-'V Weston: EADER WESTON. OREGON. FRIDAY, JUNE 25. 1920 VOLUME 43 NUMBER 4 OREGON NEWS NOTES OF GENERAL INTEREST Principal Events of the -Week Briefly Sketched for Infor mation of Our Readers. Plan, for Eugene' annual roaa abow . baa been abandoned for tbla year. Ath.nif Milt... will ...alill.lt m hrti paratory course for tht benefit of for- mer eervlc mo. tuk -t ..u.e. . .- n. over tba price of wool and hoping for a audden rla. Tan Linn county aohool taarbera have been married elnc. tba acboola cloaad aarly tbla month. rraiaa lampoon. one or una year a UMrt0.B Minion. Tha plan of graduate of Wlllam.Ua unlverelty, (ht ttml$a ncolir.,t nothing baa been awarded a Kbolarablp by tha but pttw.,ir4 ,BOIli ibe.berda French gwernmanL of ,n, (trm,n Md itoel. ralaera. School auperlntendenla and leading w)lh en)y (hrM TOtM CMt M0,t educator of tba (tale wlll meet at Eu- , propot,8ll cf bonding tba gene June II to dlacuaa aoma new 4a- 0nM ptM irrigation dlatrlct la tha parturee In education. ium o( 4M,M0 waa carried at tha Tha A'baay chamber of commerce tpKM alectloa 'Saturday, tha pro baa decided to open a publicity cam- ce,di of tha bond laaua to be uaed In palga not only for tba city but for tba ln. conatructloo of a gravity Irrigation county and atata aa well. project. Tba Yerrek Logging company baa A carMd of 17 heavy draft horeaa aurebaeed a claim of 180 acrea of Urn- WM (hipped out of Albany by aipreaa bar land In the aoutheaatera part of billed to Coeur 4'Alene, Idaho. Tha Claiaop county for 140.000. espreeaage amounted to almoat 1500, Cooa Dayhaa hopea of being liberal- ly aupplied with gaaollna by tha latter pan o( me monio. a ii.bw o prr vale ahlpmenu are an route. Several hundred beautiful roaea grown on tna ataia nouaa grounua mpreaelve ceremonlea incident to tne Walla. um ureta Hcincyre, wno recenuy wart aent to Portland Tueaday for exbl- i,ying of tha cornerstone of tha Ma- Mr. and Mrs. J. T- Lieuallen Jr., re- graduated from Willamette Univer bttlon during the annual roaa ahow. nla and Eastern Star home near turned tha first of the week from a aity, haa been retained aa -teacher of Japanese, who grow a major portion port-at Orove. Judge Earl C Bro- ,hort honeymoon trip and are at tha Engllah in tha high school at Van- . ef tha atrawberrlea of tha Hood River Btttih, ,,,,1 mMter. and Mra. Albert home of Mra. Anna Mclntyre. Tuca- couver. Waah. 0l" Reato" Capital Punishment valley, are reaping a rich harvest thla g, McMurphy, worthy grand matron, day tha newljrweda were tendered an A case of near-drowning; ia report- Balem. Capital punishment waa re year, with fruit aelllng at a record were In charge of the ceremonlea. old time charivari by a number-of d from Bingham Springs when tha Oregon by official proclama price. t , ' Hid, opened for furnishing auppUea frfenda. Sunshine Club met there last Friday "on by Governor Olcott immediately The cereal crop of Oregon have for tbo atata Inatllutlona during tha Mr. and Mra. William Rka return- for their annual picnic. A young aon "Po" completion of tha official canvass beeo Immenaely beuented by the fro- ilg montha atartlng July 1 aad ending ed last evening from their visit to of Mrs. John Stone, about aix years by Secretary of State Koaer of the quem ralna of the paat two week. r.ber St Indicate a aubetantlal In friende and relative! in the Willv old, ventured beyond hi depah in the ' cast in the special election of Tha ralna have also helped tba fruit crease In prlcea when compared with ette valley. They were accompanied pool and but for the timely assist- "-'r 2L grower. Corvalll la to have a new hotel coating in tha netauborhood of 1300 000. according to article of Inco.-pora- i tlon filed In the atate corporation do- partment. - i ;. ' The 13th annual atata educational, conference given under the auspices of tha University of Oregon wlll be held Friday. June 15 on tba earopua la Eugene, t ...- -After reaching a height of 10 feet tha blgheat for tba season, tha Colum- bla river at Hood Alw ta again ata ataadctill, and It la believed tha creat baa been paaaed. At a pleulo ef the Rock Creek Meth od la t church in Claikamaa county, on July 4, a feature win be tha celebration of tba fiftieth annlvereary of the min istry of Rev. A J. Joaalyn. A trail seven mi lea long I being eonatructei by tha Western Lane For aat Patrol association between Eamond creek, on tha Blualaw river, across tha divide to tha mouth of Twin Slatera. Tba foaail of a prehlctorlo whale, ratio of the mlocena period, haa been found on tba Oregon coaat near New port by Dr. Earl L. Packard, profeaaor of geology In tba Unlveralty of Oregon. Jr, v h.