The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, October 01, 1920, Image 1

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4 .
' "'fc , ' .
Principal Events of the Week
Briefly Sketched for Infor
mation of Our Readers.
New buildings of modern type sr.
being erected on lb Benson Pheasant
farm t of flllverton.
Th laying of th'. superstructure fur
lha 1100.000 Barred Heart cdimy Id
Klamath Falls baa begun.
Voter of Linn couuty at (ha coming
election lll pass upon lha quilon
of an Inrrwsed tounty lai lory.
Rain Interfered with the Lincoln
County fair. karlng ilia rrnwde ay
and hurfW Hie fair lliunrlally.
County sheriff and county clerks
of lha slat held twodey conventions
III Pendleton Friday and Saturday!
Tba recent ralna haa stopped har
vest work In Wallowa county, and If II
coutlnuaa much damago will b dona.
Resident of upper Hood River
valley plan a rota on the propoaltlon
to Incraaaa tba dlatrlct'a apeclal road
The raias of tba paat far day bar
damaged tba evergreen blackberry
crop of Lane county to large ex
tent. Fully SO per cent more potatoes will
bo available for ahlpment out of tba
Deschutes valley thla fall than laal
Irrln 8. Cobb left Dnd Thuraday
after a three weeks' bunting and fish
ing trip. Mo will travel oast lo the
Oregon Bhort Line.
Oooley Sun, aged 7 yeara, waa killed
almost Instantly at Salem when an
auto truck In which bo was riding waa
struck by a moving train.
Principals of tba high schools of
IMwchule. Crook and Jefferson coun
ties met Saturday In Itedmond to
adopt tho 1920 Interscholasllc gridiron
vbad-jla ror LMUii urmmm.
T. E. lUrold. who escaped from the
state penitentiary at Salem In 1911 and
waa captured In Idaho week ago. waa
returned to the prison. He baa two
years of bis sentence yet to serve.
Decision of sawmill companies be
tween Iteedsport and Powers to re
duce wages waa abandoned after a
conference with officials of the Ixl
Legion of Loggers and Lumbermen.
The Crown-Wlllametia Paper com
pany has purchased approximately
2100 acres of spruce timber land In
Clataop county from II. B. Noblo of
Portland, the consideration being $213,
600. Not a single fire starlet) In the tim
bered district of western Una county
during the past summer, according to
report by Carl V. Oglesby. supervis
ing warden of tho Western rtro Patrol
Discovery of a hybrid prune, tne
'New Oregon." which exports declare
will revolutionise prune growing In
tho entire northwest, wag announced
at a banquet of prominent Oregon
nursery men.
The candidates' campaign pamphlet,
whloh wilt bo printed and mailed to
tho voter of Oregon prtor to October
17, la being compiled by Secretary of
State Koser and will contain approxi
mately SO pagea. '
After fire hours of deliberation
Jury at Salem returned a verdict of
guilty agalnat Mrs. Lena Stelger. 65
years old, charged with conspiring
with Jesse Mulllntx to murder her
husband last March.
Thomas A. Hayea of Portland filed
with the aocretary of state petitions
of his candidacy for United States
senator from Oregon at the general
election to bo hold In November. , Mr.
Hayea will make the rare under tho
Independent banner.
Plant for tho extermination of tho
alfalfa weerll, an Insect which al
ready has caused considerable dam
ago to tho alfalfa crops of tho Pa
clflo coast, were discussed at a meet
ing of prominent western entomolo
gists bald In Salem.
Five political parties will bo repre
sented on the ballot at the general
election In Oregon on November t,
according to the certification of namea
nd Information regarding nomlneea
and measure prepared by Sam A.
Koser, aecretary of state.
Communication has been received at
tho Oregon Agricultural college. Cor
rallls, from Mornlngslde college,
Sioux City, Iowa, to tho effect that the
college will aend a debate team on a
tour of tho Paclflo coast next spring,
and asking a conleat with O. A. C.
Personal Investigation of devasta
tion of foresta along Oregon acenlo
highways has ronvinrM jterbert
Nmin, slate hlghwgy engineer, that the
rnd ' .1 are even worse than origin
ally r 'ortei, srrrMIng to a littler pre
pari by the engineer end submitted
to fliivonior Olrotl.
