The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, September 24, 1920, Image 2

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we soon will have MOKE SEWING
Tlie Wonderful 2 SdooI
The Meier & Frank- Store of Port
land and the Crescent Store of Spok
ane have chosen this machine to be
their leader.
We also have the ROTARY Sewing
.Machine and the VIBRATOR; hence
we can please in style- make and price.
CLARK WOOD, ruUlih.r
MRS. H. OOOOWIN, Auktsat Edits
Sl'iilh i AJti
The Year M 00
Six Month I 00
Thro Montha 0 60
rilDAT. SEPT. 24. I . . . Hit
etfit4 it th f met i wiin. 0ti
autcand clan mallNialltt.
A reduction of from fifty cents to two dollars per pair under last spring'
prices on Men's and Ladies' Shoes. Children's Shoes are priced lower 101
laii in about the same proportion.
We are glad to be the first ones to announce a reduction in tho price of
shoes, and no doubt it will bo a welcome message to our many shoe patrons.
Fine Dress Shoes, Men's and Ladies, can bo bought here at $8.00 to $11.90
per pair.
Growing Girls Shoes and Ladies' Walking Shoes, $4.50 to $7.50 per pair.
There is real service in J. C. Penney Shoes. Anybody who has been buying
their shoes here will tell you so.
Why pay more elsewhere when you can buy just as good and in maiy in
stances better shoes for a great deal less money?
Best Ginghams and Percales, per Yard, 45c
I r OCIVTIVTCV m Phone .11
J. W. ruiHUI VV, Athena. Ore.
Notice to Creditors
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
In the Matter of the Estate of Enos
J. Crips, deceased.
Notick is Hereby Given to all per
sons whom it may concern that
Georgia Crips has been appointed
administratrix of the estate of Enos
J. Crips, deceased, and has qualified
as such. All persons having claims
against said estate are required to
present them with proper vouchers to
the ssid administratrix at the law of
fices of Peterson, Bishop & Clark in the
Smith-Crawford building, at Pendleton,
Oregon, within six months of the dste
of the first publication of this notice.
7hi.UFlrfa1yJihe 1?th d"y0f Hemstitching.
Georgie Crips,
Peterson, Bishop & Clark,
Attorneys for Administratrix.
day of August, A. D. 1920.
Harvey A. Brown,
Administrator of the Estate of
John L. Brown, deceased.
Peterson, Bishop & Clark.
Attorneys for Administrator.
Hamilton "Horn" Dassett, live
stock editor of tho San Luis Oblapo
Tribune, sends us warning cry to
the effect that ranchers are being
swindled out of thousands of dollars
through false and misleading state
ments made them by horse and mule
buyers who are scouring the country
for good work stock. They assert
that "truck anil tractors are displac
ing horses and muks and there is no
market for them." According to
Basset "this is a damnable lie. lie The slayer of Til Taylor should
goes on to say that buyers are hsng undoubtedly, but we are not of
exploring California, Utah and Nev- those who want to see him hang and
ada for good straight-up horses and " besieging Warden Com it on for
paying $155 to 22 for them. tickets, V. e are at a. loss to under-
i ! a aland the widespread "hankering" " 1
The League of Nations ideal Is not for auch a gruesome spectacle.
only the greatest that ever inspired a i , The take baking mutest conducted
war-cursed world, but is practica. Affable IVndleton folk are wearing last Saturday by the Weston Mer
ble and workable ideal, aa is illus- Round Up badges inscribed with this rantilo Co. aroused considerable In
tra ted by the peaceful settlement un- suggestive legend: "I Live Here terest throughout the community,
der League auspices of the Polish- Ask Me." Even so, it is loo much to Weston housewives are noted for
Lithuanian trouble. The danger is expect that they are toting it right their skill In producing palate-tempt-that
the League's enemies among on the hip. in delicacies, and the judges found
whom are included all the world's - -ssa their task of selection a difficult one.
reactionaries will succeed in first "Now wc shall witness the spec- Mrs. Edith Van Peuscn, home demon
discrediting and finally killing it be- '' ' nwn no know stratlon agent, of Pendleton; Miss
fore it has had a real chance to dent- ,wwr' tum " embroidered napkin Lorraine Halseth of Browning, Mon
onitrate its usefulness. Republican t)wir wivr ho' to tana, and Mrs. Ella O'Harra. a local
success in the United States elertinn on important issues," says Kansns resident, were the examining board
would do much
toward encouraging
City Star.
