J5 The BOBTAIL BIEIO ICS- "HORE WHEAT!" :: "lilORE WHEAT!" We ordered weather to conform, and Harvesting Machinery to care for our farmer friends. We have it and REPAIRS GALORE FOR THE OLD Come and see get in your orders now. Binders, Headers, Grain Tanks and Carpet Tacks on short notice. WATTS & ROGERS ATHENA, OREGON WEBION LEADER CLARK WOOD, Publlihtf MRS. H. GOODWIN. AultUat Editor M'HSCNINION RA.1H Tho Ynr w Six Months 1 00 Three Month u M riiDAT. jutr a 1920 CMtrta at llu potlotllct ! Wtilon, Onjea iM(ond-clii llmIU. SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the Stalo of Oregon for Umatilla County. Birdia Logan, Plaintiff, vs. Robert Lo gan, Jr., Defendant. To Robert Logan, Jr., the above named defendant: In the Name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby summoned and re quired to appear and answer the com plaint on file in the above entitled suit on or before six weeks f rem the date of the first publication of this sum mons, to-wit, on or before the 16th day of July, 1920; and for want of such answer, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the said complaint, to-wit, for decree that the bonds of matrimony and mar riage contract heretofore existing be tween the said plaintiff and the said defendant be forever dissolved and that the said plaintiff, Birdia Logan, be granted an absolute divorce from the said defendant, Robert Logan, Jr., and for such other relief as it to the court seems equitable. This summons is served upon you by publication in the Weston Leader, o weekly newspaper of general circula tion, for six consecutive weeks btgin ding with the issue of the 4th day of June, 1920, to and including the issue of the 16th day of July, 19$), pursuant to order for said publication made, dated and entered in tbe above enti tled court and cause on the 1st day of June, A. D. 1920, by the Hon. Gilbert W. Phelps, Judge of the said court. Dated at Pendleton, Oregon, this 2d day of June, 1920. Peterson, Bishop & Clark, Attorneys for Plaintiff. P. O. address, Pendleton, Oregon. SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for I'matilla County. Etlie May Milton, Plaintiff, vs. Albert Lee Milton, Defendant. To Albert Lee Milton, the above named defendant: In the Name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby summoned and required to appear and answer the complaint on file in the above entitled suit on or be fore six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, to wit, on or before the 9th day of July, 1920; and for want of such answer, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the said complaint, to-wit, for a decree that the bonds of matrimony and marriage contract heretofore existing between the said plaintiff and the said defendant be for ever dissolved and that the said plain tiff, Ellie May Milton, be granted an absolute divorce from the said tfefend ant, Albert Lee Milton, and for such other relief as it to the court seems equitable. This summons is served upon you bv publication in the Weston Leader, a weekly newspaper of general circula tion, for six consecutive weeks begin ning with the issue of the 2Sth day of May, 1920, to and including the issue of the 9th day of July, 1920, pursuant to order for said publication made, dated, and entered in the above enti tled court and cause on the 20th day of May, 1920, by the Hon. Gilbert W. Phelps, judge of said court. Dated at Pendleton, Oregon, this 22d day of May, 1920. Peterson, Bishop & Clark, Attorneys for Plaintiff. P. 0. address, Pendleton, Oregon. A Wonderful New ISSUED BY THE Policy BANKERS LIFE COMPANY of DES MOINES, IOWA Assume You Carry $10,000 If you die from any natural cause, the Company pays $10,000 If you die from accident, the Company pays 20,000 If you become totally and permanently disabled, during such dis ability all premium payments are waived and after one year the Company pays you 11,000 per year, as long as you Uve. and at your death pays J"'" Under the disability benefit, if you live eleven years, you receive 10,000 Or, if you live twenty-one years, you receive 20,000 And At tenth your family or estite trill receive 10.0 (the annual payments to you being subject to continuance of total disability.) FRANK PRICE, Agent, Weston, Oregon COX AM) ROOSEVELT. The nomination of Cox and Koose veil pivea the democratic party a strong ticket and a good fltrhttnR chance for victory in November. That Cox is the strongest man who could have been chosen to head the ticket i matter of individual opinion. At all events he was the choice