The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, June 18, 1920, Image 4

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    ...... SOtHOSS
Im tlMt nnlt Court the State ot
Oregon tor OwnMW Cwmty.
J. A. Nelson, Plaintiff, vs. William
a Schrlmpf. Lauretta Schrlmpf, .W.
E. Uaynle, Onu Stephens; The Fac
i men Ban of Weston, a corporation
i f Weston, Ore iron, and Gardner ana
Co.,-a corporation of Valla Walla,
Washington. Defendants.
To William B. Schrlmpf. Lauretta
' Schrlmpf and Gardner and Co.. cor.
oration of Walla Walla. Washington,
defendants above named:
ORBGON You are hereby renutred to
appear and answer the cross oom
plaint filed against you In the above,
entitled suit by Tho Farmers Bank of
Weston, on or before the 10th day ol
July. mo. and you will take notice
it you fall to answer or otherwise ap
pear in said suit on or before aald day.
said defendant, for want thereof will
apply to the above entitled court for
the relief prayed for In Its said crows
ulnlnt ml filn In Bttld CaUHO. tO-Wtt',
For the foreclosure of that certain
mortgage, dated on the 13th day of
August, securing a promissory
note of said date for $JT.. with in
terest at the rate of 8 per cent per an
num until paid; said mortgage being
given on the following described land
situated In I'matllla County, State ot
Oregon, to-wit:
Beginning at a point on the South
line of lot two. Section 17, Township
North of Range JS B. W. M. and dw
. tant 1T0O feet West from t he-half sec
thin corner between Section 1 and 17
said Township ; thence West alon
the aald Bouth Una of Lot 3, HOT l-
feet, thence north at right angles S17
feet; thence north 0 degree" 16 mm.
Kst 1S07 1-3 feet; thence South il
1-2 feet to the point of beginning, con
taining 23 acres.
The party of the first part Intending
to convey all right, title and Interest
of the' party of the first part to the
water right for 19 1-2 acres of the
above described property not to exceed
0.4 s cubic feet of water per second
unless such right shall exceed the,
same In such event all right belonging
to said land Is conveyed.
Also beginning at a point on the
- South line of Lot t of Section 17. TP.
S. X. R. M. E. W. Mi, distant 2807 1-3
: feet West from the. half wfr-tlon cor
ner between sections 1 and 17 of said
Township : thence West along the
said line of Section 17, feet;
thence north at right angles Sli
feef thence north 0 degrees and 1
min. east 369 feet; thence south 827
feet to the point of beginning, containing-
7 acres.
The party of the first part Intend
ing to convey all right, title and Inter
est of the party otrthe first part to a
erater, right to the above described 1
acres not to exceed 0.145 cubic foet of
water per second, unless such right
shall' exceed the same In which event
aU rights belonging to aid land Is
Also hereby conveying o the party
of the second part a right of way for
an irrigating ditch as now located and
the right to keej the same In repair
, and to keep up. maintain and rebuild
the dam now used for the diversion
of the water Into said ditch, which
ditch is used to convey -water unto the
land hereby conveyed for Irrigation
purposes which said ditch and dam are
located on lands owned by parties of
the first part In Section 17, but the
right hereby conveyed however not
being exclusive.
Excepting and reserving from this
conveyance a right, of way to the
parties of the first part and their suc
cessor in interest as the owners of
the adjoining property on the west a
right of way for an Irrigation ditch
to be constructed, maintained and
kept in repair By the parties of the
first part with the right of ingress and
egress for sufch purposes and to con
vey water in such ditch which is to be
over and across the lands hereby con.
veyed in a general easterly and west
erly direction, such ditch to be located
and constructed by the parties of the
first part, and also reserving to the
parties of the first part as the owners
of .the land onAhe south cif the land
hereby conveyed the right to turn
surplus unused Irrigation water on the
land hereby conveyed, the same to be
taken care of by the owners of the
land hereby conveyed, together with
the tenements, hereditaments and ap-
Tops and Cur
tains made to
order. Large as
sortment of plate
glasses a glass
for every car.