Shoe Repairing-
AH Work CuAnnittd
Wheeler building, one door south
of Webb's Hotel.
1. T. UWS0R Wests, Ortfoa
The only wealthy newspaper re
porter we ever heard of lives In Wor
cester, Mass, He inherited a half
million dollars.
and performed their duties in a
painstaking and Impartial manner.
Decisions were made as follows:
Ladles' class First prise, $7.50,
Mrs. W. S. Payne; second prise, 5,
Mrs. William Davis; thiol pri.e, $.1,
Mrs. Claude Price.
Girls, 15 and under First prixe,
to buy the Florence Ross, ten years old; sec
ond prise, $.1, Kathleen Pedersen,
fourteen years old: third urine. S3.
selves draw the line at, we will say, t j, tting so in Chicago that be- Elisabeth Avery, eight years old.
the Koreans-or even the Chinese. ton jonff tne uuml brother will be The prixe cakes were sold at sue
Were a section of Japan overrun by fe,rfu)y tryjng to dodge the whites tion after the motion picture enter-
one or both of these two peoples, of hi, eye,. tainment Saturday evening. The re-
we are not so sure that thev would . . . ...... . . .
in. Rn.iJm. Pi.i t " . mainuer were scrveu wnn cones aim
-'"' , - oc esiccinea ana ircaiea as cnuais
In view of the exalted opinion en
tertained of themselves by' the Japan
ese, the fact that they ask to be
placed on a plane of racial equality The democrat may be "campaign
with other peoples may be regarded ing with ,n en,pty ml, but thj.y
as in me nature or a comic-are not in the market
scension. Our- ambitious friends of white House.
Nippon would be very apt to them- hi' .
Dodge Cars
Gasoline Oils
Work Guaranteed
Butter Wrap orders prompt
ly filled at the Loader shop.
Pecot, Chain Stitch-
Stitching, Button Holes and Buttons rathcr than as encroaching aliens.
loverea, nesting.
Administrator's Sale o! Real
tlm (VMintv Court of the Stale of
in me Matter or ma Estate or John
It. Brown, deceased.
Notice is Hereby Given that the
undersigned, as administrator of the
above entitled estate, has been duly
licensed and empowered by an order
made and entered by the above enti
tled court in the above entitled matter
on the 6th day of August, 1920, to sell,
at private sale for cash, the real prop
erty hereinafter described belonging
to said estate, and that he will proceed
to sell said real property at private
sale for cash to the highest and best
bidder from and after Saturday, the
25th day of September, 1920, subject
to confirmation of this court and sub
ject to a certain mortgage referred to
in the petition for sale herein, said real
property being described as follows,
Commencing at a point on the West
line. Thirty-six (36) rods South of the
Northwest corner of tho Southeast
quarter of Section Two :) In Town
ship Five (5), North Range Thirty
five (J5) E. W. 51., and running
thence Bant Thirteen and one-third
rods, thence North Twelve 12) rods.
- thence West Thirteen and one-third
rods, thence South Twelve (12) rods
to the place of beginning, containing
One ( 1 ) Acre more or less.
Also, Lot numbered Thirty-three
(33) in Block Seven (7) lo North Mil
ton. Also' Lots numbered Thirty-four
(34) and Thirty-five (35) in Block
numbered Seven (7) in North Milton
(Now known as Wright'a Addition to
Milton), all within Umatilla County,
Dated and first published' this 27th
Phone 936, Walla Walla. Wash.
The Pendleton Round-Up. sandwiches to the crowd which Un ij
Yesterday's dampness, as the re- tor sociability and refreshment jj.
suit of Wednesday night's rain, Inter- The net proceeds amounted to about
Citizens ferej to ,ome extent wjlh tho nrst 35, which will be applied toward fur-
inuwriy day eXhibition at Round-Up Park, nisning me cmo room in Memorial
However the old spirit flickered up ," U
ia maintained by the state
ia order that the young Peo
ple of Oregon may receive,
without coat, tbe benefits of
a liberal education.
The UnL.r.llj IncludnUWCoUVatof
literature. Scwac and thm ArU, the
Gr.du.teSchooVth. School of Phy
ical Edantio. ni Ik profcHkxul
SckooU of U. Mcdicim tat PortUnd).
ArcMtcctur. Comma if. Journalism.
tducatkMi ad Music.
