The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, October 08, 1920, Image 4

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Tops and Cur
- tains made to
order. Large as
sortment of plate
glasses a glass
for every car.
A good stock of Sad
dles and Heavy Harness
always -on hand. Also
Collars. Pads. Halters,
etc. Get our prices be
fore buying.
Harness Store
(Phone 122)
Milton, Oregon
..... i:k h .1 l.,t . hih n,,MW' "
-hoi irraduatc. thoroughly o 1 n the County Court of the Blate f
lh. irKD I 111 Ilia LJ II
Ciuh for chicken. J. R. Reynolds.'
quainted with modern library tueth.
ixl.i ami mutt have a good woikiim
knowledge of literature.
Swas-Te-Ke Campflre celebrated
the first anniversary of it organl
intion Saturday afternoon a Mem-
A meeting of Weston Drama cluJ 0rial hall. four-course dinner Doing
has been called by Pwiident J. . aerved In honor of the event. The
Price for nxt Monday evening at the menu was planned by Misses Ulancno
J. II. Williams residence. Thorsen ami Charlotte Haas. Dur-
Two set. of light harness, one saddle K bin ecr. V"
jwo.ii.viiK . . .. . v,vUd ami Mis Minnie Chaplit Inl
and top buggy for sale. OeoeA. Un.1 tuUH,nto th, orR1M,iwlon.
eke!K , , x x. , . Mis Doria Barnes is a Burnt of her
Charles Wilson kft last week tor Mrs, Am0l Vaughn. 'at Homo-
Portland, and irom-xnai poim, wm v gUdi Qwfwn
to San Fraaciseo to e what. Paine .. .. h .. pcuien.
Fortune offers. demonstration agent, plans', to hold a
Miss Zilla Simpson, former Weston fofm m WMton October
rirl who has been absent for two fl nJ 27 AU ,nl,wtw, U(IU. wm
years In the cast completing her with Mrs. H. Goodwin
rviut nv
Furnished nnd Printed nt the leader ofllee
One hundred...! 1 &0
Each additional hundred 0 75
matllla County.
In the Matter of the Kstate of Km
J. Crips, deevssed.
Nutii-m IS riKNKBV Givhn to all Per
aims whU'i It may concern Ust
tiaorgie Criia hss boen appointed
aikiiliiUtratrtx of the eitata of Knot)
J. Crips, deceased, and has qualMed
as such. All rons having claim
against ssid estate are required t
present them with proer voucher ti
the sniil administratrix st the lew of.
flees of Peterson, Ilinhop A Clerk In the
MmUh.rrawford building, at Pendleton,
Oreiron. within sis months ol the date
rat puui
l.nler. A. D. 1020.
of the 'first puhhcelinn of tl Is notice,
which Is r
the 17th dsy of Sep-
Okohuih Cair
Attorneys for Aumiimuraina.
and prepare to take up the work, at
thst time.
Mrs. Fannie Mcltride entertained
the Women's Missionary society of
the M. K. Church, South, at her home
Wednesday afternoon. An Interest
ing report of the annual conference
at Spokane was- given by the local
Mrs. .Charles Price. Mr,
'ilerscn wss welcomed as a
Nne-theu off
on oil
fora short time only
I R. L." Reynaud f
Serai j
traininir a a singer.
week to her home in Walla Walla.
Miss -Simpson has been singing pro
fessionally In New Yoik and other
eastern cities at a salary of $150 a
week. She possesses a beautiful so
prano voice apd a charming pcrson-
ut-- . . . . ...r.v
. Rapid progress oemg mao dl,WB1t1 j
state highway construction through . , . ,
Weston, whose citisena generally pass ,mber. Following a social
Judgment of approval on the work. Uw ,joycj , rt,.u0ioug
Paving will be continued for a d.s- by Mo,dnnlM W. !I.
Unce. of about half ar .mile north ot i.umden and the host-
town, which will complete the Warren (jj
Construction company's present con- arv dojnf builincili tUitty on
tract in this sector. cash or thirtyKlay basis. Miller &
W. H. Watt, a popular employe at M ngcA
the Blue Mountain "J"- Mr. Bml Mr9. Jns. . Price are In
death a work mare talued .1-00.
Fellow workers made up a purse of """" ...... ' ..:...:,.
S7.50 for Mr. Watts to go toward fcw days with their mece M. .11a
the purchase of another animal. Simpson of New York City.
