WATTS the Matter WATTS & ROGERS? Machinery for harvest going rapidly. Only one mower left Binder twine nearly all sold. A 10-20 Titan Tractor arrived last " week and sold. We're busy. We're part of Athena. If you're not busy, it's your fault. Step in front of a mirror and look at what you see. WATTS & ROGERS ATHENA. OREGON WESTON LEADER CLARK WOOD, Tukllihir MRS. H. OOODWIN, AuUUat MUor " MimcKinioN RAiri Stfhii ft A.n-n The Year- -....WOO Six Months i 1 00 Th& Monthi 0W FRIDAY, JOKE It, 120 Mitts l lh aettolllcs it WnUn, On ja ticnd Uu MtllNiillo. THE "OLD GUARD'S" VICTORY. If the republican win the Nownj ber election it will ot bo because of the strength of their position but be cause of the greater fomparativo weakness of th democratic position. And if the San Francisco convention afford more depressing spectaiJ than the Chicago convention, it will be because the" rival democratic lead em have clubbed out each other's po litical brain. The "old iruard" of the g. o. p. never dies, althoUKh it surrenders and often compromises. WONDERFUL VALUES AGAIN OUR NEW YORK MJYKKS 'HAVK MADK A MONKYSAVIN( ; PURCHASE. NEW (JKORdKTTK WAISTS SHORT OR LONG SLEEVES ALL COLORS AND SIZES $3.98 NEW SILK JERSEY AND TAFFETA $5.90 J C. PENNEY CO. PETTICOATS Phone ,n Athena, Ore. It finally succeeded through the ac tivities of its senatorial skirmishers at Chicago In nominating its man. But the intriguing solons were com pelled to reach a compromise with the Johnson radicals by which the League of Nations principle is virtu ally repudiated and a vague scheme submitted which would substitute something similar to The Hague Tribunal. That forty or more world powers are member of the League of Na tions, that the league embodies the its military activities, past, present mini future. U iriven at nearly four sometimes bi,ion. ot ,illar-a colossal, a tu- nendou. a staggering sum! Will Among the things Murray Butler would that Nicholas much prefer, SUMMONS SUMMONS ideas of many leading republicans as bound, to have left unsaid, is that General Wood's backing con sisted of a joblot of stock brokers. welt as a democratic president, that . the Uniteh States stands virtually Court of the State of .nimj.tl to the lcacue as now in being carried no weight with thre- A Baltimore preacher says that publican convention. It was deter- "every profiteer is certain to go to t- .v r..rf f th Si. f In the Circuit m uw rt t it ....-.. Oregon lor UmatiUa County. inwni.wv Birdia Logan, Plaintiff, vs. Robert Lo- Effie May Milton Plaintiff, vs. Albert gan. Jr.. Defendant. ;". l ta ... othin- for whlch Nof i0 f, brolhtr. We'd T nd "deAfM''lo."'l""ro,",ra Wio Und, .no-or, snd u. thn Satan should have InThe Name ofthe State of Oregon: In the Name of the State of Oregon: its bitter partisan rancor toward the the fun of roasting then. You are hereby summoned and re- You are hereby summoned and required president quite likely had as much to . - quired to appear and answer the com- to appear and answer the complaint on do with tnc Ague's defeat as the The g. o. p. committee, belike, in- plaint on fife in the above entitled suit file in the above entitled sua on or be- brought to bear by anti- dulges the hope that the sovereign hrTput of th' Johnson and voter, will not fee. hard toward i?tol!iKl wit.onorbefore.the 9th day of July. Borah stamp. "srd.ng nor cool toward Coolidge. day of July, 1920; and for want of such ly; nd want oi sucn answer, ine Harding, who is described as a answer, the plaintiff will apply to the Ptiffwl apply othe rtfor , M cf Ml.Kinley type, iplawfr &d objc.tion.ble candidate that the bonds of matrimony and mar- matrimony and marriage contract Beyond doubt he is good man if not riage contract heretofore existing be- heretofore exisUng between the said , gTcllt om!