The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, October 08, 1920, Image 3

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can bo yours if you have the RIGHT heating system
in your Hume. . .
i the stove you can rely on to keep your Home
pleasantly warm under all conditions at lowest pos
sible cost for fuel.
There has never beenu greater heater, one that gets
bo much out of the fuel consumed. One of the
fjrecU'st improvements in rstove construction made
n recent years is the device iui circulating the air
so that all of the room .where the heater Li located,
and even adjoining rooms, will be uniformly and
thoroughly heated.
A supplementary Hue receives the cold air from
near the floor, conducts it upward in contact with
.heated surfaces and thence over the fire, discharge
ing it thoroughly heated at the top.
Come to the Store and investigate this excellent
stove or send for pamphlets describing it.
Complete Homo KurniHhinjr Department Store
10-20 Aider St.. Wulla Walla, WbmIi.
1 am prepared to furniHh I1I-HKAT
Utah Coal in any quantity.
I have different grades of wood for
I especially solicit carload orders for
No. I cord wood.
your grain, and will give prompt atten
tion to orders for anything in its line.
International Stock
and Poultry Food
Hay, Rolled Barley, Oats, Wheat 'and
Millfeeds. Chicken Feeds includ
ing Corn, Wheat, Scratch Food, Bone,
Shell, Grit, Meat Scraps and Fgg Mash.
J. A. LUMSDEN - - Proprietor
-,..2..' ;.. ,: .. ; .', - Hy
Library Tables and' Rocking Chairs
We are showing an attractive assortment
A. M. ROSS Furniture and Undertaking
I am in the. market for old
bones. Bring them in.
Top prices paid for Old .Metal,
Rags, Sacks, Hides, Wool, Etc.
See me for Blacksmith Iron, Shafting and Piping
J. ft- Reynolds
Water Street (second block north of Main)
Frank Smith left Monday fr
Now' the best tinia to plant Ever
bearing Strawberries. One hundred
plant, f 2.00. C. .W. DeGraw.
Joo Lawion wan a vUltor in Wc
ton Tuesday from Freewatcr.
Mr. J. H. William motored to
Milton Tuesday with Mr. Edith Van
Dcucn of Pendleton to attend an en
thusiastic meeting of the Improve
ment club of that city.
Mr. and Mr. C. K. Miller of Kok
ana are In the city this week for a
visit with their aon and daughter,
Mr. and Mra. Leon Miller. They are
returning home from a trip to Se
attle, Portland and la Grande.
All knowing themselves indebted to
me are requeated to aettle their ac
count on or before October 10, when
I am placinir the account in the
hand of a lawyer. R. G. Saling.
Mr. and Mr. J. R. Adkin have pur-
chawed from Mr. Hetty Power for
$750 the eotUre they are now orcupy-
inir on Water street. A nice garden
tract of five lot in included with the
Mr. and Mr. J. A. Ron were in
town the flint or the week from Day
ton for a vinit with relative. "Jim"
i farminic 240 acre of good wheat
land which he own in that neigh
borhood. After much delay from much nioin
ture Roy Licuullcn finished thresh
ing hi Reed and llawley mountain
crop Just before the last big rain,
and no longer can the cloud with
an uneasy eye. Roy' winter wheat
averaged little better than 30 buh
el, and hi oat went 22 ack to the
R. L. Wilson, who ha been serv
ing a Scott Banister' ranch fore
man near 1 Croaae, was in town a
few day ago on hi wuy to Helix,
where together with Mr. Wilson he
will take up hi residence. Lee re
port a good harvest in the La Croc
country. . Scott Banister' wheat av
eraged around 40 bushels.
Dr and Mr. George Sugg have
located at Chchali. Wash., where
Dr. Ceorge ha hung out hi veter
inary shingle.
Mr. and Mr. Emery SUgg have
taken apartments in ."The Locusts,"
and plan to spend the winter season
in town.
. The Saturday Afternoon club held
iu first meeting of the current sea
son October 2 at the social room in
Memorial hall. Mcsdames J. H. Wil
liams and J. C. Price were hostesses
for the day. Bright-hued garden -- -
flowers contributed to the cheerful by the honorec. During the final
atmosphere of the occasion. Plans hour a delicious lunch was served,
wcro perfected for the reception in Those in attendance were: Misses
honor of Weston School faculty to be Wavel O'Harra, Jessie and Esther
given this evening at Memorial hall. Davis, Edith Troutwine, Yira Mor
Mrs. Edith G. Van Dcusen of Pendle- rison, Hortense Baker, Vida Greer,
ton was present as a guest and gave Helen Johnson, Ruby Price, Thelma
an inspiring talk. At the close of Crnbill, Lola and Vifgie Key; Mes
the session appetising refreshments dames Lcort Lundell, Joe Read, Fred
were served. crick Greer and J. H. Key.
