The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, July 16, 1920, Image 1

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    Weston; jleader
r1 -
VOLUMli 43
Principal Evenis of the Weok
Briefly Sketched for Infor
mation of Our Readers.
An Investigation will bn mndn lijf the
Kin flrr iniiriilml of Dim ri'ient file
HI llllllt.
'Ill" ti-uaue rrt glvea IViiilliilnii
a oniliiiliiii of T.1K7, an Increase of
2927, or 85 t nr -ni.
Iaiilng of IIiiii.imh) lunula for Iwr
tmr divlnimli( waa volml ul a meet
ing cf lh Port of Portland,
lli-glimlng July 1, rlcrka um carriers of tb stales.
flireiililng mid fining wages fur III
: u ni hi
I". '. Von tf ip)itir was ap
pointed ini'iiilii't f Mm board of re
KMiln nf Hi (i 1'nlitriiiy of Oregon to
nuicted Judge lli-Bit of Cortland, who
Km nk M Krlrkann, formerly hesd of
llm ili'lMirlimiit of mlurstlnii In the
1'nlvrralty of Idaho, haa buen elected
profeaaor tf education In Willamette
A Itiii of from three to 0 days In
tlin rnuiiiy Jull awalla automobile and
fiolon )( lo apeedVre In H-loni ai the
remit of an ordinance paascd by Ilia
Pity rounril.
ArcordliiK In Htiite Veterinarian
I.) Ho lliiniaiiiiits of cattle fni 'rt
erti Oregon urn being ahlpped Into
Idaho and Molilalia to replcnlah brrda
When Balances Are lard to Strike
of llm KitKKiin iiiiitofflrn have had
their aalarlea I in- r-i f.I uo rr yar.
Th ttrwniHly hot duya lit Homhern
Oragnn recently canned many forest
firm from the electrical atorms In t ho
Tha Aatoria city rounril haa author
ised landing alopa for hydroplanes
to bn constructed at tha foot of Kvrty
second air-!, la thut city,
lipttar wheal and betier prices for
tha l.liiii county produrt conatltut ths
purpose of a gonaral campaign launch
ad by 8. V. Smith, county asnnt.
Governor Olcott appointed W. f.
Mef'urry of Portland, to succeed Kd
win A. Mutch, who ha resigned aa a
member of tha Oregon board of phar
macy. The Linn county threahormen's con
vontlon will bo held at Albany. July 17,
to establish uniform chame for
('. I" Woodsi of lloppner haa been
ai"lntd to succeed Judge Itulir-rt S.
I inn ii of Portland, resigned, aa a mem
ber of ih boatd of rognnls of lh
t'ulvprally of Oregon.
Hurveya on new road from I'klsh
were agreed upou In a conference be
tween cfflrera of Umatilla county and
delegations from I'klsh, Pilot Itnck,
Pendleton and Long Creek.
Douglas county realty men have mat
and passod roaolutloni refualng to aell
any land to Japanese, following tha
id the pair had caahcrf guns, ammu
nition and the Indian plunder, con
Kintinif of Wampum, head dreaavs and
other Indian finery.
After a four-hour chac, Taylor
rame upon the fueitivo and com
manded him to Jialt.'whon he afrain
fcignt-d a crazy spell, ducked behind
a tree and was off again. The sher
iff finally pulled him out from un
derneath the roots of a tree. Buxhce
came up and attempted to put hand-
cuff on Owenn, when he put up a
ice cream, cake and all the goodies of fight and attain attempted to fret
The aix Walter children away. Taylor at this point waa fore-
covered hia captor ahortiy ftr the UljriT npflfj DCDflDTO
chaae for Owena atartcd. Hart got ilLAI Ullllr ntl UfllU
away. Ut-puty Marin arrived from
Pendleton ahortly afterward and
tarU-d for Hart. He overtook the
fugitive about a mile from Kitth and
waa fired upon. A battle ensued in Pf0SD6CtiV6
which Marin proved hia mettle and
rlox-d in upon Hart, finally forcing Products
him to aurrendi-r. Marin then hand
cuffed Hart and brought him to the
county Jail.
Meanwhile .Sheriff Taylor obtained Waahlnirton. Forccaata of heavy
a home, rode after Owen, who had harvctta of the country's principal
a K'"l rtart into the hill aouth of farm crops marked the July report of
Itieth. Owena waa unarmed and the department of agriculture. The
during the chano attempted to circle prospective yield In most lnstans
bock to the railroad bridge below la larger than the average production
Itieth where it vas afterward reveal- for the five years 1914-18.
