and watte which baa
baen attachad to aoma activities re
sulting from the war and Ka afteref
fects." aatd an nfflrar of tha national
body recently, "wa ara pleased lo ba
abla lo maka public , tha fart that
management roat at national head
quartara and In tha 14 divisions haa
amountad to laaa than 4 par ceut of
tha total eipendltures by tha organ!
tat Ion. Thlt fa a turnover expense ao
nail aa to establish a mark for many
commercial concern to work toward,
and on lit fare proves that for the
Red Croat, organisation efficiency and
economy ara not only Idealt but
Pleasing Piano Recital
A I't'liirhtful uvitit of .Sunday after
n Mm ..u.i Hie piano recital given at
(lie icxiili iiif if Mil Lilian Fredcr
iika by thu Mia I'eulino Kayborn
uii'l Dorothy Tweedy. 1'liu program
number wcro given entirely from
memory ami were enthusiastically re
ceived by tlit Kui-ata present. The
achievements of tlu young ladies are
considered quite remarkable, inas
much aa Miss Tweedy liaa had but
six inoiitlia' instruction, while Mlaa
liny born hua juat completed her firnt
year i'f ntudy. The solos contributed
wire aa folowa;
(a) lively Flowerlot, (li) March of
l,ittl Snkck Mint Tweedy.
(al Shepherd's Talc, lb) Thu Hap
py Farmer-- Miaa Rayliorn.
(a) liuprnniptu, (li) I n Bt I'itrc of
War IVrforim-r, c Song of Con
tentment - M uta Tweedy .
(a) Flower Dream, (b) Voice on
the Water Moot Rayborn.
(a) .Sing. Robin, Sing, (b) Walt
for Grandpa, (c) A I'Ua&ant Story
Miaa Tweedy.
(a) Week Hawk Walts, lb) IV tit
Cnlop, (r) Star of HopeMisa Ray
born. An informal social hour followed,
during which time a delicious lunch
was served by Mra. Fredericks. Miss
Velina Hamster ployed in a charming
manner, "Narcissus" and ' Reverie."
Among thoae in the audience were:
Mtsdames Mark Henderson, C. V.
Avery. L. II Van Winkle, Thomas
Brace, James King, Rons King, II.
Goodwin; Mi joics Ruth Jackson, Vol
ma Banister, Minnie Chapin, Helen
-,aW . V
fwwwMii MiM HO'iiiM' ' aiuiii.mii iwjian . n a
K.--. 'VQ ' - vv
'-.;. jr.,
,- 4 ' . . - i ' - 'i-
' V ' .-" --j ft" , tit
tus is modern in every particular and
was purchased to facilitate the doc
tor's needs in his growing practice.
The machine was inatalcdl and in
demonstrative operation yesterday.
Ix-roy McCubbins suffered a badly '
fractured foot last Sunday morning,
when the horse he was riding, fell on Cretonne Curtains, Pianos and
the slippery pavement near the Oli-
The 75th birthday of Mrs. Ceo. W.
Davidaon and the H'UI birthday of Mr.
Davidson were pleasantly observed
October 31 at their home on north
Ilroad street. A bountiful dinner was
served. Those present ware: Mr.
S. A. Ha met, local chairman, is
now making up his committees for
the annual Red Cross membership
rampajtcn, which begins November 11.
Mr. Harms Is confident that the Wes
ton community will do its full share
in this campaign, in view of tho won
derful wCrk done by the Red Cross, Crusade in the Garden of fiden
for the relief of the world's suffering of the churches will unite in
Dr. Lincoln L. Wirt will deliver a plane and dropped thousands of roses
lecture next Sunday evening at 7:.i0 tt Sharon upon the British htadquar
o'clock nt the Methodist church in u-rs in recognition of the British feat
West.m on the subject, "A Modern yt arms in wresting that city from
All tho Turk.
thia 1 Dr. Wirt h a Conpregtionalist min-
pcoples, and in further view of the meeting', which is preliminary the ister nnd author, lie Jins been Su
fnct that much of the local contribu- rnnipui(rn for Near East relief. No pcrintendent of Educationin Alaska,
tion has been spent in tho past and appeal for funds will to made at thajicd Cross Commissioner for Europe,
will be spent again in local relief, nieetintr, however. nnd Director of United States Relief
Weston's quota this year is $400, and J)r. Wirt is anions the best known Expeditions to the Near Enst.
. i... ...ill I... II...I u ... ... .... x rrt a . m .
and Mrs G W Davidson Mr arid 1 eimiimiiuiy win m. ui-un w piniiorni men in me initeu outii'i. ine uu Angeies lpeB8 oi nun as
u w li navlrfann and familv Mr r'1 dollar of that amount. He hii.i but lately returned from Ar- "a splendid story teller, a most
...... ... ... - . ii . 11 L. L. .. I .
ijim year neaion leu iniun wiun
its membership qiMa.
and Mra. E. R. Davidson and family,
Mr. and Mra. A. L. Purcel! and fam
ily. Mr. and Mra. W. T. I'uirell and
family, Mra. Amy Vrn Skiver, the
Misses Mary, Ethel ami Etta Cam re n.
