The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, September 03, 1920, Image 1

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    Weston Deader
Frontier Days and Fair
Tito Walla Walla Agricultural unit
OF GENERAL INTFRFST hi'wi""uLl?rJT.rthermr
Wk "Hfcl'fciWl .lay. bvitmliiK 10.
A usual, tliu famou c-iiUtUIh-
Principal Eventt of the Week "m,t "Frontier Day, or the '
D t ii ci . l j i if Passing 'f Hi Went," will be the
Briefly sketched for inror- big drawing card. The m..t brilliant
matlon of Our Readers. "hy of, 'J rwr, wrrtw,I
Northwest have already algnind
their attention of apjicaring. Tho
thrco greatet wilil went outfit in
bathet plrnlr at Hulnin Turily. the businc, Druiiihclli-r, Irwin ami
Irrlgnn la lo have a new school M( arty, arv now under contract. So
bulhllnf . Ilond for ItO.OOo have been evenly maUhrd arc tho relay strings
voted and aold. these outfit that a hair raining
The potato and wheat crop. In Die ""'' " exited daily. A hunt
DeNmte valley will be unusually uw mon MPm "arm """
... t- -1 . ... - u i.' 1 1 ii r 1 1
hoary thi rail.
John M. Joiim of
Ttie End of Vacation Trail
- r auxin
of t.
JU "ddl
Ferntr realdrnl of Minnesota hold thrco greatct wild
I'ortland haa re
ceived a rer appointment aa post
master at Portland
llwoiit fire, with an Kitr-aie laa
of 18000, caused tlllcna of Malln lo
rail a mooting to oritsnUa a better
fir department
The Albany ranmry will be en
lroi at once by tho rnmtrurtlou of
a now alruriuro. 40x90 foot, for a
fruit and berry preparation room.
ia slated to apear at tho Walla Walla
More livestock entries have brn
already received than ever before.
Agricultural ami horticultural ex
hibit wiH be larger and better, ow
ing to the splendid work of the new
ly organized Fa nil Bureau. Wednea
day, .Sept. 15, ha been aet apart aa
Farm Bureau Day.
Tho Foley and Durk Combined
Show will b on the fair ground all
week. Besld th usual carnival at-
aa - -
Jarbo Meadowa ha caught fin lot
trout. He mads the trip with
II and naek hone, and en loved
.... VUI,..IB.
V Mr. and Mr. E. A. Dudley exoect
M to i cave on another trip to the moun
tain in quest of hucklcbcrrie.
Quite a change ia apparent on
Main street iinre the removal of the
electric light pole. Th atrect ha
the appearance of being much wider
and the building lower, fn const--quence.
Ralph Carsten went alone to Port
land thia week to be fitted with an
artificial limb.
Pator B. B. Burton of the local
Christian church will close hia work
here on Sunday, October 3, and ac
companied by hi daughter, Mis Ha
wl Burton, will leave for Los An
gelc to reside permanently.
Marion Hansell i recovering from
hi serious illnesa.
Man Hunt Bill Filed.
Bill for the recent man hunt
which resulted in the capture of the
murderer of Sheriff Til Taylor, are
being filed with the county clerk,
aay the E. O. Only a few came in
theae being from out of town. County
been Clerk R. T. Brown estimates that the
county court will balk when aome of
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Pambrun are late. W. S. For mi mm. E. A.
Henry T. Mcllwaln. of Eugona, who tractions they carry a complete two- spending the week in the mountains lev and P. . S. ICrnw have
baa. been a...-ouly III for a number ring clmi. picking huckl.berrie. named a annraiser. -
of month. hot blmself through tba Jamea Duncan began harvesting hia Mr. F. B. Boyd i ill at her home the itm comc UP fr approval. In
temple and death followed Inatantly. Haio'th la ffnnnra "up of 290 acres of wheat yesterday, this week with the prevailing fever, the bi" received from one country
Vivian L. Dunten. acd M. farmer of na Mcui ngnoiw of Uit mtfk dcUyed hit har. whjch hM hten epidcmjc in thji vi. atore, toUling $47, are cigarette and
Camp creek, near Rprlnxfleld. waa Mr. and Mrs. J. Harl Williams en- vest work. cir.ity for aome time. c'ar bills toUllTig $16.05. Matches
atabbed lo death iturlm mn alierra. tertained deliirhtfully on Wednesday kin w rt D....I .n.i mi., u.m. o. i ...; :. i n- are listed aa additional and mmi nn.
