The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, July 02, 1920, Image 1

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Athena Wins a Came
(Athena Press)
Ill ClfJ rDlllPIOPfl At cim, with (Hen Dudley going In
III uAll IllAliUlwUU 'I'hn.lid "1 "' t!lu '"""l.
m crimp Into Blue MiiunUln
I nairiiu'li iuiMhiiIvm . 1 1 1 M I ,1 Vl V ,a
Of WifSOn'S Picture f,ug the leaders, uml thereby tic
Starts .a Half Hour
Run Francisco. -Thtt Democratic na
tion it I t'niiv cnl Ion called In order
Monday by J. Iirui Kri'timr of Hullo,
Mont., vlnx hiilrnmti nf lh Democratic
national ronittillto
An Innovation in the opening of Iho
convention was llin sllcnt'ltm of III"
great inihorlng by a btil call. In
stead nf llm usual pounding with Hi
gavel. A ili'Uiimnl at marines In
front of llin pisiform raised Dm na
tional colors ini'1 presented arms, lilln
Iho hand played the "Hlnr Hputigted
IVrrhml high Inside I tin organ III
special allnry a tnllltary bam)
played away Iho lima. At Ihi' noon
hour ami tha opening ilm approached
tho oolrr Ruarit of marines appeared
on lha platform. A six fool eergeanl.
with Iho gloaming folds of regi
mental flag In hla band, mad a vivid
iHt of color on lha platform. At hl
Ida stood th armed non-commission-d
officers of tha cor guard and with
thm two marina buglers.
Bugltr Bound "Attantlon."
Whan Vlc Chairman Ktmer of lha
national committee gavo tha algnal. a
bugler sounded "Attention." The sharp
atarrato rail rang out over th upr
of conversation. Th first noiea ot
lug up a package for Milton-Frecwa
U-r ami Helix to nix-n on neutral
grounds, U'foro the pennant can be
A usual, tin Imniu U-nni burked mi
uphill Kami from the very first in
ning, wln-n on u rnuplu of fumbles at
short uml a hit, Kendall mid 1'. Ilnr-gi-lt
ocored. Athena tain back with
n tally In hi-it half when Oti I.iciml
li'ii brought It across.
Tint mure stood two to one until
thu eighth, when McGve waa kiuih1i(I
out of tha Ihix for four singles autl
n two haw hit which lulled Little
John's hH-fuU fivu run. Dudley
easily dinposcd of the first three men
to fiii-i) him in the ninth.
Thv game wan fust anil snappy ami
tliu attendance waa all tlmt could be
desired at a mid-week itanii'. Tho
Athena 10000005 x-0
Helix 20000000 02
Batteries Dudley ami McPherrin;
MrGee, Pierce ami C. Thorn.
Will Move the Beavers
11. W. Cooncy, county agent of
Klickitat county, la to conduct an In
teresting experiment in Walla Walla
county aoon, when he will assist tha
United State biological survey in re
inovlnif about f0 live beavers to Rain
ier national park. Mra. Cooney haa
had considerable experience in hand
ling thin rodent in Nebraska.
Several hundred bvavvra have made
The Star Bpanglad Manner" rang out inromtit throughout the orchanl aec
from Ih band and tho organ together. tio, of Wb11ii rounty( deatroy-
and aa dlegato. itrnaiea and tc tn(f M.wll 0f commercial orcharda.
tatora and attendanta atood In trlbtiti. -rnc atato lawn will not crmit the
a monaier flag dropped from the cell- n-aidenta or paine warden to dentroy
Ing to form a wall f rolor behind th the pent, ao an appeal waa made to
platform. It nbacured tha view of tho the biological survey to handle the
band gallery and organ loft, but aa It ailuation.
fall tho booming touea of tho organ L. K. Couch of the biological aur
roee from behind It. Joining with ma- Vey, State Came Ounmianioner Dar-
Jrellc thunder In tha nalloiinl anlliem.
rrom floor and gallerlea delegnlea and
apectatora Joined In th mighty tone.
Picture Cauati Demonstration.
Then came the touch that act otf
tho convention with a wild about of
exaltation. Tha great flag waa gath
ered "lowly upward In Ita (IIuks and
aa It tone It uncovered a flag drnprd
and Illuminated portrait cf 1'renldent
Wllann plared high ngalnat the great
plpea of tho organ. Kor n iiKnient
there wna a breathlcia pamtp, Then
came the tumult.