I'atont lias been received by the
late of Oregon for 16.(14.(0 arret
of Carey act land, rerlaltned under the
Central Oregon Irrigation project In
central Oregon and Inrated In tho vi
cinity of llnnd, Redmond and Powell
fluttea, according to Information re
ceived by the state engineer.
Fesr that Mr. and Mrs Joule K.
Tuck of Redmond msy be lost, with
out provisions. In the Oritriy basin
country at the foot of Mount Jefferson,
prompted the departure of a large
seerrh party from Sisters No news
from the missing couple hss been re
eelred for the past three weeks.
The Waaco county circuit court hss
dismissed the action brought by Hllss
Moody to enjoin the slate highway
conimlsslou from constructing a pub
lic highway across land connecting up
the Columbia river highway In east
ern Oregon with the new slate brldg
recently completed over the Deschutes
The first Par Check covering tbO
armory drill pay period of tlx months
for the Fifth Infantry. Oregon Na-
tlonal Guard, were received at the ad-
Iiii.hI ........ I'. ...I.. IM C . I . . rm
the war department at Washington
0. and
t 1 to
The checks aggregate 14.140.70
cover the period from January
June 30 - 1BI0.
The continued tall rains cave don
great damage to the Oregon prun
crop. Allowing for exaggerations lo
reports, which are usual when a crop
la In danger or Injured, prune men
nevertheless believe that this veer's
crop has been rot down one half. If
this la I run It will mean a loia of
loss of
about (3.000,000 to the prune growera
of Oregon. There were rrorpeote I
,h. s,.rl,rg of a crop of 60.0OO.0O0
pound, of dried prune. In Ibe stale,
The estimate wa. cut down to 60.000.-
wvw cuunua v it vii " " ssmuw ui ' v
and now the rain damsa
v,,, K.w. w,vin),uw puuutis.
micajto. Agfnie oi iu ""
of Justice raided a house here, arrest-
ed a man alleged to b Witty Bchecb
man. at one lime aecretary lo Nlcbo
laa Lenin. Bolshevist premier, and
confiscated document alleged to con
tain the cod whereby Russian radi
cals In thla country communicated
with each other
Hcnecnman. accoraiu w ..... ---
eeeretarr to lenin prerioua w
For tome tlm after that b resided in
France ad only recsntly did It be-
come known h wa in this country,
Th documonU aeltad In th raid ar.
..Id to .how that Sebechman cam to
thlt country a th delegate of the
Third international of Ru-I. to the
recent convention of the Communis
Labor party n ChkMO.
Con.ld.rabl. radical llteratur. and
hhiukuii alaa was seised.
' ' '
ygUV All nruAKin MPT
nun vik i .... -
Annouoo.rn.nt follow.
- l.. k.1 g ..a..iiA.
Ban mnci-Annouement that
it had met th. n.vy. prlc. of $2 a
barrst for fuel oil. "in order to pr-
rent th. sel.ur. of our plant.." waa
mad. by th. cutiv. offlc. of th.
8h.ll Oil oompany her. Th. open
market prie. of Shell oil I. $2.$5.
"W. giv. up W. can't fight th.
government," Robert A. Lewin, vice-
president and general manager of tho
MAmn.nv mmlA.
Th. announcement followed tenure
by the navy from th. company's plant
at Martinet extending over two ws
time. '
-A committee oi we miiiuov.
lature. composed of W. I. Nolan and
W. I. Norton, representatives of Mln-
neapolls, and J. T. Mcintosh and John
I. Levin, senators of 8t Paul, were In-
Balem last week conferring with mem-
bers of the Oregon Industrial Accident
commission with relation to the opera-
tlon ot the Workmeu's Compensation
act, now In effect In this state.
Files Suit for Tan. .
San Franclsco-Sult for $1,700,145
Inheritance taxet, Interest and penal-
tie. alleged to b. unpaid wa. filed In
" " . ... . w
th. Unlteo. otaies uieinct couri no Mrs. rrea iwiscmnns ........ r. . l toruana-was wuucu m
by tho government agaln.t th. e.tatd trom her homo at Lamont, Wash., last hav. been free from lice and mold. next utt tedtion con
f . .. i.h n.n. ... j r.vl Woisei-t The Orceon croD 1his season will ag- Wall telephone . for sale, inquire ......
of Vat law nenry juumi wwiuj v-
fornta eattl. man. .