Hon with William It. Klllott. a nelah. evening. September the flmt, in Cnnnnrtc air virtitinir mmtitm In fVtt. Aav tmn tfnnnl..i tnr . .:. in the searching party also charired "lreaa' lnal ,ney
bor. honor of Mis koraine Halm-th, re- f.r. Waah.. thi. week. relative.. Mr . f,,rmnr r.,... tooth brush and paste to the coun- comln ,0 them " re,,,lt of ths
Itwrda of tba submarine mine tar- cnt! of Browning. Montana. Mr. F. S. U Crow and Mr. W. S. paper man, i secrx-Ury to tbe gov- ty- ' guarantee. The treaaury baa received
goi practica J uit completod au Fort me evening wa ennveneq oy Ferguson, who will assist in putting ernor of Hawaii.
Steven Indlrata the phenomenally gmea of an original and fascinating on the Frontier Days exhibition at Mr. and Mr. Jim McLean and Water Still Abundant
Cost to Government Since
March 1 Estimated at .
Washington. Estimated to have
coat the government $100,000,000
monthly for tbe pat lx month, the
clauae of the transportation act which
SUiranlees earning to railroad of the
Country ceased to be effective at mid
night Tueiday and the roads again will
be on their own reaourcea.
Further loana from the government,
however, will be available from tho
revolving fund created by the act
The bureau of railway economic haa
estimated that since the carrier were
returned to their ownera March 1,
their earnloga have been $600,000,
000 below their standard return.
Fewer than half a score of llnea
have produced revenue sufficient to
equal actual operating expense, which
doea not include the fixed chargea of
Interest, taxes and dividends. Definite
figures on the coat to the govern
ment of the earning guarantee provi
sions of the transportation act will
not be known for several month.
Most of the roada have indicated
ill have - money
dozens of certification for advance
under tbe guarantee within the but
ten daya and more are expected. Sec
retary Houston said.
nign scoraoi per cent on tli figure nature ana oy awries, ana walla Walla thi year, are making children are here from Washtucna Les than two third of the water
of merit. otherwise, told in the mystic glow of preparatory arrangements. for a few dav viait with rotative i tu rM .
- - ------ iwv wvau va a KWtvvi
Nine boy and two girl, whose age candlelight The new bungalow homes of F. D. Miss Bertha Murdock leaves Sun- last spring for irrigation purpose on .
range from eight to IS year, were Mis Anna Lavender assisted 1 the Watta and Alex Mclntyre, on lower day for American Falls, Idaho, the Umatila project has been used up ie)niiitc ntmun COAIjG
rounded up at Saleni on chargea of hostes in rvlng the ocliciou four- Third treet, are gradually nearing where she has a position aa princi- to the present time. The supply of AjULlNt UtnsANU bKUWd
commuting peuy mora in oinerrni courwauppvr, iWr wimn m uai- compieiion. Ihee two will be num- pal in high school employing 20 water for the project haa been ample
parta of tha city. seth was presented by Mr. Williams bored among the finest home in teacher. at all times thia season, in spite of
More than 78 per cent of the motor with a book of Shakespearean genu, Athena. Eugene 0borne returned Wed- the fact that settlers are coming in
yehlcle operator' licence, based on In remembrance of th occasion. W. R. Taylor has been appointed nesday from a weeks fishing and constantly and much new land is be-
a total of approximately H5.000 appll- Those present were: Mr. and administrator of the David Taylor es- hunting trip on the Little Salmon. At ing put under-cultivation.
eatlona received, have been uud by airs, w imams, air. ana Mrs. cimer
Production Increase 13 Per Cent and
Consumption 32.
