The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, October 01, 1920, Image 2

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    When asked What We Most Desire, We
replied "MORE LIGHT"
(Our city will soon have cluster
lights) that you may see our window
of STEEL RANGES our display of
KIDS' WAGONS Hutt said wc had a
Remember, we have PAINT the kind
you want It covers and sticks.
Sleet the high cost of living with a
and when you are tired, take a stroll
in our "Lovers' Lane." f
when sturdy pioneers were hewing out bom
and an existence in the West, the manufaetnre ei
J Km in uisTi , utt
wtf Wftm Today the mm FULLER standi at tins gbtttif fclotm
Made for the Pacific Northwest, FULLER Paint la thm K.
W. P. Fuller & Co.
Northwest Branches
Portland, Seattle, Tacoma,
, opoaane, twin.
Look Up a FULLER
Dealer in Year Towa
Preston-Shaffer Milling Co.
Established 1865
Athena, Oregon . Wailsburtj, Wash.
American Beauty
Pure White
Made of selected bluestem in one of the
best equipped mills in the Northwest.
ClAKK VOUD, rubllihi.
MKS. H. GOODWIN. AuitUal I dllor
SUttttRirilON HAITI t
Tho Yar , J....W 00
Six Month t tXl
Three Months :.. 0 60
TODaT. OCT. 1.
Pnttitit Hi Ihi ttilIIU Hi Wtils. ()ija
nicit(l elm mtllaistttr.
With New Merchandise Comes Lower Prices
Men's Host IlibU Overalls, jht jair
rs, each
H is a favorite pursuit of republi
can newspapers to attack the ad
ministration for la-k of preparedness
for the great war, ami then to con
demn it for too much preparedness
if wc may so interpret the publiidicd
lints of wur material for which large
sums were spent which never reached
tho front or was found to be una
vailable. Mistakes ami wasteful ex
penditure were natural on the part
of a jieaceablo republic to which
war-making is not a proper business. lre-war timea. Of a 12-rcnt, one
ami the government was handicapped Puil,r loaf of bread in Now York City
by a complex ami ponderous system wnU go for flour, 1.2:1 for other
that has come down through the ingredients, 4.10 for labor. .02 for
years. Yet ao well did the Wilson baker's prollt and 1.75 to the retailor,
administration function that while Of the 4.30 ccnta devoted to flour, the
tho United States cannot be truthful- Mississippi volley farmer receives at
ly said to have "won the war." it railway station only three cent
could never have been won by the al- '" the loaf. A reduction of 60
lies without tho aid of tho United ccn, mr bushel in the price of
States. And no lives of American wheat would reduce by only one
soldiers were unnecessarily sacri- 'nt the tout of a loaf of bread,
liccd, as was the case in the Spanish It follows that if anybody starves in
war under a republican administra- the United SUtes for want of the
tion. An immense ami well-equipped "staff of life" the lifeless corpse may
force was transited to France un- justice, be laid at the farm
der incredible difllculties and was ere door.
with General Pershing at the finish. -
And tho unused material for which The forenights are beginning to
vast sums were spent would have lengthen, and one realises that a vaj
fillod a pressing need had tho war Ublc feature of winter life is ita
continued. The best evidence that tendency to further intellectual rec
tho wink of the demnt-ratir adminis- reation. Long evenings offer Invit
tnition was bv no means incTertivo opportunities for reading, study
is shown by the fact that practically nd thought
every German sympathizer in the
United States is for Harding. Wihon Senator Johnson says the league
wus !.-.tu in getting skirted, but had dead if Harding wins, but our own
he stuit-d earlier he would not have guess is that the league will be a
had the nation with him. He endured winner long after Harding is dead.
every possible wrung and humiliation - " r
from the imperial German govern- It is in accord with the etcrmil fit
mcnt. but even so German sentiment "ess of things that the crooked Chi
in this country is now unitedly 'ago ball players should get their
against him, and Americans of oppos- grilling in Cook county.
ing pol.tital faith give him no more
credit than if the United States were The fact that Candidate I larding
payinjr tribute to a triumphant pitches horseshoes and plays golf
kais-r. That tho war cost is enor- will qualify him for consoling recre
mous, apimlling, is undeniahle. But ation after November.
war is a costly as well as a stupid .., ,
and bloody business. That is why the Japanese can hardly expect t I
d.r.i K-rat:.- partv and candidate want n,orv Hr in California than
u4--Mm!iT f"i: A'":rirril-t"i'u;r. ,il"ilnr c","lili,,n!.
ins? the Lcairue of Notions, which t!ic . . . y-
republiean candidal-.- onposes. " ,x to thc detriment of clean
rIrt that Abe Attell has thus far
rscapca a anm-kout for the count
Men's Host Illue Jumpers
Men's Work Shirts, each ! $1.25
Each Day as New (Joods Arrive tawcr
Trices Are Beinjf Mudc.
Host Ginghams and Percales now, hm yard 1'c
Now C'harmeuse Satin Drosses (very latest stylo creations direct from
New York) wonderful values at $lU.7a
Wc Ixad in Downward Prices.
Ladies' Hats are going fast (a few good ones loft) priced. .$1.1)8 to $!).1M)
Just a few good numbers in Indies' Plush Coats left $2U.50 to $71.U0
J. C. PENNEY CO. AthSS!? ore.
Court Against Orvgon. Dairy Lsagus.
Portland, tr The tiroaon Oalry
men's. Cooporallva leasue lost lis
right In circuit court to prvnt mils
distributors of Portland from alleged
attempts to porsuade membors of the
lesgue to violate tbelr contracts. Cir
cuit Judge McCourt handsd down a
decision denying aa Injunction against
the distributors and vacating a re
straining ordsr which was originally
Issued pending the outcome of the
hearing on the Injunction.