"French" Dupuis went out after Irkk house for ssle. x A
Chi pheasanu Tuesday morning, (onch. If b eck.) 7"...
got none and lost hi. hat -Next day bath, lavatory and to let. North
he went out again, got none and lost on BU,e hxg' C"
his pipe. If he goes on another hunt F. Bulfinch.
report has it that he may lose his Mrs. Lixiie Lansdulc has disposed
reputation. of nor one-third interest in the old
Lured back to agricultural pur- English homestead of 160 acres on
suits, Henry Dowd is here from Wal- Weston mountain to John R. English.
Walla, hauling grain for Charley Mrs. Katie Neil has scld 40 acres of
May from off the mountain. . mountain land to Dick English.
While hunting near the Vancil mill The Ladies' Vid of the United
on the breaks- of Couse creek. Turley Brethren church announce a cooked
Walters saw a herd of six elk. They
- , . i i ...
are the same animais iurncu v., .,- .-,. (.j
several years ago on the Walla Wal- YOMgCSt College Student
la fiver.
It is reported that two weeks more (WslH Walla Bulletin.)
of work will be required to complete Gjli,' M Williams, a fresfcmsn st
the harvest op Basket mountain. Whitman, is perhaps theoungest stu-
Mrs. Oliver Dickinson of Athena, dcnt n the state to be sdmitted to first
daughter - of Rev. E. W. Achilles, . n. tnding thU fall. Will-
was a recent guest of Rev. and Mrs. . ja fourjeen and weighs 90 poumls.
Achilles at their home on Water He is the son of Mr. end Mrs. J. U.
street. Williams of Weston, Oregon and wss
Elvie D. Kerby and John L. Ratine ,mong the eight men entries ho were
were convicted Tuesdsy afternoon of exenipted frora fre9hmsn English be-
murder in the nrst aegree ior f unU8UBubility. . lleisagrad-
part in tne siaying oi ine ,te of the Weston high" school, having
Taylor. Sentence will be pronounced fi.,bned the courge in lhree ycaM with
today, the jcnalty being death Dy unjt( to d reei;ivcd n
hanging. Ono year scholarship to Whitman be-
-Mrs. E. C. Rogers and Sirs tu CRUge of bi excecnt SWndill(t.
Smith were here from over the mu uor at Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, he is
yesterday, visiting ana cnauing wim nn oulduo boy( p8vinK temia ,nd
i . ... nni.rl.KnN . . . . t .
baseuuil. in mgn scnooi lie pisyca ion
r 3
former neighbors.
Mrs. Minnie Bergevm,
who has
Weston, Oreg.
- " IIUIU MJIU b Ob' I' vii tn av.iivru ivhim
t- rsiincn 1 been unuer ui. . , .. ast thera
t J. T. OlIIUL.I operated uimn Monday president of the senior class and of the
thonys hospital, renarewn, . thetjc M M wol M omcer of
r.t emit stones, by Drs
acii.v. r. - - . tnfl sxniienc council.
. uArinnA. slhn i re- 9 ...
....,tttt; rarwer anu - -- Hardly five foet in height with broad
..... portea to dc maniins i""""v
Pendleton, Oregon
Leave your bundles on the
porch MONDAY and
lot our House-to-Hoose Service
"We Wash Everything
But the Baby."
shoulders and a wcll-shnpcd head cov-
i ... j i. I .. !...:.. L ' . -
. .. ercu wito uhtk. curiv iinir, iiu urcsciiut
The birthday anniversary ox Mrs. on the campus among
v.. ... vfcb- - the older Students.
bratcd with a surprise Vtyjly backf of
alternoon at ner r0Ilh reay runners in the freshman
ton street, ugn reiresn,ne,, honiore Williams proved M.e
served at the close of an afternoon With nol,Ilfl ,0
f ?iCrnlr mLV"T G 7. m. 'e sophs labored far In the rear
jjrcDcuv "its
Staggs, E. W. Achilles, Iven OUarra,
A. 'C. Brown of Vancouver, Frank I.
Smith, Emery Staggs, Clem Duncan
and Craig Driskell of Walla Walla,
J. H. Beamer.
Mr. anil Mrs. Clem Duncan were
in the city Monday' from their new
New fall styles that are very beautiful. Rich,
handsome plushes, handsomely trimmed, the dignity
and style you admire, are the embodiment of these
garments. Yours for less than you even thought of
paying. Some as low as $35.00 and up to $50.00,
and a few at $75.00; all dreams of elegance.