-,wi.i- ..... at from Oreaon iarlcultural college ' glat at Corvallle, la in Klamath Fella to direct a camoalcn for tha eradication of tta pin. beetle. II. will be th.ra .. - all summer, Not In aeveral yeara haa tha proa- pact been ao favorable for crop In the dry-land dlatrlct of Baker county aa lt la thla year. Unless tha unfore- . .. ... , seen nappen me couai win ium ia , a bl. grain production. A total ot a3 permlta to appropriate water and ten permlta to conatruct res ervoir were Issued by Percy Cupper, atata engineer, during tha period from January 1 to June 1, 1920, according to a report made public. a iiui invoivin h Alhanv Mill A Elevator -coropaV and the elevatora at Tallman and, Tangent waa recently eln-rt with Man llouaer of Portland. 1 whereby th Portland Flouring Mllle company become, th. owner. . . .i-t... 1 a ..... ok..i. 1 m " v. Tut 'SSXSl" purchased by L. E, McDanleia, newly , ( - 4 , appointed county agent of Harney county, to be distributed among calf elub members of tha county. Tha North Bend baacball team will open tha finest ball ground Cooa coun ty ba aver presented to the fana for Bunday amusement when tha new ground south of tha Kruae A Banka shipyard la dedicated June S7. Aa tha result ot the refusal ot Flynn ft Co., the largest cigar manufacturers la the north wcit. with headquartera In Ilaker, to met tbt wage demand itudn by cigar tuakera, th mn walk ed nut, and Ilia Industry la practically t a standstill. Leroy Cbllde, superintendent at tla Hood Rlvey experiment elation, haa warned growera to watch their or chard! carefully to prevent the Inroada Of fir blight The dleaaea, It waa elated, baa been found In orchard tracta on the flood Rlver-Waeeo coun ty Una Juat eaat of tbt ran of bllla between Hood River and tba Moaler diet riot. Tha Mcretary of at at Friday re- e' cnw" aggregeim, IMJa. eoverlng tba eale r gasoline "a dlatlllata la Oregon for tbo month - of California and tba Shell oil com pany of California. M.t.M4 .r. r.mn.l.n that fcM Vf'om, Mt,on.wld, wlll fo. Ured by tba Una County Pure-Bred but tba shipper aatlmated that, eon .uering tba feed bill and time loat It would coat almoat aa mucn to aena me horse by freight Mori than 1000 people viewed tha the nronoaala received for alrallar aup- pllea laat December, according to R. B. Good In, atata purchasing agent SEVERAL KILLED III LONDONDERRY RIOT Londonderry.-?hva persona were killed, ten others aerlously wounded. proUWy Md VIJIIIm imwn r... - Saturday night Tha fighting waa accompanied oy aaverd attempt, to on. i -uiv.- t0 ,jg bexl at hia home in Portland, cussed tne matter ox improving mo a large atora. - H Jon a vctira of rheu. cemetery, and raising a fund of fl,- Tha rioting waa A conUnuaUon of matjm fa Jn a w wr,oug con, 000 or lf200 for mt purp0Se. Friday nlghfa dlaorder, when nation- dUon o Jt fa wporto(L The Umatilla County InsUtute of alisti anj unionist engaged In claahea Th j w pjnkerton home on 4th the Women'a Christian Temperance for aeveral houra, and tha mlllUry anJ jefferion ,treeU ia being remod- Association will be held next Wednes had to be called out eled and lt tuuming an entirely new day, June 30th, in the Christian An unrecorded number of peraona .ppcarancs will be ona of tha church, when an all day session will suffering from minor wounda want mMt ,ttrtctjv4 bungalow in tha be held. A noon dinner will be served homo without receiving treatment , cltjri Tht fjiy i encamped in their in the church dining room and all in- Tha natlonallata did not aeem to ba M Hurlna- its comnletlon. tereated are invited to assist and provided ao well with weapona aa their PPonenU, but they malnUlned a vlg- ; oroui defenae, PROPOSE URGE WOOL FUND Atepa are Taken to wane .moans Chicane Amsrlea'a Canter. Chicago -Step to make Chicago the wool center of America war. Uken . . . ....... nara ai a ooniorou w and banker., with tha decl.lon to nam. committee to place the ouestlon be- fne. nrrinisia at Waahlniton. or uuiuhmo V Under the propo.ltlon approved by after a visit