A good stock of Sad
dies and Heavy Harness
always on hand. Also
Collars, Pads, Halters,
etc. Get our prices be
fore buying.
Harness Store
. . 8 ; (Phone 122)
Milton, Oregon
Cash for chicken. J. R. Reynolds. Xription r.tea-by tbt year,
Mrs. Mary Evans of laklma, J200; ix monthgt fl.OO; three
Wash., ii a ruwt of Mrs. A. 0. Winn. montha 60 cunta.
Mrs. M. E. lVrsatl and grand- The fcf j, invariably diecon
daughter, Mary Thorne, of Pendleton u at expiration.
..I..;.!-.. Mm Aim A. Van
are visiting
The annual
Of WCSlon
school district will bo told next Mon-
day, June 21. at 2:30 o clock p. m.
There will be one clerk and one di-
rector to elect, as usual. Chairman
Joe Hodgson is the retiring member
of the board.
Mra. Anna Warner of U Grande torUl)fd dincr Sumllltf ,t the
is visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. .. ,
N MiNSoro;hy Buinnch returned Georgette wal.U only J. C.
Monday from a brief visit with C0"- . rn, . Mr, Em.
friendsin Kennewtck. Washington. Mrs. U Vandernool and Mrs. Em
Miss Gertrude Van Winkle Is ma B.rnctt re MsWngers for
spendTng a nVt delightful vacation Portland Monday mormng. where
tTth friendsnd relative. In Port- they will visit relative, for a hmoh.
? "n-am " Frwj Hendcraon was down from the
Mrs. Warner and daughter. Au- mounUin yestcrxlay and made his an-
drcyrof Walla Walla, were Sunday nual profitable investment in Weston
guesU of Mr. and Mrs. J. H.rl 'Mr
Mrs. Hugh Walker of Wasco was leaving this week for the llenry
. week-end guest at the A. J. Mc Barrett ranch on Pine creek, whkh
Jntyr. farm home. will be their home and place of oc-
Mrs. R. Morrison was the guest of cupation.
friend, and relative, in Wall. Walla Mr. and M. rth od. . a.J
a few days last week. family were dinner guests Sunday of
Cards have been received here an- Mr. and Mrs. Emery SUggs at the
nounciiur the marriage of Florence Suggs farm on Dry creek.
S Simmon, to Howard Foster Mr. and Mrs. J. Reuther left today
Ross, March 27. at Wibaux. Montana, on their return home to Portland , af
ThTyoung couple will be at home af- ter a fortnight'. Weston
tcr the f.t of July in Se.tUe, Wash, relative, and friends, Mr Reuther
Mis. Simmon, was . popular mem- i. a daughter of Mr. and Mr.. John
ber of the Weston High school facul- Bcantcr. ,
ty for two year, and ha. many Frank Lavender I. here from Ba
friends in Weston. Ver, Oregon, where he i. employed
Bobert Blomgren w.s in from, the by the state highway commission in
ranch ThurscUy attending to import- uie caprn.y
ant business errands. Mrs, John S. Neil returned yester-
Chris Thoeny has begun to harvest day to her home at Pendleton, after
his strawberry, crop, which promises a visit with relatives and friends on
a fair yield. Weston mountain. -
The John Waldcn family have gone A shower Sunday was followed
to their mountaiCranch for the .urn- Monday by a "regular downpoUr at
mer months. Weston, making assurance doubly
Swas-Te-Ka Campfire held its reg- sure of good crop, in this and the
ular semi-monthly meeting In the mountain neighborhoods. Merritt A,
club room of Memorial hall Saturday Baker, government weather observer,
afternoon, aU member, but two be- reports a total precipitation in the
ing in attendance. At this session two days of 75-100 of an inch,
three young ladies were initiated as R. Hargreaves, who twenty year,
wood gatherers. Charlotte Hass, ago was pastor of one of Wes.ton s
, , , , churches, was in town yesterday
purtanences hereunto belonging or from Seattle. (
In any wise appertaining ttna Mrs. J. L. Fuson, Miss Maggie Fu-
recorded In the office the d WalUr Melton were recent
County Recorder of Umatilla County. n "nu " , TKv motored
Oregon, on the lth day of August, visitors to La Grande. They motored
ll, in Book S ot Mortgages at page over tho mountain, and back in wal
ls thereof; for a Judgment, Joint ane gtt Ford.