It was n half hour before tlm nut
hurst evoked by a atidden dlnplay of
tho prcntdnnt'a porlrnli could
win and Came Warden Van Auiwlale
wilt have charge of the undertaking.
Mr. touch had charge of a biological
aurvey party last season along the
Columbia river in Klickitat county for
the purpoiw of exterminating the gray
digger aqulrrel. He made a recent
aurvey and found the work had prov
en better than 95 wr cent successful.
Memorial Hall
, 1
affner 1 ttI i I ra
i J
JULY 17- M
Samuel Goldwyn R?x Beach
jamous story
Erected by Frank Lloyd
Notice to Creditors
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
In the Matter of the Untato of George
W. Mitchell, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that we have
:Tw7J! ST Senii Selected to
AJJ&SSi Hcad the Resolutions
to present them to us at the odice of fnmmittea
J. li. Ucrry, our attorney, in Fondle- HJIIimmee.
ton, Oregon, with proper vouchers at-
tached, within six months from the
date of the hrxt publication of this no
tice. Dated this 2-'(th day of June, 1920. St. IJksnih and
Kkwahd L. MlTf iiki.i.,
Administrators of the folate of
(ieorge W. Mitelifcll, deceaiied.
Kirnt publication June ", i'Jlt).
Lt publication July Zi, VJ2).
Notice to Creditors
Pendleton Grows Anxious
Census figures for Oregon towns
ore coining in rapidly these days, leave tomorrow for Shepherd Springs,
IVndlotnn boosters are anxiously where Mrs, Booher will try the cura-
nwniting IVudleton's official mark, Uve waters for relief from rhcumn-
which ahould be forthcoming from tiam.
,m the nntioiml capital, any day, now, jjr, Hm Mrs. (Jeorge Banister ac-
Agnln and analn its Ids nsnm liys ixv Tribune. companied by Mr. mid Mrs. II. McAr-
One of Athena's landmarks, the to Colton, Wash., where Mr. and Mrs.
house at Fourth and College streets, Kemp are now forming'. Her bus
occupied by Jack Murphy uml family, band, Mr.. Roy Markee, was leader of
and built by the lnt S. A. Maloney the military band in the ClHh artil
in the early 80's Vfas totally destroy- lery and died jyst a month after his
ed by fire Tuesday morning. discharge from army sen-ice, having
-Mr. and Mrs. William Booher-will served overseas for eitfht months.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Cmuliila Oiunty.
In the Matter of tho Estate of Ninna
N. Lundell, deceased.
Notick 1.4 IlKKMir Givr.N to all per
sons whom it may concern that A. W.
Uundell has been iippointcd adminis
trator of the estate of Ninna N. Lun
dell, deceased, and has qualified as
such. All persons having claims
against her estate arcTcquirvd to pre
sent them with proper vouchers to the
said administrator at the law odice of
his attorneys, I'cterson, Bishop &
Clark, in the Smith-Crawford building
at l'endletou, Oregon, within six
months of the date of the first publica
tion of this notice, which is Friday, the
25th day of June, lirjo.
A. W. Lundell,
I'etkkson, Bishop & Clark,
Attorneys for Administrator.
Notice of Final Account
In the County Court of tho State of
Oregon lor Umatilla County.
In the Matter of the Estate of John
J. Heeler, Deceased.
all persons whom it may concern
that Christina li. Beeler, administra
trix of the estate of John J. Beeler,
deceased, has filed her Final Account
and Keiiort in the administration of
the estate: that Monday, the 19th
day of July, VJ20, at the hour of ten
o'clock in the forenoon has been ap
pointed as the time and the county
courthouse at Pendleton as the place
where all objections and exceptions
to it will be heard and a settlement
of the estate made. Dated this June
ISth. 1920. -
Peterson, Bishop & Clark, Attor
neys for Administratrix.
Administrates' Notice
San Francisco. By tho unopposed
choice of Senator Claas of Virginia aa
chairman of the resolutions commit
tee to draft the platform of the demo
cratic national convention, . and tho
selocticn of Senator Joseph T. Robin
s n of Arkansas for permanent chair
man of the convention, administration
forces demonstrated that they were in
complete control of tho convention ma
chinery. The fact that Secretary Colby, an
acknowledged administration spokes
man, got a place on the sub-committee
of nine which will draft the plafunn,
while William J. Bryan did not get
place on the drafting committee, waa
pointed out as additional evidence that
the administration forces were in full
Senator Walsh, who waa understood
to have the backing of Mr. Bryan, had
been urged for the chairmanship cf
the committee cn resolutions by a
group headed by western delegations.
