The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, October 08, 1920, Image 1

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VOLUM15 43
' NUMBER) 19
onEssa i:evs notes haywood conviction
ff ' Waiting for the landfalls
10 a; s. public debt clean baseball
Principal Events of tho Week
Briefly Sketched for Infor
mation of Our Readers.
A result of WMtmuti the MrKn
tl paaa hlhay Is reported 10 ha IfU
ll ll estimated that tb lout regl of w- w- wo,t of "e l,"r
Chicago. The Unltod Rial circuit
court of appeala banded doa a deci
sion upholding th conviction of Wll
Hani 1). llaypood aud ninety tbrea
oilier I. W. V. who were found (ullljr
and sentenced to Leavenworth for ob
structing Ilia draft law during tha
Haywood, former general secretary
t ration of Clatsop county will Its Iim
than 7000.
defendants have beon at liberty under
bond for more than a year, pending
The Loraa valley pear crop baa b' Brl" of "",lr ''I"1-
been sold, the total brlog ? tons, all
Bart kits.
More than lOft.nno automobiles wrra
registered lih the sreretsry of atate
vp to October I.
Tba total attendance of the Albany
public schools Is lion, a gain of lit
over last year' enrollment.
Portland bank clearings for the
month of September esceeded those of
8aitl by nearly
Tbs Columbia Ilasla Alfalfa Grow
ers' association bss completed perma
nent orgs" list Ion at llermlaton. '
Iiepiiy Slate Treasurer Klrhsrdson
baa resigned. Jam's Crawford of the
Haywood and fourteen other defend
ants wuro sentenced to twenty year
In prison by Judge Kenessw M. I .so
rt I . and In addition were fined sums
ranging from to 35,ooo,
of MO persons Indicted for conspl
rsry, nltmiysaven were found guilty
ami all but three appealed. Home bar
served out tholr sentences and boon
I .K?MtJ J' ill
m mm wmmwmmi
i.-Ther was decrease Men AbOVB OueStlOfl Desired
5 In the public debt of . ?
io laxe tnarge ana rurge
Game of Evils.
- Washington
of, 1237.315.995 In the pu
the United States during the month
of September, according to an an
nouncement by the treasury depart
ment. The total gross debt of the country
September 3'). bad bona reduced to
This decrease was due,. It was an
nounced, to the fact that the govern
ment no longer waa paying out funds
A tor operation off the railroads and
other essentially war expenditures.
The statement boro out the prediction
of Secretary Houston that the entire
Chicago. Representatives ef low
major league baseball clubs bars start
ed a movement designed to "clean up
baseball forever" by taking control of
the game out of the hands of men fi
nancially Interested and placing It un
der a "civilian tribunal" to be com
posed of men "of unquestioned publia
A letter was sent to every major
receipts of tho country now were con- I'06 club and doxen of others ln-
sidorably In excess of the ordinary dis
bursement, v
Born to Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Mcln- been stated, but in view of the fact
' J i i I a r.nn J . t . it i if i
Chairman of House Persian Relations wwwr , a osugnicr. , inai repuuncan spinners ami cam
Committee for Preparedness.
Ban Francisco.-Members of tha
li.i..rii.M i.. rf..Mm.i .in Amerlcsn congressional party which
Hlllyard to Get First One, According
to Promoters.
Epokane, Wash. Plans for the es
tablishment of a string, of 30 farmer
labor banka In Washington and Idaho,
Including a large parent bank and
oeed blm.
According to the report of tbe coun
ty superintendent, every school dla-
bas been louring the Orient for lbs
lust fsw months, arrived In Ban Fran
cisco aboard the United States army
trlct In Crook county Is supplied with XtMV,n Madawaska,
Experts have been trying to open the
safe In the lirnd postofflce the psst
week, using everything but a drill or
During tbe recent good weather one
txoller fishing close to the mouth of
tba Columbia river caught 1(00 pounds
of .fall cblnooka.