BolHng Over
i- t uiil. u i (.- .:.. - c
He U vUitinir hla son Leon at
Mr. and Mr. David Partch of Sun-
nyskle. Wash., were Round Up guests
- . I. - II.. II L l.M
G. S. Prestby of Kalitpet, Montana,
ia in the city, visiting at the homo of
his brother, Attorney E. C. Prestbye.
mr. nun una uuBinii, wnu mwc
near SUU Line, were over thH week
Waiting Mrs. Roy Cannon, who is ill
at tho Casa Cannon home. rv
- - ........ , -
Mra. A. V. McEwcn and daughter,
iss Jessica, have been visiting here
this week, at the hornet of Mrs. H. A.
Iiarrctt am Ralph B. McEwcn.
MUs RiA AUen. teacher in tl
Mis R,a AUcn. U-arhcr in the pri-
mary grades, -Tost ITiday tooK tier
momcr, sirs. Alien, a me noapiiai in
Pendleton for medical treatment. 'Sh.
was accompanied by Mrs. Lul. Rd.
tin. A.ien wponou very
Miss Elsie Walker was. tfVrC.
" : m,'" .,..: r,nin.n.
M..mlr. ot th. tolly . Ito
.... . ,i ,
NisUl Ql the jvatltril.
In a recent wauo of Uie Us s
r - . .nmura nicture.i of nevcral
-i i . .
pn-iiy uui:n, v - r
test, and among the number non was
prettier than dainty little Miss Jolene
Badilcloy. daughter of tr. anil airs.
J. C. Uaddeley, Into of this vicinity.
In a letter to an Athena friend, the
doctor states that his health continues
to im nrovc.
. Kmct awards, well Known in this
cuy w.. .m-.,.,
iaay oi niui.
brother of Mrs. R. A. Thompson.
rCv, C. U Lowthor, the new pastor
of the Methodist Episcopal church in
Athena, has arrived from Tho Dalles
nd with hi. wife it at home in the
Mayor Barrett this week soUl to
Will K.rV ita 'Ce" a d
joining the C . A. om '"J
now occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Tho wedding of Ha,.d Mclntyre,
of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh sicintyro
of this city, ami Mis. Llva Kupcrs
of Pendleton tooK place . ,
ar nnme oi inu uriuu at,ut.i, its
that c.ty Jtf?
Sunday and Mondny in AUm ijM
nc ' sJ.ncou nty
wi their home. Tho bnd b 4
y is en
. Eminent Pennon family
Portland, where Mrs
f mke hH future
- - . i , i
home. Mrs. rarKcr is one oi tne oiu-
Ccntmme residents and will bo
. frjendt hero.
Harold Paulsen brother of Mrs
o c ,,JSey, visited at the Hadlcy
."' u ""al.ey . tu;.
home sunaay anu wom.jr
. M pauiscn was on his way
' ' . Albcrt. where he
home irom uias. ftioervn, iraut
becn working the paBt summer.
w Fjn(,h and Mrg Mary
' ' . thjs cH wcre uni.
. r thi. -itv were uni-
j- mBrri,ge at Pendleton, Satur-
. . marrag0 ceremony was
UUy Ittjiwe A iiq in r
.rmw in tha Rantist church par-
gon 0j that city,
. . hrotton finished thresh-
Wednesday noon, after much do-
,ay and somo damage to their stand-
ing grtti from the rains of tho past
tw0 weeks.
n i .inn
wcck aim vmu '
home in rendleton. Sunday Mrs.
d .... . a .u...,- ..j .i...
inir a short atav here irn-i-toil ninnv old
friends. Thin was her first visit here
in ten years and many changes in the
city were noted. Mr. Rosenzweip is
. I
doing good mercantile business
in Lamont, whera also live lr. and
Mrs. Charles Gates."' The tons, llititrf
and George Rooenzwcig, are farming.
iaac Daviion, wm. kicc ana wm.
Winship motored to Portland this
wce,. xne pgrty Was joined at The
Dalles by Mrs. Davidson who went to
isttiicv u min. tav
tht citv by train.
r P rh,ni- n, vrn..vrr. Wnh..
is visiting daughter and son-in-law,
i r i u t." I : I T 1 .a I r..
hemc east of towJj nd ,ttcnded the
Rounj.Tjp Saturday.
