The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, July 23, 1920, Image 3

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write for it unit well send it, or
Cuniw in mill get III You'll enjoy
reading till valuable book 'ulidtit the
Mutlit'ittlc period rublitvU which n
('UNO all KiIUihi I'honogruph. Hvv
rntcpn IwMutlful models. Fine
nkoU'lu-it, too, which enable you to
pick your ili(iiuKtHih rlgbt from the
"ihr I'honograuh With Houl"
Mr. KdUon'a riablmln have truly
cmii'l't tho opirit of thu Ciolden Age
of l-'un l! Their artistic beau
ty, linlr f ultlii'uliifMM tn authentic
ttt'dii'ii, their iiuflNiimiiliKu exeru
lioh by Mr. Kdlon exivrt furnl
turo workers, make tlirm truly wor
thy in kiucii your Home.
ChiiH'mlMli, Kheraton, lleppelwhite,
Adiim, William mul Muri Umbrian
these are Just few.
Auk about our Hudgct 1'lan. It li
way of systematic spending which
make it -any to own a Nw
Vho Davis -Kasor Co.
Complete Home FtirnlHhing Deportment Store
10 Lit Alder St. ' Walla Walla, Wash.
I am prepared to funibih WHEAT
Utah Coal in any quantity.
I have different grades of wood fur
I eoporially aolicit carload order
for No. 1 cordwood.
V. T. HAHItOl K.
your grain, and will give prompt atten
tio'n to orders for anything, in its line. .
International Stock
and Poultry Food
Hay, Rolled Barley, Oats, Wheat and
Millfeed. Chicken Feeds, includ
ing Corn,. Wheat, Scratch Food, Bone,
Shell, Grit, Meat Scraps and Fgg Mash.
Try a Sack of our Popular Graham.
J. A. LUMSDEN - Proprietor
Quiet, R
estf ill Cows
FOR COWS or HORSES-For Sale by
Dodge Cars
and' Dodge Extras
Gasoline, Oils and
(J. F. SNIDER) .
Until August -1 I am paying $10
for old iron. J. It. Reynold.
Cieo. Carmlchacl la back at hla
homo in Walla Walla, after sustain
ing a suerressful. aurirical operation
at I'ortland. Tho wf II known pioneer
farmer la reorted to be faat regain
lug hia health.
J. N. York ia preparing to take the
field next Monday with hla threshing
outfit at hla 'homo place north of
town. After Untuning there ho will
thresh the cropa of Charlea, Claude
and Will Price. George Ashworth,
the "boy harvester," will again be
member of the York crew. "Port"
Graham la invited to emulate the
bright example aet by thia enterprise
ing youth, who hat not yet quite at-'
tained hia four ecore and ten year.
While the dust and electric atorm
was manifeating Itself Wvdneaday af
ternoon, a work mare waa atrurk by
lightning in a fluid on the Joe cy
place cast of town and iniiUntly
killed. Observers aaw a bolt ' of
lightning hit the marc, which col
lapsed in her track. Afterward,
however, no murk of unf ort could
i be found on tho body. '
Mr. and Mr. V. M. Pierce, with
their two daughter and on, are here
from Loa Angeles for visit with
relative for the first time in four
year. They will apend a month or
more in Weston and Iji Grande. The
ever-amiable "Charley" Pierce ia al
waya welcome at Westoa, having at
one time been the town' boAtr-in-chief.
lie ia operating heavily in
real estate in Loa Angeles and vicin
ity, and report having had one of hi
mot proiperou year.
Twenty men quit work Tuesday at
the Blue Mountain sawmill, having
failed to get a raise in pay. The
minimum wage at the mill ia $3.00
for ten hour. The men wanted ,
$5.00 for eight hour or $6.00 for ten.
The mill waa "hung up" for two
day, but ia now said to be in opera
tion again with a full crew. It ia
reported that night and day shift
will soon be employed at the mill,
and that motor trutk transportation
vtill also be carried dn by night a
well as day. .
J. E. McDanicl, who ia never hap
pier than when dealing in land, haa
bought 80 acre of pasture and tim
ber adjoining hi home place on
Weston mountain from the lilumauer
Frank Drug Co. of Portland.
C. O. and M. W. I'cdersen have
brought in a stationary threshing
outfit from Pilot Rock and will run
thin season with Linus Anderson. ;
Ray O'Harra nerved a conductor quite elated over their presence in
and Toby Brown as brakeman of the that city. It was midnight when
harvest train on the trip from the they reached home from their unan
Rock. nounccd excursion to the Garden
The attractive country homo of City. Meanwhile anxious kindred
Alick Johnson was tho scene of a and friends scoured the Dry creek
charming affair last Friday evening country for their lifeless forms,
whon tho Misses Minnie and Helen Wc are not roinir to say whether
Johnson entertained a number of these wandering boys were welcomed"
their friends at a dancing party, home with chastisement or rejoicing.
