The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, July 30, 1920, Image 1

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T. 0. Taylor of Umatilla Coun
ty Loses Ufa In Fight
With Fugitives
r!"tiHun, dr. T. D, Taylor, sheriff
of I'niRtllla enmity. waa ehot thro'iali
thi breast end fatally wounded Hun
day afternoon when ill of seven pris
oner confine In lh county Jull made
thlr eecepe Hhrrirf Taylor died four
boura later.
The prlaonera In III Jail break were:
Nail Hart. Indian, M'd I!, held In Jail
after a duel with Taylor and Deputy
Mierlff Marin In the hllla near llelth
laat week, and who faced charges ot
irr,;l Isrrcnr and attempt to kill;
Jim Owena. Indian, aged 29. caught
lib Hart; Jack halhle, II year old.
bald on robbery eharg: Albert Llnd
gren, alleged check reUrr; Itlrhard
Patterson and Lewi Anderson, beld on
badcheck rhariaa. All of tham war
,ai!tlng grand jury action,
The prlaonera flrat overpowered
Jake Marin, deputy ehrrlff. who had
tntered rail to bring tha prtaonnra
their dinner, and then led by Hart, tha
Indian, they made their way to tha
aherirra office and began a aarcb for
una and ammunition.
Hart evidently obtained a rlfla
which be loaded and. accompanied by
' two of tha other prlaonera. left Tay
lor'a office.
Taylor and Uuy Wyrlek. friend,
wero Jutt entering lh aherlffa office
baa tbey aaw Owena and Patteraon
rummaging the drawer In tha eearco
for ammonltlon. They ruahed the
prlaonera and Taylor threw Owena
down. Wyrlek overpowered ratter
eon. Then Hart entered the office
with the loaded rifle and ahot Taylor.
Immediately after they obtained tho
una the prlaonera fled from the
building. They then made their way
to tha O V. It. N. railway tracka
where thee boarded an eaetbound
freight train.
The fugltlvea rode the train for
four ullee. getting off at Mission ela
tion. From there they fled Into the
One of the escaped men, Albert
Llndgren. alleged check raiser, wa
captured near Cayus Monday morn
ing, He waa asleep when the posse
men deaceuded on him and put up no
Mndgren la believed to have had no
hand In the actual killing, although he
told offlcera that the plot waa hatched
several dayi ago. The fact that be
left the other and played a lone band,
clean, at leaat, of killing, la felt to be
the aole reaaon why be cttme back to
Pendleton alive.
little further In hi effort to appro
hcml thent than he ever made to cap
ture nny man, goes without saying,
the ilniil sheriff wa ever ready
assist other officii- lii their work,
ami that he waa popular with them la
aliown by the proaence of many of
them in the hunt now under way.
Tho full description of the five Jail
breaker, who are atill at large, and
for whom offirera are acouring the
country, haa been aent out from Pen
illi'ton, ao that everyone may bucome
reasonably familiar with the Identi
fication point of the escaped crimi
nal. The description follow:
Nell Hart; age 29; height fivo fwt
nine; weight 135; brown hiiir, blue
gray eye, dark complcctv, half
breed Indian; wearing corduroy panla,
blue thirt rut off at sleeve, Mark
shoes, bare headed.
Jim UwefT; aged 22, look about
29; dark brown hair, dark piercing
brown eye, weight 105; medium dark
complexion; wearing yellow khaki
pant, blue ahirt cut off at sleeves.
Jack Rathie; age 22, five foot eight;
weight IBS, medium complected,
brown hair; wearing blue bib over
all, light colored ahirt and think he
had cap.
Doing Ills Bit
to join the nun already there. Later,
Omar Stephen took Chance Roger,
Or. Smith and C. E. McFadden over.
They were ihortly followed by Tom
Johnaon, Tom Booher and other. .
(It la reported here thi morning
that one of the escaped prisoners,
supposed from the description given
to be Hathle, held up the More at
Gibbon late lat night, and about 3
o'clock thi morning appeared at the
old Doll Read place on Wild Home
mountain. A pose left Athena this
morning for the mountain. The
Reed place i directly north of Cib
bon, on the mala road leading east to
the. head of Ryan grade, and la about
one mile thia aide of the Kyaa grade
road leading southeast to the Uma
tilla river.)