.,, , P.M rll;.
g ttag her"
' j & Ffo wiU
Honolulu, bo-
Lloyd Michcner has purchased the.
cottage on Jefferson street adjoining
ft ..
ItOIBnU iVll luiimoimj
.f h .!nivpritV
Mmnad to
ji u. roi-nvprmi from tne oneraiion
recently nerformcd on his knee.
rectntly pcriormcu
Dlamonr lake, one ot tne tamous
beauty spots of the Pacific North
....i n,. Ha inriiiHpft In the boun-
park lf the bm
now bemg prepared by Uie rnmonai
..,!,. ...iminn misses congress, ac-
cordmg t0 word received by W. P.
R forest Bupcl-vUor of th
. reserve.
xturinn Cnuntr Community fed-
AgVSur.l colle'gowa. accepted. Tho
C06g0 w, pr0vido tho man. Th
cm J p ud a, Btate
( -
,,.. -hr
Sacramento was chosen as
of the
as8ociatlon at tha
i In Portland. Officers elected
w H Cop
land; vice-president, Heury Bostwick.
San Francisco; secretary-treasurer. W.
The. Norwegian-Danish Methodist
conference was formally opened in
Portland by Bishop W. O. Shepard
with mor. than 30 ministers, a largo
number of Uymen and a few visiting
In ..t.nifannA Thlrtv-flv mis
tlons and churches were presented by
th. delegates from California. Idaho,
Montana, Washington nd Alaska.
Th special election called at Ash-
l.nd on Initiative petition to vote for
----- ,' .. ,n.
no l" """" -
tho purchase of Buck lake. 35 miles
. ....nln.ii ...I... .imnlw
et. aa an auxiliary wato
defeated tho proposition by
$33 to 60. A $100,000 bond
vote Ot
833 to 60. A $100,000 bond election
to conserve the waters of upper Ash
land creek for auxllitary water supply
land creek for ouxilitary water supply.
hold September 19, carried 4 to 1.
Willamette valley hop growers re
Port that tho Oregon crop is about 90
percent harvested ani saved,
standing the recent "''
rains It is belie ved there win b
.rcely any loss In the malnlng 10
ne rent in the yards. The clusters
gregate soout oo.uuu
Washington Welfare Officers Resign.
Olympla, Wash. Declaring that tho
atate Industrial welfare commission at
now constituted la Inactive, Mrs. W.
II. Udall, of Tacoma, for fir years
. 1. , W . 1 U. J
mrinurr ui iu cuiuuiianiuu, lull ivr
the last two years secretary, tendered
nrr rtBigni.iun m u ui inv
commission hero. Following adjourn
ment of the mooting. Dr. M. II. Mar
vin, for seven years a member of tho
commission, and the oldest member In
point of service, dictated bia resigna
tion to Governor Hart, effective Imme
One of the onti-rcraft guns which
guard the Panama cflnnl from air at
toclss. The guns bare been placed on
cobrrote bases In such locations as to
protect the vital works of the canal.
it-. -l i .1Sia American trrl4
... t,A ttt .Uhf mnntha of
, ihn ts nnn non nno ror tne cor-
U1UI J lunil w w , v w , v -
responding period of 1919. according
to flEurea made public by the depart
ment of commerce. They showed Its
Import trade is expanding at a more
rapid pace' than export trade. Im
ports for the eight month of tho year
exceeded those of the 11 montha of
1919 by approximately 100,000,000.
- "mTZZJ
... n tha other hand, ex-
ports for the eight months were $2,
S47.171.869 less than those In the 12
months of 1919 and were only $211,
000,000 greater than tho exports for
the first eight months ot last year.
.... t. ist vn in
S Eport. tor the eight
Jb. was $4,00027.445. compared
wItB $2,261,650,440 for tho correspond-
r,od , 1919.
,7ThlB ef Br.w8r.
- - -
Washington. Resolutions demand
ing that congress enact laws providing
for tho cancelling of tho citizenship
papers of Americans who go to for
eign countries "to engage in business
outlawed In this country." were adopt
ed by the American section of tho
World Prohibition federation, meeting
here in conjunction with the Interna
tional Congress Against Alcoholism.
