The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, July 09, 1920, Image 5

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    Something Fdissing from the Home
Yes-that l how It di'onm without music. Musle U an essential
of llfo ientlnl to right living emu-tiUnl Ik tliu complete njy
ment of llfo.
Musle has long alnci' piittM'd thut ktuitu where it Was coniiidered
Thti wmhl' best muni)- in now within tho reach of every home.
Great singer mid hnt rumoiituliHt iiro lit your service in your
own hump whenever you wish to hear tlivm.
supplies all that you inn pomllily i -' for in muni' unci tho beau
tiful taiiluiU an- an attractive million. It In a phaiuro to be able
to wive yon.
The New EDISON in truly "Tho Phonograph with a Huul."
Thia la tho wonderful Instrument that has Uvti demonstrated hun
dred of time In direct comparison with tho voice anil playing of
livinir arl!.-.t ami "No unit could tell the difference.
Tho New KdUnn U now sold on the "budget" dnn which enable
everyone to have "MUSIC In tho HOME."
tall or writo for complete Infurmatitiun to any home.
Vho Davis -Kaser Co.
Complete Home FurniHhing Department Store
10-20 Alder St. Walla Walla, Wauh.
1 am prepared to furnish Ill-HKAT
Utah Coal In any quantity.
,l have different gradei of wood for
I especially solicit carload order
for No. 1 eordwood.
your grain. nl w-l K've Prompt atten
tion to orders for anything in its line.
International Stock
and Poultry Food
Hay, Rolled Barley. Oats, Wheat and
Millfeeds. Chicken Feeds, includ
ing Corn, Wheat, Scratch Food, Bone,
Shell, Grit, Meat Scraps and Fgg Mash.
Try a Sack of our Popular Graham.
J. A. LUMSDEN - Proprietor
II, GOODWIN, Druggist
Dodge Cars
and Dodge Extras
, Gasoline, Oils and
I,.' Halseth of tho Weston Mercan
tile Co. ha rented the Dupui cot
tage on east Main street. Mr. Hal
seth expects in August a visit from
hia dauichUtr, Mis Lorain Halseth
of Browning, Montana.
Misses Eliza Morrison, Vlra Mor
rison, Esther William and Mr. L. I.
0'IIarra were among the July
Fourth vacationist who hearkened
to woodland melodic in Camp Me
Dougal region.
Mr. and Mr. Charles Price enter
tained at dinner Sunday the Frank
Price and Claude Price families.
Rev. A. J. Starmer and family and
Mr. Letha King and family motored
Monday up to Rocky Ford, where
they listened to the brook playing
drowsy tunes upon the stone while
they partook of an appetizing picnic
For Halo Team of good work
mare 6 and 7 year old, In good con
dition. Will sell reasonable. Jones
Jones, Weston, Or.
Mrs. Walter Webb and Mis Ora
Webb have returned from their viit
with Mr. Webb' mother at Cottage
Grove, Oregon, and with her ton at
Brewster, Wash.
Until August 1 I am paying $10
for old iron. J. R. Reynold.
The little son and infant daughter
of Mr. and Mr. Elbra Harri have
both been seriously ill with whooping
cough. '
The food people, of Weston and
"vicinity are expected to fill ever
cat at Memorial- Hall for the Ar
menian benefit July 17.
R. K. York camo up from Wasco,
Oregon, where he ha garage em
ployment, to spend the Fourth of
July with hi family.
Mrs. Claude Davis and little
daughter arrived Wednesday from
Walla Walla to join Mr. Davis, and
will make their home on North Broad
Lylo Webb is enjoying a vacation
outing at Ilingham. He has been re
lieved by Eugene Smith in the Wes
ton Mercantile' grocery.
Dr. and Mr. W. II. McKinney and
Miss Iva McKinney were absent du
ring the first of the week on a visit
at Condon.
A congenial crowd who enjoyed a
picnic dinner Monday under the wal
nut tree in the C. F. Bulfinch yard
were: Mrs. Mary C. McNee, Mr.
Lilian Fredericks, Mrs. I. E. baling,
Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Bulfinch. Mis
Dorothy Bulfinch, Mr. and Mrs. Her
man Goodwin.
Camp Cold Spring claimed its quo
ta of Fourth of July celebrants.
Among those who gathered there to
feast upon toothsome fried chicken
and other dainties peculiar to the day
were Mr. and Mrs. Newton O'llarra,
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Tucker, Mr. and
Mrs. P. C. McCauslin, Mr. and Mr.
C. F. Bulfinch, Miss Dortohy Bul
finch. Mrs. G. II. Fontaine is here from
the Fontaine farm 16 miles south of
Great Falls, Montana, for visit
with her parents, Mr. and Mr. W.
E. Driskell. Mrs. Fontaine report
the crop outlook to be very promising
in that .part of Montana. Unless
unfavorable weather from now on
should cut down the yield, winter
wheat is expected to go between 40
and 60 bushels per acre.
