The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, October 29, 1920, Image 1

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L? A Tn,lL?TD
Portland Men Were Pleased I ED
I'lii' l r'.'uuil i-KrumiotiiHU evident-
ly nliyil their viilt hore. They
with nii't at the traip wllh automo-
i a ' biles, mill aft-r ling shown thu town
Lord Mayor of Cork Succumbs r.xni-d with hut baked potato,
sandwiches mid coffco at th iitore of
tho Weston Mercantile Co. The
lunch wm pri-pa rvd and served by
Mr. J. II. William ami Mn. E. M.
Smith and the epud were selected by
G. If. Kanu. Statistical card were
glvn out with th lunch, and the vis
itors said that Weston was ona of
on the 74th Day of
His Fast.
London. Terene .MacSwInay, lord
mayor of Cork, died at lirliton prison
following hunger strlko of 71 daya.
l:0 o clock Monday niurn hi. Father ,.. i . j . . . .L ,
!..- hi. .... "'"M printed statement of their
. ,.,,... ,.KI.,, . i. Tl,M I
pn-rliition hy giving "thrco rousing
cheers" in fremt of the store. Thia
report by l(vn Hur Larmpinan In The
Ortgonian U typical of the atorira
In the Portland pnpers:
"Weston hoata dashed up to the
station in automobilua a tho train
drew in, and for half an hour tho
I'urtlnml visitor fraternized with
residents nf thia elder city of tha
Umatilla country.
"There are tall locunt tree along
the street of Weston, testifying to
tho maturity of the former frontier
town. And aa for progressive spirit,
other cities of Oregon may humbly
neck instruction there. Weston haa
built by public subscription fine
memorial hall to its soldiers, aallora
and pioneers, a self-sustaining enter
prise uVrivintr its revenue from tho
operation of a motion picture thea
ter in the hall iUvlf, under the direc
tion of S. A. Barnea." ,
Brother, John Marflwlney. wera with
him at tha Din.
Marflwlney waa unconscious for
thirty-eli hours before hla death, It
la stated. Father Domlnlr therefore
waa unable to tire hlni communion
but he administered extreme unction.
Tha cauae of MacUwIney'a death waa
heart failure, according to a statement
by the home office. '
When ona of the official waa asked
retarding Mrs. MacHwIney'a abeence
from tha bedside when death occur
red, ha replied that the restrictions
which were recently Imposed upon the
vlslta of relatives were urged by th
attending physicians aa vital to tba
prisoner s pwn interests.
Terence MarSwlney waa 40 year
eld and waa on of th moat prominent
Sinn Kelnera. II started life a a
draper's asalatant, but became a poet,
author and a playwright before tak
ing up poll Ilea seriously. Later he
becam violently antl English.
Mac8wlny'a hunger strike waa be
gun on Auguat II when, with ten of
hla associates, be was arrested by sol
diers In Cork white attending a sea
sIod of a Rlnn l-'eln court. After trial
by a court martial under the regula
tions of the defense of the realm act,
h waa found guilty of sedition and
aentenced to two yean' Imprisonment,
which he was serving In Brixton pris
on In London.
him as he
rttuS ' FT
1 ot lihhapp
follow your husband
line a beaf ensuring
ftrlde alonwiifi
esses y i tiered
tinef'caufed by
laard wives
and brilliant nicked casi in a
Dynamic Drama of Domes ic Differences
Governor Will Not Interfere
. Deaconess Hospital Drive.
Preliminary to the two week' in
tensive drive for 1210,000 wanted for
the Deaconess hospital at Spokane,
to cover tho entire territory of the
Columbia River Conference, "Fly
ing Squadron" of prominent Method
ist clergymen headed by Bishop W.
O. Shrpard, will commence a tour of
tho conference on Sunday, October
-11, at Pendleton to clone later at Spokane,
Initiative measure number 310 on
. tho ballot to be voted in November
Circuit Judge I'helps, who presided will give to Oregon a port equal to
over the trials of tbe five men recent- any port on the Pacific Coast You
ly convicted of the slaying of Sheriff are vitally interested in the passage
Til Taylor, haa signed n stay of exe- of this bill. It will not increase your
cutlon for John Laffebean and Elvic taxes. The cot ia borne by the Port
D. Kerby, under sentence to hang on of Portland, but all Oregon must voto
Friday, December 3, together with a on the measure. Vote 310 YES on
writ of probable cauao. the ballot November second. (Adv.)