witn wiativea at oiuion wm kc me piace 0I vn, do;n and outa- haWtual Indigents, tha meeting, which waa called by and vicinity, Mr. Luna ia now em- tern in use on Main atreet, were pur- them a monthly allowance representative, of the American Wool ployed in a mercantile esUblishment chased. On receipt of the stand from rf money -gooia tot whlch it re n.... ...i.tinn. the movement in Joseph, Wallowa county, having the manufacturers, they will be in- nulrea no service. h. iin foe 1820 would be financed by Chicago banke'ra, which would require 1100,000.000 annually. u..fr. this haa been doda by Boa- ton bank., which have been compelled, wu u.u... - ; lt wi, ..id, to relinquish their flnan- ... . .... a .j. h.i, c,., sunpoii gin w utuu. .v. F, A Elliott atata foreater, haa re- chUrchea. Mra. Taylor ia Improving of moisture haa fallen and the precipi in.mii fmm Yumf. where he obtained 1- i,..ui, tatlon haa been general. an emergency landing field to be uaed v ..i.tnra tniuto in natrolltng the ,..,. r n.ntrl Drecon during the approaching fir eon. The field contalna aeveral hundred acrea ana. ia ni, conege, , . . old Oregon iran Decu located near Crane prairie. Another Mr. and Mrs. Oyde Willaby have ' reports that It w Impossible to ob emergency field will be located aahort j thia city from Condon, visit- tain gasoline la Oregon. In Idaho the distance aouth of Mount Jefferaon, ao- ng relative. Clyde haa improved in touriata were told that gasoline ln Ore cording to Mr. Elliott ' 1 health and feela Ynuch better than he gon coat S5 centa a gallon. . To Keep inerican Ships on the Seas For the flret time nine the Civil War we bare a rcnl Werchant marina. It cost us f.1.000,00(),OQO lo get It . Tha farmer, manufacturer, laborer ovary American la Interacted In holding aur petition on tha aeaa. Aa a flret etrp In thla direction It la ueceaeary to modify thoaa article of existing cwuunwlal treaties which hav operated lo thwart-the upbuilding of our tm-rrliaiit marine Dy giving tha notke of termination for wbl It (he several Veallee provide. Tbla action la directed la tba conatructlvo Hhlpplng lilll now before Cougreea ; Which declare! It Jo be tha policy of the t'niled Slate "to do whatever tun? be necessary to develop and eu nnraga" a merchant marine. Thla policy deeervea the eupporof every American. Lacking thla aupport tba present effort to malntnln our merchant marina may Buffer the fata of many Ineffective attempt! of tha past , and for a eepy ef 'Far an American Merchant Marina." Committee) of American Shipbuilder tO CHUHCM STRUT, NEW YORK CITY OVER THE HIL.L-' Mrs. Laura Woodward and daugh- tar. Miss Eva. arrived home from California last week and were gucata 0f George and C L. Woodward, at - tending tha Sunshine Club picnic at Bingham. Their home 1a in Walla home by Mrs. Clara McCoy of Brownavllle, who will viit old-time frienda here. . douotetiiy oeen arownea. some iime Dr. L, Dell returned home Wcdne- and effort waa required to reauaci day evening from St John, Wash, tate the lad, who finally came to, no where he viaited relatives. worse for hia experience. Mr. Vinil Willaby haa been very At the annual school meeting Mon- 111 at her homo east of town and un- der the care of Dr. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dudley ar rived home yesterday from an auto mobile trip to Portland. Miaa Paulina Myrick, student at Pa- clfic Unlvmlty. i. horn, for theaunv mer vacation, and haa resumed her oM Potion at McFaddan'a Phar- ,, mncy, E. L. Barnett former banker of , . m . . ZZ M - Bovd home Mon. ity tnm standing grand chapter of tha Eastern Star In Portland. nd Ira- pons a very interesting session, uwi- Umatilla county chapter, were iwnnunUd bv Mrs: E. M. Smith. Waaton. Mrs. J. L. Elam. Milton, weston, mra. w. ciam, uwn, Mra. Pauline Kay. Pendleton, and Mrs. Archie Mclntyre, Helix. , Mr. and Mra. Eber Luna and little j....w.. t.. t ah.n. . .Knrt -..., tim. Wednesday and were .ntertained at dinner at in noma oi ra. w. wail, mey were en route nome . . - i.;. ... . disposed of his own .tore. They made they trip by automobile. , Mr. snd Mr. A. It Conpock were M roruana last weca, wnere rar. vop- . . .a- 1 pock wa. aeiegaw w ..on,c grana , . ... 