Space for exhibits at ths Wasco
'county fair Is at premium. Work
men have started the construction of
tbe main pavilion.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Haworth are paitrncrs arc booked to appear in
down from their home near Spokane Athena, it is curjsfttrad probable that clearing house In Spokane, to be cap
on visit to Athena relatives. - tnj political fences will be protected, itallxel at $L00O.JOO were announced
Mrs. James Price, Mrs. E. M.Smith The China pheasant season. t:as by Barney Donaldson, chairman of the
and Mrs. Nelson Jones of Weston, been on durifig the week, and while newly formed -farmer labor service
were Athena visitors, Wednesday cf the game has been found not so plen- bureau. This bureau Is now complet-
thia week. tiul as it was last season, "chinks" ing arrangements for tbe opening of
Miss Areta Littlcjohn has recently have been in sufficient numbers to a farmer labor bank In Hillyard, for
been pledged to Gamma Phi Beta scf- furnish nearly all tables with a mess which nearly $50,000 haa already been
ority, at the University of Oregon. of birds, where a shot gran may be subscribed. , .
Mrs. A. J. Msloney, who has fasta found in the home. It is said that "Our plans are to establish the par
visiting at the homo of Mr. and t!a. the noticablc depletion of birds as ent or central bank In Spokane early
J. C Walter, left for her home la compared in numbers with tout year, next spring," declared Mr. Donaldson
Colorado, Tuesday. , is due to the robbing of the nests by recently. "We expect that it will be
Mrs. B. B. Richards has returned mappics, crows and hawks. capitalized at $1.0.00,000. The bureau
from Walla Walla, where ' Saturday William Post, who recently arrived has already picked out six towns In
sho underwent an operation for tbe here from Idaho, to make his home, the state of IdaV.o In which we plan
removal of tonsils. v has been awaiting the coming of his to establish banks to be capitalised
Cleveland Wins First Cams. VirUir Burke h victim of wif ftmJ on for scveral wcel(8. jU nt from 250oo to $50,000.
Brooklyn. Somo 25.000 fans, the ' rh0Umatisni for some time, to the e- has been apprised by letter that the "Within two or three years we be-
edgo of whoso enthusiasm was no whit tcnt that hc hM inc,p,ciuud whofc town of Midvalehis former lieve that 30 banks will have been
America must ba prepared," waa
lb) statemeut of Congressman I'nrter
of Pennsylvania, who la chairman of
tbo house foreign reunions committee.'
"We must build first line battleships;
wo must recruit our navy to full
strength. Present conditions make it
Imperative that we have a navy second
to none."
trted, aaklng their approval of the
It proposed that the national com
mission be abolished because "In Its
present form it cannot be Impartial."
and that In Its place there be a tri
bunal whose members would receive
higher salaries than anyone now con
nected with baseball. teneral Pe ras
ing, Major-General Leonard Wood, for
mer President William Howard Taft,
Senator Hiram Johnson. Judge K. L
Landla and Wlllsjm G. McAdoo are
some of the men proposed for tbe tri
bunal, but the letter adds that none
baa been approached.
The tribunal would be In absolute
charge of all .organized baseball
leagues, of the players, the manager
and owner and league presidents and
Its decisions would be beyond appeal
or dispute.
with timber tbe twin tunnels between
Hood River and Muster on tb Colum
bia river highway.
Three Eugene public echool build
Buried 30 Years ta a Tree
Thirty-six years ago a teJegniph
bracket and Insulator was nailed to a'
Douglas Or tree near Areata, Cat A
few years later a falling branch badly
damssed It and the wire which It bad
been supporting was removed. The
tree was growing thriftily, addlug
every summer to its diameter a ne-v
. .. , , , . . , . . . . , - " . - . . D fU . u. ... w ' 1 v. wuj. UlniCIMII. BUU 111,
it tl a .1 r-i I A t ,, Bon "rm ne,r c"ield his family is detained under quaran- and wage-earners under the direction growth gradually pushed out around
Seven carpenter are at work lining iM" , hy.,h? Whl" ?01, b"bU toT work Prt of 11,8 bu"y hest home is afTlicted with smallpox and established in Washington by farmer
AAA Mil n I rill sll slBNils In i hhala -
riem ana saw me leve.ano maians, om(;r j Watu Bnd Ray UgM of tine .tnctjon,.
pennant winner of tho Amerlcsn y,ewl an(j & A. Leonard of TaUV -. -
loaguo. wiu oy a score 01 a 10 j irora n mhltr .ram
of the bureau."
Ing are reported overcrowded and the th B"""""'" champion of hunt , the Keithcy Creck digtrict,
other are filling up rapidly. The high ,n" '7B"onB' ",u " ln" "l 01 British Columbia,
achool I also congested.