Charles J. Bolin of Toppenlah, Wash
who defended Kerby and Laffebean
in their trial, returned t Pendleton
and filed an affidavit of merits. He
also filed notice of appeal with the
supreme court of the state.
Procedure In these eases may drag
out for months, according to Bolin
alt for their crime, he said sent!
niralitiea which must necessarily be
complied with.
According to Salem special, none
of tha three alayers of Til Taylor
now awaiting execution will receive
executive clemency at the hand of
Governor Olcott. Thia waa made
plain by the executive following a
lengthy conference with Rev. W. II.
Cox, Baptist minister of Pendleton,
who went to Salem to Urge that the
death penalty imposed on the men
b commuted to life Imprisonment
Mr. Cox passed mora than an hour
with Governor Olcott, discussing th
conviction and sentence. The minis
ter especially refered to tho caae of
Hart, who, ho said, waa intcllectualy
defective due to illness early in life.
Mr. Cox contended that while there
re many persona in Umatilla coun
ty who believe that Hart, ftathle and
Owens ahould .pay the extreme pen
altyfor their crime, ha said senti
ment had changed somewhat during
the past few weeks and that not a few
residents of Pendleton were of the
opinion that the death
ahould be commuted to life imprison
ment Although respecting the appeal of
Mr. Cox, the governor informed the
Super Special-50c-25c
The picture is based on Monte M. Katterjohn's popular
novel of American life, a thoroughly any intensely modern
story dealing with both country and city. No finer or truer
to lile picture haa ever appeared on the screen it is intensely
absorbing and timely with a beautiful love story running
through it.
The entire proceeds of the show go to ATHENA-WESTON
Included with the bin picture is a SPECIAL SPORTING
EXTRA personally corftributed by Manager Barnes. The
peerless Babe Ruth is photographed in action with the New
York Yanks and Cleveland Indians. The Slow Motion Camera
shows in clear analysis the swing that made him famous.
tor at Pendleton to manage the drive
for membership in Athena and vicin
ity. The campaign begin November
11 and continues until the 2.1th.. Fur
ther information will be published in
our next week's issue.
Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Richards drove
Saturday t o Walla Walla, where Mr.
Richards consulted with a physician.
He will probably take a course of
treatment at the College Place san
itarium in the near future.
latest news from W. E. Dobson is
that he has taken a relapse, and haa
been a very sick man. He is at the
hogie of hi sister near Estacada,
near where he has been living on bia
Mrs. William Winship returned
Saturday from Salem, where she
went last week with Mr. Winship to
see the ten acre tract and house re
cently purchased by him. - Mr. Win
ship remained on the property. The
family will not leave Athena for the
present term of school, it is thought
Mr. and Mrs. Haworth, who have
been occupying the Spencer cottage
on Adams street, have moved to the
Alex Johnson placa near Blakeley,
recently purchased by Mr. Johnson.
Mr. and Mrs. Emesley Ridenour
arrived from Seattle, Wash., Tues
day morning and are guests at the
Boyd hbme. Mr. and Mrs. Ridenour
are en route from Seattle, their
present home, to Homestead, Union
county, for a visit with relatives.
Rex Hopper, local Standard Oil
manager, is reported to be on the
road to recovery and was this week
able to be out of the house. Mr. Mc-
Peters of The Dalles arrived
$3,600,000 TOM
Statements of Expenses to
October 18 Are Filed By
Principal Parties.
week to fill Mr. Hopper's place until
he is fully recovered.
Federal officers swooped down upon
Athena Saturday and made a haul of
liquor from the premises ef Green
Estcs in the south part of town. The
boote was taken for confiscation.
