The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, July 23, 1920, Image 4

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Leaves WESTON for Pendleton at
10:55 A. M. Uavea WESTON far
Walla Walla at 5:45 P. M. (Daily
Local station at Davis Confectionery.
Reliable Service Safe Drivers
Comfortable Cars,
c, M. COWER .
(Telephone 83.) Monday, Wed.
and Friday. Evenings by
appointment. .
Pendleton, Oregon
people- gathered on the lawn adjoin
inix the IT. R. Church, where game
and pastimes of a lively nature oc
casioned much delimit. At a lute
hour an inviting luneh was served.
Those in attendance were: Misses
. , ... . ., Velma Banister, Minnie Chapin, Uls
Cash for chickens. J. R. Reynolds. LkualK,,( rlh SUrnu.r, JoMMm
Mountain strawberries in these fw.. KithUwn IVderavn. EkU.IIi
parta grow to be large as well as do- York charlotte llass, Blanch Thor- '. "f 'T?' "!K ""'fi to 7,m,l! . i!?
lieious, but Harry Bcath, brought AnWm twr, Gt?M,v. LJXLTXfc
down some the other day and left en ,m virgie Keys Messrs. Harold flint publication of this summons, to-
them at the bank that were a bit phinney, Marvin Winn, Raymond wit: on or before the td day of July,
laiwr than merely large and would n..nisi..r. Klmor Nolle. Elmer Al. 1 !'-: Ll w" ' "h answer, the
make a irood "bait Tor
!Hnper- nn)rint They measure from
no less than three inches
ll.iv ittn and inn Mrvm rt i -!-.. t.L-
ULil, -f,. hiiM nit.r in i. i u I . tin and the said defendant bo forvvtr
looking after business matters In Mr, m) Mr. A. M. Ross and little (Us,0VlH , tmU the snid plsliitilf.
connection with the mona ranch M ,.ving Sunday for a week's Kvelyn Hansford. U grau(el an abso-
this week. outimr at Rinclmm Springs. The lute divorce from the said defendsnt.
Puring the ileetrie storm last furnjtUro store mid "hello board"
Friday a grain fire was started by. wilj Mt in t.ol,K,t,,t hand,
lightning from a wire fence between Mr. m Mrs. A. A. Wood of Moun
the Banister and Salinir fields below ,; il , i.ih. ..., vUitimr in
town. An alarm call for help was uvston! their former home. T
sent up town, but before many vol- esley.M. Carter, formerly one of
unteers had reached the scene the Weston's ' progressive citiseus, is
fire was out Several shocks of hay jHrv Seattle,
were destroyed. Mr. and Mr. Willis .Vlson ar.
The Athcna-Wcston section of the rivili .hi, w.-ek from KhTridan. On...
Cairn Hsnsfort . and for such other RvWTOmwmmi
rwli.r mi It in tdo court leemi iiu t Ti
In the Circuit Court of tlio SUU of ,,le. . I
Oregon lor Umatilla Coumy. This summons Is served upon you uy a
Kvelyn Hsnsford. Plaintiff, vs. (ieorga I'uuucauon i.k no
Haiisfonl. Defendant. week I v newspaper .of general clivula-
... ""M,,m ,Um fr B( consecutive weeks begin. .
lot.corg HsiiKord, the abova named , wltl tssuo of the llth dsy of 3
defendant i Juiw. HW, to and including the Issuo H
In the Nsmoof Hie Stat of Oregon; (f th 31 day of July, IIKM, pursuant
You are hereby summoned and required to unlur for said imbllcatlon nisde, ?.
dated and entered In the shove entitled ,J
roort and cause on the Uth day of June,
lti'jo, by the Hon. Charles II. Mrli,
County JuiWe of Umatilla County, ,
Stsle of Oregon.
Dated at Pendleton, Oregon, this Uth
a Brobdig- ,ri..h Kuuene Smith Thomas Eaule- 'lHln,li,J will .pply lo tta wnirt for tlw ,uy f June, A. I. IU.
- uinn, r.u.eio cninn, i nonius r.nw rou( (lrmHiidi'd in the said complaint. , ' i,,.. a
rom two to trtl) KriHl Johnson. Glenn SUggs, ,wu, fr , ,ucr. that the bonds of Pktkkhon. lliloi A 1 1.,
across. Theotlore Walden, Wendell Phinney mstrimony and marriage eonli act hero- a.i.iL,T1M1..i
Marvin are ., r)nV J.ok.nn. ' existing between the. said plsiu- Addn-ss, I omlloton.
Wall telephone
at this office.
far sale. Inquire ,
Baker's Goods
I'hono your drny orders, H
03, or cull nt bU rc.
Davis & Ellis
Loave votir buttles on the
iwrch MONDAY and
or cur House-to-House Scrvica
"We Wash Everything
But the Baby."
Tops and Cur
tains made to
order. Large as-
sortment of plate
glasses a glass
for every car.
A good stock of Sad
dies and Heavy Harness
always on hand. Also
Collars, Pads, Halters,
etc. Get our prices be
fore buying.