The hot weather ha cauied a he
gira to the mountain, and next week
will aee many familie encamped at
the various resorts. An Athena col
ony at Camp McDougal will be com
posed of Mrs. Radtke and children,
Mr. Henry Doll and Miss Lucinda,
Mrs. Boyd and several others who will
join them later. Mrs. B. B. Richards
and Roland will go aoon. Mrs. M. W.
Hansell and children expect to camp
Principal Events of the Week
Briefly Sketched for Infor
mation of Our Readers.
Born, to Mr. and Mr. II. A. Bar- old friends and neighbors of Athena McDougaL Guy Cronk left early
rett, on July 2S, 1920, a daughter. In her deep sorrow and affliction. yesterday morning witn ma nig irucn
II. H. Hill waa taken very seriously Bud Mclntyre wa severely ahock- kden with tho outflt toT the cmPcra-
ill Tuesday night and has been in a ed by lightning lost week in Sherman Alex Mclntyre began harvesting
critical condition. Mr. Hill arrived county, where he ia employed on a wheat on tho Weidert place northwest
Richard Patterson; five foot nine; yeiterday mornlrig from the coaat wheat ranch. While In the act of clos- of Athena Monday. The grain it.
about 22; weight 135; medium com- Miss Ada Do Kreec left Thursday ing a gate lightning struck near the threshing out well and the machine is
plection, slightly roman nose, brown morning for Walla Walla to pcnd the young man, and he wa in a dared running steadily. The yield is not re
sult, leather leggfn. brown cap, bow remainder of her vacation with condition for some time afterward. ported. Others are starting up, and
tie. friends. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McArthur left by next week harvest operations will
Anderson Robert Beckham suffered a bady Wednesday morning for their home be under way. The yield of grain is
Lewis Anderson; about same do- burned hand thia week, when the en- in J'ortland, after several weeks' visit not worrying Athena farmers for a
acriptlon as Patterson but no leggins. gin, he was operating backfired. Burn. here. Mr. McArthur has almost re- good crop is assured. It is different
- inr ga( covered his hsnd, the result covered from his serious illness of a with the price, and the declining mar-
IIIPV DRIIRFQ Dill CTRIbrr beln" that he WM l':"P:itt' 'or couple of weeks ago. ket quotations are being closely
JUKI rnUOr.9 KAIL dim nr. worK B portion of the week. Sunday posses of armed men from watched.
Aunt Ann Taylor arrived home Athena scoured the Umatilla river Harold liaynie, who is a delegate
Tuesday evening following the funer- and adjacent territory for the escaped frcm Athena-Weston Post, American
.1 nf K.r mn In Pamlh-tnn. Mr. Tav. tail breakers. Tuesday, when the re- Lezion. to the state convention of the
Chicago Sixty-four railroad offlcera lor wM vUitinif in porti,nd at the port came that'two of the men had Legion at Astoria, left for the seaport
time of the tragedy and. was attended been located in Squaw Creek canyon, town yesterday. Mr. Haynie will visit
home by her niece, Mrs. James Potts. Fay Le Grow, W. S. Ferguson, Ma- friend in the Wilamette valley before
She haa the heartfelt sympathy of her rion Hansell and Ben Oaks went over returning.
Railroad Officer and Union
Leaders to Testify.
and union Icadeta were tubpenaed to
appear before the federal grand Jury
In connection with a probe of the un
authorised wnlkout of railroad worker
hero In April.
Among those for whom subpens
were Issued were John Orunau, preal
dent of the Chicago Yardmen'a asso
ciation, and II. K. Kaddlng, head of
tha United Englnemen's association.
These two organisations were formed
at the time of the April walkouia.
Other Included were R. J. P rocks,
Portland, Or; Ira K. Thomns, Salt
iJike City, and C. 8. Christopher, su
perintendent of terminals of the Chi
cago, Milwaukee 8t Paul road.
The city treasurer of Salem n-poee
total of tti.Hl In the city treasury.
The water aupply of Koaeburg was
shown to be chemically pure when In.
Portland has been made
headquarters for the Democratic na
tional committee.
Rev. J. Groachupf, formerly of Spo
kane, has been Installed a paator of
the Lutheran church at Baker. '
The fund being eubacribed at Co
qullle for a new Methodist church
haa already paased the $8000 goal.
'Thirty-eight portable school build
ing are to be constructed Immediate
ly for use of the Portland schools.