Millinery at Wholesale Price
Just come in and pick out your own hat and
wear it home. Ii will be hard to decide which one
among so many; but you will recognize yours just
as scores of others have done and be delighted. We
carry this line for the convenience of our customers,
not for profit, but have given the matter of selection
the same care as other lines; $6.00 to $15.00.
These are the odds and ends from our immense
sf-nrk nf wnmpn's shops. Snlendid values and trood
sf-.vles. hut the lines .ire discontinued and the sizes iti
1 1 TV T 1.. OH AA K..4- 11 .- 4-Un Pnlnn fW
uiUKtJii. many values lu uut an uu wiu oaico
tables and only $4.69. ... ffi
One lot. of children's shoes, in all about twenty g
dozen, sizes from 9 to 2 1-2; worth at the present
prices to $6.00, but we are closing out the lots at g
only $1.59, $1.98 and $2.98 while they last.
' J i ' -r"- ' '
while the frosh galloped in with the
bacon over a half lap ahead.
In evcrv other event of the scraD
young Williams did his part, even to
being pulled through the icy depths of
"Lack urn Duckum.
Msts h-
Veterinary Surgeon
Phone - Main 253
. The line of skirts ta close out are going rapidly, ffl
but plenty iett oi tne oest ones, to see tnem is to
buy. The values are not comparable; in fact, so low
that you wonder if olO times are here again. About
Mo olans to graduate from the law
" ' c,j wurp school at either Stanford or California
I arm nonie nxza . .'i'"" . . . , . . . , u
I they are now comfortably domiciled. Ulete his training , a
Miss Gladys Smith was the grac- i - -rj ' T " , . . . . .
I JS rS it'SMX'S -. h eighty to close out at half the original price.
a Tjwrence. Mr. average freshman is allowed to take
. . i. u. n'Horf, Hia couraea are Biblical literature.
z can tranai, iir. iki .. .-. - - -
T . i jrM c mihlir rw.nktnir. Cctrn. KnrnnAnn hi.
Mr. Kulon smim, air. mm i , -
M ?mith tory from 187(Mo 1914, and mathemati-
r. -i. r. un.inn hmiiuil their cal anolysis.
threshing outfit Wednesday after a He is a reserved little man and hIiows
long run on Reed and Hawlcy moun- not the slightest tendency of being
tw w.n the latter nart of spoiled from too much attention. If
Aurust and ran the outfit whenever he can keep his head under the"strain
u ..ti,,.. ni. nnlH let them, of favorable comment he will prove a
U1C wvamw fc""" T - .. . .
The last crop threshed was that of real man as well as a worthy exception
Ernest Honey, who had from 25 to ,
C5 bushels of wheat and 43 bushels PoUtO SIOgM Win $3.00 .
of barley to the acre. We desire a slogsn that wo can use
At a recent meeting of the. student jn connection with advertising potatoes
body of the Weston schools Harold (Weston Mountain Potatoes.) It must
i a
fUdiisti il fr M
Would you like to see Weston's main streets
paved; cluster lights, parks cleaned up, lawns green S
and houses painted? Then talk it, boost for it. This ffi
ir, ytVi , nrk 1 1 tm nfl 4-ViIci in -kill. 4 t t m irminri rvr1 Tfl
io wiicic wc nvc anu Litio 10 uut tuwii, juuio anu
Phinney was elected president, Nard be short, have a "punch" and not con-
Jones vice president and Leonard tain more than eight words; for such a
Bulfinch secretary-treasurer, nara slogan we will pay $3.00.
Jones was chosen manager of the Any one is entitled to submit one or
basket ball team. more slogans and they must be inHhe
Realizing the importance of the judges' hands not later than Saturday
progressive policies inaugurated by evening, the 16th of this month,
rountv and branch libraries through- Mail your correspondence to the Wcs-
out the state, the Weston Library ton Mercantile Company or hand it in
tin pnnrnvml and adopted the .iiifa vmir ennvenience. A board nf
aet of standardized requirements judges appointed by tbe Commercial' j
vtvonnM..! fni tht ronduet of such in flflK a111 u.lai.t fh slrMTAn and awaird 1
nlations it is provided that the act- Weston Mercantile Co.
eLa lB 1 ' '