Harness Store
(Phone 122) j
Milton, Oregon
state highway ts now imrusurtacea K0( , an, j. y Smith and
to the John Banister rami nouse, fulmy. They will go to Wulta Wslla
with the exception of a couple of fills. to ....l. Nelson
t which Hre u,i,,P Mt t0 seUlt! MoTV (ML-s Mildml Smith) hating former.
u !....f..: Tk. AlV...... ........ .....
iiNtuaui im a nv y resitleu there
road is now open for travel, eliminat- ' kIu.,. Bn, lM.r,o fr mii M111L,.,
5 ing the detour north and cast from ,lf pholu,Krilph8 st tho Ro!t!( Kurni
I Athena. s. t i. (; saline. Hruns-
Fivc tha-shmg outhts arc reported ,,.,,
to be in era-ration in the region of Mf anJ Mrs p F Uvi.,k.r ,,.
3 lower Dry creek. J. N. ork was ,Hi...i n s,ui.v u, f,Mu
down that way the other day and Katmn.itUJ in non. of Mr. , Mrs
says that wheat on the old Sam KrvJ Hrivkni8n (5,iss Jo!tie 1Jlv,n.
Beamer( place now owned by Mr. (,or) , Mr Grmiin of Portiam.
Brewer, is making 2., bushels to the A ,Unm.r ttb1nmding with
acre and testing No. 1. This is a traijtionn specialties apiaring at
better yield than usual off the same famjIy w ,laV8i wa, , enJuy.bto
gr?"nd- , , , feature of the day. Those who gath
During the past week an occasional cml to wecomi. the honor KUlsU
cricket has added his lonesome note .!
to natures orchestra which furnishes Mr anJ prj
hulnble muS.c throughout drowsy Frnnk Mw and amil (.,nU(le
summer evenings There is a hint of Vrkf famj Mf Mr9 w
autumn in his tone, as though he s ,.,' ,, MU,
foretold the end of summer joys yet -Ann, vender,
scarce begun. Mrs. Sidney Tucker and children
Clay Smith came in recently from wre t8 t wci,k at thc Alu.rt
southern Idaho, and is at the Sel.ner Gou,,, hmm We,ton mountain.
Thompson place on the mounUm. Mrs. Richari! Morriaon murn
Mrs. L. M. Funk and Miss Virginia Salurdav from , brief vbit with nl.
Funk of Walla VSalla are sojourning ativM fa Waa Wal,a
at Bingham Springs and will later The R Rl.ynaU(, fami,y moUmi
go to Cold Spring camp. to Pendleton Sunday to be guests at
I. C Hopkins returned Sunday , dinncr t ,ven b friend, jn
from the Hopkins holdings lo miles that city
north of Elgin. He reports good Ti,. , ' a-.n;.....
iT. " " .. erty has been improved the
nuwn x njuuui miu lamny were ,i, u,,
. i.i t : wtc" y
to share a dinner of fried chicken
U ,U- D T T5. 1- X I
Hei hta " Haines, Oregon, extending greetings
J 1 ., , , ... to local friends, and comments upon
... b.-Um, ,he favorable prcpects for crops, in
. 'hat "action of the state.
Mrs. Ralph G. Saling, accompanied
- : rfi
n n no u rfl
I JUii tiff m. M I 1 Ms- V HJ
improved the past
attractive interior decorat
Miss Mabel Colvin writes from
Tfiat harvest will soon be upon us and that it will fi
That those who have been away camping are glad
to get back.
. a
That already fall goods are on the way.
That the style and quality will please the most exacting.
That the new "Born" samples are here for men's
special order suits..
That the quality looks like pood old days before thc war.
That the price is lower and we are assured deliveries will be satisfactory.
.Notice to Creditors
In the County Court of the State of where they spent
Umatilla County.
zens may donate to the library. The
: .... i i
uWw.K ,v.u ,. wrre peeu on fcy , g Sa,intf j, j. ,
me nm.iv to nrautsuuy, uemK tne . . r. ii . w
-niinrr mornnsri wn I'nniiuiinn una.
day on a combined business and
pleasure trip.
Mrs. J. Harl Williams returned
Tuesday evening from a week's
sojourn in Portland. Mrs. Williams
was extensively entertained by
friends during her stay in the Rose
City. Sunday evening Mrs. Williams
presided at a dinner party at the
Hotel Portland, entertaining a num.
ber of friends in honor tJ Mrs.
Mo ana.
Mrs. Emery Staggs entertained a
and' mynber of friends at her home on
generous gift of Mrs. E. W. Achilles:
The Little Minister, Barrie; Thc
Spoilers, Beach; The Last of the
Plainsmen, Zane Grey; To Have and
To Hold, Johnson; The Captain of
the Gray-horse Troop, Garland; Al
ways Happy.
The W. L. Rayborn family return
ed Thursday from Bingham Springs,
delightful vaca
tion camping and fishing.
Mrs. J. M. O'Harra has joined the Frank Carey of Terre Haute,
contingent recreating at camp
Oregon for
In the Matter of the Estate of Mary
r.. tngiisn, jjeceasea.
sons whom it may concern that J. Z. ""sai.