C. F. Hart wig of Bend claims that
be can lure electricity sufficient to
develop 50,000 horsepower from the
The Gale tract of 10 acres adjoining
the University of Oregon campus at
Eugene has been sold to the univer
sity. Miss Celia Gavin, city attorney of
The Dalles, bo been appointed a mem
ber of the Democratic state - central
The U. S. S. Birmingham and
division of six destroyers paid a visit
to Astoria during the American Le
gion convention.
Permanent headquarters of the
American Legion's Pacific coast com;
tnlttee to combat radicalism have been,.
established -in Portland.
Work has been begun on the three'
story fruit packing plant of the Ore
gon Growers' association at Myrtle
Creek In Douglas county.
St. Helens shows a growth from 741
llHfalHh(Z In 1910 to 2220 la 1980, aadaUkaai -
cording to the census figures.
I G O 0 1) NEWS
t for Buyers in the Walla Walla Country.
Jinks Taylor ts Sheriff
W. R. (Jink) Taylor of Athena
haa been appointed heriff by the
Earthquake Shook Wakea Loa Angeles
Los Angolea. A sharp earthquake
ahock wok Loa Angelea at 4:11 Mon
lay morning. Reports tH the telephone
and telegraph companies and to fire
and police departments Indicated It ap
parently waa felt chiefly at Lo
Angelea and In a lessor degree at Ingle
wood and Redondo beach, the former
about twenty-two mile distant, both to
a aouthweaterly direction.
Immediately following the first
hotels and dwelling.
i i fin ,1,.
iu..i, .nn..lnn. w shock thora waa a wild exodus from
unexpired ivnn m nin oroiner in
Taylor, lie has assumed the dutlca
of the office and is now directing the
manhunt from the county court house.
A reward of $6000 has been offered
for the capture of the criminals. One
thousand dollar ia offered by the city
of Pendleton for the capture, dead or
alive of Nell Hart, Jim Owen and
Jack Rathie,
A Selling Event of interest to every person in this large district Low
Prices and Big Savings will prevail to an extent that will surprise and de
light the buyer of home furnishings.
DOLLAR FOR DOLLAR, under present price conditions- your money will
X purchase more at this sale than ever before in our Store history.
WatlX f
There's a reason for everything. The reasons for this sale and the low
prices are threefold:
Navy Department Commandaera Oil.
San FrancUco. Cal. The navy car
ried out Its threat to elxe fuel oil
from four California oil companies
which bad refused to sell at the price
of $1.73 a barrel fixed by the navy.
Tho county court has Six destroyers, with a total capacity
First Davis-Kaser's Annual August Sale is an event looked forward to by V
thousands throughout this section an established feature of our business. ?
Second In the face of steadily rising prices in all lines, scarcity of merchan
dise, and difficulty in securing deliveries, we have purchased freely while
we could obtain goods at prices that would permit us to hold our usual Au-o-iisr.
Snip and enve rrenuine values.
f Third and Most Important We need ready cash to meet our bills. Our stock V
is larger than ever in our historv. In order to secure price concessions Y
-mm I I . A r An A - 1 . . . . . . n , , u .1 3 . . . A nHUAH A J .rtr-Vt nn1 v-. n f ini'ca Vl Q TV1 trt At C A
oiiereu a rewara 01 uuuu as ionows. or aooui ouu.uvu naiioua, were loaaea y UU incoc J;UUUS WtJ Ui Z iulgcu lJ pv vaoit uuu iiiuoi 01 vjv hivhvj w- v."
$1000 for Hart, $1000 for Owona, at the Associated oil company plant Thus we take this ODDortunitv to make our August Sale a Cash Raising
evpnt; we offer as an inducement to pay cash, goods at prices that would not
be possible otherwise.
V Our Ralps mpan Komethin(?: like all crood thiners. thev do not happen every
a -lnv RTTTwriPn wa An have a Sale it means genuine reductions made POS- Y t water company of, Roseburg,
Vva , sv w "v "v - - - o l i aVas
sible by careful preparation and a large volume of business m a short pen- f Josephine and omt wunti
, - . r r ghow decreases, according to
UU vi uiuc.
TVia entire Store is filled with fresh new coods of Kieh Quality. Prepare to
Y Save by making your purchases during August Come prepared to buy free
T ly because prices will not be lower and we feel safe on predicting they will
$500 for Rathie and $500 each for Pe
terson and Anderson, with $1500 ad
ditional for tha capture and convic
tion of the man who shot Sheriff Tay
lor. Many officers from all over the
state, including detoctives from Port
land's police force have been on the
hore uuder protest, after naval offic
ial had declared their right lo take
the fuel.