They abandoned the fight when a can
vass of the committee revealed a ma
jority against them.
Oregon Decision Overruled.
Administration supporter strength
ened their hold on the Democratic na
tional convention through a series cf
victories In the credentials committee
which decided three hotly fought con
tests. One of these waa the denial of a
seat in the convention to Senator
James A. Reed of Missouri. The Clark
Howell delegates in Georgia pledged
to Altcrney General 'Palmer, also were,
seated. Both actions were In accord
with previous decisions of the national
committee. -
The credentials committee, however,
overruled the national committee in
the Oregon case, when it seated R.
R. Turner and John L. Schuyleman.
giving each one-half a vote. Turner,
who was selected by the Oregon state
committee to fill a Tacancy caused by
the death of George T. Baldwin, wa
In the County tyurt of the State cf forced to yield half of bis vote to
...,.. r... it..7...;n f, ...
was mentioned tho cheers nroHe nut The Dulles la mc latest in gei n thur, arrived home luestuiy evening
anew to ciilmltin!" In the shout of report and the Cherry City shows an from a couple of weeks spent in Port
approval (hat adopted and sent to the Increase of i!7, or nearly 19 per cent. m,
Whit llouso a striking testimony of Census puts The Dalles at 6H07 as jir8. William Winship and dnugb-
hls trl' fulfil and pride In tho man against 4S80 ten years ago. Tho ters, Mildred and Aubrey, left the
who ha led It for seven troublous Dalles was 220 ahead of Pendleton in f jrttt of the week for Snlem where tnc result of stomach trouble after
.nam. 1P10 but the local commercial asso- lhcy will be guests of Mr. and Mrs. having- been operated on nt that in-
niaht Rev P. ! Rvan. vlrnr gen- elation confidently expects the Round- p. rj. Jarman. stitution.
- ..... i i . i. in m
ersl of the diocese of San Franrlaco
Oregon for Umatilla County.
In the Mutter of the Estate of Zerelda
C. Price, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that we have
been appointed administrators of the
above named estate by order of tho
above entitled court, and have duly
qualified. All persons who have claim's
against said estate are hereby notilied
to present them to us, with proper
vouchers, at the office of Carter &
i lMIUIHfe IOI VlfciiV VI I' ll 'Cl na ivuf;- mi.j mv, k.iviiivj sj, ... niv niiaiKQ'i m . m , , ,
,,r National tianK building, l'endletou, Or- """.) -uv j
'. ., . i , . ., . eg-on, witnin six months from this hay fork while stacking on the Frank
rUIVB V. Itltliniur., Million VI i. jjnj
Richards, died at the Surgical hos- Dated June 25, 1920.
pital in Portland Saturday last, as , James II. Price,
Administrators, etc
served overesas for eight months.
Rex llopier, local manager for the
Standard Oil Company, has been no
tified that the gasoline situation is
improving, but that a shortage in pe
troleum products still exists and will
Schuyleman, described as a strong ad
ministration supporter. Schuyleman
claimed the seat on the ground that
ho was the next highest man in tha
primary, having been fifth In the race
for tho four places.
Hay Fork Injures Wallan.
Ed Wallan was seriously injured
offered the 'openliiR prayer and Chair
man Kremer Introduced Homer S.
Cummlng. chairman of the Demo
cratic national committee aa tempor
ary chairman. ,
Cummlngs Endorse Wilton.
Tha keynote speech of Chairman
waa a
Up city to pass her rival over the 10 Mrs. Leon Kidder and little daugh- f, e, Simpson, known in Athena as ... ,M, ,.,,,. ,x,rt ,,r su,,,.. of
year route. ter Kathcrine, arrived Wednesday "CycloneV died as the result of in- onium for Umatilla. unty.
1 morning from Newman, California, jurje8 sustained in falling from a In the Matter of tho Estate of John
A Badly Fractured Us. and are at the home of her parents, window of a Portland hotel last Sat- L- Brown, deceased.
