The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, July 09, 1920, Image 1

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    Weston Lead
Principal Events of the Week
Briefly Sketched for Infor
mation of Our Readers.
Motor car r le Is lo be, restored
between I'eiidleton ml I ' inn 1 1 IIh , July
I(enldeiil if Western tana rnunly
Imvii mini lo estsblliih a union high
school at Klorence.
Tha census bureau gse The Palles
population or t0'; ml Increase of
P.' 7, or 18 per rent.
The Klral National Hank rf Cists
ssule opened Ma cluira fur busmen
In temporary quarters.
Iluknr run I dealers nru receiving
liberal supplies cf coul. ri'itiovliiK any
fear of n Immediate shortage.'
Kxports from Portland f r I ho month
Just ended amounted (o $7,751,555, the
highest June record la ti history of
the port.
A charter has been Issued to lha
Columbia Trust & Havings bsuk of
Astoria lha Institution la capitalised
at 1100,000,
Funeral ervlees for James Rica.
prominent tanker anl farmer of Ma
dras, were fcrld In the Klks" tempi
at Tim llalles.
The census bureau announced tha
10:0 population of llaser City. Or .
1't1. an Increase of M7 or III par
runt since 1910.
Tha lumber mllla epernted by tha
flooth Kelly lumber company at Wend
ling and Hprlngfleld closed Saturday.
July 3. Indefinitely.
Tha Albany Mlulntf tlnl association
haa elected Rev. J C. Bpencer. pastor
of tha Oral Methodlsl church, preel
dent for tha cotnliiK yesr.
Frank Harm. engineer at the plant
of the KiiKeiio A Weatnrn Lumber
company. Kugene. wa killed when a
main steam pipe exploded.
tinned on Iho present reglatratlon '
if motor vehicles In the stale It la
predicted that mora than 150.000 per
anna will apply for driver licenses.
Harvey ti. Starkweather was elected
praaldent at the annunl meeting of
tha tona and daughters if Oregon pliv
neers at the I'ortlnud public library.
HeapoiiKililllty for tha kmsoUiio strln
genry waa laid to (ho oil companies
In a rt'pott published by the rommlttee
of tho Healers' Mctor far ananclatlon
of Oregon.
That tha lumber Industry la alack In
Coo rounty Is Indicated by the num.
ber of loggers drifting Into Marahfteld.
Two mllla liavo Miut down for an In
definite lime.
According to Labor Commissioner
Cliam there would bo no ahortage of
labor In Oregou If unemployed per.
anna would lake work outalda their
regular calling.
The contract fcr conatrucllon of l he
dam for the diversion of water from
Itogue river to Irrlgitte 10,000 acrea
of land near Granta Pass haa been let
to a ( allfortila contractor.
jThe public aervlce commlaalon Is
aued an order permitting the St.
Helena Lumber cotnpnny to discon
tinue ateam heating aervlce lo It few
remaining patrons at St. Helens.
Governor Olcott hna, In company
with governors of other states, tunned
a proclamation urging enlistment In
fe United States navy. Tho quota
(ocommended from Oregon la COO.
. The public service commlaalon is
sued an order allowing J. K. Daugherty
to cease business as a publlo utility
at Yoncalla. Mr. Daughterly has been
providing a domestic water service.
Contracts have been signed by the
Oregon Dairymen's league for the
purchase of ten cheese and butter
plants In different parta of the state.
The doal Involves more thun (200,000.
L. O. Hulin of Eugene has resigned
as CABhler and director of the First
National bank of Springfield snd,hls
place has been tukrn by Lloyd C. Mar
tin, who has bought Mr. Hulin's stock
In the institution.
The Eugene Chamber of Commerce
has taken up the proposed develop
ment of hydro-electric power on the
Wllla motto and McKenslo rivers as a
means of attracting manufacturing in
terests to the city.
The Carfton school budget for next
ypBr, carrying appropriations for the
snIHry of one more teacher In the
high school and for Increased pay for
all members of the staff wns passed
by a narrow majority, 48 to 12.
