; Weston: Leader ' n.oxt nnvnrwl FPTntV TTTNK 1R 102ft ' NUMBERS VOLUME 43 WMtw' " . PLATFORM ADOPTED BYJEPUBLICANS The Most Important Plank It That Relating to League of Nations. - The nwl Important plank In the platform adopted by the natlolial ra-, ubltcan convention at Chicago waa. Jie ana ralatlm Jo the League ol Na tions. As finally sgrerd upon In th resolutions committee and accepted by the convention. It harmonica Iba views of tba conflicting elcmeuta. aoma o( which bad threatened to bolt tba pwty. Tba Important planke summarised ra aa follows: Republican parly rHiM He unylela Inf devetlon to lha eoeetllulion of the United mate Declares temomlle asmlnletretlon un. prepared for war and equally unprepared for poara, and IM demonstrate Ince parity of tba democratic party has de etrered subtle confidence and weakened tka authority of government, v Republican party will undertake to and asecullve eutoerory. and reemre to lha people their eonelltutlonat government. The farmer la rernanUad aa lha bach, bona of lha nation and party believes that Ma rondlten can ba improved by arte ouate farm representation In lha ap pointment of gevetnment officials. Deetaree tha federel farm loan law ahould ba ao admlniatarad aa ta 'aeMltata tha acqulettlon of farm land. lteenlsee lha luellre of collective bar. gaining aa a means of eet'ebllehlng mora harmony. Tha right la atrtha afalnal tha govera want denied, but lha rtghle and Iniaraala ' at all eovernment employee mual ba safe guarded by Impartial lewe. Compulsory arbiirailon In prlaia In duairtea not advocated, but faclllllaa for veluntaiy madiallun levered. Concratulataa lha republican congress aa lha enertment of a law providing for aa eiecullve budget, and condemne tha veto of lha preeldanl. rreeidant Wilson's Meslean policy eon. teamed. We ehould nol recognise any Mealren government unlaaa It be a ra aponell'la eovernment willing and able ta five sufficient guarantees that the llvee and rlghta of Amrtean ellHena are re aperled and protected revere liberal appropriations In co operation with tha etales tor lha con struction or highways. Oppaeed lo government ewnerehlp and " operation or employe operation of tha railroad Holds In Imperlahable remembrance the valor and the patrtoilam of the soldiers and sailor of America who fought In (be great war and plrdaea to dlacharga ta Ihe fulleei tha obllgatlona of a grate ful nation. ItepuhU.an party pledge In. If lo earn est and eonelstenl attack on living -coale p rlgoroua avoidance of further Infla tion of currency and promotion of pro duction. Party reaffirm Ita belief In protective principle and pledgea Haelf lo revlalon of lha tariff aa aoon aa condition! make It neceaaary. dialing policy of t'nlted Btetea for practical escluelon of Aalallr Immigrant la eound and ehould ba maintained. Might of tree apeech, free preaa and free aaeembly muat ba maintained, but advocacy of overthrow of government muat not ba permitted. Immediate raeumptlon of trade rela tione wllh nallona with which United gtatea la at peace demanded. Republlsana welcome women Into full participation in actlvltlaa of party and of government. Equal pay for equal aarvlea ahould rule "In all branehea of government In which women are employed. Republican party will oppose now and hereafter tha acceptance of a mandate for ey country In Kurope or Asia. The plank on tha league of nallona "(A) league of Netlone. Foreign pol icy of admlnletratlon haa been founded nrtneinle and directed by no def inite concepllona of oUr natlon'a rlghta and obligation It baa been humiliating to America and Irritating to other na llona, with tha result thai, after a period of unexampled eaerlflce. our motlvee are euepected, our moral Influence Impaired and our government atanda discredited and frlendleee among tha natlona of tha world. " "We favor a liberal and generoua for eign policy, founded upon definite moral and political principle, charaeterlaed by a clear underatandlng of and firm adher ence upon our own rlghta and unfailing reepect for the rlghta of othera. We ahould afford full and adequate protec tion to tha Ufa, liberty and property and all international rlghta of every Ameri can cttlien and ahould tequlre a proper reepect for the American flag! but wa ahould ba equally careful to manlfeat a ' Juat regard for lha rlghta of other na tlona. A acrupuloua observance of our International angagementa when lawfully aaeumed la eeeantlal to our own honor and eelf-reepect and the reaped of other natlona. Subject lo a new regard for our International obllgatlona. wa ehould leave our country free to develop Ita civilisa tion along the lines moat conducive to the harpln.se and welfare of the people, and to caat Ita influence an tha aide of Juetlca' , and right