House to rent,
Mrs. Frank Hilde-
menia nnd is in complete touch with rhanning raconteur," and Doctor
conditions in that unfortunate land. Oansaulus snys: "Dr. Wirt's lecture
When Dr. Wirt was in l'ulestine on brines back the fine old days of the
a tour of survey for Near East relief, lecture platform."
he llew over Jerusalem in nn aero- AH are invited to attend.
vejr Jjjckeson place, below town. Le
roy managed to walk quitea distance
and cauicht the horse, which he moun
ted and rode to town. Four bones in
the foot were found to be badly frac
tured, by Dr. Smith. He is now at
the Ceo. Thompson home on Hitch
street, where he is nursing the injur
ed foot and reflecting on one disad
vantage of good roads.
Clifford Stone came down from hia
farm near Colville, Wash., last week
and took home his wife and three lit
tle daughters who have been visiting
his mother,' Mrs. Jerry Stone here.
Dr. Watts is now fitting up his op
tical room for refraction work, and ex
poets to have Fame completed next
The local Rebekah and Odd Fellow
l-xL'es will entertain tonight at their
hall w ith the grand master as guest of
honor. Also the Adams lodges of
Rebekahs and Odd Fellows will come
a:) quests.
The school district and the business
tnc-ii of Athena this week subscribed
nearly $400 for the purchase of suits
and supplies for the high school foot
ball team. The money was raised in
a few hours by the high school boys,
who arc gratified at the response to
their solicitation for funds. The team
was defeated by Umapine High last
Friday, by the score of 20 to 0, and
the showing made by the team in this
game, which was the first it had play
ed, is considered good by those who
witnessed it.
Surprise at Athena Election
On the statement af II. A. Barrett
that he did not desire a second term
as mayor owing to demands of his
business interests, W. P. Littlejohn
was prevailed upon to accept the of
fice, and his petition, bearing names
of practically every business man on
Main street and the names of several
women, was filed, and that phase of
the election was supposed to be set-
Phonographs Remarked
By Writer.
Iy i. r. LANDER
"As dreary as a hospital."
It's an often beard statement, orig
inating probably with someone whose
father or mother or baby bad lain la
a hospital for daya someone whoa
esperlence tad stamped on his min4
forever a picture of white, plain bed;
white, plain room; white, silent corri
dors deserted by all but white-clad,
silent nurses. There are many such.
Hospitals now are bing established
by the score, institutions of the Uni
ted States public health service which
are to care for the former sarrlce me'
who need medical or surgical atten
tion. Some of the patients will autke
ahort stays. Some will be there
years. Many are tuberculosis wreck
ed, with none too much joy In life
ahead at beat.
The public health service his a faH-
alsed task on lis hands In actual medi
cal and surgical work. There must be
something more If these Institutions
some of them her In the Northwest;
at Taeoma, Bolee, Port Townaend
are different from the hospitals too
many of us have known.
The Red Cross is that something
more. I learned that when I went out
to the old Cushman Indian school, now
a new public health service hospital.
The buildings were old and alteration
work had progressed Just far enough '
to permit of the reception of forty-odd
patients who couldn't be crowded Into
the older institutions; paint was lack
ing everywhere. It looked dreary
enough to be a hospital.
Then I found the Red Cross build
ing, headquarters for the social service
workers assigned to the Institution.
I found the recreation hall cretonne
curtained, equipped with piano, phono
graphs, books, and furniture which,
wasn't white and square. I found It
filled with "walking cases" listening,
to Ted Williams' Jasx Band and Al
Jolaon. ,.-::'? , - J
I went with the Red Cross workers "
to boys who two years ago were fight-
tied with the candidate's election as-. T, -r. "
The- Telephone Situation
In the enginerintf of a telephone plant switchboards, con
duits, cables, pole lines and general mechanical equipment we
have always tried to anticipate the growth of a community and
provide therefor by advance construction. This course has ena
bled us to more promptly comply with requirements for service
with better construction and nt an ultimate expense less than
that involved in waiting to meet demands as they arise.
In the war period we were unable to maintain this reserve
plant, as tbe very things we needed for telephone purposes were
required and necessarily taken for government purposes. The
demand for .telephone service did not decrease and our reserve
facilities were practically absorbed in meeting it
As every business man knows, the problems of reconstruc
tion following the war have been acute and prolonged to an
unexpected degree. Unusual conditions are prevalent through
out the entire manufacturing, mercantile and social world. The
telephone industry has had to meet all the difficulties and han
dicaps of tetarded production, distribution and transportation.
This advertisement is not meant to be one of apology, but
one of explanation and even accomplishment. .In the face of an
unprecedented demand for telephone service in the last few
months, hampered by the exhaustion of our reserve plant and
difficulty in securing materials, we have added more, telephones
thus far this year in the State of Oregon than in any similar
period of telephone history.
In the State of Oregon, in the eight months ending August
'81, we have added 6863 telephones. In the eight months ending
July 31, 1917 before the war we gained 2655 telephones.
