Mo 11. inmimng Tops and Cur tains made to order. Large as sortment of plate glasses a glass for every car. A good stock of Sad dies and Heavy Harness always on hand. Also Collars, Pads, Halters, etc. Get our prices be fore buying. Whitman's Harness Store (Phone 122) Milton, Oregon BREVITIES Weill)! t f drive them out of the cabin. Tl 1,1 nf Marvin ami I har ry I Trie Kl to be enlisted from Camp McPoutfal in order to set the heavy deer out t of a ravine.. The local library board ha pnreh- Cash for chickene. J. It. Reynold. n pcHj on th0 ahetve for clrcu- Mi Ermna Mclntyre left Monday tlon: Old Fashioned Ctrl (Aleott.) for Walla Walla to enter St Taul't Right Cousin (Atcott,) Mis Dilly'a School for Girl. Eidon Mclntyre ha Dct,,lon (Porter.) become a student at HiUa Academy Taxi service, any place, any time. In Portland. , phone 833. Don E. Bennett, Weston. Mr. and Mrs. H. Waddinjrham re- The Weston Haptist Sunday aehool turned Sunday from a two weeks' mot sun,ay, September 12, at the visit with Mr. and Mrs. Larkin omr f t. A. Hroce to celebrate the Staits and Frank Wadding-ham at birthday anniversary f Pastor Enterprise. V. R. Storms. A bountiful repast J. T. Lieuallcn was lucky enough WM MrVed ami the afternoon spent to get his foothill wheat crop thresh- uwt enjoyably. The discovery of " ed by a combine Just before the rains Kift f no under hia plate eontrib dcsccudcd so copiously. However, the utfj j the worthy payor's pleasure, sacks were left in the field, and he Mrm, nna Wroe Mills has returned had to keep busy turning them over. t h,.r nome jw fu-r an extend His crop was a root! one, averaging tHj vi!lit m the uplands with her son, around 45 bushels. J. M. Wroe, and familv. Ferguson Bros, have partly finisher! Nr. and Mm. Jacob Narkaua have harvesting at the home place on Wes- jnviwted in a Ford for their oeca ton mountain. Their wheat so far jolmi trips to town from the moun threshed yielded about 30 bushels pe' tnin farm. acre and their barley 35 bushels. (-Bm, McOoutral, erstwhile the most Spring plowing in part of the field p,,pUU)U!, resort in the ltlue. is now reduced the yield of barley. The ,owrtlHl. The last oecuimnU were boys have better than 15 acrea in Mr m. Marvin Price and Mr. epuds that promise a splendid crop. Bnj Mr. Charles Price, who came out Mis Lola Gaskell, member of last Saturday, year' graduating class of the Whit- sheriff Jinks Taylor was here the man Conservatory of Music, arrived nr!4t f tne w,H.t fntm ptndlcton fra Wednesday from La Grande to visit tcrnising with the local populace. Miss Winnie York at the J. N. York The tournament at The Past farm. The young ladies are attend- imc opcn Wednesday evening of ing the Walla Walla Fair and Fron- next ww,j, wjth the following en tier Days. trants: Don Bennett, F. G. DuPuis, Lost Rear seat of Ford, on Wash- j A ow. Joe Read, Carl Brandt, ington street. Dr. N. P. Rennet F j. Smith. Joe Payant. F. K. Ein- Bud Hall, Leon Lunuell and W. Avery will ofl- Entrants are re eve n- , i- The state nignway roan crew a non I now at work on Water street, wes IF YOU'RE GOING TO !l DRESS UP FOR THE ROUND UP WHY NOT NOW? WESTON BATHS. BARBER and TAILOR SHOP I R. L. Reynaud i Claude Davis. C ciate as referee. ing at The Pastime to be divided into opposing teams. Miss Arvilla Beamcr has enrolled as a student in St. Vincents Acad- ; General I Blacksmitbing 4mm TKm faw van in th hard BUT x iwii -- I la 19 fill Ivlvl IT, jllfci m tfc between wesion ana Aimm qUf?8twj to meet next Tuesday .ln.l ke tha tiA atllff mfl . . ens a. ' a . k. A'.l.t. in readiness for Round Up travel. After an extended visnt here, Mrs. T Ti' Tmiaa tuft Ujw1iMiu!av for Hel- ;w. .1. -""--' - " " us a BlUWt: M b III ena. MonUna. where Mr.,Jone is lo- m- . Wlla Walla. I catcd. She will attend the MonUna . . . .... ,.,..:,.. wno for thc state fair at Helena. t haa been attending Whit- L. I. O'Harra is back the Wes- . . . , , cousl i ton Mercantile Co. and will devote j N York mxt wwk on hcf X his time to accounts and the com- . . c . pany's outside interesU. "Pete will also give special attention to mar- Mr. and Mrs H. A. Dowd moved keting -spuds." bean, and other .from W.shtucna th.s week and t. i estaousnea tnemseivcs in ineir ntw a7TP , mm;. r Pnrt. home on Locust street in Walla Y ill IS. lllllAil .iiv mwi . v. .. X land, Mrs. Abbie May and Mr. and "ana. .... Mrs. G. A. Hartman motored up from mis woromy uowers arrivio ui Pendleton Wednesday evening and week from her home on Weston were callers at the L. S. Wood resi- mountain to attend the local high dence school Mis Bower will make her Gilbert Ellis is moving the first of home with Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Rosa the month to hi farm home at the nd after school hour will assist on Ashworth place on Dry creek, where the telephone switchboard, he will milk about five cows, raise The local congregation of United spuds, fruit and garden truck and Brethren will elect a lay delegate otherwise bestir himself. The Ellis Sunday