ehould occasion require. "The republican party atande for agree ment among tha natlona to preserve the peere of tha world. Wa believe that euch an International aeeoclatlon muat be baaed upon International Justice and muat provide methods which shall maintain the rule of nubile right by development innrta, ana wnirn anau aacure inatam i r,d tmeraj International conference win Peter p are ehall be threatened by I'nltlial action, so that tha natlona )iit(.d to do and Insist upon what la juat and fair may eierrlee their kafluenra end power fur Ihe prevention ol war. We believe that all of thla can be done without the rotnprnmlee of national In dependence, without depriving the people of lha Pntted blatea In advance of tha right to determine for themeelvea what la Just and fair, when the occasion arteee and without Involving lham aa parllct panla and nol aa peacemekere In a multi tude o( quarrels, Ihe insrlls of which they are unable to Judge." Hew Books at Weston Library Th following- books have Juat been rvcclvcl from the County library at I'rmllcUm and have boon placet! on thu shelves for circulation among' (oral library patrons: Fiction Boaher, How It Happen ed; Urown, Wages of Honor; Fergu aon, Stealthy Terror; Martin, Fifc-ht-lnjr Doctor; Nicholson, Proof of tha Pudding; Todd, Cycle of Sunaeta. Children's, Classed Bass, Ntuw Slorlea; Beard. On the Trail; Beard, Shelters, Shacks and Shanties; Col lins, Book of. Magic; Dopp, Early Sea People; Faulkner, Red Cross Stories; Holbrook, Around tha Earth In Myth and Song; Jewett, Good Health; Johnston. Our Little Viking Cousin; Mirick, Home Life Around the World; Montieth. Some Uaeful Animala and What They Do for Ua;. O'Neill, Kupie Kutouta; St. Nlcho laa, Indian Stories; 8eUn, Lobo, Rag ft Vixen; Skinner, Nuraery Tale Front Many Lande; White, Panto mime rrinior; Wiley. Children of the Cliff; Wright, Stories of Amer lean Progress. Children's Fiction Asnrud, Ua beth Longfrock; Alcott, Spinning Wheel Storiea; Buah, Prairie Roae; Hale, PeUtkin Paper; Hill, Young Farmer; Mason, Tom Strong, Wash ington's Scout; Wlggln, Birds Christmas Carol. Kis. Watts Is Honored. Complimenting Mrs. F. D. WatU, who will soon be leaving Weston for her new home in Athena, Mrs. H. Goodwin entertained few friends at hen home, Tuesday afternoon. Tales by candlelight were related by each lady present and were very interest ingcovering stories of adventure, travel and pioneer life, and humorous skits. The honor gut was then showered with tokens of friendship which stimulated the feeling of good fellowship prevailing at the gather ing. At live o'clock light lunch was served by the hostess, the guests be ing seated-at tables centered with bright-hued corn flowers. Those asked to share in the event were: Mrs. F. D. WatU. Mrs. J. Harl Wil liams, Mrs. A. J. Mclntyre. Mrs. Ellsworth Woods, Mrs. Elmer Tuck er, Mrs. Sim J. Cullcy, Mrs. Lillian Fredericks, Mrs. L. R. Van Winkle, Mrs. J. A. Lumsden, Mrs. Frank SnP der and Mrs. Mry C. "McNec. - i Geo. W. SUggs is In the Rattle snake flat district this week, look ing after tho extensive interests of Staggs & Sons. Ho sends word of copious rains and a promising crop outlook. GOD IS SPEAKING TO YOU NOW (Jesso M. Wise. May 0, 1020.) Did you ever view the cloudland, Late with heavy thunder stored. Paint beneath the touch of Gods The rainbow promise of His Wordt See tho lily blooming fair, That glorifies the sod; See beauty everywhere, Paint these words, there is a GodT Before Him reverently bow, God is painting for you now. Did you ever feel His Presence In tho woodland murmuring; ' Did you marvel that His Silence . Should yield to cavern echoingsT Hear the sweet throat-bursting birds, A -choke to speak their joy; Do these God-spoken words this harmony: Before Him reverently bow, God ia apeaking to you nowl Notice of Final Account In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Umatilla County. In the Mutter of the Estate of John J. Heeler, Deceased. . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to all persons whom it may concern that ChriBtina B. Bcelcr, administra trix of the cstato f John J. Bceler, deceased, hns filed her Final Account and Report in tho administration of tho estate; that Monday, the 10th day of July, 1020, at tho hour of ten o'clock In the forenoon has been ap pointed as tho timo and the county courthouse at Pendleton as the place where oil objections and exceptions to it will be heard and a settlement of the cstato made. Dated this June 18th' CHRISTINA B. BEELER, Administratrix. Teterson, Bishop A Clark, Attor neys for Administratrix. PuD Together for an American Merchant Marine Tha war resulted In tha creation of great merchant marine 10,000,000 tons of American ships which coat us 1000,000,000. tverybedy