'Mm state Irrigation securities com-
mlhsiun haa been asaed tu certify an
i tier 1134.000 block of bonda for the
i ; w - I'tixa Irrigation district, this
l'lr;: ii pail of the :'90.000 laaun
.it Initially aiithiirlied by the district.
Tim stale lii ml boerd decided lo ex
i limine lo.Oiio acrea of what la known
as at. lie acrlpt, and which la located
In tarloiis sections of Oregon, for a
finpct body of 60.000 acres of fed
eral lands In the Bnnllatn foreat re
serve. The binds Bought In the Hantlam
finest reaerve would be usud fcr
furi slry purposes.
According lo th report of the post
master at Halem the revenue of his
cfflce from (he sale of atampa tha
past fiscal year waa 17392. Second
class mall matter brought $C64 and
matter from the state offices 114, 200.
In reply to a query from the district
attorney of Grant county, Attoruey
(ii-uernl Drown hss given the opinion
Iliat no official or person has authority
lo auspend tho enforcement of the
statute prohibiting minors from play
ing mm I.
Tine of the largest deals closed In
llaker for some time culminated when
final arrangements were made by the
Cornucopia Mlnea company fcr the Is-
suance oi a sjuu.uuo mongaae io in
Trust company of New
Captain Jacob Speler, Portland har
bormaster, haa Issued sn order requir
ing all vessels rnterlug from foreign
ports to obey the provisions of the
new city ordlnsnce requiring adequate
brotecllon aaalnst the Introduction of
Apparently the finances of the young
. ... . i
men oi i.ane coumy are lienor
they were a year ago. County Clerk
llryson Issued marriage licensee to
ft couples during June this year, as
compared with 3S for the same month
last year.
As a result of action taken by the
apple and pear growers of Oregon,
practically the same regulatlona rel
ative to grading the fruit and the
aire oT boxee for shipment will pre
vail this season In Oregon, Washing
Ion, IJnho, Moptana.
Twenty-one voters determined tha
fate of a SI06.C40 budget It was ascer
tained when the count on the Dead
special school district election was an
nounced. The budget carried by a
vote of 12 lo t, one ballot. Improperly
marked, being thrown out.
Tho ernud Jury t The Dulles, after
einmlulng 10 witnesses, found indict
ments against (Ilea Drown of Penan-
cola, Ho , charged wttn tno muraer or
Otis Mea, O.-W. It. A N. brakemnn.
and Council Oliver, Norfolk, Va., as
an accessory, iiotn ero colored.
O. P. llofr, state treasurer. Is barred
by low from purchasing Improvement
bonds laauod. by tha city of North
Ilend, Ctos county, for less than par
and accrued Interest, according to a
legnl opinion given by the attorney
general. Tho opinion was asked by
Mr. Hoff.
Pioneers from all parts of the west
assembled In Portland last Friday for
the 48lh annual reunion of the Oregon
Ploncnr association, whose member-
shlp includes only those who arrived
In Oregon or were Tjoru here before
1IS9, the year Oregon waa admitted
to the union.
Construction of a paved highway ex
tending from the southern Wlllametto
valley to Salem and thence north of
Salem to connect with the paved road
on (he west side of the Willamette
river Is the purpose of (he Capitol
Highway association, which was organ
ised at Salem.
The West Coast Lumbermen's asso
ciation Is Installing a display of
Douglas fir and hemlock lumber In
tha state exhibit room on the ground
floor of the Oregon building, Portland,
that will make It on of the best edu
cational showings of the kind that has
ever been arranged,
Request for the assignment cf two
men In Portland from the United
States hoalth service to take, ade
quate steps to prevent bubonic plague
entering Oregon, was made by City
Health Officer Parrish In conference
with Major Rlchey WaugU of tha
United States public health service.
- No petitions of aliens who desire to
become cltliens of the United 8tate
will be received by the circuit court of
Multnomah county after August 1.
Aliens must hereafter apply for clttxen
ship papers through the United Statee
district court, but In other counties In
the slate where the applicants would
be Inconvenienced by the fact that the
only federal court In the state Is In
Portland, the state courts will con
tlnue to hear naturalisation cases.
