The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, July 30, 1920, Image 4

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    Gcxtics-PurceU Nuptials
Miss Velma B. Gerking became tho
bride of Otto Vernon TureeH at 8
o'clock Saturday at the family home
in thia city. The bride m attired
in a dainty gown of white end carried
an arm bounuet of bride'e roses.
1801 ho cnllited In the army and taw
service In three of the treat battles
thnuirht of tk rivll Wmr At tlia close of
,1 your subscription expire snU,rK the Marine Corps, will read the war he was appointed clerk In
. 1920. We would liuwt ,, fu!lowimr with interest. It shows Mix W.Mimt.m naw van). He left
gratefully appreciate your prompt tl(a'the servleo Is such as will hold the navy yard to Join the clerical
Notice to Subscribers
If this notice is marked it signi
fies! that
Aug. 1.
marine Serves 5 Years
Young men who have
Subscription rates
by the year,
11.00; three
Mr. and Mrs. Jf. Hart Williams were
Miss Viola Gerking of Walla Walla dinner guests Sunday of Dr. and Mrs. $2.00; six months,
was maid of honor and was attractive F. D. Watts at Athena. months, 50 cents.
in a gown of old rose. She carried a R. L. Rowland of Seattle spent Sun- The Leader is invariably discou
bouquet of pink rosebuds. Rev. B. B day in Weston as the guest of his tinued at expiration. '
Burton, pastor of tho First Christian parents," Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Rowland. '"'' u i
Church of Athena. was the officiating Mrs. Harriet Mode Moser uiei at lOft LlDrary UOmt master's department of the U. S. Ma
clergyman, and employed the ring the home of her daughter. Mrs. Alice Tho WostoiAibrary" brr has un- rine Corps, will rctlro on August 20
service. O. G. Reeves of Corvalhs Kirkpatrick. in this city, Wednesday tlortaken to.purehasc the building and v.ilh an annuity. Mr. Wylio has serv.
attended the groom. After the cere- evening. Simple funeral services jt0 0)) Main ,tmt ;,ow occupied by e.l tho Marino Corps for 4o years in
mony an informal reception was neia, vrere conducted at me resilience u the library, in order that tho city may the same department.
Mr. Wylio entered the government
the interest and efforts of those who force of the Marine Corps in 1875.
enter with Intention to better their During his service In the Marine
condition. Corps, Mr. Wylie has administered the
After C.i years of continuous gov oath of office to the following com
eminent service, regarded by officials niemlanta of the corps: Msjur Gen
as a record never Derore equaled, rrals lleywoml, Mllot, Htddie, uarnoii
Henry J. Wylie, clerk In the quarter- Kn, I, Mr. Wylie was born In
Pittftfiold, Mass., In IS38.
the happy young couple receiving Rev h. u. uurton or Aincna, inurs- havJ n attrilctivw wj .wrmanent
congratulations of relatives ana close day afternoon at :W o clock. A home m whil.n o ,hp jj,, cn. !orvjc0
friends who witnessed tne nupuais. cnoir sang favorite nymns or mo io- trU8ttfd t0 it culitodv nn.l control.
During the evening a dainty collation eoaod. Interment was made in the u ,g ,he tnl' ,jm l0 mke our
was served, local cemeter)'. An obitusry will ap- nry M U(tofu HM.sibIe and to
The bride is tne aaugnier oi iur. pear in next ween s issue oi uw
EtU Gerking of this city and was Loader.
graduated from the Weston High Mrs. L. R. Van Winkle has been
school in the class of 1919. She is spending the week with her sons at
a sensible and refined young woman the mountain farm,
mid eniovs the esteem and good will city Marshal Awry and an auto
of friends and acquaintances, wr. jd of armed men drove up on wes- fntcrm.jse. The following subscript
Purccll came here from Oregon City ton mountain Wednesday in response tjona h)Ve n jjvj to date:
about four years ago and is at pros- t0 a telephone call saying that three twenty-five dollar each from Jas.
ent foreman for Marion Hanscll, who SUSpicious looking men had been seen j, p,. p. p. Watts, Jones & Jones,
has extensive ranch interests in this ne,r the Hyatt place. One of them, Jo,m B'ani!.u,r4 yt, j, Culley. 11.
locality. He is a brother of Mrs. wh0 w,a gajj to answer to Rathie's Goodwin. J. H. Williams. Mrs. G. De
Marion Hansell and is regarded high- description, had come to the well af- Graw -jhe Farmers Bank, J. A.
ly by those who know him. 0 tor a drink and then disappeared in a LUIsden and Alick Johnson.
Mr. and Mrs. Furcell were tne re- c.nyon. The suspected trio proved to vittlVn .i0an each -Frank Greer.
8VBIV" Joseph Wurxer.
Ten dollars each S. A. Barnes, A.
Lost A car carpet,
to this office.
Kindly return
in the post office In-Tilts-
Wall telephone
at this office.
for sale. Inquire
Baker's Goods
Phono your dray orders,
93, or call at store.