agrees that vre must keep this fleet set ths, eeae. If wa fall back fo pre war conditions when only 0 per cent of our foreign trade waa carried In American ship Ws shall be In the posllloa of department atoro whoee goods are delivered In Its competitor's wagona. Coiigreas Is considering legislation which will perpHuste our wsr-bullt merchant marine. Until this Is dsns tho ships ws hsve should net be sold te fase cendltiene svhleh, prior to the war, resulted In tno deolins of our merchant marina te Inalgnlflearto. This Commllteo calls gtteiitlon to these facta becauae right solution of our shipping problem is rtui to the future prosperity of shipbuilding, but equslly tltal to the safety and prosperity of the nation. tend for free espy 'of For an American Merchant Msrlns." Commit!) of American Shipbuilder M CHURCH TfttlT, NKW YORK CITY 4i OVER THE HIUL' II. V. Maslin went to Pendleton Tuesday and cashed in on bounty for four coyotes, which he recently cap tured in a den. ' There is probability that a change in the location of the flag pole will be made before the hardsurfaca is placed on Main street More gasoline was received out at tho Standard Oil distributing station this week, but it is being conserved for harvest demands. Robert Coppock has introduced very practical method of mowing grass and weeds in the street adja cent to his property in Fourth street Instead of the scythe and whetstone; Mr. Coppock selected a shovel and hoe, with the result that no part of the vegetation is left to sprout again this year. It's a capital method and worthy of emulation. The third carload .of distillate to ar rive in Athena, through distribution on the psrt of County Agent Bonnion, was unloaded by farmers here Wed nesday. The condition of Mrs. Roy Cannon who underwent a surgical operation at Walla Walla, is reported to be as well as could be expected. Mrs. Can non had been seriously ill at her home north of Athena, for several weeks, and before permanent health could bo restored an operation was found to bo necessary. Miss Vcrnita WatU was a member of the gratuating class at St. Hel ens Hall, Portland, Monday evening of thla week. Rev. B. B. Burton will preach at the Eastern Oregon conference of Christian churches at Pendleton Sun day afternoon. Mrs. Fred Boyd is in Portland this week attending the sessions of the grand chapter of tha Order of the Eastern SUr. Mr. and Mrs. Victor McDonald, who accompanied Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Dudley home from California, recent ly, have returned to their home in Long Beach. ' Master Kenneth Emmel is enjoy ing a two weeks' visit with relatives at Portland and vicinity, having gone down in company with his friends, the McEwen twins. Miss Thelma Saling, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jess Saling of Pendle ton, former Athena residenU, was married this week to MY. Rodney Ov Durst of Portland. Mrs. F. S. LeGrow left Tuesday evening for Seattle, where she will visit her mother and sister, - after ward joining Mr. LoGrow in Portland for Shriners week. Marion Hansell represented the Athena Gun Club in the National Shooting Tourament at Walla Walla. Marion made his best score Wednes day forenoon, when he broke 95 Ur geU out of a possible 100. Fay LeGrow, Marion Hansell, W S. Ferguson, Sam Pambrun and Ralph McEwen will be among tho Umatilla county riders in tha Mystic? Shrine mounted patrol at Portland, next week. They will leave Sunday for the metropolis. Dr. and Mrs. C. II. Smith were dinner gucsU of Mr. and Mrs. John Banister of Weston, Wednesday even ing. A basement has been excavated un der the WatU residence, recentSy moved to the corner of Third and " Jefferson street A new porch and other improvemenU will be made, Mr. and Mrs. WatU having decided to re side there indefinitely, and postpone building their new home until such time as the cost of building material comes to a lower level WatU A Rogers sold the first hay tedder to be delivered to a farmer in this part of Umatila county. Tilraan Beckner wa the purchaser, and he will use the machine after the fash ion ho used others like it, "back where he came from." A wedding of interest to the people of Athena and Adams, where bride and groom have legions of friends and well-wishers, was solemnised Wednesday In Walla Walla, when Miss Laura M.clntyre of this city, and, James Thomas Lieuallen, Jr., of Ad ams, were united in marriage. Mr. knd Mrs. Frank Craham of Pendleton visited friends in Athena Friday. Mrs. Robert Proudfit and daughter, Mary, accompanied Washington rela tives on a motor trip to Portland and Sound cities, leaving this week. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. kcFadden re turned from Corvallis and Portland, Tuesday morning. Athena dropped another ball game last Sunday-this time to Milton Freewater on the Hyphenated Hope fuls' rocky lot, score eight to a goose egg. Both Dudley of Athena and Jordan of tho enemy's forces were touched up often the difference be ( that the M.-F. crowd hit 'em where they weren't, while Little john's bunch kept on qualifying as the champion hard luckers of the league, smashing the ball almost in variably into- a waiting mitt Clark, the first man up for Milton-Freewat-er, clouted the pill out of the lot for a homer. Next Sunday Athena plays at Pendleton, Helix at Milton and Pilot Rock at Walla Walla. Especial interest attaches to the Miltori-Helix battle. Mr. and Mrs. George Banister are in Portland, visiting at tha home of Mr. and Mrs. H. McArthur. Miss Mamie Barnes of Weston, spent the week-end at the home of her brother, J. R. Barnes on the West Side. , . The city council has definitely de cided to adopt the cluster light sys tem for Main street and the stands supporting cluster lighU will be dis tributed at convenient distance on both sides of the street A represent ative of a comparjy manufacturing ; the sUnds was in the city last even ing, and met with members of the council. The supreme court has handed down a decision in favor of Hey Winn vs. Moses Taylor, involving land . xenul money in the sum of $4000, approximately. Homer I. watu oi j this city was attorney for Winn- v - All Saints' Guild AM SainU Guild was entertained by .Mrs. Mary C. McNee and Mrs. H. Goodwin at their home on Normal heights Thursday afternoon. After the business session, a Garden Con test occasioned considerable inter est, jthe winner being Mrs. Will Nor--Dcan. In a unique sketching frolic, Mrs: Hugh Walker of Wasco, Ore jron, and Mrs. Lilian Fredericks were declared , winners. Refreshments were, served during the hour re served for friendly chat over the tea cups. Those present were: Mrs. L. 8. Wood, Mrs. E. M. Wsrren, Mrs. C. 0. Pedersen, Mrs. Jas. H. Price, Mrs. LilUn Fredericks, Mrs.'C. E. FUk, Mrs. Sim J. Colley, Mrs. J. Hsri Williams,' Mrs. F. D. Watta, Mrs. "Will NorDean, Mrs. Elmer Tucker, Mrs. CharleaF. Bulflnch, Mrs. II. A. Walker, Mrs. Ily Winn and Miss Fy Warren. MeM Jim Wm Climb, Too Fred Foster, who has charge of the Thompson boys' sheep on the Umatilla river, was treed by bald face bear not long ago, and stayed up the tree for qujt IH. Fred took a shot at the bear with his trusty pistol, not knowing that she was a mother bruin with cubs in the neighborhood. She charged him, and be made baste to climb a ree. He then discovered that two cube were in a neighboring tree, and that he had been between the mother bear and her-family. Deciding that dis cretion would bo the better part of valor he did no more shooting and kept discreetly on his perch until the bear family departed. We hear Ia the effect that Jim Jones is going after that baldface. - Claud Davis, late of Molsun, Wash., will again become a resident of Weston, whose people are pleased to welcome his "return to the fold." Mr. Davis has bought an interest in the pool and card rcom resort of O. W. Melton, which will be conduct ed hereafter by Melton 4 Davis. Mrs. Davis, who is at present in Walla Walla, will join him soon at Weston. CITATIO.V Ia the County Court of tue Htate of .Oregon for l iuatilla County. In the Matter of tbe Estate of John L. Brown, deceased. To Prank Brown and Ella Brown, hla wife of Holdman, Oregon, Harvey A. Brown, William L Brown and Clara Brown hla wife of Helix, Oregon. Jamea Brown and Golds, Brown of Ephrata. Washington. Arthur U Brown of Touchet, Washington. Eva Thome or Holdman, Oregon, rjimcr t. Corporon of Weston, Oregon. Floyd Corporon of Baker. Oregon, Earl Lundwell (or Uindwall) a non-resident residing at a place unknown. Gene Lundwell (or Lundwall) a non tealdent residing at a place unknown. Elph Lundwell (or Lundwall) a non resident residing at a place unknown, and all persons Interested In the es tate of John I Brown, deceased, GREETINGS: v IX THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: Tou and each of you sro hereby cited and required to appear on or before Wednesday the !lst day of July, 1920, at ten o'clock A. M. in the County Courtroom of the abovo entitled court In the City of Pendleton, Oregon, to show cause If any there be why an order of sale and license to sell tha following described real prop erty should not Issue to Harvey A. T..,.n MHmtriiBtrator nf the above en titled" estate authorising, directing, empowering and licensing him to sell the following described real, property, to-wlt; Commencing at a point on the Went line. Thirty-six (S) rods South of the Northwest corner of the Southeast quarter of Section Two (2) In Town ship Five (S. North Range Thirty five tS5 E. W. (.. and running