Wail Ington. Although production
of gasoline for the first six months
this year was 13 per cent greater than
Tbe Belt Awaits the Champion f
World's championships aro settled f
at Pendleton a well as in the blg.V
ears-Roebuck's i!eu
crease in consumption was 32 per
cent, it was reported by the bureau
X of mine.
J Gasoline atocks at the end of June
were 89.841,000 gallon, or 15 per cent
lest than the amount on hand on '
June 30, 1919.
r m, w - - : :
th secretary of state. Tucker; Mlssea Halscth, Morrison, ,.I for the same period of 1919, the In-
For the rirst lime In too History of Kuny rncc, iwu ttarnes, Mamie r
tha Oregon City Manufacturing com- Barnes, Anna Lavender, Esther Wil
pany of Oregon City it closed for two liams, Cindy Smith, Thclnia Andcr- 1
week to allow employee and uper- son, Dorothy Bulflnch; Messrs. Lcs- ?
Intendent a vacation. tor O'llara. Lyle Webb, Rulon V
Tbe demand of tbe Northwest Mill- Smith and Carl Brandt.
era' aaaoclatlon for a 4ft.000pound car
load minimum on grain product ship
ment ha been granted by tbe Oregon
public service commission.
First Lieutenant Marlon K. Pcott.
77th field artillery. Camp Lewis, league, Antwerp and cloewhcre. The
Wash,, ha been detailed a assistant Pendleton Round-Up, which h ita
mllltar Instructor at tha fWenn As. eleventh presentation Sept S.'l, 24
rlcultural college. Corvallls. nd 25, will crown a worlds chain-
Application haa been filed with tha I'ion cowboy again thia year. Along f
tat engineer requesting state guar- with the title and the championship j
antee of Interest oo bond in the sum saddle presented by tho Round-Up, t
of approximately $350,000 voted by the Police Casctte ha again put up A
Its gold and diamond studded belt 4
Last year it wa won by Yakima Ca- 1
nutt t
New relay string fwrtn California g
tbe Talent Irrigation district.
Coyotea are becoming common in
some parta of Coo county and an
Th. J. , Ma, ai.,.i.ia i hava tha promising even faster relay and pony &
the peat-ridden M race. than heretofore, will be A
the animate.
The bydrographlc urvey of the
by a United 8lte wast and geodetic ncM ,or yn
survey party stationed at Gardiner la
charge of O. W. bwalnaon, government
engineer, la nearing completion.
There are 400 Insurance companlea
seen at the Round-Up. These strings A
will compete against tho old favorite f
who have thrilled Round-Up audi-
Its Value Is Demonstrated V
The Tatriot truck has proved to be
m nUIIMVilUI IfMVVVBOi -,ir.'a
operating In Oregon at present, while .trBtinr .omo 0f the worst field oJ
the aggregate license fees and prem- , th, county j haf) proven to some A
lum received by the state amount to of the farmers that a two and one- &
$278,000 annually, according to a. h.lf . n.triot truck and two mon
Barber, atate Insurance commissioner. . Bnull. to eichtoen head of horse
Approximately uu out, oi a noca oi n(J thfM n)en ( have booked seven V
0 sheep belonging to J. H. Hlnton, nn,r, . anrlnc delivery. You'd &
700 aheep belonging to J. H. Hlnton, onwn fot gpring delivery. You'd
Mockman of Hamilton, Orant county, lier ortior your truck now, ao you
died recently aa the result of eating wiU hlve it when you need it. I
lupine, a polaonous weed, according hava nm one to flve-ton trucka.
to Dr. W. It. Lytic, state veterinarian
Perey Cupper, state engineer, ha
assembled tbout 25 photograph of
Oregon reclamation project which
will be on display at Seattle during
the Irrigation and development con
grea which convene there September
18 and 17.
Refund of approximately $11,000
ent interurbnn system from Walla
Walla to Freuwatcr and Milton i re-
Distributor' of Patriot Trucks
for Umatilla County.
Umapine May Get Interurban.