While returning home from a day Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Caton. ura-ny evening. Simpson was employ- .To Tr,,"ku1,r"wn a"f KIUl JJrow";
spent with other boys in pulling mua- - AmorVDeU, who is one of tho pur- c(, a8 B bookkeeper in Athena several Vril Vta L&wns'niCUw
tard in a field aouth of Athena, Roy chasers of the Parker barber shop, has years ago. and married a daughter of Frown' his wife of Helix, orecon.
DeFreece, little son of Mr. and Mrs. rented a hoUBe in the south part of Mrs. Rush, who resides in tho Helix James O. Brown and Uolda Brown of
Kphrata, ashingrton, Arthur L.
Brown of Touehet, Washington, Kva
Martin place south of Athena. He
was brought to Dr. Sharp's office,
where his injuries were given atten
tion. A severe wound was made in
the right leg, which required five
stitches to close, while two stitches
were taken in a scalp wound.
Frank DeFreece, fell underneath, a town from Mrs Estes, and with , his noirri,borhood,
f'tiftimlnffii vii a nnmnlnto. tinminlt- nw.1 In wkinh thn hnv were ridimr. will nUn thnm After this week. i...HrA..n.nniB Knimv
fled endorsement of everything which d hail his leg badly fractured. The Vr C. H. Smith and C. E. McFadden ma,c to the Preston-Schaffer flour c!rp"r0nf "f weXno
has been aeeompiunod under rresi lad was tnKen 10 rennieion, wnere contributed nn iiueresiing conei-won ,,,111, i.0 jicAtec or I'endieton, nas
dent Wilson's svun year In th X-ray disclosed tho-fracture to bo of 0f wnr rdics to an attractive display tho contract for painting the big
Whit Houso. , a aerious nature, located along tho that may be seen in the show windows building, which is being done in bat-
Th league of nations covenant was tipper portion of the thigh. Tho boys 0f McFadden's Pharmacy. Tho exhi- tleship gray. Other work of improve-
champtonad a tho "Monro doctrine had been pushing the truck up a hill bit is on a much larger scale than any ment js being carried out, also.
a lha world" hv Mr fumnillliTK. and Roy fell when ho attempted to attempted here-to-fore in Athena, and uncie t0i,n Callender left Tuesday
Of the Done treaty' defeat In the board tho macnine wnne 11 was 111 attracts attention and comment irom morning for Portland where ho will and all persons interested in the es
11 . 11. 1- ...,.,vln.l , 1 1 1 . . .. , . . . . . . J t . . 1 .. K .. T ni.nn-1. . .1 n u.i .1
i.. i a . t.K?rt .r ma iiiuuoii, so iv i ivuunuu. - aii wno pass. visit nis oaucntors ami receive meu- unn u. ninn, wtv-.w.
id nniu . . . u uimnvi vmih - - - . .... ... . .
Mr and Mrs M. M. Ingram ot alus, ,cai attention. Uncle John, who
Corporon of Baker, Oregon, Burl
Lumlwell (or Liuuiwall) a non-resident
residing at a place unknown.
Gene I.miilwell (or Lundwall) a non
ic sklent residing at a place unknown,
Elph Lundwoll (or Lundwall) a non
resident residing at a place unknown,
against clvilliatlcn has ever soiled the
pages of our history."
He characterised tho Republican
platform as "reactionary and provin
cial." Filled with premeditated slan
ders and VHRiie promises. It will be
searched In vain for one constructive
siiKRestion for the reformation ot th
conditions which It criticises aud de
plores, he said.
Senator Joseph T. Robinson of
Wash., who with their three sons, were advanced in years, being past 80 years 0. ' yu and et i0 arc
Jail Delivery la Nipped
Plana for a wholesale delivery at guests at the home of Mr and Mrs 0f age, has been in failing health for hereby cited and required to appear
the county jail were nipped Saturday Robert Proudfit, returned home Mon- tome time. , on or before Wednesday the 21st day
Prisoners nt tho jail had sawed off day evening. Mr. Ingram is a broth- Mr. and Mra. EA. Dudley and Mr. of July. 1920. at ten o'clock A. M. in
four bars, three at one place and one er of Mrs Proudfit and Mrs. Dean Dudley were in Pen-
at another, and also had dug out tho Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Edington enmo dleton Wednesday, where they attend
brick, in tho wall until' the final lay- up from Portland Monday and visit- ed the wedding of Miss Gladys Simp
er could bo kicked out. Officials cd relatives here and in Helix. Mr. son and lNly. Floyd Kendall. The
discovered the plot several days ago Edington was cn route to Imbler, bride is a popular teacher of the
but wcro unuble to find tho saw with Union county, where he will be man- school west of town and made her
tnr home with the Dean Dudleys. The
Arkansas, chairman In accordance with w foum tenHfi , ono of the b(His Miss Effie Jean Frailer came up wedding was solemnized in the Pen
the recommendation of the permanent . tVl ...-na-t-,! ,,ltters aro mm hr k in Pendleton Saturdav dleton Christian church.