Up in
i virt J
clarence Cagnon was UkriTbj' St.
nj.ry', hospital, Walla Walla, yes-
terday. where he will be opeiKted on
for removal of varicose veinn. Ho
was accompanied to Walla Walla by
his wife and mother.
Mr. and Mrs. V. B. Radtke and
.k;i,irn M,nrii,l Tn..itav vf.ninir
from a three-days stay at Hidaway,
where the big pool was thoroughly
enjoyed. Extra winter clothing is
recommended for this trip, as the
t.,,.i..ntiii- ,li-fitia at fiiirhr tn an tin.
comfortably low point. nost oi menus in mis visinuy, is -
Attorney H. I. Watts spent the suffering from a complication of the ont door. A tour of inspec-
week in Portland. asthma, tonsilltis and kidney trou- rooms and equ.pment was
Mr. and Mrs. Otho Reeder left this ble. n'odc. r wllich 8 hort pro
morning by auto for Tacoma. Mrs. H. II. Hill, in company with Ki of stunts was given. A boun-
Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Dimick of Sa- her daughter. Mrs. C. O. Whitcman teous lunch embodying sundry of the
lent, are guests at the home of their and family, of Walla Wallo, left the ftood things of life was the closing
daughter. Mrs. W. C. Kmmel. first of the week -for Newport. Ore- feature of an event which did indeed
Mrs. M. L. Watts and daughter, gon, for a summer's outing on the "W to jy' too scanty sum a little
Veroila, arrived home yesterday coast. ." Those participating in the
morning from Pertland and the coast. Mr. ami Mrs. James ;.SIwny 'tiv,u" wre "r-
t M..v..i.i.n .... tin.. t .1.. ..t Price, Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Jones,
.-n. vuiia.i pwnM - ---
less last Thursday afternoon at her
home to about twenty guests, her
sister, Mrs. Carl McConncll being the
inspiration for the party. The Mc
Connrlls will soon move to their Hel
ix farm.
Mrs. Clara McCoy, who hn: been
a guest or Mrs. rviuiam nice mm
Mrs. Lilla Kirk returned Tuesday to
her homo at Brownsville.
Lucien Gagnon was awarded the
,)rj2e fuhing rod at Watta & Kogcrs,
for caUlting the largest trout of the
season beginning April 1 and ending
July 1.
Mrs. W. W. McPherson left yestcr-
day for a two weeks vacation from
her duties at the local telephone ex
change. She will visit relatives ami
friends at Jerome, Idaho.
Sirns Dickenson and family airiv-
cd Saturday, and will move to their
farm northwest of town in the near
future. Mrs. Dickenson s health is
very much improved after spending
several years in Arixonia.
So, far Athena's water supply has
held out to the extent that no cur-
tailinent has been called on the do
niostic supply
tl.. it i. -
Meted that conservation in the use
of water will be observed by con-
k- i..
styles and pries, including the
the classiest phonograph on the market. I will
gladly call at your home and demonstrate this
wonderful machine, which may be seen at the Ross
Furniture Store.
Phone Main 411
the Air
will hold on as long as possible. Root
growth has recently been removed
from the pipes at the source of sup-
ply and pumping is being resorted to
at the upper well after this week,
Mr. Hugh McArthur of Portlund,
has been very seriously ill the past
wwk at the homo of his brother in
law, Geo. Hamster on Fifth street,
He is attended by Dr. C. H. Smith
and Monday his nephew, Dr. Fred
Liuuallen of Pendleton, wns at his
lMdii!i Mr. McArthur. who has a
. . " . . ' , , ,
rnnie over irum lavunm n.c
the week. Mr. McSherry returrc:,
leaving his wiftf to visit for Mv.vral
weeks at the home of her pa run I
nnd Mrs. !J. K. Sharp.