Big League Pleyere indicted.
Chloago The Cook county grand
Jury voted true bills against the fol
lowing baseball players In connection
with. Its Investigation of alleged
"throwing" of world's series games
last year: Eddie Cleotte, Claude Wil
liams, "Chirk" Qandll. "Happy" relsek,
Charles Rtsberg. Joe Jackson, fYed
MrMulltn, Duck Weaver. All are mem
bers of the Chicago Americana.
m 9 0 ,. H
f "
nu. "Jinks" Taylor 1
U Sat. Oct. Id
?! Democratic Candidate
Sold in Weston by
Weston Mercantile Company
,Iilison Itennett hnd a pretty fair eternal.
writ un i f the Round Up in last .
Sop. lay Orrroiiinn. frt.m whieh we We are wondering how the whilom
.p th ' ft ll'.wiur: "Amt n;: thc no- bamdinll idols could have been so fleet
tabi -3 prri-s-iit I ii'iticid Governor Ol- on the paths with such feet of clay.
colt. .Ss retary of State Kozer; Wil- - - 1
linm McMurray, general passenger Only for a short time, we trust,
agent of the O.-W. R. & N.; C. S. will thc base in baseball take on a
Jackson and his son, Senator Cham- sinister meaning.
berlain, Clark Wood of Weston, he of i
thc facile pen; Representative Nick Can it be that the once great sil-
Sinnott, and, I was about to say, Ir- ver advocate is preserving a golden
vin. But he is not here. I am sorry, silence T
for I wished to tell about Cobb when 1
he and is brother and sister traveled "Candidate Debs may be down but
as the Cobb family in song and dence he's not out," according to Columbia
acts. J woui(i ijje a(fajn Kecord.
to sec Irve dancing In tights. I think
he would create a sensation." Old t i now the straw vote shows how
.Man Ecnnett used good judgment as the political wind isn't blowing,
to nota' lcs in picking the seventh
man on hii list, but should have put di,.i.i..j. r. , .
him at the ton. bottom and middln rU.DilSD.erS Statement
and left out the rest. .We fail to see , "
wherein they are entitled to any Statement of the ownership, man
prominence, element, etc., required by the act of
t.ongress of August 24, 1012, of the
Weston Leader, published weekly at
Weston, Oregon, for October 1, 120.
1'ublisher, editor, managing editor
ami owner, Clark Wood, Weston, Or.
Known bondholders or mortgagees,
""no. . CI-ARK WOOD.
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 1st day of October, 11)20.
(My commission expires March
24, 1U20.)
Subject to the decision
of the voters of Uma
tilla County, November
2, 11)20.
35c 25c
ij (I'aid Adv. ) ! It's Strictly Confidential. You don't
I l wan', to lell a ul about what you're
& MwlliU here or you'll be lata getting
to the show. And if you're late, you'l
Phone K.1
Monday, Wednesday and Friday
Weston. Oregon
Residence 275 miss one of tho happiest, snappiest
$JT1 When you're hot end thirstysay
fA t.-.i.- , :!..- -.ft-rT, Ec,fi beverages are sold. oQl
fljrio Bottttrtmiel ;-Uirt-.xtort, PORTLAND, OREGON XAfc
It being xomcwhat impracticable at
prc;H;nt to elect a democrat as presi
dent of thc state senate, it is pleas
ins to learn that Roy W. Ritm r's
chances are godd for that distinction.
Senator Ritncr is thc kind of a solon
who rides cn the legislative band
wagon ami helps to get things done.
He never runs around in circles with
a helpless and hopeless minority, be
wailing steam roller tactics. He is
rather apt, in fact, to be driving the
steam roller or at least stoking thc
engine. Moreover, he is a hard-working,
tactful and able legislator, and
has a good record of service. The
. election of Mr. Ritner to the presi
dency of the upper house would af
ford recognition of Eastern Oregon
to which we feci that this great pro
ducing section of the state is at least
occasionally entitled.
The New York Sun condemns
Root's plan for a world court as "an
integral part of the League's ma
chinery and an integral part of the
League itself." As this admission
, shows, the two great minds of the
two great parties are in virtual ac
cord as to thc League of Nations,
which the Old Guard republicans and
their candidate would destroy for
reasons blindly partisan.
X . v-
t, J ..vp
Republican Candidate for
Strict Enforcement of the Law and
a Fair Deal for Everybody.
(Paid advertisement.)
photoplays in a decade.
Hemstitching, Fecot, Chain Stitch
ing Embroidery, Braiding, Plain
Stitching, Button Holes and Buttons
Covered, Pleating.
Phone 0:10. Walla Walla, Wash.
Dodge Gars
Gasoline Oils
Work Guaranteed
The farmer's skirts are cleared of
any smudge of profiteering in his
quite natural desire to get as much
as possible for his wheat, the produc
tion of which costs him far more than
Krause Kandics
Ice Cream Ice Cream Soda
Lunches and Lunch Goods
Lv-F.T. A'dwii'inf" RcpniiMnUllva I
Real Estate and
Pendleton end Weston, Or.
Addresa-P. O. Box 4?
Pendleton, Oregon. '
Some Special ' Bargains in
Morrow County Lands.
All Kinds of Property.
Butter Wrap orders prompt
ly filled at the Leader shop.
Leave orders at resi
dence (Marsh cottage)
south of Weston Mer
cantile Co.'b Store.