orgnniBauon commuieo iimuo gome j
permanent chairman of th conven
W. W. recently incarcerated, and visited her niece, Miss Carrio The wedding or Miss wary Alice
Sharp, who is Improving after her Hudson, teacher in Athena scnoots
At the age of 83 years, Grandma long illness following the influcnca last year, was announced in yester-
Rolin died at her honie in Athena, which she contracted in February. day's Fendleton papers. Ray O. Ba
----- - - . . mi
Mr and Mrs. J. A. Lumsden have Monday night. Death came incident Mrs. Luciie Kemp warkee ana iitue Kcr oi . ove is me BIuim., aim five (3-( E AV sr
.'i i.. ii..' i. i tn thn infirmities of old airo. and the daughter Betty are guests this week and favorably known here, having thence East Thirteen
f..if trrt nwmitlv aennired bv them old lady had been in failing health of Athena friends. Mrs. Markee, who spent several months with the wgi
1 . v ; .; i i
at the north edge of .town. Tho new for Homo timo.
Funeral serviceawere formerly lived both in Athena and necrs on the
owners have remodeled and Improved conducted at tho residence Wednes- Weston with her parents, is on her Ihe young couple, who will reside on
most attractive day afternoon at two o clock by fast- way Irom rortiana wnere sne nas a iarnv mar vove, nc Kom
or Burton, of th Christian church. been visiting the past two months wishes of many Athena friends.
the County Courtroom of the above
entitled court in the City of Pendleton,
Oregon, to show cause if any there be
why an order of sale and license to
sell the following described real prop
erty should not issue to Harvey A.
Brown, administrator of the above en
titled estate authorizing, directing,
empowering and licensing him to sell
tho following described real property,
to-wit :
Commencing at a point on the West
line. Thirty-six (3S rods Sooth of tho
Northwest corner of tho Southeast
quarter of Section Two (2 in Town
ship Five (5), North Kunse Thirty-
and running
and one-third
rods, thence North Twelve (12) rods,
highway construction, thence West Thirteen and one-third
Walla Walla Snows Decrease.
Washington. The 1920 population cf
Walla Walla. Wash., is 15,503, accord
ing to the announcement cf the census
bureau. This is a decrease of SS61, ot
1S.& per cent since 1910a
(S3) in. Block Seven (7) in North Mil
ton. Also, Lots numbered Thirty-four
(34) and Thirty-five (35) in Block
numbered Seven (7) in North Milton
(Now known as Wright's Addition to
Miltonl, all within Umatilla County,
at private sale to the highest and best
bidder for cash or in such manner as
the court at said hearing shall deter
mine for the best interests of the es
tate and all concerned therein and
shall order and direct.
This citation Is served upon you pur
suant to and in compliance with an
order to show cause made and entered
by Hton. Charles H. Marsh, Judge of
the above entitled court and bearing
date the 3rd day of June, 1920, direct
ing personal service upon such of yo-j
as are within the State of Oregon and
that the rest of you and all others In
terested in the said estate be served
by publication of said citation once a
week for four consecutive weeks in
the Weston Leader, a weekly news
paper, beginning with the Issue of
Juno 11th, 1920 to and including the
issue ot July th, 1920.
Brown. Clerk of the above entitled
court, have hereunto set my hand and
seal of the said court this 7th day of
June, A. D. 1930.
the dwelling in
rods, thence South Twelve (12 rods County Clerk of Umatilla County,
to tho place of beulnnlns, containing State of Oregon.
One (1) Acre more or less. (Seal) Peterson. Bishop & Clark, At-
Also, Lot- numbered Thirty-three . torneys for Administrator, Pendle-