to the annual conference, to hopefuls will attend the Dry creek be held September 23 at Elberton, school, which is conveniently near. Wash. Bishop Washinger will pro Master Louis Hebert is around side at the conference, again and just about as chirpy as jjjBS Wavel O'Harra and Miss Jes sie Davis visited Wednesday in Wal la Walla. J. F. SNIDER;: Weston, Oreg. j: all TR0YLAORYC0.I ever, but is careful to sidestep automobiles. James Killgore is seriously ill and was brought in this week from the Culley ranch for treatment. Ted Walden had an ankle straight ened out this week by Dr. McKin ney and is learning the value of crutches. While he was speeding a broncho on the foothill grade east of town he parted suddenly from hi mount and tried vainly to put a dent in Mother Earth. The Walter Webbs are remodeling their residence on Water street. Harvesting was resumed yesterday on Reed and Hawley mountain, and the Herndon-Smotk . outfit is now working at the Van Winkle place. The wheat i said to be going close to forty bushels. Mrs. M. W. Van Winkle left thi morning for Portland to visit her daughter, Mrs. Sarah C. Ray. She was accompanied by her son, F. J. Van Winkle, who has been visiting here. He intends changing his resi- f. C I IFt Tf TIB l f dence from Portland to San Frantis- VI. t). L Kr.liltAKlJ I co, where he will follow his profes sion ol cjvu engineer. ) Prof, and Mrs. F. C. Fitzpatrick and Miss Frank Harris Davis motored Pendleton, Oregon Leave your bundles on the porch MONDAY and THURSDAY i'or our House-to-House Service J "We Wash Everything But the Baby." W.R. "Ms" Taylor I Democratic Candidate For SHERIFF i: Veterinary Surgeon i! :: :: :: ;; Phone - Main 253 Subject to the decision of the voters of Uma- tilla County." November 2, 1920. (Paid Adv.) f WESTON I CASH MARKET FRESH MEATS OF ALL KINDS HIGHEST CASH I PRICES PAID FOR LIVESTOCK, HIDES. PELTS, &c. HASS & SAUER 4U18S r ranK n arris unvi inuwicu e Saturday to Hieh Ridge and gleaned 'teOtXOA a gratifying harvest of huckleberries, jmgmmmmmgmggggggg The W. ti. uouids arrived nome Sat urday from a two months' sojourn at Camp McDougal. ' ' Mrs. Harry Scholl of Pendleton is convalescing from a recent opera tion, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Reynaud on Normal Heights. Vergil W. Neild, formerly of Wes ton, was a member of the September, 1920, graduating class of the Pacific Chiropractic College at Portland. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Williams and on Gail spent Friday In Walla Walla arranging for the young man's col lege work at Whitman the coming year. They were greatly delighted to hear Governor Cox in one of his 15 minute speeches at the Garden City. Jess and Frank Powl killed two fine buck Saturday in the vicinity of the Dick English cabin. They left town by auto at 7 o'clock in the moming, arrived on the scene of ac tiori at 10:10 a. m. and had brought down both deer by 11:15 s. m. Jes really shot the bucks, Frank' 'im portant part of the program being to WESTON GARAGE Dodge Cars AND DODGE EXTRAS Gasoline Oils Accessories CARS OF' ALL MAKES OVERHAULED AND REPAIRED Work Guaranteed iLLER S BOOKER SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Umatilla County. 1'illio Nolan, Plaintiff, vs. George No- Ian, Defendant. To George Nolan, Defendant : In the Name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer, or othxrwia plead to the com plaint herein filed against you in the above entitled court, within aix week from the date of the first publication of thia summon, which data is August 1.1, imv, and you will take notir that i( you fail to so appear, plalntilT. for want of such appearance, will apply to the court for the relief preyed for in the complaint herein, namely for de cree of divorce between plaintiff and defendant, and for the restoration of the name Titlie lUtnvr to plaintiff; and (ir auch other roliuf a to the court may aeem meet, This summons I published pursuant to an order of the llmorable Gilbert W. Phelp, Judge of the above entitled court, mad and entered on the ttth day of August, ll'Hii. directing publication of summons In Weston leader, a news paper published in Weaton, Umatilla hmuty, Oregon, and of general circu lation, once each week for aix succes sive weeka. In which paper said sum mons now aptiear, and will apiear for aid period of six week beginning a above noted. Stkchkn A. Lowftx, Attorney for Plaintiff. Pendleton, Oregon. Si I T rVT" U 8 MONDAY, WKDNKSDAY AND KK1DAY. TtUphone 275 DR. N. P. BENNET WESTON OREGON ICE CREAM CIGARS CANDIES Baker's Good !j Thono your dray orders, I; 93, or call at store. I Davis & Ellis AM BAKE Saturday, Sept. 18 $25.00 in prizes $25.00 f ...... Cakes will judged Saturday, Sep tember 18, and prizes awarded at three o'clock Saturday afternoon. Prize cakes will be auctioned during picture show Saturday evening. La dies will serve cake and coffee after the show. Proceeds will go toward furnishing the Ladies' Club Room of Memorial Hall. 1 H n i! i i i i i fi