The resolutions also asked that such
persons oe aeon i u F.v.-
of AmerCan government and that
0 ftr M possible they be restrained
persons be deprived of the protection
from reprMentlng themselves as
, .
Officer Found Slain Near Still.
Aberdeen, Wash. Bliudfoliled, bear
ing three gunshot wounds and covered
with two planks and a tangled mass
of -weeds, tho body of Nicolas Koleskl,
24 years old, a special officer ot the
Aberdeen police department, was
found by boys In a shallow creek In
dense woods about three miles south
" "".... .
of South Aberdeen. He had been miss-
a.s,gned to hunt down operator, of a
.tut "W
"Pot wner. nia oouy w iuuuu.
I -S " i f
rr - v I i J 1
Congress Held to Have Ex-
ceeded Authority In Order
ing Abrogation.
Washington. President WUon ha
declined to take tepa toward termlna-'
tlon of certain eommeretal treatlea aa
directed b congress Ia tho merchant
marine' act, holding Ik "je.t
course would be wholly Irreconcilable
with the historical respect which to
United Bute ha shown for it Inter
national engagement." , o.
Formal announcement ot tb presi
dent' decision tu mid at th slat
department. Th merchant marine
act a approved by the president oa
the closing day of the It congress
sesaion directed th executive within
SO day to giro notice to foreign na
tions of the Intention of th United
State to terminate any sections ot
existing commercial treaties which re
strict the right of th American gov
ernment to Impoao discriminatory
charge on shipping in foreign bot
tom. Tho president, th stat . dejaurt
'ment's announcement said, ahW Jield
that congress exceeded it authority
in giving such" direction. , 8toUry
president, citing as a precedent th
Colby U quoted as supporting; tho
action of President Hayes in 187 in
refusing the demand o congress 'that
a treat with China be abrogated. Th
power of modifying treaties. President
Uayen held, la not lodged by th con
stitution In congress.
Termination of Uie 31 treaties, af
fected by ..the act, th president ws
said to have held, "would amount to
nothing less than breach or violation
of said treaties, which . . . eovtv
erery point ot contact and mutual de
pendence which constitute the raoderm
The announcement said that "tsl
have vetoed the act would ham
riflced the great number of aoan4 and?
enlightened provision which It
doubtedly contains." ' z ,
Japan's Offer Not Accepted
Washington. Administration of
ficials contlnuo to decline to discus
for publication any of th phase of
lne negotiations with Jspan growing
out of tho proposed anti-Japanese land
law in California, but th impression
has gono out that a proposal from
Tokio that tho question b referred to
a joint commission for solution would
bo unacceptable. -'
Conversations regarding tho Cali
fornia law haro been going on be
tween Ambassador Shidebara of Japan
and state department ofticiala.
.The attltudo ot th state depart-,
ment is described as one calculated to
prevent tho development ot a feeling
of alarm in the United States that'
might approach oven approximately
that which appears to bo growing in
Conflicting opinions of both Amerl-,
can and Japanese authorities on in
ternational law are said to have mad
tho task ot tho state department offi-
clals and tho Japanese ambassador
difficult. Prooonents ot tho CjO-
more difficult. Proponents ot th. Cal
ifornia law say that California, in n
acting a measure barring tho Japan
ese in this country from owning land
in that state, would be refusing to tho
Japanese no rights or privileges that
are not refused by Japanese law to
Japan contends that th. California
law, which is to bo voted onin No
vember, is dlscrlmlnatory,becaus. it
does not apply to ail foreigners alike,
as does tho Japanese law. , ,
O. K. Hartwig of Portland, president
of tho Oregon State Federation of
Labor, was nominated to continue in
office at the state federation conven
tion at Pendleton. Davie Ellis of
Portland was nominated for vice-president
and W. E. Kimsey, incumbent,
was nominated for secretary-treasurer.
Nominations for the executive board
were as follows: Portland, Arthur
Brock, J. C. Jensen, J. E. Starr; Salem,
L. J. Simeral; Astoria. M. M. Lornt
sen; Pendleton. Charles Keano and
Sandy McClaln; La Grande. H. T.
Dodd; Baker, Alex. Sewell; Bond, C.
H. Baker. These nominations will h.
MtmmA l0 aU local unions attiUated
with tho sUto federation, to bo voted
M by vlMn 30 days. Th.
wU, take offlc1 March
venuon. o