- the objection lies in twien the said plaintiff and the said plaintiff and the said defendant be fur- h f hj nominationl defendant be forever dissolved and ever dissolved and that the said plain- """ ,,,. that tlfe said plaintiff, Birdia Logan, tiff. Effie May Milton be granted an i.w population in ten yean., we suppom. wv. w"? lisrs: B!!,a-t." ri j ?tp2 . ... pnMd husky bUrg .m tne saiu ueienoanu ivuucri -.. .. " ". . ' , mu'imuii w v, ' and for such other relief as it to the court seems equitable. This summons is served upon you by nublication in the Weston Leader, a They visualixe in to order for said dated and entered """ff-J"" " " w u" dential primary, ThU summons is served upon you bv him a president who will constant publication in the Weston Leader, a ly consult them and whom they will vote tor narti- for the "old quick to sp as the cam- to order for said publication made, pklgn progresses we believe it will be try to Bend Oregon. weeklv newsDSDer OI eenerai circuia- " viriuauy tontrui. n tion. for aix consecutive weeks begin- tipn. for six ronsecutive i week, begin- . , B vote ding with the issue of the4tbdayol mng wijnine iu 01 - . Vote will iwn t nd includinir the issue May. 1920, to and including the issue guard. Voters will be -t .w. t.u t i.,i Qon mimiant of the 9th dav of Julv. 1920. pursuant nrehend this fact, and P.O. Attorneys for Plaintiff. address, Pendleton, Oregon. A' Wonderful New Policy - ISSUED BY THE . BANKERS LIFE COMPANY - . ' of DES MOINES, IOWA Assume You Garry $10,000 If you die from any natural cause, the Company pays flO.OOO If you die from accident, the Company pays 20,000 If you become totally and permanently disabled, during such dis ability all premium payments are waived and after one year the Company pays you $1,000 per year, as long as you live, and at your death pays., 10,000 Under the disability benefit, if you live eleven years, you receive 10,000 Or, if you live twenty-one years, you receive 20,000 And t death your family or estate 1iU rtcefbe 10,000 (the annual payments to you being subject to continuance of total disability.) FRANK PRICE, Agent, Weston, Oregon the League of Nations who hoped for The most cheering detail of con the support of the republican party, vention aftermath is that Hiram It now remains for the democratic Johnson is reported to be "saying party to adopt a strong league plank nothing." and join the issue. And it remains t . iL.i ...... I rt k. mtlAnA kv win .i ..i k -.! fiincr- meiiian dictator," is dead by an as- Es.sad Pasha, known as the "Ar- sassin's bullet indeed Essad fate. by The wet and dry question which is settled already and does not belong , .U.K . km-j ,n the convent.on-or differences be- Gcncra, Wo)) M th con. vention wouldn't tween narty leaders must not be al lowed to spoil a prospect at best none too bright, and but for republican blunders well-nigh hopeless. We attach little importance to the "third party" movement. Its leaders are by no means political heavy- Between weights and we do . not think it will WALLA WAL,jA( PENDLETON and Ik Red Bus Line Preston-Shaffer Milling Co. Established 1865 Athena, Oregon Waitsburg, Wash. American Beauty rand-ci Pure White Made of selected bluestem in one of the best equipped mills in the Northwest. Sold in Weston by Weston Mercantile Company appreciably affect the result, since vhntevcr disgruntled and radical vote it is able to command will be drawn perhaps equally from the ranks of both of the real contenders. Commenting upon the case, of a speeding Portland motorist whose recklessness cost a human life, the Oregonian says: "It is incomprehen sible, aa it is true, that motorists find speeding the subject for jest and count it a most felicitous day when they evade arrest, though openly vi olating the law. To any one of them, these unpunished offenders, may come a breathless, terrible moment such as came to the man now serv ing sentence. And the contrition of a lifetime