In the State of Oregon we have approximately 2600 unfilled
applications for telephone service. A similar situation exists
all over the United States. We will continue to secure all the
equipment possible, and the desires of the public will be met as
soon as it is humanly possible to do so,
' The Telephone Company regrets the inconvenience to pros-,
pective subscribers. It is as anxious to give service as the patron
is to receive it. - The Company is doing all in its power to rem
edy conditions and furnish service in accordance with normal
The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co.
It is expected the road work on the
Weston sector of the State highway
will he completed for the winter on
next Tuesday, after which the street
work in Athena will be-:resuiued. .It
will take the greater part of 'next
summer to complete.
Robert rroudfit has purchased the
residence property of Mrs. Samuel
Haworth on Adams street, and so soon
aa necessary repairs 'can be made,
his family will occupy it and later the
residence will be completely remodel
ed. For a time it semed that "Bob"
was destined to move back to his Wes
ton residence on account of no house
being available to rent in Athena, but
now he and his estimable little family
arc permanent Athenaites.
The Athena Civic club will be vis
ited at its next meetinp, November
16th, by Mrs. Edith Van Dusen, coun
ty demonstration agent," for the pur
pose of giving instruction in any of
the branches of domestic art to be
determined on at the meeting. J
The Star club will be entertained
next Tuesday afternoon nt the home
of Mrs. C. H. Smith on' Jefferson
street, when all members and those
eligible to membership will be wel
come. Mrs. Smith will be assisted in
entertaining the club by Mrs. E. C.
The high school play, "When Smith
Stepped Out," will be given on the
evening of November 19, in the high
school auditorium. ' '
Tilghman l!eckner, well known far
mer, is visiting friends at Colorado
Springs. Mr. Beckncr formerly resid
ed in Colorado, where he was foreman
of a ranch. Before returning home he
will take a hunt ftar big game.
C. L. McFadden of the McFadden
Pharmacy furnished a fine program of
phonograph music at the Commercial
club rooms Tuesday evening, for the
entertainment of those who gathered
there to await the election returns.
Mrs. Thomas Booher and baby
daughter were Athena visitors from
Weston, Wednesday.
- Hereafter it will not be necessary
for Athena people to go away from
town for X-ray examinations, for Dr.
C. II. Smith has installed one of these
machines in his office. The appara-
sured but here is where the surprise
package was untied.
When the ballots were counted, it
was found that one of the largest
number of votes ever cast in an Athe
na city election had been polled. Mr.
Barrett received' 150 and Mr. Little
john 90 out of a total of 242 votes
cast for mayor. The candidates for
the remaining offices received the fol
lowing vote:
Councilmen Wm. McLeod 212; O.
O. Stephnes 163; E. C. Rogers (name
written i) 69; W. E. Haynie (name
writen in) 24.
Treasurer E. A. Zerba, 224.
Recorder B. B. Richards, 223.
visits; they were the talks of friends.
I saw the auditorium; the motion pic
ture machine from tho national Red
Cross; books, music, nice things to
eat. magaslnes. tobacco, from the local
chapter of the organisation.. I saw a
'strange thing hospital patients wio
all were happy.
After all, 'they really don't need to
be "as dreary as a hospital ,
Brick house for sale, with six lots
(one-half block.) Five rooms, with
bath, lavatory and toilet North
Water street, on state highway. C.
F. BulBnch.
Taxicab service. .Wm. Beaton.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN To the legal voters of School District No. 19
of Umatilla County, State of Oregon, that a SCHOOL MEETING of said D is.
trict will be held at School House, on the 22d day of November, 1920, at 2:30
o'clock in Umfternoon to vote on the proposition of levying a special district '
The total amount of money needed by the district duriag the fiscal year be
ginning on June 20, 1920, and ending on June SO, 1921, is estimated in tho
following budget and includes the amounts to be received from the County '
school fund, state school fund, special district tax, and all other moneys of the -district:
Budget Estimated Expenditures
Teachers' salaries $14,400 00
Apparatus and supplies, such as maps, chaik, erasers, stoves, cur
tains, etc 600 00
Flags 60 00:
Repairs of schoolhouses, outbuildings or fences 650 00 '
Janitor's wages , 1,250 00
Janitor's supplies 115 00
Fuel - 900 00
Light ". 60 00
Water 36 00
Clerk's salary 75 00
Postage and stationery . 25 00 ,
For the payment of bonded debt and interest thereon, issued under
Sections 117, 144 to 148, and 422 of the School Laws of Oregon,
1917 600 00 '
Total estimated amount of money to be expended for all purposes
during the year . $18,551 00
Estimated Receipts
From coujity school fund during the coming school year". $ 2,602 00
From stats school fund during the coming schocl year 626 CO -
Estimated amount to be received from all other sources during the
. coming school, year High School fund 1,048 00
Total estimated receipts, not including the money to be received from
(he tax which it la proposed to vote 4,076 00
Recapitulation "
Total estimated expenses for the year $18,651 00 -
Total estimated receipts not including the tax to be voted. 4,076 00
Balance, amount to be raised by district tax -. .114,475 00
Dated this 28th day of October, 1920. , . .
Frank Price, J. M. Banistek,
Attest: District Clerk. Chairman Board of Directors.