several against William & Bchrtmpt Pendleton Tues-
and Lauretta Schrlmpf for tJ7.9 w , . ... hil.
with Interest at the rate of 8 per cent day on business connected with hi.
from the 12th day of August. l19, damage claim against the railroad
for $150 reasonable attorney fee and company.
erty and tho application of the Pro- his recent trip to Portland that suit-
ceeds to the payment of said Judgment, able pipe is available there for Wcs-
costs and -disbursements, costs and tn'g waterworks repairs, and the
expenses of sale and attorney fees. jre(j Kmount will bo ordered by
that plaintiffs mortgage be foreclosed ' ' .. . . . n8.
in plalntifr. complaint prayed for. the unciL ? ,h rin"i
and If any money remains from the determined the fact that tho princi-
payment of plaintiffs mortgage that pal leakage is on Water street bc-
the same be applied to the payment of jow jajn enc) it is here that the re-
thts defendant's Judgment; that all newajg wjji largely bd matle. Much
ClTneslTmft. dRfLaDure"ta of the old pipe other strecU is
Schrlmpf. W. B Haynle, Omar Steph- still very serviceable, A few day.
ens and Gardner and Co.. a corpora-
Uon, or any of them be forever barred
of all right, title, and estate tn said
tlon; that any party to said suit may
become a purchaser at said sale; that
the sheriff place the purchaser In pos-
session of said premises, and for such
other relief as pertains to equity and
good conscience.
.This summons la published pusuaot
to an order of the Hon. O. W. Phelps,
.Tilde nf'the above entitled court.
made in ppen court at Pendleton, Ore-
on the 28th day of May, lzc
ci:.i n,iiMu that th fir.t nub.
licatlon of this summons shall be made speaker of Dayton, Ohio, at the Unit
on the 28th day of May. 1820, In the Brethren cnurcn june 23 at 8 p. m.
Weston Leader. .. . . . . .
Attorney for Defendant, The Farmers
TTl 1 . . MnWnAMI.Inn
Rnnlr nf Weston. A
nHItnn. Ore.
Post office address, Pendleton, Ore
Hemstitching, Pecot, Chain Stitch
ing Embroidery, ' Braiding, Plain
Stitching, Button Holes and Buttons
Covered, Pleating.
Phone 836. Walla Walla, Wash.
Notice to Creditors
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Umatilla County.
In the Matter of the Estate of Jacob
M. English, Deceased.
Notice is Hereby Given to all per
sons whom it may concern that J. Z.
English has been appointed adminis
trator of the estate of Jacob M. Eng
lish, deceased. All persons having
claims against his estate are required
to preseut them with proper voucher,
to the said administrator at the law of
fice of Peterson, Bishop & Clark in the
Smith-Crawford building, at Pendleton,
Oregon, within six months of the date
of the first publication of this notice,
which is June 18th, 1920.
J. Z. Englikh, Administrator. '
Peterson, Bishop & Clark,
Attorneys for Administrator. .
XoUct U Subscribers
If thia'nottee U marked It aignL
flet that" your subscription expire
Jul 1. 1920. W would most
gratefully appreciate: your pnJmpt
IWtha Starmir. Kathleen rvdertwn
, , h.viitir urrmHfullv
aim '' -r. w
. ...i ua.t .likfltui AttMiirneil to
j iw patriotic honors. Mis.