Davis & Ellis
further its development so that it
may become an essential feature of
community life and an object of civ
ic pritle. A committee ef which Jas.
H. Trice is chairman has been busy
the past week soliciting funds for tho
field. Mass., when 17 years old. In
cipicnts of many handsome weddffig be innocent mountaineers
gifts. The best wishes of the com- 0f cattle.
munity were extended to them in the
new life entered upon.
Rev. and Mrs. A. J. Starmcr and M RosSj M Snulh, L. R. Van Win-
children left Tuesday morning on a kK j u Koy lu,y Winn, Charles
motor trip to AiDany ami naseount. price.
Wat OutlOOk EnCOUragillJ where they will spend two weeks Fjvo .d"g)Urs c,chr. T. Harbour,
New steel mains have been laid and visiting with relatives ami I enls. CUrk Woo4 u u L. I. O'-
repairs completed on Weston-s water- Mrs. Margaret Rabb of Athena was Hrr & Fisk Dr. W. H. McKin-
works system, under the supervision "v" - ney
of Superintendent C.W.Avery. So Mrs G.DeGraw.
far as can be determined, no leakages . Miss Velma Banister was a
now occur, and it is
scarcely more than half
Knliritinir still eontinea. and volun-
charm- t .uks..rintions from those whom
found that m noswss aaiuraay aiiemuon, commjttee has as yet been unable
thA fanner
when she entertained Swas-Te-Ka t will Mmw.i.iv appreciated.
r K.AH.lwvf. Vi a Qntt Ran.
head of water is sufficient to keep the y..Fu - ....
mains and reservoir full. In fact, the ier country non.e. .uuSrc
local waterworks system appears to versation caused the time to pass in a
be in better shape than at any time "PPy manner, ice cream ana waiers ,n portiand, scconiing to announce-
within the past 20 years. Superin- were se"reJ durm tne. nnaI hour' meht made yesterday by officials of
tendent Avery expresses confidence completing
that lawn irrigation can be continued T!10
Things Sure Am ilummin Aroun'
Dis Ole Store About Now.
The harvest orders make the grocery look like a
wholesale house.
Old Sol has been shining his approval without re
nte Gasoline Situation
Ice cream and wafers
a most enjoyable affair. tne standard Oil company, tho existing
in attendance were: Misses .. o( gUDDlyinir all commercial and
.-. . i ii. t m L t
straight through the summer season, -nanoe xiass. uiancne inontn, industrial neeiis with gasoline to 100
with proper conservation. No waste Kathleen Pedcrsen, Velma Banister. j.,. cent capcity and of pleasure can
will be tolerated by the authorities. vt- ana Mn- cis.inney were to 2o per cent of their tank capacity
The reservoir lake on Pine creek esis Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Harry win be continued throughout August,
is nearly full. No water is at pres- Beathe and Mrs. Artie Bcathc on the Emphsis is laid on the fact that com
ent being released from the lake, the mountain. They were delightfully re- mvnui needs and industrial requiro
town being supplied from leakage PaIel with chicken and strawberries. mcnta arc bcing mct funy.
through the dam which filters in the Lost Black 2-yr.-old colt, branded Developments 0f yesterday in Port
gravel for a half mile down to the w p on Mt shoulder, white strip in and consisted of an increase in price
intake. No pumping from the aux- forehead. Brown filly, weight about fron, 25 1-2 cents to 27 cents by the
iliary well has yet been resorted to, 1100 bIack manc and tai, no brand. Union Oil company,
and it is thought that very little will Brown yearling filly. Roward. W. The Standard was sellin at 25 1-2
be found necessary. Last year the Banister, Weston, Or. cents per gallon with no information
pumping was begun eary in July. Mrs- J- A- Lumsden went to Pen- regarding any change. . However,
It is reported that certain parties dleton Tuesday to attend tho funeral Manager Baisley declared the price
have been trespassing on the dam site. 01 tne lale " layior. is controlled solely by supply and de-
This is now being watched, and the A predacious bear killed a young mand, and so that it was impossible
offenders will be prosecuted if de- ca" belonging to Roy Hyatt, a few to make any statements as to possibil
tected. 'ays ae on Weston mountain. Roy ity of price changes.
; saw the bear feeding on the carcass, The Shell company was pricing gas
In a hotly contested 11-inning game but had no gun with him. olinc at 30 cents. Associated at 27
at Round-Up Park Sunday afternoon Mrs. R. A. Miller of Walla Walla cents and Standard at 25 1-2 cents,
the Milton-Freewater team of the is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Claude The Associated has adopted the mcth
Blue Mountain league, wrested the Davis. od of equalizing its distribution by
county championship pennant from Tuesday's temperature at Weston making an equal amount available
the Echo team of the Wrest End was 93 in the shade, according to M. each day of , its bi-wcekly supply,
league. The close score of 3 to 4 re- A. Baker, government obcBrver. The When that is gone no more is to be
suited. Duff, for Milton-Freewater, same day at Walla Walla a tempera- had until the following day.
was in rare form and Fantell pitched ture of 104 was recorded. Wednesday
Those women's wrappers at reduced price are
good ball for the Irrigators.
i rimming
Tops and Cur
tains made
order. Large as
sortment of plate
glasses ---a glass
for every car.