Kohler Helts, Athena high school
lK,y. met with a iminful accident Sat-
,ir,ayi wj,jc cranking a gasoline en-
ginc. The handle struck him in the
, - . r . I .... "
eye, nu ior a
wouiti lose me miii. jiu we jui.vm
to Pendleton, where the injured mem-
H.r was treated, and is now nt home.
jt itl opfs na pcniiancnt harm will
,u jone y tm accjjt.nt.
The lower portion of Third street
from Main south to the city park is
closed to travel, to permit of remov
ing the macadam surface prepara
tory to treating it with bithulithic
pavement. The county is also re-
,,iucjng. the old bridge with a new
one at thc Wild Horse creek cross-
ing, adjacent to the city park.
Streets and Roads
(Athena Press.)
Superintendent Carlson of the War
rV.l,..i;., ,.,,, inform.
V.'viiw.t uiviuii iviiiiwh;
nt r i, l,.,...l,,f..o
work on Main street will begin next
week. It will be started at the Fif th
!.. :- ,.ot
Weston, Oregon
and south down Third street to the
city park. It is understood the rea
son fur starting at Fifth street, in
stead of west Main street, is that the
above specification Includes xtaUs
highway contract work.
with the completion of the portion
irom rum sireci vo vne cny para, me
Athena-Wcson section of,, the state
highway would be intact so far as it
is graded at the present time, thus
releasing tho product of tije. plant for
completing the street work.
Th plant located in the southwest
part of town has been worked to its
full capacity in furnishing crushed
rock for the state highway grade be
tween Athena and Weston and up to
this time has not been capable of
furnishing material for street im
provement. With the installation of a necond
plant at the Winn place, east of Wes
ton, the product of the local plant
will bo released from highway work
during the period required for street
The removal of the macadam sur
face from Main street, leaves that
thoroughfare in deplorable condi
tion. , With the passing of every ve-
hide, the dust sift into J.hc stores
an(j business houses, much to the
jj-omfiture of every one.
Lumsden House Wanning
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Lumsden were
tendered a surprise house warming
by friends and neighbors Thursday
eve...... -"r-":' " -
ciutT uro. fwiii vj. seating t
charming manner, christened the new
home "Happy Hours Cottage." ' J.
Harl Williams conducted the cere-
f . horh. over
. i
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Smith, Mr. and
Mr8. J. Harl Willliams, Mr. and Mrs.
Ilcy Winn, Mr. and Mrs. John Ban
ister, Mr. and Mr. C. E. Fisk, Mr.
n...l M i l" V-Iw,i Tii.-lfr Me nnl
n ' .. ... .
" Gcwlwjr). 'Mrs. clara McCoy of
Brownsville, Oregon; Mre. Lilla
kks, Miss Dorothy Bulfinch, Miss
Loi Sahntr( j,r. l. Halseth, Mr. and
Mrs. Lumsden.
Armenian Benefit July 17
The proceeds of thc motion pic
ture show Saturday evening, July 17,
at Memorial Hall will go the Armen
ian relief fund.
Dr. F. D. Watts is donating the
films, thc Weston Memorial Associa
tion the hall and the Weston Leader
the advertising. Patrons are merely
asked come and pay at thc door
as usual. They will not only see a
splendid show, but their money will
go to the stricken Armenians.
The bewitching Madge Kennedy
conies July 17 in the new Goldwyn
picture, "Leave it to Susan." This
Poioi"J ""-"J. "
l auuon oorut-i on i. '-
n,m v"c
al re cxquisueiy represent
in this picture.
..... . , ... . . l
In addition there will be a two-reel
comedy that will please both 'young
and old.
Picnic on the Walla Walla
An event changing the common
place to the unusual was the picnic
dinner enjoyed by a number of local
folk who motored Sunday to an at
tractive place on the Walla Walla
river some distance above the power
plant of the P. P. & L. Co. An
ample lunch embodying some of the
most attractive dishes known to
cookery was spread at one o'clock, to
which sharpened appetites did full
justice. The afternoon was spent in
exploring attractive nooks and dells,
the journey home being taken nt sun
down. Those composing the party
were: Mr. and Mrs.- J. Harl Wil
liams, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph G. Sal
ing, Mr. and Mrs. Iley Wiun, Mrs.