RowUm cjuar.lian, Is much
m Mi of ,ir06rt.
xh,bite, by th, ter.
o Mr. HW. Achilles were
ago a serious jean wa uicuv jr
Superintcndednt Avery in the upper
cn(J of aj promptly stopped.
1 1 ltiKJrz
a nearby mam into the well at the
pumping station at the rate of one
thousand gallon, an hour,
Mrg c E straub of Pendleton
.. . e,i. th .T.
7 1 B
wwurnu w
Ladies' shoes and slipper.,
J. C. Penney Co.
Weston people are invited to hear
Min. Vat. R. Blinn. a noted woman
Wednesday, seven, Doys oi ueorge
Winn's Sundsy school class were taken
..... , 1 r I . v A l l , f . . 1
in tneir teacner s uuick on a uuukhiiui
- . . . . .. ..
Mulling trip to tne u matins river. .
Thursday afternoon a hailstorm of
y unusual seventy visiteu in r iuk
country. Some of the hailstones are
reported to have been a. large'as wal
Ernest Ross was in Wednesday from
his reservation ranch.
Mrs. Anna Anderson and daughter.
Thelma and Irene were entertained at
dinner Wednesday at the Alitk John
son home. . ' , ' - t '
In a signed confession ' reiterating
statements made previously to fellow
convict, but tbe truth of which were
doubted by Dr. R. Lee Steiner, until
recently superintendent of the pent
tentlary, James Ogle, now serving a
life sentence In tbe Institution for the
murder of J. N. Burgess and G?orga
E. Perrlnger of Pendleton In Multno
mah county last November, ha. as
sumed all blame for the shooting of
the two jsen and exonerated David
Smith and Walter Bannaster as far
as the actual killing was concerned.
Smith and Bannaster also are under
life sentence for the part they played
In the murders.
In the Circuit Otrt of the 8laU '
Oregon for Umatilla County.
Evelyn Hansford, Plaliitlff, Vs. George
Hansford, Defendant.
To George Hanford the above named
fore six weeks from the dale of the
first publication of this summons, to
wit: on or before the VA day of July,
I'M); and for want of such answer, the
plaintiff will apply to the court for the
relief demanded in the salt! complaint.
. . ... . that the IhiIIiIs of
llhWHi .1 vivv.w. ...w. -----
matrimony and marriage contract here-
. . 1, 1.. b.,M,n ltA .Hill
tiif.nd the said defendant be forevtr
diaiolveti and -that the ssid plaintilT.
Kvelyn Hsn.foM, pe grsiueu an
lute divorce from the said defendant.
EulEEl! S
or Less
: Just in A shipment of ' House Dresses "that
were in a wreck and were damaged by water.
These go for less than half price. There were in
this lot about five dozen, so they will not last long
at tnis price.
George and for auch other
relief as it to the court wem. eqult-
This summons it served upon you by
nuhlieatlon In the Weston Leader, a
weekly newspr of general circula
tion, for six consecutive weeks begin;
nlug with the Issue of the 11th day of
June, ItCrti to and Including the Issue
iua, by the Hon. t har
County Judge of Urns
State ot Oregon.
isttd at Pendleton, Ot
0f June, A, D. 1120.
p,TKH80N, Biaiioc
Pktkhson, BiaiioACWHK,
i Attorney. tr rimmm,
P. O. Address, Dendleton, Oregon.
Wall telephone for .ale. Inquire
... -
nl wx
t this office. '
$2.00 house dress for. . . . . . . .$1.60
$3.00 house dress for. .... . . .$2.40
$4.00 house dress for .... $3.20
Than One-Half
This store will close at 8:15 Sat
urday evening to see Jubilo', at
Memorial Hall.
tmm mm am H H
i ii f ji - m - r
i.JpFPVlfflllP flfl I
ByilyB wJiiiHillil Wlya
K . isitu M
Baker' Goods
P Phone your dray orders,
S 93, or call at story.
t Havk Ellis
u , ti
"i'-f f pi q
j a ai