Estes has not had his hearing as yet,
owing to the illness of Justice Rich-
The death of Mrs. Allen, mother of '
Miss Rea Allen, teacher in the pri-
Wasblngton. The presidential cam
paign up -to October 18 had coat more
than 13.(00,000. Sworn statements
filed with the clerk of the bouse of
representatives by the treasurer of
tbe principal partlea show these total
Republican national committee, IV
741.503.34. Democratic national committee,
Socialists national committee, $4t
Contribution to the campaign fund
aggregated about $3,325,000, the re
publican national committee reporting
82,468,019.64. democratic national com
mittee 1677.924.87. and e"oc!anst
$51,028.24. Tbe democratic congression
al committee received 313,475.75 and
the similar republican organization
Tbe socialist party, committee also
showed s surplus of w; jgrer ex
penditures. - Both republican sad democratic re
port showed hundreds of $1000 do
nations, while larger Hem were few
and far between.
It waa s la tod that there were but 16
this of these larger contributions la the
republican list and not more than 24
In tbe democratic.
Waltef Kaino, 26, will probably die
ef a wound received from a rifle in
the banda of T. M. Colver, a neighbor,
who mistook him for a deer.
On account of the low price of starch
and potatoes being scarce at Beaverton,
mary grade, occurred in a hospital at Pacific Potato Starch company will
The Dalles on Monday night, October not operate there this season. .
: Tuesday, Hov. 2.8 p.m.
Super Special-SOc-2 Sc.
18th Ave.,
25th. ' i , t.. ,i
Sunday evening's sermon will be
the last by Rev. B. B. Burton
in Athena, and with his daughter,
Miss Hazel, he will leave Tuesday for
Sanger, California, to take the pas
torate of the Christian church there.
Fay Le Grow and Sam Pambrun
returned Wednesday from a success
ful deer hunt on the forks of the
Umatilla river. They killed three
Northeast fine bucks and kw a number of does.
Accompanied by Marion Hansell, Mr.
: tha tarlvdav
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Miller and chil- will be 6038,
dren of Weston were Athena visitors Seattle.
Saturday. job Coppock has a well borer cm- Grow "turned to camp to bring
Athena high school plays its first ployed this week in extending the ths deer out
football of the season this afternoon j epth of hiarell, so that a capacity The names of W. P. Littlejohn for
at Umapine. The next game will be commensurate with the increased mayor; Wm. McLeod and O. O. Steph-
with Helix high school on the Athena Slte 0f his lawn may result so he ens, for councilmen; Ernest A. Zer-
grid. says. ba, for treasurer and B. B. Richards
Cash Wood, Y. M. C. A. secretary, Migj) Bee Pambrun hag becn for recorder will be printed on the
was in the city Wednesday instruct- pIedged to siKm Gamni8 g0rorjty at ballots to be cast at the city, election
ing Athena grade pupil, in the game whitman. Ilcr gister8( Mi88e8 Angie to be held next Tuesday,
of volley ball. and E1,en are aiready members, hav-
re. vn.r.e. y anu cn.mren, , ,ast year
Harry and Erma, and Mrs. J." E.
Jones were in the city from Weston
An interesting meeting of the la
dies of theW. C. T. V. was held
" Wednesday afternoon at the home of
Mrs. W. K. Wall. A careful study
of the election ballot preceded the
regular order of business.
A. H. Kibbe has sold his residence
in the north part of town to Mr.
Shrimpf, the former owner; and with
Mrs. Kibbe will move to a mountain
ranch on which he has a five-year
' lease. The family will move tomor
row. Mr. Kibbe haa been employed
at the Preston-Shaffer mill.
Athena stores are closing at six
o'clock evenings except on Saturdays.
Dean Dudley aid Fred Beckner ore
deer hunting in the mountains south
of Athena.
Fred Radtke spent the week in the
mountains deer hunting, in company
with Ernest Ross.
Joo Hodgson was in from
Weston Wednesday afternoon
Good second-hand piano for $150
$50 cash, balance $10 per month. In-
cd by the head of the Red Cross chap- quire at this office.
A general farm products show, to
be held In feugene Decency; J13 to. IS,
Is being planned by the agricultural
council of the county grange. '
State highway bonds fn tbe sum of
$1,500,000 will be sold at a meeting
of tbe state highway commission . to
be held In Portland November 6.