Hifk ataadarda of actwlarakip ar
Mdc aonibla by aa able ianihr. vail
cauipiwd laboratoriaa and a library of
ncarlr 100.090 mlumt.
SuparWatd afklatica are ancouraard
and wry attention aire lh arahk
and vailara ol tbe atudenU.
witfc a k.i(hi..a
Saiawd r Ik a raat asaraaai..
ol rahlia aapaort. Ika I'aiaaraitr
a now eaierias naoa aa ara af
arda daaalaaaiaat aad amiaadad
for a cUloru or for any Information.
Valaaralta of Oradoa
. Easeae. Uradaa -
ncan brightly and the eleventh annual show, JThe committee having charge of ttle J
Th was ushered in with great enthusiasm affair consisted of Mesdames C. E. J
its history to entertain.
Tho German-American
League (successor to the
hyphenated and now defunct Alii
ance) and all the German-American
newspapers are for Harding,
T"T't ton wi have the'largest crowd"
... vwiuiubhi w nwuruw nil
Son and the League of Damnations."
Democrats, however, are entitled to
draw comfort and hope from the fact
that this same hyphenated bunch
couldn't and didn't win with one Bill
One-fourth of the people of the
United States live in 68 big cities,
and are unfortunate enough to be en
titled t our sympathy. The poor
boobs know nothing of the wholesome
freedom of rural life and will nut
learn.' Half the time after dsdging
street cars and automobiles in get
ting "down town," they run Into a
race or strike riot or are hoisted by
a bomb explosion.
in all Woods, and Misses
and Doris Karnes.
City Draying
Leave ordora at resi
dence (Marsh cottaiw) .
south of Weston Mer-"
cantilo Co. 'a Store.
i Morrinon
r btu. a. mumn :
Prcston-Shaffcr Milling Co.
Established 1865
Athena, Oregon Waitsburj, Wash.
American Beauty
Pure White
Made of selected bluestem in one of the
best equipped mills in the Northwest.
Sold in Weston by
Weston Mercantile Company
Wednesday officially marked the
advent of the Fall season. Autumn
coloring is already noted in shrub
bery along the roadside. Sumac is
reddening; masses of golden rod,
purple asters and brown-eyed susans
proclaim to wayfarers the arrival of
those delightful days which late Sep
tember and October offer to an appre
ciative world.
The time is not far distant when
the man who had a chance to save
his money and didn't when high
prices ruled, will find himself rclc
gated to the ranks of the so-called
"wage slaves." He will then have oc
casion to reflect upon tho force of the '
well known scriptural injunction,
"In the sweat of thy face shalt thou
eat bread."
jiajkH uvuvw iiaifgcri. (o,fs -uiawKin
w iour I i&m. -reason in ana season
Protect it ..NOW with-
President Wilson's campaign fund
subscription of five hundred dollars ia
probably five hundred dollars more
than that of any democrat who is
shallow enough to criticise him for
his alleged stinginess. Wilson knows
that much money should not elect a
candidate nor should little monev de;
feat him.
Republican factions have been fight
ing each other bitterly in the Illinois
primaries, applying such opprobrious
epithets as "liar," "crook" and W
Hun." We hesitate to say that both
sides are justified, but if Illinoia
would take no chances it will go dem
ocratic in November.
The esteemed Oregonian was not
long in confirming a "hunch" of ours
that it would blame President Wilson
for the Wall street explosion.
house or building, regardless of how well
constructed, can long withstand the elements
without the protection of good paint.
Sunshine, rain, snow, ice and wind all hare their
. harmful effects in one form or another. .
Many old
are in hot
ter condi
tion than
com p n ra
ti ve I y new
ones Ho
cause they
have been
p r e e eived
through the
Use of good
Henry Ford has announced an aver
age cut of 142 in all models of his
cars a pronounced jolt to the hlirh
7 v, HEADERS rt f
W. Arm tarn fi CO. V
Every brushful of FULLER Paint applied to
jour house or building means not only protection
against destructive elements, but keeps up ap
peaiancps as well.
FULLER Paint saves a great deal more than it
cost. 71 years of FULLER Paint-making Ex
perence has established a high standard of
Take a few minutes and make a surrey of your
' """d'WT- And remember there's a
I ULLLR Paint or other Product for everything
. that needs preserving or beautifying.
Look Up a FULLER Dealer in Your Town
Northwest Branches at
Portland, Seattle, Tscoma,
Spokane, .Boise.
cost of fliwing.