The young ladies present were clad Mose Kinnear is back at Rock
in dainty summer party frocks, pre- land, Idaho, after being in the Amer
setiting a fascinating picture of ican Foils hospital for treatment for
youth and beauty. At midnight a a compound fracture of the ankle,
delicious supper was served by the A plca.Hjpit family reunion was v
hostesses. The guest list included: held at the W. L. Smock home in
Misses Lela Stockstill, Blanche the uplands in honor of Mrs. Smock's
Swaggart and the Misses Carter of brother, E. F. Crawford, of Chicago,
Athena; Virgle Key, Esther Davis, Illinois.- All present enjoyed the
Esther Williams, Dorothy Proebstel, happy occasion to tho full. They
Ruth Procbstel, Jessie Davis, Anna were: Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Craw
Lavender, Vida Greer, Eva Lundell, ford of Chicago, C. W. Crawford and
Hortense Baker, Gertrude Van Win- family of Milton, Ilarve Driskell and
klc, Wavel O'Harra, Irene Banis- family of Dayton, G. W. Herndon
ter and Opal Winn; Messrs. Roy Key, and family, Mr. and Mrs. W. L.
Lowell Duncan, Derwin Hall, Earl Smock; James, Vada and 'Blanche
Cooper, Glenn Morrison, William Van Smock.
Winkle, James Lieuallen, James Miss versa Clark, a popular girl of
Simpson, Carl Johnson, Fred John- Roy, Idaho, was recently wedded at
aon. ' American Falls to Mr. John Luther
Last Friday the Sunday school pu- Cook. The bride is a daughter of
pils of the M. E. Church, South, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Clark and was
were conveyed by automobiles to a born at Weston. Mr. Cook was In
shady spot on upper Pine creek, the United States navy during the
where a bountiful picnic dinner was lute war. He made a fine' record,
spread and duly enjoyed. In the af- having received eleven promotions
ternoon games and water sports af- during his 26 months of service,
forded much amusement and marked Mr.- and Mrs. Cook will make their
a day of high adventure for the lit- home for the present at King Hill,
tlo folk. , Idaho.
Mrs. Frank Snider and children Miss Ruth M. Murray of Spokane
Jcft Sunday morning for Dayton, Bridge, Washington, is visiting Miss
Wash., to spend a three weeks' vaca- RUDy Price. The young ladies were j
tion visiting friends aid relatives. room mates during their student $
After an absence of ten days Mr." days at Washington State College. g
and Mrs. Ray Gordon have returned George Winn was host last week 2
from their motorcycle trip to Yaki- to a party of friends, conveying them g
ma, Wash., whero they visited Mr. jn his Buick car to Wallowa, a
Gordon's parents. They report that where several days were spent in
peaches and "apricots are not to be fishing and taking advantage of oth-
had in the Yakima valley this year, er attractions of the resort. i
owing to the trees having been killed T n Booher came down recently
by the severe weather of last winter. fron hig ew honlc . CHr mica
Mrs. Marvin Price was called to Wagh ,fter his farm 8tock, jIe wiu &
Pasco, Wash., Saturday by th! se- help to ,arvest Weston's crop before H
rious illness of her sister, Mrs. G. returning. 8
W. Maybce. Frank Price and family returned 8
Mr. and Mrs. T. L. McBridc were Sunday from Hot Lake. Miss Mina a
hosts for a delightful dinner party price and Eldred both sustained an N
Sunday when they entertained a operation for the removal of tonsils g
number of relatives and friends at Bnd adenoids, and arc recovering S
their hospitable ranch home. satisfactorily.
Gene Smith and Nard Jones went Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Pinkcrton
out Monday afternoon to swim in left Monday on an automobile trip
the Winn pool on Little Dry creek, and outing to Coeur d'Alene luke.
They found it a 'Lit Bhallow, and de- They are accompanied by Mrs. Pink- g
cinod tnac wana waiia wouiu ooriw u "v""
How Are You Going to Keep Them
Down on the Farm?
Your growing boy, the restless farm hand, how
are you going to keep them down on the farm?
The ever present city job is always beckoning. t ,
Machines have been a powerful factor in stemming the tide tc the city.
They banish farm drudgery and make'work interesting. They foster
a boy's love of mechanics and appeal to the worker because they help.
Machines build fortunes.
For Instance:
give them a chance to like the farm. You will like it better also.
Then there is the
"Jones & Jones Service
' to make them "stay sold."
We Are Filling Our Repair Orders
f ' "x itii -. .'tii ii m-
Vjl 71 TEAR I
7 jf w LEADERS .
Sunshine in
Your Home with
Dingy rooms dampen many a housewife's
interest in the home. v
Keeping the woodwork, walls, floors and
furaicure looking bright and new helps to
make her home life well worth while.
A few dollars spent for FULLER Prod
ucts will work wonders. It will put "rays
of sunshine" into the home.
Nvrthwtt Branch ffotiM
mt Portland. StmttU
rmm Spakmn. Bairn
'fj s' FULLER Dmahxr
re Do Your Earnings Go? i
Where do all. your earnings ?o? Do they slip away, melt in 8
your grasp, disappear as if by magic? a
A savings account will change the order of things. Don't
let a pay-day go by without climbing a step higher. Your g
deposits, either small or large, are gladly welcomed here.
A Term Savings Acoount here pays 4 percent interest and is
safe and secure with us. ,
A place to drop your
small change at home
a Liberty Bell Savings
Bank with each account
of. $1 or more. Have"
you yours yet?
lie Farmers Bank of Weston