01 1 loose, na .naea w,, vencion. . . , ... . nr . ,v..tj.n Mlg. Zoi. Keen returned home this . vuit with Mi.. Mvrtln m. n pnm.ivv Wuk.. fnllnw. ,nff commencement exercise at Whit- haa for some time. He haa 12100 acrea of wheat near Condon to harvest thla eeaeon, and aaya hla prospects for good crop are ongnt. na aaya me Condon country haa had its first June rain alnce be atarted farming there. anco of Mrs. V. 1. atone ana ower ladiea in the water, would have nn- day afternoon, M. L. Watt was re- elected to membership on the Athena school board. There was no opposi- tion, and Mr. Watts was the unami- mous choice o fthe electors present E. A. Zcrba waa re-elected to the of- fice of school clerk, unanimously. The budget of expense for maintain- ing the school for the coming year was adonted as read. A committee from the Woraen'a : ci cl b t th ffice of H- L W.tU Wednesday tcrnoon and participate. An interesting program ia promised for the entire day. -. vomnwreuu w decorating haa been completed by Mr. Brown and the interior presents an inviting appearance, ine rooms are umunj Htre....v. - all ready to receive tne lurmrare ana furnishings, and in all probability it be very long before the club will Do situateo. in a new nomo. ... . .. At a recent special meeting o the . c ty counci eiecirre jiuiyvo, -...v.. .... . -i. stalled on Main street , . The coploua ehowera that have vle sd Morrow county within the last .r-- ... It.J irAwsmtar MtintV Wit nits 1110 1&8L " V .k. hMvi.t t.n rf.v. cin nromise or me Bcarren ' nrve8ted - - ..... ia. which ,.. the. banner crop -county. WKhln th nerlod named more than an inch .Automobile tourlsta passing through Baker have made statements to the effect that at Salt Lake City thousands of traveler had been turned from the , HOME ECONOMY IS URGED Mora Laber-Savlng Device! for Women Advocated. Wanhlngton. -Modernization of farm homea 'and general ueaga of labor-ear-Ing device aa a meana to prevent waatage of woman power are urged In a report made public by tha depart ment of agriculture, agente of which recently conducted a eurvey of farm homea. A reasonable amount of planning, and well-directed Inveetment In mod ern farm home equipment the report auorta, would prevent a large part . ef the present waatage of energy on the part of the natlon'a rural home makera. ' Londonderry Streeta Swept by Bulleta London. CivU wac condition! pre vail In Londonderry and the authori se! are powerleaa. It -la declared In b ft f.nh.iifi. T.lMMnk t.nat.h MM b.VUUU(V ,.IC.1.IH M.O.MM,H " Kflt Iin(tnn1rrv. Itflvitriil ulfltllonsl Mr aona were killed In Monday mornlng'a rioting there, according to thla mea iige. The filing la being maintained with deiperate Intensity. Buelneea la auapended and the postmen are de clining to deliver malL When tba troopa atop the fighting In ona aona, the dlapatch adda, firing breaka out in another. New Leader of Marlnea. Washington. Appointment of Major General John A. Lejeune aa major gen- rnmmjtnfnrir nf that marinA anrnai to .UCCMd MaJor Cenerai George Bar- netu WM atmounc0(i D, Secretary nM. General Lejeune commanded famoua aecond division when It brcka the German Una in the Meuaa Argonne offensive. ; - WATERFGWER BILL SIGNED BY WILSON Washington. The waterpower bill passcd by congresa Juat before ad- j0uroment haa been algned by Presl- (jent wilaon., Accompanying the announcement . that the president bad .Mml fifil. h.Ine -ovi-ed bv the at- torM general-that adjournment of . .. j. r h 10 day8 allowed by constitution for (.VUffiDM ucau aauv awaaavwa ai" we '.,,..,..'. . ,.. most unlimited Industrial development In thla country and la considered ona of the most important law enacted during the sixty-sixth aesslon. In addition to the waterpower bill the president signed several minor measure but not the resolution re pealing wartime legislation and the Underwood bill creating a commission to take up the print paper and pulp wood question with Canada. CAI VATIftN ARMY MIKES ........ MEN OF SOCIAL OUTCASTS .. . ollowlcg a well known rule tne R,,v., . ... industrial nom8gj cUm ot man wh0 ttndi hs w,y to the poor house .nd rehabilitates mm, maaea mm . .. K, -j.. himnnif over . give, him confidence ta he.f - hlm t0 eusU1I1-tlmself. ... ot. ... Tha Countv Government mases ;te The caption Army takes the same man and givea him, not money, but work. - . it pays mm monsy iur u.B . . 