of an untramelled convention after many weary hours of balloting. Inevitably there were party bosses at San Francisco at Chicago. But they could only boss certain del egationsnot the convention. The White House "dictator" did no dic tating, although he now asserts his entire approval of the nominee. The assertion that Cox is a "wet" candidate falls fliit. in view of his opposition to a wet plank in the plat form. He is the joint nominee- of both the wet and dry forces at the convention. This had to be true of any candidate, since either faction could have kept the convention dead locked forever. Three times elected governor of the gnat state of Ohio, Cox has a splendid record of achievement ami of law enforcement. As president of the United States he will respect and enforce tho federal prohibition laws. This country' W'H continue "bone dry" despite the groundless fears of William Jennings Bryan. As to tho activities of Tammany which accepted Cox but did not nom inate him and to whom he owes nothing if Tammany, we say, is the tly in the democratic ointment, then is the entire republican ointment in the 01.1 Guard fly. Of these evils, choose ye the least. The outstanding fuct is that the League of Nations becomes the great issue between tho rival parties, and practically the only issue of conse quence. Between the candidates, even, there is little to choose. As a matter of fact, neither party need bo ashamed of the head of its ticket. Cox and Harding are types of suc cessful, active and sturdy Americans men who have achieved prominence both in private- and public life and are respected and honored by their fellow citizens. Practical men of affairs, if not idealists neither arc they corrupt, selfish nor unprogres sive could not be, in fact, and reach the place that is theirs. The two men are so very much alike, in fact, that the choice will lie between the principles they advocate. If you feci that the United States is committed to the League of Na tions and should unite with other great powers in fostering the won derful ideal that has sprung from the war-scourged bosom of Europe, you will vote for James M. Cox in Nov ember. If you feel that the United Sates should "paddle its own canoe" while classing itself with "Revolu tionary Mexico, Bolshevik Russia and Unspeakable Turkey," you will cast your ballot for Warren G. Harding. -5ISILK VALUESi We have wnie of tho best values in silk merchandise to lo found anywhere. This merchandise cannot be duplicated in the larger towns. Georgette, 40 inches wide (colors) iV?iSrS''l Crepe do Chine, -10 in. (colors) "lJ 3! Crepe do Chine (combination suits) pink Vr'rA"r'(j! Silk Jersey (combination suits) pink f;J-J-JJ" Taffeta silks (30 inch) all colors fslXwlS Mescalines and Fancy silks (3G inch) $H ? China silk and Jap silk uaTi S Pretty silk camisoles Via .7!i tin Georgette waists (all colors) J;-J 10 Trieolette waists (all colors) ti io Silk gloves, short and long ,,c , i iJi Silk hose (black, white, brown, lace) 10 iAJ J.C. PENNEY co. Atffisrs.; I who waits; it's a limit lane that has no turning, and similar original re marks are in order. Wo aiu certain to have an editor for president. With both A. I, and I'. V re ports and Editor Aldrii-h sen. ling special stories from San Krancisco, the Knst Oregoiiian handled the democratic convention in n manner befitting its itatus as the hct small iSty daily in the state. If we judge them arlf-ht, C.x and Harding are both the type of men who can campaign atiainst each oth er with vigor without jeo(nrdilng the personal friendship that haa long continued between them. Preston-Shaffer Milling Co. Established 1865 Athena, Oregon . Waitsburg, Wash. American Beauty Pure White Made of selected bluestem in one of the best equipped mills in the Northwest. Sold in Weston by Weston Mercantile Company Just about the best little predictcr in tho grain business is Editor Pickel of Rosenbaum Review, not a few of whose fivc-dollar-a-year sub scribers regard him as an oracle. He makes a close study of the grain situation, and hits the market nail on the head with surprising consist ency and precision. Just about now around here unusual interest attaches to Picket' views, as with a bumper crop in prospect a bumper price will mean royal returns to the East End farmer. The Chicago prophet finds the price outlook en couraging. He. predicts in his chart a gradual drop during the fall months to around $2.25 or $2.30 a bushel, but a corresponding rise next spring to an entirely new and unpre cedented figure, which he