English has been appointed adminis- Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Bulfinch
1 d1uiVShSd Miss Dorothy left Wed- Dry creek last Wednesday evening
claims against her estate are required nesUay for American Fairs, Idaho, in observance of her husband's
to present them with proper vouchers where they will join Paul Bulfinch birthday anniversary. Outdoor
to the said administrator at the law of- and proceed as his guests on a mo- games and frolics were ployed upon
Smith-C, r 47 throh Yellowstone Nation- the lawn, and a spirit of merriment
Oregon, within six months of al Park- prevailed. At midnight a dainty
of the first publication of this notice, Trajan Tucker is harvesting a lunch was served by the hostess.
wnicn isjuiy join, i3u.
J. Z. English, Administrator.
Peterson, Bishop & Clark,
Attorneys for Administrator.
bountiful crop of strawberires grown Among those in attendance were:
on his reservation ranch. Mr. and Mrs. George Staggs, Mr." and
.Kenneth Royer has returned from Mrs- IIcnnan Staggs. Mr. and Mrs.
Washtucna, where he spent a few ranK nitn, Mr; and Mrs. I Icy
days visiting with the L. H. Dowd W.,nn' Mr' an1 Mrs- 3amea Bcamer,
family. ",,8S nazci uuncan, Mr. Ellsworth
ity Court of the State of . . . ..... Woods.
Orrnn for frmBtilla Tonntv "Brry a ana little Son ar- ... . .
In thr of theEsUtef Ninna Z?" J to.
vale, Idaho.
Good work team for sale. Robert
Notice to Creditors
join Mr. Shick at Weston.
Mrs. Lester Leach was the guest
for a. lew days this week of Mrs. J.
a sister-
N. Lundell, deceased.
Notice is Hereby Given to alt per
sona whom it may concern that A. W.
iJt:n .ftr E. McDaniel, prior to returning to HoPkin8' R1' W'"
dell, deceased, and has qualified as her home at Ashland. ' Mrs. Maria McArthur of Helena,
such. All persons having claims Lost A car carpet Kindly return Montana visiting relatives in this
against her estate are required to pre- to thjs ffi city. Mrs. McArthur is a sister of
sent mera witn proper voucners to me fuj,,:.. pi ,i
said administrator" at the law office of Miss Fay JVarren has returned . ,?' Cn"t' ,Bcle!, and
his attornevs. Peterson. Bishon & .:j. in-law of Mrs. J. S. Boss.
... , -i" V. ... jL i- " ". w,.,i Aiiviiuif near ctut
Clark, in the Smith-Crawford building tie Mrs. Peter Hass and daughter Bcs-
at Pendleton, Oregon, within six !i,i , ... ...
thsof the date of the first publics- Rev. W. R. Storms has moved hi " . . v" ,c' ""8 OBl-
tionof this notice, which is Friday, the family here from Weston, says the y"y death of 8 Htct of
9hrn Hair rT .Inno IQvll ... ' - ili ra M oaa
Wallula corespondent of the Attalia
News-Tribune,' and the Elder has Work in h8rvest is wanted by hus
accepted the position of canal ten- band. and wife the '"tter a cook,
dcr at the headworks of the' gravity Intluire for H. Jones at the A. A.
canal at Nine-Mile. Elder Storms is Kees re'fcnce.
efficient and he will keep an eye on Ray Barr, who has been
ditch both day and night. his aunt, Mrs. -J. E.
months of the date of the first publica-
25th day of June. 1920.
A. W. Lundell,
Peterson, Bishop & Clark,
Attorneys for Administrator.
I Veterinary Surgeon f
Phone Main 253
McDaniel, has
Dr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Staggs of "turned to. his home at Bellingham.
Seattle spent the week's end at the Miss Dorothy Procbstel is attend
home of Mr. and Mrs. Emery ing the summer normal school ses
Staggs. . sion now being held in Pendleton.
A recent happy event was the wcl- Mrs. Susan Tucker was a passen
come party given in honor of Harold Kor Monday morning for Walla Wal
rhinney, son of Rev. and Mrs. Mark' 'a, where she will visit her duugh
A. Phinney, who arrived last week te'i Mrs. J. 0. Wood,
from Spokane to spend thc summer Mrs. Anna Anderson and daughter
with his parents. Patronesses for Irene have returned from a delight
the affair were Mrs. J. W. Chapin ful visit with relatives at Cove, Or
and Mrs. M. A. Phinney. The young egon.
That for the girls the accordeon pleating is the
thing for fall.
That we will have this done for you. We also have the material for these
beautiful garmems.
That the auto camping grounds need more lights
and signs for the convenience of the scores of peo
ple' who use them.
That we are selling pure country lard in the grocery.
That a ten-pound pail costs you only $3.00, a five-pound pail only $1.50.
That if you will bring your own pail we will fill it for you at 25c per pound.
That the foxtail should be cut from the vacant lot;
also from the parking in front of your home. If
you don't do this, you may have a fire. ,
That you should assist the water superintendent in
his endeavor to conserve the city water supply, that
r no shortage occur.
That bur grocery is full of good things to cat,
fresh fronvthe market and garden.
That the grass in the City Park was not cut last