Becauao of the recent heavy rain
the Linn county fair, which waa n
year'a world series.
Overland Cars Reduced
Because of the recent reduction in
i t. n i , , . . price oi uverianu cars, i am now acio
. .7 r., ' . . - to oiTer them at the following fig-
lumber at Walla Walla, for ai-vcra! years,
Wantnd Trams to haul
bav been held thle week, beginning from the Blue Mountain Sawmill to ha resigned and take n a like .posit
Tueaday, waa called off. Firewater. Phone No. 161 F3, mill, ion the Oregon penitentiary.
Hesldents of North Itoseburg are - Ho. 1131. Milton. Bartlell Lumber Wr- M- L. I.ce)cr will Tt-avo to-
complalnlng of the odor of prune Juice & QoX q0
which come rrom three prune pack
ing plant In the vicinity.
Fire baa destroyed the prune evap
orating plant of P. A. Kurt, four mllea
from Salem. The loaa la estimated at
$17,000 with $5000 Insurance.
Philomath college has opened with a
SO pe cent Increase over the first
day' enrollment last year and nearly
100 per cent over two year ago.
The Umatilla -agency will send a
delegation of 40 children to the Che
' niawa school thl year, the largest
number ever sent from the agency.
Ersklne Wood, of Portland, wss Ap
pointed legal Head, of the admiralty.
department of the, shipping board, to
succeed Charles F. Dutch, resigned.
Medford merchant bate made Wed
nesday of rach week a bargain day at
which good will be offered at a re
duction to attract out of town buyer.
Klamath Fall ministers -have de
termined on a moral clean up of tho
city and have announced an Intention
to put a municipal ticket In the field.
II. O. Hayea, Justice of the peace at
McKcnxle bridge, haa pleaded guilty
to the charge of killing deer out of
lesson and been fined $100 and costa.
Providing the weather continue
good for two "week the Pacific high
way north and south of Roeeburg will
be put In good condition for winter
The public service commission ha
deulci tho request of the city of Wcs,
Ealem for authority to extend a street
over tbe track of the Southern Pacific,
railroad. K , .
The municipal employment bureau
of Ealem- ha Issued a call for prune
picker. Although badly damaged,
much of the crop can yet be saved It
picker are aecured.
A petition circulated at Medford to
remove tha county seat of Jackson
county from Jacksonville haa received '
3681 signatures The question will be
veted on In November.
William Marshall, chairman of the
state Industrial accident commission,
will lead the qMscusslon of accident
prevention at the Paclflo logging con
gress at Vancouver, B. C
morrow for Imbler, Union county, to
visit at the home of her fc-ramlson, Wiyg Knj(jht RoBdgtM,
Overland Roadster ....
Overland Coupe
Overland Solan
Willy Knight Touring
W n ' """"Xt
v.v '$bV;:$
' iO V ' 17 13 0
Mil ij
Jesse B. Eddington.
Mrs Roy Cannon who is ill at the WJUy Knicht Swtan
Cass Cannon home, h reported slight
ly improved. Mrs. Cannon is being
attended by Mis Stroepy, a profes
sional nurse from Walla Walla.
Touring- $1070.00
. . .$1070.00
. . .$102.r.O0
. .$1675.00
. . .;:255.oo
Willys Knight Coupe
.Sat. Oct 16
Umatilla County, 'the Roridnins-
A rousing churivari was Riven Tues te..g office, w ill not be resroii-
.lay evenine. by a jolly bunch of or ,v' bills or oiher obli-
youngBtcrR, to wekotno Mr. Everett gHti0na incurred by its emliyeS op
ZcrbnanJ bride, who have taken up or other persons, un-
residence in their new homo on High icsssuclibillsareccveredHndsupporleJ
street. j,y the proper riHjuiBttii ns from tho
Jud;:o Wallace McCammnnt, well nondmasttr's Onice.
known republican of Portland, will DntC(i at rendleton, October 7, 1920.
address tho citizens or Athena at the
comer of Main and Third at an sswj
open air meeting, weather permit
ting, Thursday afternoon, October 11.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McArthur ar
rived from Portland Monday evening.
Mrs. McArthur found hor Bister, Mrs.
Caton,very much improved, so much
so that she is able to be out again and
enjoy tho fino warm day.
Mrs. Fisk of Weston, was tho first
lady to enter the Style Shop Tuesday
morning at the opening of the closing
out sale, and was awarded the pattern
hat, and Wednesday morning's prise
vent to Mis Eva O'Harra.