Qretks Take Adrlanople.
London. Tha Greek have occupied
Adrlanople, according to an announce-
Matt maila I n th A thaanai Mawttirtkvtaet
ground, seeking the hiding place of M- totmMM t0 tJ, KxchlMlg, Tela-
fk rrttriinala. Varlnna rlima hitVa
been followed in an effort to capture r'ph comPnJr-
tho outlaw, but none have resulted
in success, to dato.
There in no doubt but that Utr and
Owens will be captured, but in all
probability they will bo taken at a
distance from the scene of the mur
der, unlets they are in hiding In the
foothills and being supplied with food
by confederates.
Squaw Creek and Birch creek dis
' trlct have boon covered by officers
heading posse this week, but no traco
of tho men has developed. Clues have
been followed and every sort of ru
mor run down. - Armed men have
gone out from Athena twice ilnco tho
tragedy, on rumors that the escape
had been seen or their trail had been
Every peace officer In tho North
west has
Owens and
The state fish commission made an
Investigation of property near Rose
burg with a view to selecting a site
for an exclusive trout hatchery.
With the coming of the baying sea
son, the Bend lumber mills are losing
many employes who are leaving for
work on Oregon and Idaho ranches.
Portland railway officials report
there Js some Improvement In supply
of cars for loading lumber and other
products from the Pacific northwest.
Nearly one hundred young people
representing Presbyterian churches
throughout Oregon have met in Al
bany to attend the summer conference,
' The city of Hood River haa let a
contract for the construction of a com
bined city hall and firemen's head
quarters at an estimated cost of $33,
174. Manufacturers and public service
Corporations In the Portland district
use sawmill refuse for fuel to a great
er extent than any other section of
the United States.
The BuehneT Lumber company at
North Bend ha begun construction of
a monster smokestack. It will be of
concrete 110 feet high with a diameter
of 10 feet at the top.
The orchard of George Webb at The
Dalles, one of the finest In the entire
state, has been leased to Japanese in
terests. Thia orchard consists ot about
6S0 acres of bearing fruit
The Roseburg city council unani
mously voted to fight the new rate
granted by the Public service com
mission to the Douglas County Light
Tho contest of the will of the lata
Henry L. Plttock. founder of the Port
land Oregonlan, who accumulated a
fortune that reachea nearly $8,000,000,
will be carried to the Oregon atat
supreme court by Mrs. Caroline P.
Leadbetter, daughter of 'Plttock.
B. W. Kern of Portland la In the
Benton county jail awaiting a grand
jury Investigation on the charge ot
grand larceny. Kern Is charged with
having stolen $1055.61 from the Amer
ican Railway Express company, for
whom he waa a railway messenger.
Prominent residents of southern
Oregon have petitioned Governor 01
cott o extend executive clemency to
W. E. Butler, under a penitentiary
sentence for the killing of McDonald
SAVING SALE FOR YOU; so bring your purse or check book. Sale Prices
will prevail only in Cash transactions. PAY CASH AND SAVE.
EVERYTHING IN OUR LARGE STOCK is included except a few lines of
contract goods.
Vina Furniture Tlmrs. Draneries and Linoleums Leather Goods Stoves
and Ranges (except Monarchs) Baby Carriages and Go Carts Pianos and Y
Music Crockery and Glassware Art Objects Kitchenware of all kinds.
10-20 W. Alder Street . Walla Walla, Wash.
a de.crlption of Hart and Stewart In J"on county. It Is JT .w Salem contractor.
i that they will go just a claimed that ha acted in self defenae.
counties both
report. Josephine county, 7655, de
crease of 191J or 20 per cent: Grant
county, 6496, decrease ot 111 or t per
Attorney-General Brown haa sub
mitted to the state land board a pro
posal to transfer what are known a
Hyde-Benson lands from the United -States
government to the state ot
Recent rains have damaged consid
erable hay In Lincoln county, but the
loss is more than offset by the In
creased yield ot later crops. A bumper -crop
of berries and potatoes is now
Property owners in Brownsville who
have property abutting on Main street
and Spalding avenue in the dUtrict
which the city council proposed to
pave have tiled tno petitions asking -tne
circuit court to grant Injunctions
against the contract entered Into be-'
tween the council and L. E. Herold,