. Within a month an Iron foundry
will be in operation at Cottage Grove
'by James Feeney. It will be able
to handle a casting up to three tons.
Robbers dynamited the aafe In tha
store of John Hedden, postmaster and
pioneer merchant ot Scottaburg, and
escaped with between $20,000 and $30,
000. Rumor has It that 1500 men will
find employment In the construction
of - the railway from Wlllamlna to
Grande Ronde before tbe winter ia
Marahfleld and North Bend Amer
ican Legion post Jointly will observe
the second anniversary of Armistice
day with ceremonies and entertainment.
Umatilla County Herd Law
Vote Yes 322
minister mat ne naa notning 10 aoa A throbbing play of the fron- Daniel Mclntyre, son of Malcolm
to his previous statehent to the ef- .. . . ,J ., , i. u . xr.i- ai a.
feet that the men had beenconvicted er lana wnere aanffer wainea
after . fair and impartial trial .nd hand in hand with romance. J of Wea,
that the law would be allowed to take Fil!ed with feeiingt ruggedy ton visited in Athena Tuesday even-
its course. kn,..;A,i : n
It is said that Hart's father, who. ucauk"u" " " ow,jr k"
has been in Pendleton for the last.yur V" oininfo, wet, your
couple of weeks - investigating his eyes and keep you smiling,
son's crime, would arrive in Salem' m
Umatilla County farmers who are interested in the passage of a just
and equitable herd law, desire to call attention of all farmers and the voters
of Umatilla County generally, to the Umatilla County Herd law which will
be found upon the ballot November 2.
A herd law was enacted by the 1919 legislature. Much objection was
raised Later the Attorney General of Oregon, in a written opinion,
held it was unconstitutional. We desire to sav THAT THE HERD LAW
in Umatilla County by Umatilla County farmers and taxpayers to be ap-
V plied to Umatilla County alone. It has .ip criminal feature : that is to say:
noDoay win De arrestea, nnea or jauea'ior us vioiauon.
The great majority of the voters of the towns and cities are not direct- f
lv interested in a nerd law. The taxDavers and farmers outside of the Citv
1 ... i J TIT -1 it i , ' A I . 1 Jk.
we ieei uiai Decause we warn a iair law enaciea v
later in the week and make a final
pica to save the offender from death.
The execution of Hart has been set
for the morning of November 6.
Brick house for sale, with six lots
(one-half block.) Five rooms, with
bath, lavatory and toilet North
Water street, on state highway. C.
F. Bulflnch.
Mrs. Sanford Stone, candidate for
county school superintendent on the
republican . ticket, has been very ill
.at her home on' North Fifth street
this week. Mrs. Stone is teacher 'in
the LaMar school, and was brought
to her home Monday by friends. -.
Ernest Koepke writes friends here
that he arrived in Seattle last Thurs
day, having crossed the mountains
with his car with no great trouble.
boundaries are interested.
the people in town the laborer, the mechanic, the business man, professionaP
man and all others should vote in favor of the law that we desire. We
therefore ask our friends to VOTE 322 YES.
Endorsed and recommended by the following farmers and taxpayers:
Marion Jack, Pendleton, Oregon; K. G. Warner, Pilot Rock, Oregon; Carl
One of the greatest super spe-
1 ! 1 A " i 1
ciaia ever nimea, ana raine a There waa iittie 8now though the
greatest and latest 1920 produc- roads were wet and decidedly rough
tion. " ' n ' ' "" 'n places.. The address of the family
Engdahl, Helix, Oregon; J. A. Guderian, Pilot Rock' Oregon; Geo. Strand,
Pendleton. Oregon: G. L. Dunning, Stanfield. Oregon: M. L Watts. Athena.
Oregon ; E. P. Jensen, Freewater, Oregon ; J.- F. McNaught, He'rmiston, Ore
gon; R. E. Bean, Milton, Oregoni D. J. Kirk, Milton, Oregon; J. F.- Slover,
Freewater, Oregon ; A. R. Coppock, Athena, Oregon; Herbert Boylen, Sr.
Pilot Rock, Oregon. .
(Paid advertisement)