1 il. 1... reneV "'"..r..Tr..:; - i.,,. rfirot.ri .rrnrt la pntitied -j -commen.ur.te return. It bathes him aud wins him again to clean habit and thought It builds up hit strength and hia morale until he is fit again for the tight with thi ' orld. ' Then it finds him employnant and sends him forth to work that he is .... . d. Here ln a nut ,he!l la the story of the Salvation Army a industrial Homes and the story of the Industrial Home ln Portland, whore scores of men from all over the state have found themselves. - ' CHICAGO RACE RIOT OVER BURNING RAO Whites "Resent Desecration Of American Colors By Negroes. ,' Chlcago Two while men were kill ed and aeveral negroes. Including a negro policeman, were wounded Satur day night la a riot la the heart of tba south side "black belt" following tha reported burning of aa American flag by a band of negroes who were aald to have paraded In the Interests of a "back-to-Africa" movement The troubla occurred at Thirty fifth atreet and Indiana avenue, near the scene of laat year'a race riots, la which more than SO whites and black were killed and hundreds Injured. . The burning of the flag waa reported to have taken place when the parade of blacks disbanded preparatory to en tering a hall, where a meeting bad been called by aa organization which waa reported to advocate the mov ment of negroes back to Africa. A bonfire waa started la the middle of the atreet Then some one tossed an American flag In tha fire. A throng of negroes and whltea gathered. A party of j settles pushed its way to tha fire,. Indignant at the burning of tha flag. They tried to recover the flag. James B. Owens, a negro policeman, ran in brandishing hia revolver. There waa a volley of shots. A Jackie fell dead, and policeman Owena waa atretched on the atreet with a bullet through hla abdomen. Tha crowd! raa for shelter. Lying not far from the bine Jacket waa Joseph Hoyt, 69. a salesman, wha waa killed by the volley that killed tba aallor. - . . The police Investigators asserted that the back to Africa" paradera were Abysslnlana and carried a flag of green and yellow. . , Lawmakers Start "West 1 Chicago. Member of tha appro priations committee of the bouse, bead ed by Representative James W. Good of Iowa and accompanied by officials of the reclamation and national park aervlce. left Chicago Sunday night on a tour of IS national parka and rec lamation projects in the weat : Champ Clark' Name to be Presented. Montgomery City, Mo. Congress man Champ Clark, of the Ninth Mis souri district, will be placed In nomina tion for president at the Democratic national convention, It waa announced here. Britain Will Never Recognize Irian, London. "The British government will never agree to the establishment of an Irish republic unlets lt la beaten to tha ground," Premier Lloyd George told a delegation of railway worker. Allen From Weat Deported. '", New York. A carload of aliens list ed aa undesirables and anarchists re cently received from Oregon, Cali fornia, Idaho and Illinois, were da ported on outgoing vessels here. Certificates of nomination artectihg ' all successful candidates of the re publican and democratic parties at the -recent primary election were mailed Saturday by Sam Koser, secretary of state. In case where a candidate of one party was defeated, but received the nomination ot another party, ha will not receive a certificate. Befuaal , by the secretary ot state to laaue these certlflcatea la authorised under a law a passed at the 1919 aesslon of the leg lalature and which became effective for the first time at the recent pri mary contest The so-called core prom lae regarding the framing of the Roosevelt bird ref uge measure, to be submitted to the votera ot Oregon at the November election, la very unaatisfactory, ac cording to Percy Cupper, state engi neer. Tha original bill he aaya, caused a storm of protest and a conference waa called ln Portland tor the purpose of reaching some agreement among tha ,. persona Interested ln the bird refuge and the Irrigations adjacent to Mal heur lake. Nothing waa accomplished at this conference, according to Mr. Cupper, and the measure aa revamped la not satisfactory. Mr. Cupper con tends that Oregon owna too much land ' at the present time and that the estab lishment of more reserve will have a tendency to Increase taxes without gaining for the taxpayera correspond lag benefits.