Extension to Umapine of the pres-
eoverlng .hipment. of asphalt to the Ported possible. The Walla Walla
State highway commlasion during tha Valley Railway ha been tearing up
past .even ye.ra will be asked in a track in the city there and is said
petition to be filed with the Inter- to be willing to lay the ra . s to Uma-
commlasion within th P uuwt y .
jj, 'extension woum oe six in ma iuna.
state commerce
next few day, according to C.
Lytle. trafflo expert for the state
highway department. r Following an investigation held re-
To meet an emergency among lum- centiy the Oregon public aervlce com- ft
ber manufacturer on Cooa bay an aiggon has received a letter from
agreement hai been reached between Qfricla)B of the 8umpter Valley Rail
several of the mill and the Four L's road company to the effect that all
for a air-eight reduction of pay of SO f(re hazards along the llnea of tbe
centa each man, thia reduction to be corporation had been eliminated. It
temporary and to rule until the price wag charged that aeveral fires had
of lumber products incrense ao that been started along the Sumpter Val
the present wags can be put Into py railroad through the carelessness
effect again. 3f Its employes. v
It will serve to familiarize you with the present mar
ket prices. Prices have advanced so rapidly within the
past year that the small-town merchant has been placed
n the light of a profiteer, for the reason that the people
have had no way of making comparison of prices.
It has been our policy to keep our prices down to the
lowest level consistent with good business and high grade
Now that this new catalogue is out, you can readily
see the advance in prices over previous editions. WE
REJOICE, for the reason that we have looked this cata
logue over very carefully and find that we can success
fully compete with SEARS,. ROEBUCK & CO. right
down the line.
We have their catalogue in our store, and will be
glad to refer to it at any time there should be any ques
tion in the minds of our patrons asto ou ability to com
pete with them.
- We do not aim to run down the quality of goods sold
by mail order houses but in buying at home you have
the advantage of seeing just what you are getting, with
Quality Assured, at a price just as low.
We will endeavor to explain, fn next week's Leader,
why we are in a position to sell so cheaply and meet com-
petition of the mail order houses.
Think it over. It is good business to deal at home,
everything being equal.
Hardware . Implements . Lumber
U. S. Bank Lend France $150,000,000
Paris. Jean Parmentler, admlnistra- -tor
ofthe ministry of finance, who is
in New York City negotiating with
American bankers for payment of the
French loan of $2m),000,000, has ar
ete ranged for a loan of $150,000,000 with
, American banks, according to new-
Three Killed in Auto Race.
Santa Rosa, Cal. Two automobile
racers were burned to death beneath
their overturned car and a 7-year-old
A spectator they struck was instantly
killed when a light car entered in the
X Sonoma country fair races here left
1 the track and crashed into a tree.
? :
t Utah's Population Given at 449,449.
Washington. The census bureau an-
minced the following 1920 population
results: State of Utah, 449,446. In
crease since 1910, 76,095, or 20.4 per
cent. Helena, Mont., 12,037; decrease
47$, or 3.8 per cent. Glasgow, Mont.,
2059; increase 901, or 77.8 per cent
Denver to Have State Guard.
Denver, Colo. Immediate organisa
tion of state constabulary to take
over police powers In Denver when
federal troops, aent here because of
rioting growing out of the street car
strike, art withdrawn, was agreed upon,
American Cruiwr Sent to Dantzlg,
Washington. At the request of tho
state department. Secretary of the
Navy Daniels ordered Admiral Huge,
A , in command of tbe American naval
Jt vessels in Baltic waters, to send tha
X cruiser Pittsburg from Reval to Dant-
tig for the protection of Americans,
a considerable number of whom aro
now In Dantxig, Secretary Daniel
444$M3m Cox announced here.
223 Mile An Hour by Plane.
Atlantic City, N. X "The Texas
Wild Cat." an airplane entered by 8.
E. J. Cox, Texas oil magnate, in th
Gordon Bennett cup races, to be held
in France, September 27. has attained
a speed of 223 miles per hour in secret
test flights at Mlneola, Long Island,