Mr. and Mr. 0. A. Adams return
ed Wednesday evening from their
visit with relative in Salem and Eu
geno, having made the round trip in
their Ford car. The journey going,
350 miles, was accomplished in one
day from 3:15 in the morning to 11
o'clock at night.
Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Royer and son
Kenneth arrived Friday evening from
Elgin, Illinois, to spend few week
at the home of Mrs. Rover's pa
rent, Mr. and Mrs. A. T. MeU, on
Normal Heights. The trip across the
country was made in a Mitchell car,
fourteen day being required to com
plete the journey. The tourists re
port fair road conditions and but lit
tle tire trouble. Mr. Royer is fore
man of the big printing establish
ment of the Brethren at Elgin.
The family of Elmer Elwell ar
rived in Weston Sunday from Forest
Grove, and have secured a residence
on Water street from Mrs. Hetty
Powers. Mr. Elwell is on the brick
yard payroll. Having liked the town
when he was here five years ago, ho
decided to return.
J. Hugh Pruett, son of the late
Rev. W. H. Fruett, pioneer Weston
minister, has resigned as head of the
science department of Walla Walla
High school after a year of service
there. Mr. Pruett, in whose advance
ment Weston friends of the family
take much interest and pleasure, has
been elected to an instructorship in
physics at the University of Oregon.
Mr. and Mrs. John BonewiU have
moved into their commodious new
residence bought of Dr. Watts.
R. L. Reynaud has added a conven
ient little cash register, built for
barbers, to his equipment It is so
devised that it will prevent him from
cheating himself.
left. A few
on hand. These are going fast.
Headquarters for
Binding: Twine
Zeroline in 15 Gal. Drums and Bulk. Monogram, Veedol, Machine and
Cylinder Oils. Get our prices; we save you money.
You make a mistake if you don't trade with
Hardware :: Implements :: Lumber
L. B. Davis has received a hand
some new marble fountain which he
will soon install to quench the thirst
of soda seekers at his establishment.
It is known as the "Ten-Foot American."
Mrs. Margaret Rabb, formerly with
the Weston Mercantile Co., has been
secured to assist in the J. C. Penney
Co. store of Athena. Mrs. Rabb,
who lately returned from the East,
is extended cordial welcome by a
host of friends both in Athena and
Rulon Smith and Carl Brandt left
Monday for Seaside to commune with
Neptune and perhaps a few mer
maids. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Lumsden left
Saturday evening for a visit with
relatives at Portland.
Col. F. G. Lucas left this week on
another long trip into northern Al
berta, where he will complete the
appraisement of a large body of
land for a Chicago company.
Miss Opal Winn is here from her
home in Portland for a visit at the
Hey Winn farm residence. She is
accompanied by her brothers, Jess
and Marvin.
Craig Driskell is here from Walla
Walla fo a visit with relatives while
recuperating from the effects of nn
operation for appendicitis.
Sunday, July 11, Mr." Horace
Payne of Athena, Miss Arvilla
Beamer of Weston, Miss Reta Payne
of Athena and Mr. Elmer Aldridge
of Seattle will entertain at the
Young People's meeting, First Bap
tist Church, with a few songs. Miss
Josephine Cowen of Weston will act
s pianist
Miss Ella May Harmon, home
demonstrator, will make dress forms
at the home of Mrs. E. E. Faust on
Weston mountain July 15 and 16.
Great suatir special, "The Copper
head," at the Standard Theatre, Ath
ena, Wednesday evening. July 14.
After a trip to Helix the other day
in Fred's motorcycle. Nelson Jones
and Fred Dupuis started home at a
reasonable hour. As to which one
navigated the little boat deponent
sayeth not, although Fred was the
crew. At all events they arrived
somewhere at half past three o'clock
in the morning. Somewhere proved
to be Pendleton instead of Weston,
the reckless voyagers having lost
themselves in a sea of wheat.
Pendleton's population is 7386, the
Round Up city having gained 65.6 in
population percent the past decade.
BUTTER WRAPS at Leader. Shop
One hundred 1 50
Each additional hundred 0 75
I have my two-ton truck and am ready
to haul your hogs, household goods or
anything you want moved, any time or
place. Give me a trial
GUY CROM, Athena, Or.
i Where Do Your Earnings Go?
Where do all your earnings go? Do they slip away, melt in
your grasp, disappear as if by magic?
A savings account will change the order of things. Don't
let a pay-day go by without climbing a step higher. Your
deposits, either small or large, are gladly welcomed here.
A Term Savings Account here pays 4 percent interest and is
safe and secure with us.
A place to drop your
small change at home
a Liberty Bell Savings
Bank with each account
of $1 or more. Have
you yours yet?
He -Fanners Bank of Weston