Yield of Farm
Above Five
Year Average.
Mra. lay S. LeGrow was a g-ucst
Wednesday at a luncheon given by the season.
Mrs. Ccorge Hartman at her Pen- and little Bill Joe Mathews were the cd to fire, and wounded Owens in the
dleton home. hosts and hostesses, each being- per- thumb.
Uncle John Callender has return- mitted to invito ten irucsta.
visit to Rosoburg of agants for a Jsp. ,d from Porti,nd he .pent Both' the bitulithic and the rock Traveling "Gopelera
ane colonisation acheme. cooplo of weeks. He is somewhat im- crusher plants of the Warren Con- After marching from Portland to
proved in health. ; atruction Co. have been undergoing Eugene, a command of "goHpelors
(Jrain which grew from one kernel Mr- nd Mr- Jt Myrlck this repairs this week, due to break downs and ministers" under Rev. Walter
of wheat was pulled up on the I). W. ww;k moved to the Krebs place near ad as result but little headway IuA as chieftain is coming to East
Dickinson ranch on Eureka Hat and Adams, and Carl McConnell has U- been mado in construction work, "n Oregon and will crosa the state
the heads threshed by hand, there be- k,n Poln of his Helix wheat Dr. C. H. Smith, commander of line into Washington. They are ex-
Ing 1320 kifrncla of wheat in tho "ancn. i Athena-Weston American Legion pected in Athena and Weston Thurs-
All styles and prices, including the
the classiest phonograph on the market. I will
gladly call at your home and demonstrate this
wonderful machine, which may be seen at the Ross
Furniture Store.
LA G. SALU, Agent
. Weston, Oregon
Phone Main 411
"for the oldest way of preaching like
Christ from town to town.""
The wedding of Mias Nellie Darr Post, favors a community recreation day of next week. They will "round
Adams teacher, to John Ogle, is ani hall for Athena, in which the citi- "P sinners and taints, churches and
nounced, the ceremony being per- Mns of town and community and the ministers for open airs .-and in
formed at Yakinia, Wash., on Wed- Legion members would have year churches," according to their procla-
""'y- around facilities for enjoying recrea- mation. "Look out," they also say,
Mra. W. R. Taylor Tuesday attend- tive pursuits,
ed her mother, Mrs. Leeper, to Shep- ..
herd Springs, where she will receive An FXCiting ClUSC lor RobbfifS
treatment, Mrs. Taylor returning in ,,. , , r . ,
few da 'i Sheriff Taylor and Deputy Marin
,,:,'. . . , .. effected the capture of two men in
E. D. Dourning has purchased the fc, if 'w h M
K.lgore rea dence at corner of Second mJ m of havi,g
and Current strceU. fc lndjM cam t c
Cuy Cronk transported a party of on ' M MJ
youngsters to the Umatilla swim- , . . . , . . . "
....... . , and robbed Eugene Lyman of 1100
mine poo s in his b g truck, Sunday. ... ,
. . . .... , r and after tying him up in a barn
wan uuoiey ana wick vtinanip , , .. -...
have returned from their bear hunt
in the Black mountain district. No
bear steak.
L. M. Oliver, who took the civil
service examination for rural route
mail carrier out of Frewater, has
Throughout June better weather con
ditions Increased tbe prospects of the
output of every important crop. Tbe
improvement was reflected In a fore
cast of 28.000,000 bushels more In the
combined winter and spring wheat
crop than estimated a month ago;
seven million bushels more oats, 8.
000,000 bushels more barley and 2.000,
000 bushels more rye.
The spring wheat crop Is larger
than last year's by 82,000,000 bushels,
but the winter wheat crop is 114,000,
000 bushels smaller, although It is
only 45,000,000 less than tbe five-year
average production.
Wheat of last year's crop remaining
on farms July 1 was reported as 47,
756.000 bushels, or more than five per
cent of the crop. That, added to this
year's prospective production, makes
available about 856,000,000 bnshels of
wheat which, according to officials,
will be ample to meet domestic re
quirements and leave a surplus for ex
port. The condition of tbe corn crop waa
reported not so good as a year ago,
but the area planted shows an in
crease of 71,000 acres. Indications are
that the crop will be 138,000,000
bushels smaller but 19,000,000 busbela
larger than the five-year average.
if i I
took his automobile. Monday the
car was located at Kieth and it is
presumed the robbers used it to movo
their Indian plunder from its cache
near the Cayusc celebration grounds
to Rieth.
been given the Athena route, .ml has mfm of BiUin(rs Mon.
assumed his duties,
Gasoline has made another ad
vance, and is now being retailed at
35 cents kt ' gallon. Gasoline and
kerosene now being sold here is not
the Standard Oil product, but is
brought from the Wyoming and
Utah oil fields for distribution, owing
to the Standard's inability to deliver
its stock here for the present.
tana, and Neil Hart, who hails from
Idaho. The men were encountered
at Rieth by the Sheriff, Lyman and
Glen Busheo.