A good stock of Sad
dles and Heavy' Harness
always on hand. Also
Collars. Pads, Halters,
etc. Get our prices be
fore buying.
Harness Store
(Phone 122)
Milton, Oregon
(Telephone 83.) Monday, Wed.
and Friday. Evenings by
here proved to be the hottest day so
far this season, coming to bat with
95. The average for 24 hours was 76.
During a light thunder storm yester
day, rain fell at Weston out of near
ly a clear sky.
J. N. York's threshing outfit was at
work this week on the J. R. Killgore
quarter north of town, where an aver
age yield of 40 bushels per acre is
reported. J. A. Lumsden has started
up on his Wade ranch holdings, and
says that some good wheat is coming
out of the spout but it's yet too early
to get a line on the yield.
Walter Gilmore and wife were
shopping in the city last Friday and
were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Ray Gordon.
Mr. and Mrs. Newton O'Harra were
Sunday guests at the M. W. Pederscn
ranch home.
Will Payne is assisting John Ban
ister during hay harvest.
H. C. Allen of Portland was a re
cent guest of his cousin, Mrs. J. J.
Beeler, while on his way to Walla
Miss Alma Bamett is being tutored
by her brother Earl in the dextrous
handling of tho Ford car which the
family has recently acquired.
Complimenting Miss Velma Gerk
ing, a popular bride of tho week, a
miscellaneous shower was sponsored
by her schoolmates at the Ggrking
home in this city, last Thursday eve
ning. A number of pretty and useful
gifts were presented to the honoree
and during the evening a dainty lunch
was served, adding to the pleasure of
the occasion. Those present were:
Misses Esther Davis, Esther Wil
lianms, Hazel Duncan, Wavcl O'Har
ra, Ruby Hall, Minnie Johnson, Helen
Johnson, Irene Banister, Hortense
Baker, Gertrude Van Winkle, Vida
Greer, Orville Williams, Wilma Har
bour; Mesdames John Mayberry and
Henry Beanicr.
Roy May was down from Weston
mountain Tuesday, giving the hand
of good will and cheer to local mer
The report of tne Clackamas eouniy
superintendent of schools for the past
year, sbows an increase la salarlr-s
paid teachers In 1920 of from $12 to
$14 sr month over the previous year.
Due to the faulty diet in most in
stances, 39 per cent of fifty six chil
dren examined by doctors In connec
tion with baby conferences In two Ben
ton county communities, were under
Attorney General Brown has , ad
vised Slate Treasurer Hoff that he
would not pass on the legality of the
Heppner $100,000 water bond Irsue
until all the proceedings attendant
thereon were supplied.
Frank Davey, who will represent
Marion county In the next legislature
is preparing a bill providing that spe
cial sessions of the legislature can
consider only measures specified In
the call of the governor.
Portland's 28 banks and trust com
panies aggregated $152,268,515 at the
close of business June 30, this yrar,
report the state superintendent of
banks. This Is an increase of over 20
million dollars in year.
The Astoria really board will form
a holding company to purchase the
property to be used as naval base site
and deed the property to tho govern
ment, according to a plan which has
been adopted by the board.
Rev. Father Arthur Lane, rector of
the Albany parluh of the Roman Cath
olic church, has received notice that
be has been appointed by Pope Bene
dict XV, a prothonotary apostolic of
the church with tho title of Monslgnor.
- The body of Mrs. Eddyth Knox,
young Wichita, Kan., woman, who dls- qj
appeared near Albany, was found In s LR
ditch near town. Suicide, prompted C
by despondency over the death of her
husband two years ago, ia believed to
have caused her death.
The new signs are most finished for the auto camp
The Camp McDougai colony are holding progress
meetings and plan to have a phone to our store.
They have the right number. . tj
A "Work Shu" at wi save the Dnce ot an ffl
j A
expensive shoe foV the harvest wear and be light, j
cool and comfortable. J
.... nt
The wind may blow them away we mean straw S
l i l i 1 rr i eft mf ft
nats out n so, we nave more irom zoc to jji. d
a u: i : i :i :ii j. rP
xx uig cieaniug-up saie un summer vunes win mier- m
esi yuu. 4
We are having this sale now and have greatly re
duced the price of these beautiful fabrics.
We have 3136 fruit
This means that you
your vegetables, fruits.
it jars to be filled this season, j
will get your share here for j
its, etc. E1
We admire Sir Thomas Lipton for his sportsmanlike
attitude, but are glad to have' that cup. -
Yes, it's a bit warm here this week, but about ten
degrees cooler than in Pendleton or Walla Walla.
Good work team for sale. Robert
Hopkins, Rl, Weston, Oregon.
11 i i n n r - h n n ii m w , m m v mr m m m a na m ma m m m m ix
it Mf 119 I Ik H H tl U n . Hi ft a ... EUI M mm HHUFI II II i m