Wjn. Wlnship returned from Salem
Wednesday, where he negotiated for a
ten acre tract, with a modern resi
dence, fully furnished. Mr. Winshtp
inny return soon to closo tho deal.
The plan of the family for moving
have not yet been made. ,
Mips Gladys Smith, former book
keeper at Watts Rogers store, will
leave Monday for Portland, where she
will enter tho Walker-Behnko busi
ness college. Her placo at Watts &
'Roger has been taken by Miss Edna
, Mra. C. H. Smith. Misses Clara and
Walthia Haynie and losses Dolly and
Bulah BaniKtcr accompanied the Am-
the bracket on all sides, leaving It bnr-
led tn the tree trunk. . , ,
At the end of 26 years the tip of the7
glass Insulator Anally disappeared
from sight and the only trace of it that '
could still be seea was a scarcely no
- liveable lump which looked like noth
ing more than a healed-drer branch
stub. A few weeks ago the tree was
felled and the wood manufactured into
barrel staves. The screech of the sow
which happened to graze the edge of
the glass called attention to this un
usual "fossil."
On splitting open the stave bolt the
whole story became clear In all Its de
tails. The clearly defined annual ring
of the rttpM!y growing trees form an
unimpeachable historical record.
The wood of the Insulator bracket
is still lu good condition and the oak
of which It was made has received an
unintentional preservative treatment,
Ileitis thoroughly Impregnated with the.
resiii of tlje surrounding fir. The In-,
teresting specimen can now be seen ln
the wood collection of the forestry di
vision at the Cnlversity of California.
American Forestry Magazine.
Gasoline Oils
' Accessories
Sugar Stock are Enormous.
Boston. The drop in sugar price
caused a shrinkage in value of at least .
$250,000,000, according to an estimate
made to Attorney-General Alien by
Edwin F. Atkins, an official of several
give tbe people an eCOIlOmi- of 8Ugar in this country now. are enor
Cal afld efficient adminis- mous, he said. He estimated them at
Regular Democratic
If elected will strive
(Paid Advertisement.)
2,000,000 tons.
Work Guaranteed
mm mm i
35C 250
crican Legion members to Weston on
Tuesday crvninir, where a woman's
auxiliary io vm ivnvii- own o
was organised. ,
C. P. Strain, ox-county usscssor and
uty iaf if
If. Strictly ColtfidentUl. You don't M. Foster of Pendleton were in the
o .t. a ... l.o. n . .,,! .tvnnt hatvu're city o eoneuy toiucniiR win,
boughtrrldayby the Deer island.- reading her, or you'll be late getting "Z7Tt ul'Z I
glng company, adjoining me preaem to me snow, snau jo i .--
holdings of that concern at Deer Isl- ,!,. one of the happiest, .nappiest campaign work ah en d of tl bem Just
rt ih. Heal InroWlnr 11.800.000. " hotonl.vs In a decade. 'hBt ct,on wlU Ukcn hs nok
Leave orders at resi
dence (Marsh cottage)
south of Weston., Mer
cantile Co.'s Store.
V v "
t - i
Two Die in Hotel Fire.
Huntington, Or. William Traver,"
divslon engineer of the Oregon Short
Lirte, and Roy Cornelius, motor car
machinist of tha same road, both. of
. Fccatello, Idaho, were burned to death
Monday night in a fire which destroy -cd'the
hotal at Robmette, Or., forty
miles down tha Snake river from here.
Hoover Named on Power Survey -Body.
Washington. Appointment of Hsr
bert Hoover as-a member of the ad
visory board for the Eastern Indus
trial region super-power survey, bow
being conducted by the geological sur
vey, waa announced by Secretary
Payne. '
110 627 Voters Register In Portland.
rortlanJ. Or. A rug'.stratlon of 110.
27, tho heaviest ever known in Mult
nomah ccuniy, Is found on the book
of County Clerk Boverldge preparatory
to balloting in tie November general
Republican Candidate for
Strict Enforcement of the Law and
a Fair Deal for Everybody.
(Paid advertisement
New York State' Census 10384,144.
, Washington, D. C New York tate,
the most populous ln the country, ha
a population of 10.384.1ft, an Increase
of 1.270,530, or 13.9 per cent, over that
of ten yonrs ago. ' , '