Hart threw up his hands when
commanded to do so, but Owens,
feigning insanity, began to double
up, mumble unintelligible pleas and
attempted to obtain his gun from the
I f SI 1 1 I J i A
41 ff
Good Paint
, -never look upon It
as an expense.
is GOOD Paint
4 I
!'"Av I
. if
Aif Ka (knr!(ul nn kin arm Shnriff
Miss Adah DeFreece, manager of -., ,ritxA tha ... .wn. hllt Bt
the local telephone exchange, wil go th time 0weM du(.ked under
on her annual -vacation next week. ft n,.ght car Tay,or fiml but mis8.
Ernest Zerba. Blaine pugger. Wm. w n(, 0wt,ng wa8 off for the moun.
Mcrhcrson and Lloyd Michener form- uins sheriff Tay,or kft Hart in
ed motor party going to the Dcs- thc cugto,y of B younjf man and to.
chutes for a fishing trip this week. thcr wjth Lyma Rnd Bushce gUrt.
They plan to be away for about two tof owens.
p'8, , , , . Hart drew a concealed weapon and
In the memory of "the oldest in-
habitant" Jinks Dudley has never
and Stradivari
Wc are pleased to announce that we
have secured the Agency for thc
Brunswick and Stradivara Phono
graphs each a masterpiece in itself.
Come in and let us demonstrate these
machines. Hear the latest Brunswick
You are welcome to our REST ROOM.
TLa.. m Im1
of Dollars
are lost yearly
throughout the
Pacific North
west by property
1 HI LI,
protect their houses and buildings
owners who fail
with nnlnt.
1 ULLLll Taint saves many thousands of dollars yearly
to property owners. It saves a great deaL more than
it costs. Insure your property against the ravage of
the elements with FULLER Paint. Take a few minutes
and look over your property today,
W. P. Fuller & Co.
1849-1920 ?
Northwest Dranch
Houses at Portland,
Seattle, Tacoma,
Spokane, Boise.
J n rr.t I
wauia L 1
v Look Up a
in Your Town
gone fishin but reports come down
from Bingham Springs that he
caught 45 speckled beauties up there
one day this week.
Mrs. Robert Proudfit and daugh
ter Mary, returned Monday from a
week's stay at Bingham Springs. Bob
went up to the springs and accom
panied them homo, incidentally bring
ing back a creel of fish.
As the result of agitation by the
Civic Club at its meeting Tuesday,
the streets of Athena and vacant lots
are being shorn of the pestiferous
foxtail and weeds which will soon
prove a fire menace to the city.
A. J. Crigler, pioneer stockman,
farmer and fruitrnisr, is critically
ill at his home near Frecwater. Ho
has been in a poor state of health for
some time, but during the last few
weeks has been gradually failing. He
spent a week at College Place hos
pital, but a few days ago was remov
ed back to his home A number of
Athena friends havo visited thc old
gentleman. Mr. Crigler resided for
many years on a farm north ot
Seventy kiddios were made happy
on Wednesday afternoon, when the
hospitable home of Mr. and Mrs. J.
C. Walter west of town, was the
scene of a party for their-pleasure.
Many automobiles hi town were re
quisitioned to transport the young
sters who were regaled .with games,
i i r ii in' mi in i
AdidSummer Clearance
Only three weeks until I go to market.In that time I want to
Sell Every Hat and Garment
in the House
These comprise the latest Mid-Summer Models in Beautiful Lace, Georgette
and Leghorne Pattern Hats, as well as Sports and Sailors.
Smart variety of Shirtwaists in all colors and sizes. Handsome Coats, Suits,
and Dresses in Taffeta, Tricolette, Tricotine, Jersey, serge, Linen- Beachcloth
and the ever ready Ginghams.
Many beautiful bkirts in Wool, Silk, White Plaid, Striped and " Checked,
pleated and plain, full and narrow.
All sizes on. sale at one-third the original price. Don't miss, this bargain
opportunity. . . , .
The Style Shop -
cAthena, Oregon