Lilian Fredericks, Mr. and Mrs. II.
Goodwin, Miss Opal Winn, Miss Eva
O'Harra, Miss Lois Saling, Mrs. Mc
Coy of Brownsville, Mr. and Mrs.
William Rice, Mrs. Margaret Rabb
and Mrs. Lilla Kirk of Athena.
The new uses that -are being found
for gout skins me going to make life
more precarious fur Uie consumer.
The silver in a dollar now costs five
cents more than the dollHr. But then
In these days a dollar Isu't so much.
France Qej3 52 Pep Cent and
0;her Allies Share the
flrusseU. An agreement has vlrto
ii!lv b en reached by the allied pre
miers In conference here with regard
to the division of Gorman reparations
on the basis of fifty-two per cent to
Orest ririUin, ten per cent to Italy,
eiKht per cent to Belgium and five per
cent to Serbia, it was stated here.
The remaining three per cent will
be divided among the other allies, in
cluding Routtania, Portugal and Ja
pan. This tentative settlement was de
clared to have been arrived at in
conference of the French, B.-itUh,
Italian and Belgian delegates.
The conference, which has received
alarming news regarding (he progress
-of the Russian BoHihevlkl In their of
fensive against Poland, will consider
(he military situatlcn of the new re
public, it waa learned here Saturday.
Marshal Foch, the allied commander
in chief, and Field Marsha Wilson,
bead of the British general staff, have
been consulted by the conferees on
this subject.
Eighteen Killed and 100 Injured When
Cars Crash.
Scranton, Pa. In a collision be
tween three cars on the Lackawanna
and Wyoming valley railroad near
South Pittstcn station IS persons are
reported killed and 100 injured. Tha
accident occurred when lightning
struck a telegraph pole along the line
of the track and the pole fell over on
the tracks in front of a car bound for
A moment later a limited car crash
ed Into the rear of the car that struck
the pole, and a third car telescoped
the second car.
Many of these killed and injured
had attended the annual games of the
Caldenian clubs of Scranton and Pitts
ton at Valley View park.
Washington Altera Status of Counties.
Olympia, Wash. Reclassification of
counties In the state of Washington,
based on the 1920 census, hss been for
warded by Captain I. M. Howell, sec
retary of state, to county auditors for
use in computing filling fees to be
charged candidates for office In the
coming elections. Actual population
figures were not furnished the state
department of elections by the census .
bureau, but a reclassification list was
compiled by W. M. Stewart, assistant
census director.
Astoria and Salem Grew.
Washington. Consus figures gives
out on Oregon towns are as follows:
Salem, Or., 17.6T9; Increase 3585, pr
25.4 per cent. Astoria, Or.. 14,427; in
crease 4428, or 46.1 per cent. Medford,
Or.. 6756;
decrease 3084. or 34.9 per
General Marshall Dead.
Washington. Brigadier-General Wil
liam. L. Marshall retired, discoverer
of the Marshall pass across tho Rocky
mountains and constructor of Ambrose
channel in New York harbor, died at
an army hospital here.
Colfax Swept by Fire.
Lewlston, Idaho. A fire at Colfax,
Wash., destroyed two blocks of build
ings, iucluding'a flour and feed mill,
laundry, lumber office, creamery and
a block of residences.
Oats No. 3 white feed, $67 per ton.
Corn Whole, 8283; cracked, 8
Hay Willamette valley timothy,
$34 per ton; alfalfa, $2829.
Potatoes Oregon, 84c per pound,
Gems, 9Vc f. o. b. station.
Butter Fat 58c.
Kggs Ranch, 37c per dozen..
Poultry Hens. 18'25c.
Cattle Best steers, $10.50gll; good
to choice,' $9.50 10.60; medium to
gocd, $8.50 f9.60.
Hoes Prime mixed, $15.5091;
medium mixed, $14.7'!J15.50; rigs.
Sheep i.anibs, $10.50311; yearling.