The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, October 08, 1920, Image 2

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Wen asked What We Most Desire, We
replied "MORE LIGHT"
(Our city will soon have cluster
lights) that you may see our window
of STEEL RANGES our display of
KIDS' WAGONS Hutt said we had a
carload. - . . '
Remember, we have PAINT the kind
you want It covers and sticks.
Meet the high cost of living with a
and when you are tired, take a stroll
in our ''Lovers' Lane."
A Ford Touring Car for $200.
I c. jl jl '
Real Estate and
Pendleton and Weston. Or.
Address P. O. Box 4?
Pendleton, Oregon.
Some Special Bargains in
Morrow uounty lianas.
X All Kinds of Property.
Butter Wrap orders prompt
ly filled at the Leader shop.
Krause Kandies
Ice Cream Ice Cream Soda
Lunches and Lunch Goods
Heal Estate Dealer lone, Oregon
MRS. n. GOODWIN. Awlli Editor
Th Yaar W
Six Month ;
Three Months " 60
ntiDAT. "ocfrli."" -
i ittond-clait mall matltr.
Republican condemnation of the
Wilson regime inspires a derisive
Krin when one reflects that had it
tmn republican administration tho
anvil chorus would change into
paean of praise. And tho g. o. p.
would haw had something to brair
about, at that. It could have said
that during tho Wilson administra
tion the farmer received the greatest
returns from his toil; the American
laborer had his fullest dinner jiail
and received his greatest pay; the
American business man made hi
largest profits; the American banker
and American stockholder in other
corporations received their largest
dividends; the greatest merchant ma
rine ever owned by America was
built; the greatest banking ystem
ever known was created; wealth wa
made to bear its just share of taxa
tion by the passage of income tax
laws; America became the greatest
financial center of the world; the
American navy reached it highest
efficiency; four and a-half million
Americans, untrained in time of
peace, were transformed into soldiers
and sailors of such disciplined valor
that kaiserism trembled before their
assault; America achieved for her
self, and aided in achieving for the
Allies, the greatest victory of all the
ages; America was, changed from the
greatest debtor nation to the great
est creditor nation in the world, and
America took her place as the world'
leading power. Some record! And
were it a republican administration
record, would not the democrats be
hooted into silence should they dare
to raise the voice of blame against
it? Should the republicans win they
will have had a fast paco ct or
them, and are due to find perform
ance a bit more difficult than criticism.
The Purchasing Power
. . ii n fit lt..l. '
Dolnj a Strictly Cash Business nd Operating on a very amau rrum .
Enables us to undersell Dry Goods, Ready-to-Wear Apparel and Shoes for
the entire family.
. .' $3.49, $1.98, $5.90
Rest Percales and Ginchams, or yard
Best Outinjj Flannel, light and dark, per yard
r i ..n .. : r..:u
Extra fancy Sateen Quilts, each . . $7.fi0 Cotton Hlankcts, pair . . $149 to $ W
Wap ftlinkeU pair. .'$B.W-$tt.W Good Hose for children, and
Women's House Dresses, each. . .$1.98 Women's Bungalow Aprons... $ . 49
Blue Bibb Overalls, "Underbills" and "Pay Days," per pair ,
Good, heavy Blue and Tali Workinalls the suit
$40.00 an Acre
1240 acres fine wheat land in Morrow
County, close in; down hill to station; all
deep soil, highly improved. Modern house,
good barn; abundance of good water; pro
duced excellent crop this season; 450 acres in
.fine summerfallow ready to seed. As good a
wheat farm as there is in Morrow County.
Present price, $40.00 per acre. One-half
cash, balance good terms.
Republican voters may be inter
ested in this statement ofWilliam
Howard Taft, made no longer ago
than August 2. 1920. in the New
York Tribune: "I consider the moral
effect of Aicle X on predatory na
tions would restrain them from war
as the declaration of tho Monroe Doc
trine has done, and that the require
ment of the unanimous consent by
the representative of the great
powers in council, before League ac
tion, would safeguard the United
States trvm any perversion of the
high purpose of the League. More
over, 1 believe that the issue of the
League (of Nations) transcends in
its importance any domestic issues
and would justify and require one
who believes so to ignore party ties
and secure this great boon for the
world and this country."
Going Out of Business, Closing Out at Actual Cost
The entire stock of Women's and Children's Coats, and 'MJlinJ7' Sujtf,
Dresses, Skirts, Sweaters, Waists, Camaso es, Silk Hosiery, Silk ant Cotton
Pettiskirts, Laces, Ostrich Plumes, Fancy Feathers, Flowers and Quills in end
less variety, all go on sale until everything is disposed of.
We are not asking one cent profit on this new and handsome stock of high
class Merchandise. We are only asking you to help us out of business by buy
ing all you need FOR CASH at wholesale price, just so long as any of this
nnr rrmirnt.inn for coods of ouality needs no guarantee,
as every purchaser enjoys the gratifying assurance that if the Style Shop has
ll is correct.