thence East Thirteen and one-third rods, thence North Twelve (12) rods, thence West Thirteen and one-third rods, thence South Twelve (12) rods to the place of beginning, containing One (1) Acre more or less. Also. Lot numbered Thirty-three (SS) In Block Seven (7) in North Mil- t0 Also, Lots numbered Thirty-four (S4) and Thirty-five (S5) In Block numbered Seven (7) In North Milton (Now known as Wright's Addition to Milton), all within Umatilla County, Oregon. at private sale to the highest and best bidder for cash or In such manner as the court at said hearing shall deter mine for the beat interests of the es tate and all concerned therein and ahall order and direct. Thla ciUtlon la served upon you pur suant to and In compliance with an order to show cause made and entered by Hbn. Charles H. Marsh, Judge of the above entitled court and bearing date the Srd day of June. 1929. direct ing personal service upon such of yo as are within the State of Oregon and that the rest of you and all others In terested In the said estate be served by publication of aald citation once a week for four consecutive weeks in the Weston Leader, a weekly news paper, beginning with the lue of June Uth. 1920 to and Including the tseue of July 9th. 10. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I, R. T Brown. Clerk of the abovv entitled court, have hereunto aet my hand and seal of the said court this 7th day of June. A. IX r. T. BROWN, County Clerk of Vmatllla . .County. State of Oregon. i ii.i.iwn uikhoD A ctMCf, At torneys for Administrator, Pendls ton, Oregon. HARDING NOMINATED BY REPUBLICANS eeasaaasajp-esa Governor Coolldge of Massa chutetts Named At Hit Running Mate. Chicago. Warren 0. Harding. Uni ted Slates senator from Ohio, was nominated for the presidency Satur day by the republican national conven tion on tbe tenth ballot, after a dead lock which bad lasted for nine ballots. As bis running mate, the convention named Governor Calvin Coolldge of Massachusetts, upsetting a plan of a combination ct the' Harding backer to nominste for the place Senator Irvine U Lenroot of Wisconsin. Cool Idge wss nominated by Wallace Me Camant, Oregon. Harding Wa Dark Horse. Entering tbe convention as candi date distinctly of tbe "dsrk horse class. Senator Harding got only 44 votea on tbe first ballot and on the second be dropped to It. When tho convention adjouAed Friday night at tbe end of the fourth ballot he bad L In all-night conferences among the party chiefs, however, he wa men tioned many times as tbe most likely to break the nomination deadlock bould neither Wood, Lowdon nor Johnson tsks a commanding lead Sat urday. They failed to do so. Wood and Lowden running a neck ssd neck race for leadership on foar ballots, while the strength of tbe California candidate dwindled ateadily. Meantime Harding pushed his total to 123, Individual delegates from many states swinging to him from the columns of. the leaders and of various favorite sons. Tbe Johnson managers, fearing a landslide was impending, then mads a last play to sav the WARREN G. HARDINQ tyho Received the Republican Nomina, tlon for President at Chicago. fortunes of their candidate. They mov ed to recess fcr a couple ot hours In order to take an Inventory and seek: a new combination. The Wood and Lowden forces, both virtuslly at th peak of their strength but dishearten ed at the long string of ballots without material gains, fell In with the recess plan and the convention adopted It Succession of Conference Hold. In the dramatic succession of eoB ferences that followed, the fate of th candidates virtually was sealed. Soma of the Wood and Lowden manager tried Ineffectually for an agreement which would hold thetr delegates in line and kill off the Harding boom. Some tried to get a Wood-Lowden-Johnson agreement to adjourn till Mon day without making a nomination. It was the parleys between th Hard ing and Lowden men. however, which apparently bore the most fruit when the balloting began again, for Gover nor Lowden cam to the convention during the ninth rollcaU and, revers ing a previous plan to go before th convention itself, Issued instruction from behind the scenes releasing hi Instructed delegates. Almost as soon as the alphabetical call ot states began after the recess the ground swell for Harding demon strated that it could not be fore stalled. Connecticut, when her name was called, took 13 of her 14 votes from Lowden and gav them to, Har ding. " - J. R. Reynolds, local junk merch ant bought two Brown-Lewis com bines the other day and dismembered them for shipment at his establish ment The transaction, is a reminder of a much touted Walla Walla en terprise that .. started . auspiciously but ended in disaster. r- : of law and; tha declaion. 01 tmparuei