character izes with a question mark. Pickel is not only a market seer, but as long ago as last January he foretold Harding's nomination. He has been right so often about wheat that what he prints is given respectful consideration by a number of lead ing East End farmers. Should wheat this fall follow the downward course he has indicated, these men will be quite likely to hold for the spring market. We have never had an editor as president of the United States, says the Orcgonian. Nineteen of our presidents were lawyers when elect ed, three were statesmen, two were soldiers, one was a planter, one a farmer and one a public official. None of them had ever been an edi tor and none was the son of an edi tor. Two of our presidents have be come editors, or editorial writers, after leaving office. Turn about is fair play; all things come to him si The Great Only sneeringly de scribes it as "A triumph for Tam many and Alcohol." but then if somebody else had been nominated It would have been something else again. One thing to be devoutly thankful for is that we w ill o spared n vocif croua chorus of g. o. p. yippcra anil yawpcrs ascribing the democratic nomination to the "White House autocrat." The Vacuette Suction Sweeper j will easily and quickly clean your rugs ; and carpets without electric aid. Fur- I nishes its own suction power. Light and efficient. Let us show you how it works. i A. M. ROSS Furniture and Undertaking : W.VV.WMV.V.V.V.V.V.V.VAV.V.VAVVAV.V. BUTTER WRAPS Furnished and Printed nt the leader office We're glad that in any event an editor will occupy the White House, having tho utmost confidence that any man who can run a newspaper can run tho federal administration. Kninia Goldpian confesses that she finds Bolshevism in Russia worse than capitalism in America. We knew this, Emma. Tell it to TroUky. "It's a league of treason and cove nant of national death," says Sena tor Reed whom Missouri has cer tainly sent to the wrong institution. Bootleggers arc quoting $2000 per barrel for whiskey, which seems to go up whenever there is a throat ful opportunity for it to go down. While it was a great personal tri umph, no crowing of the Cox will be heard in Ohio. Harding congratulated Cox, and will have another opportunity to do so, we wot, in November. i For OLD IRON I will pay this price until August 1st only, in order to fill out a shipment. Top prices paid for Old Metal, Rags, Sacks, Hides, Wool, Etc. See me for Blacksmith Iron, Shafting and Piping J. R. Reynolds Water Street (second block north of Main) WESTON - - OREGON Tire I'rotection With tho approach of the dry por tion of the summer months, it is welt to use every precautionary mea sure to prevent fires. It is pointed out that grass and grain fires usual ly start from carelessnes on the part of someone. If trash must be burned at this season, the authorities ad monish that it must be done in the safest manner possible, ailn, that all embers be extinguished by the person who burns the rubbish. A. W. LUNDELL Vniirflinitf ;; A VHI VIIVIVV ,, J i; for a short time only Sec Madge Kennedy at Memorial Hall July 17. Your money goes to the Armenians. Notice to Creditors Id the County Court of the State of I Oregon for Umatilla County. In the Matter of the Estate of Walter Cameron, deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned haa been appointed adminis trator of the estate of Walter Camer on, deceased, and that ho has qualified as by law required. All persons having claims against tho estate are requested to present tho same to me at my home near Weston, in Umatilla County, Oregon, or to my attorney, Stephen A. Lowell, In De spafn block, Pendleton, Oregon, with in six months from the date hereof, with proper vouchers. Dated this 28th day of June, 1920. Joe Payant, Administrator. Dr. S. L KEIfflARD j I Veterinary Surgeon Phone Main 253 j Real Estate and Insurance Pendleton nd Weston, Or. Addres-I'. O. Box 47 l'vndleton, Oregon. Some Special Bargains in X Morrow uouniy ianus. All Kinds of Property. Agent PACIFIC AGENCY t Eye-Glass Service l'hone 43U-J I)U. A. M. SIMMONS Eye Sight SptcUUit Peniant Bide. Over Tallman Drug Store Pendleton, Oregon. An Extra Pair of L ! Pants with Every Suit Order, or 10 D1SC0UHT WESTON BATHS, BARBER ii and TAILOR SHOP I R. L. Reynaud I Cascade Slabs rA NDO Utah GOAL Ask our prices for dray ing. Phone 272 or 93. WESTON TRANSFER CO. GILBERT G. ELLIS, Mgr. ; WESTON ii CASH MARKET FRESH MEATS J OF ALL KINDS ? ii HIGHEST CASH i PRICES PAID . FOR LIVESTOCK, HIDES, PELTS, &c. HASS & SAUER