To the first ten ladies entering the store on Saturday morning at 9 will
be given a chance on one of those fine Pattern Hats which nviII be displayed
m thEachmorVning our store opening will be marked by a gift presentation
to the first to enter, so do not miss this chance of a lifetime to get a free gift
that's worth the effort as well as to buy goods a t a price never before equal ed
even at pre-war prices. Bring your money and bring your friend to the o I x Lu ,
SHOP'S GOING OUT OF BUSINESS SALE, or the "grief is yours, not
Watch our windows daily for new announcements.
The Japanese in the United State
number 125,1115, or juat a trifle more
than oncftenth of one percent of the
whole population. Those who are
still looking for a Japanese jiroblcm
will evidently have to use a microscope.
G. B. Lyons, a Moscdw, Idaho,
farmer, has averaged nearly 45 bush
els of pen per acre on a 60 acre
plot. Some day summer fallow down
this way will be similarly utilized and
the production of this rich district
doubled. We remember making such
a prophecy about 25 years ago, re
peating it since at frequent intervals,
with an effect approximating the re
sult of bouncing a golf ball against
a wall of concrete. We herewith
venture the prediction again, and
will watchfully wait for what will
happen a quarter of a century hence.
Preston-Shaffer Milling Co.
Established 1865
thena, Oregon Waitsburg, Wash. -
Harding has taken a fiat stand for
rejection of the League covenant and
for a separate peace with Germany.
Those who vote for Harding will now
know exactly what they are voting
against the only tangible .hope ever
held out to mankind for world insur
ance of peace.
Texas report the discovery of a
rat that barks like a prairie dog and
looks like a kangaroo. We may ex
pect a general hegira to tho Lone
Star Suite but not merely to see tho
rat. .
Bank of Ireland, Dublin, was- rob
bed in broad daylight by five armed
men who perchance found this to be
the easiest way of Dublin their
Howe'er the g. o. p.' may shy at
Article X, its attitude is far different
toward a bank note of that denomina
tion if availablo for its "slush fund."
City Ticket Nominated
At the primary mas meeting Mon
day evening, at which Mayor Banis
ter presided andTrank Trice served
as secretary, the following ticket far
tha city election November 8 was
unanimously nominated by a repre
sentative gathering of eltixvns:
For mayor J. II. Trice.
For counrilmcn, long . term Nel
son II. Jones, E. M. Smith, Joseph
For councilmcn, short term J. M.
Trice and L. B. Davis.
For recorder L. R. Van Winkle.
For treasurer S. A. Barnes.
General satisfaction is exprcsacd
over this ticket, which is regarded a
Just about as strong as could have
been selected from the community
citixcnshlp. It stand for.a program
of progress and' improvement.
Attractive year books have been
received by the Saturday Afternoon
club from the I-cader press. Tho
committee- which outlined an inter
esting schedule for the season' work
was composed of Mesdamc S. . A.
Barnes, J. C. Trice ami J- H. Wil.
1 ilium.
I I ,,te .fin Advrfll.ln R.irr.rl.V.I"
THKAMt.Hi. ANIW.SA"I l". I I "
Senator Borah's "irreconcilable"
stand against the League reminds
us of a pugnacious ant in head-on
collision with a steam roller.
American Beauty
Pure White
Made of selected bluestem in'one of the
best equipped mills in the Northwest.
Sold in Weston by
Weston Mercantile Company
The proposed extension of the state
highway from Umatilla to Wallula
would be all right enough if Oregon
were pursuing a policy of the least
good to the smallest number.
The inevitable era of falling prices
is at hand. It will uit everyone who
doesn't expect to take in as much as
before with one hand while paying
out less with the other.
As to the wheat market, "what
goes up must come down," Bnd'mar
kct history following the civil war is
merely being repeated ' with a few
M. Dombski heads the Polish arm
istice delegation. Here's an old
dombski that, we'll be bound, the
Reds, will find is by no .means solid
Bryan says, he is a 'democrat still,
which leads the Baltimore American
to remark that on the subject of Cox
he is a still democrat.
Action rather than talk win ball
games, but the Cleveland Indian
couldn't do without their Speaker.
"Cox Bridled and Wilson in- the
Saddle." Oregon ian headline. If so,
we have the combination of a gallant
steed and a great rider.
"Too much is heard of independ
ence in politics," declare the republi
can candidate; and as one man doth
the Old" Guard applaud.
Harding has no use for those fool
nations that are out of step with the
United States, Germany, Turkey and
Having own to the whirlwind, So
viet Russia is now in a fair way of
reaping the cyclone.
Hemstitching, Pecot, Chain Stitch
ing Embroidery, Braiding, Plain
Stitching, Button Hole and Button
Covered, Pleating.
Phone 936, Walla Walla, Wash.
Phone 83 Residence 275
Monday, Wednesday and Friday
Weston, Oregon ,
At Athena Opera House
Saturday, October 9th
When the
. Cat's Away
Under auspices of THE AMERICAN LEGION
This is a real show with a first-class company. Was
supposed to play Wednesday night,' but on account
of not having sufficient time to advertise the play is
postponed until Saturday.
Prices: Children, 35c; Adults, 75c
Curtain will not rise until 9 p. m., or when the reg
ular show is over at the picture theatre.