At their farm on the Wild Horse Last Friday evening Weston High
McBriile Bros, lost two good work school pupils a party in honor
horses the other day that dined of the Freshman class which proved
rashly on wheat. Six others also got to be a uninue event in the social
pon. rnlondar of the school. Many and
sequences. various initiation stunts were intro-
. Mrs. Letha King is in receipt of a duced, affording much amusement h
letter from her son Lloyd stating At a late hour a lunch of enticing g
thnt he is employed as engineer on dainties was served, bringing to a &
the U. S. S. Wilmington, which is close an affair which will linger long
doing patrol duty off Shanghai, in the memories of those present. 9
China. The young man says he is . Wanted-To trade 38 Colts tcvoIv- Jj
enjoying many interesting and novel cr for 25-20 Winchester. Jack Eliot, k
experiences. The Leader man is indebted to &
Mrs. J. E. Jones is looking after Chance Rogers .of Athena for a truly &
the Charles May household on Wes- beautiful China pheasant, which was k
ton mountain this week during the found to taste just as good as it 3
absenco of Mr. and Mrs. . May. in looked. We've heard vague rumors &
Portland. The anxious parents are to the effect that Weston gunners are
ui - in fhA mtr,in- i.pttinir some "boids." but not a sin- 3
consulting m OJ'VV ... . w ... v..- 1 c " - ,
oli in reganl to the serious illness gle feather has as yet been presented
of their Infant daughter. by way of prima facie evidence.
Mrs. Joseph Hodgson returned Sat- Six-room dwelling on Broad street
urday from a visit with her daugh- in Weston for rent. Will remodel it
tcr, Mrs. Earl Olson, in the Walla for good tenant Joe Lawson, Free
Walla valley. water, Oregon.
Mis Eliia Morrison has boon con- Ralph Lansdale closed a deal Wed-
flnfwl to the house for a week with a csdav with Charles May for the
combination of ailments. Mrs. R. Vanderpool place on
Hardware :: Implements :: Lumber
May We Assist You?
We are ready at all times to give
. such assistance as we may to those
who wish to talk over with us their
problems, plans and prospects for the
If we can be of assistance to you,
that will be our reward. 5
BUTTER WRAPS at Leader Shop.
Wnatnn niAllil
Morrison is in from the ranch to care tain. This place embraces 80 acres TOSSSSSSSSSSSWKKVSS?
for her daughter. ' of good, tillable mountain soil and
The Ed Tuckers were up from brought $5500..
Holdman Sunday for a visit at the For sale -1113 acres best wheat
W. H. Gould home. land; joins town of Condon. Stock
Mr. and Mrs. JO. Wood and fam- and machinery. Price, $45.00 an
ily of Walla Walla spent Sunday at acre, -m. Fitzmaurice, Condon, Or.
the home of Mrs. Susan Tucker. Among the last crops harvested
J. T. Lawson, who lately sold his this week on Weston mountain was
shoe repairing establishment here to that of Albert Gould, and it was a"
E. T. Wicker, will go to Hopland, g0od one, his wheat haying" made
Calif, where he has a 120-acre farm about 40 bushels to the acre. It is
and expects to engage In poultry in potatoes, however, that the moun
raising. tain confidently expects to shine this
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph G. Saling, Mr. season. The ground is fairly popping
and Mrs. J. II. Williams"and Mrs. with lusty spuds, and one of the old
Edith G. Van Dousen of Pendleton time crops of one hundred sacks to
motored to WalW Walla Tuesday ev- the acre is anticipated,
ening to hear the Minneapolis Sym- p. T. Harbour was in Pendleton this
phony orerestra. week serving on the jury in the case
Miss Lola Key. popular bride- of Kerby and Laffebean, two of .the
elect, was the honor guest at a mis- convicted Taylor murderers,
cellaneous shower given by number Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Fehr were hero
of girl friends at the J.H. Key home from Pendleton this week, visiting
last Friday evening. The event was at the home of Mrs. Fehr'a mother,
in the nature of a Surprise and oc- Mrs, Christina Beeler. Mr. Fehr Is
casioned much merriment 'A quan- now with the American Express Co.
tity of beautiful gifts were received at Pendleton.
J j- ...'
Zane Grey ' . .
B. M. Bower -Harold
Bell Wright
William Mac Leod Raine
Rex Beach
Jack London
Gene Stratton Porter