will not retrieve the error or efface the memory." Based upon an- article in the Bos ton Transcript, the Literary Digest prints the information that expendi tures for wars, past, present and fu ture, absorbed during the year just passed almost 93 . percent of the largest income ever received since the government was founded. Ac companying the article are charts to show where the money went A beg garly one percent was spent for re search, education and development. The effect of statistics of this sort is startling, amazing almost stupify ing on the average intelligence. The figures are incredible, but are set forth with such precision of detail that they must - be believed. The cost to the government in 1920 for UMATILLA. Leaven WESTON for Pendleton at 10:55 A. M. Leaves WESTON for Walla Walla at 3:45 P. M. (Dally Service.) Local station at Davis Confectionery. .Reliable Service Safe Drivers Comfortable Cars. C. M. GOWER.. ' . Mmnger e Mo Service Sec Walter Melton at the MELTON CIGAR STORE AND POOL HALL 8 any unprejudiced man say mni mo League of Notion plan, even with- ,' out lYsvrvations, fe nt worth trying jj when it holds out the leant promise of relieving Uncle Sam of part cf a J war burden that now takes all but ji seven percent of hi money? Shall J we say with the republican Irreconcll- Jj nbles who worked their will at Chi- Jj cao, that the months of negotia- j tion at Versailles were wasted? Jj 8 ' 's Furniture Store Carries not only a well-bought stock of dependable furniture but a complete line of MORTUARY GOODS A competent and considerate un dertaker in charge. A. M. ROSS, Prop'r. BUTTER WRAPS Furnished and Printed at the Leader office We'd rather see La Kollette run for president of some other country by choice, Mexico, whoro he'd have to run hard and often. Having increased t10 percent in Tireless young man did a piano marathon lasting 3o hours and 40 minutes in a Pendleton show window. Note trick for him. JUM Even Mexico will not stand fur publication made, to order for said publication maile, ptign progresses we believe it will be jbcj, jhnon, who may just have to " .lLe y" on hehd.vo tnd . element of weakness. The uke . ,, jump o(l lht end 0f Jotb iLD19S ibythe Hon. Gilbert May, 1920, by the Hon. Gilbert W. disaffection of labor, which de- California. W Phelps Judge of the said conct. Phelps, judge of said court. nounced at its Montreal convention Dated at Pendleton, Oregon, this 2d Dated at Pendleton, Oregon, this thc republican platform, " will like- W. J. B. wants "the right man day of June, 1920. '. 22d day of May, 1920. he be found art element of weak- nominated at San Francisco, and will f ETEK50N. xusHOr at . . . w ,.TV1?; M Rf fl that the greatest undoubtedly be ob e ni enough to Aiiomey lur s inuiwiu. - - P. O. address, Pendleton, Oregon, disappointment of thc Chicago con- produce him. vention falls to millions of friends of Top prices paid for Old Metal, Rags, Sacks, Hides, Wool, Etc. About $7.00 for Old Iron J. R. Reynolds Water Street (second block north of Main) J WESTON " OREGON Jg Cascade Slabs fANDl Utah COAL Ask our prices for dray ing. Phone 272 or 93. WESTON TRANSFER CO. GILBERT G. ELLIS, Mgr. tye-Glass Service Phone 4:itf-J . DR. A. M. SIMMONS Ey Sight Specialist - Fenlaua Bid(. Over Tallman Drug Store Pendleton. Oregon. YourChoice for a short time only i An Extra Pair of Pants with Every Suit Order, or 10 DISCOUIiT WESTON BATHS. BARBER and TAILOR SHOP R. L. Reynaud ii VVESTOM ii CASH KIARKET (Telephone 83.) Monday, Wed. and Friday. Kvenlngs by appointment. . DR. N. P. BENNET WEST0R - - 0IEG0N FRESH MEATS OF ALL KINDS ii HIGHEST CASH ii PRICES PAH) A.W.LU1EL General Insurance and Real Estate FOR LIVESTOCK, HIDES. PELTS, &c, HASS & SAUER LIFE HEALTH FIRE AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Do you want property? If to sell your it ia salable I CAN SELL IT