The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, June 04, 1920, Image 4

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5 t
i i.
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i i
I Um Circuit Court of tlw Mato
ureguu tor VmatlUa county.
J. A. Nelson. 1'Ulnttff. vs. W illiam
R. Bchrlmpf. Lauretta rVhrlmpf. V.
K. liaynl. Omar ttephcns; The r"r
mere Bank of Wewn.v corporation
of Weston, Oreiron. and Gardner nun
corporation of Walla Wall
Washtmrtoir, lvfendanta.
Cash for chickens. J. K. tteyrwlde,
Mis Fay Warren returned Monday
from a vinit at Pasco."
Mr. Jacob lVocbsUd of Portland
ia a reunion guest of Mrs. J
About 15 mn art employed at the
Wuo Mountain sawmill, pettimr it
r..M.iu i ho season's run. later
. i .k.. w token to lVll- Inn tiavroll Will . bo Increased to t0.
tllll. WVIIH " ' ., . . l.L ft
To William H wcnnmi". meiun -i -- cnnlitpr niul .-. a cor- k.. the advice ol ncr pnysivinii, .. imu.
milium - -
..oration of Walla Walla. Washington, am Pr Smitht
Charles K. Hall has sold hU rcsi.
defendant above named: R ... R storms went to lone dene property in ho upper iart of
iXTHHNAMBOFTHKAir MuvA to roortranir.e the lone fxvn to 0. O. IVderson. who Intend
X " he BartS church, and report, a An. remodel the house and occupy it
piZ f.uTd a.Z' o I .ho above ,mHPtiK. Mr. Storm, left Wed,, with hia family. Mr. Hall will Icy
entitled null by The Farmer itank or fo: ,.1,, t ,ljut the business hi a few days to attend a fwventn
Weston, on r in-fore the 10th day ( . h( BU,tcr Mrs. J. A. pay Adventist camp mectiiujt at
July. tt:. ami you will j take neWJ (ur ,rAenc. Idaho.
" ZXZ. Dr. E. B. Osborne of tho J. R. Knsh i, .vacation
Hid defTnda.u. for want thereof will AKricuUui-.l Colta faculty was a visit frjm California, where he is
apple to the alwve entitled court fr Tuestiav of the J. A. Lumsdens ronnwteM with the staff of the u. t.
th, r.llof prayed fr In Ita ld enw whi)c o) hjs WV to attend the Union Surveyor General at San Francisco,
n.mplnlnt on file In il cause, to-wit: Fnmls Sn)it1l am family are reun-
For the foreclosure of that eer ain . , vW.ion from Coulee City. Wash.
, , . ;Von";or; ": 1 of the waterworks dam Mr. and Mrs. John HaniMer Jr. arc
ror i:i.i. n rine creek aoovo wwn, ki
Ilemntltchinr, lVeot. Chain Stitch.
Iiik rmbrolik-ry, Mraldlmt. I lain
SlitchitiK, llutton Holes ami lluttons
Covvrvd, rieallnir. .
I'hono tKIO, Walla Walla,
El.Kn:iUC St'l'I'UKK AMI
Kstimalea Furnished Free un All
Kinds of Work.
All Work Guaranteed.
I'luMte No. 4-t3
Freewater, Or
In tho Circuit Court of tha RtaU of
(lreon for tlw County of lima,
Ethel ' M. Monlauue, Naintlff, vs.
Julin I. MonlaKue, IH-feni aiit.
To John I. MontaRue, defendant
In'YliM Name of the Statu of Vtv
Kn, You are hereby ivquired to ap
L and answer the complaint filed
Ininat you in the above entitUHl
Jul" within six weeks u tha dato of
th llrst publication of this ''''' .
to-wit: on or before Friday, the Uth
ilay of June. WSiOs and you will take
"flee that f vou fail to .a;ar and
answer said complaint, or otherwise
nlead thereto, w thin said time the
;,!;Ttifr. for 'want thereof, will .pplv
lo the Court for the relief prayed
for and demanded In her said com.
.laint. namely for a decree of the
iaid Court forever dissolving the
bonds of matrimony now and hereto-
a . - -1 .1 aum .1ftklttliV anil
lore esisiinji, mi"v
defendant and for the care and cus
toily of Marjorle Montajrue, the tnlit.
or child of plaintiff and defendant,
and for other equitable relief.
This summons Is published pursu
ant to an order of lion. Cilllyrt W.
I'helps, Judife of the Sixth Judicial
District of the Htate of Oregon,
duly made and filed herein on tha
d day of April, l20j and the first
publication hereof Is made on rl;
lay, the HOth day of April, lOiSO, and
the last publication will be made on
Friday, the llth day of June. IB.'O,
In thi Weston Uader. a newsnaiK-r
.ublished Weston, Umatilla toun.
'CJThla 22.1 day of A-rll, 1020.
HOMER . WAl'liJ.
Athena, Oregon.
Atlorneyfor JMaintilT.
Wall teiephone .for aale. lnquiro
at this oillce.
J. . Ramiivx left Tuesday for a
f date for i7.. witn in- n pine cre..k above town. Btviiig ine here from licnx lor iiw n-unnm.
ti-rest at the rate of s ier cent per an- omrMth more capacity. Mis-s Blanche Coop-r. former stu-
mm until iUl: M mortaaae M confident that the dam .lent of Weston lliith schtn.l. is here
T .,,!r":.T TJr;,,,, ,, : ti i tZA thl. season to be an ad- ,rom Roy. Idaho, for a vUit with
r; .;;" iu.Kt of very voHW advantage to her pirl friends.
Hceinnlnn at a point on the South th(J Waterworks system. Ho aays
lin of l.t two. Section l .. Townsni .f jt wrsn-t for U-akum mams two mor.ths'
North of nana. 35 Jj; there would be plenty of water dur. bn)thcr nr,,
iriroenru-riand ,; inK the drye.t part of the sumnvcr. Ml,ic0. Mr
;iid Township ; theneeWest aloim Mrs. C. O. 1'edersen and children punish dest
tha said South line of I-otw', 1J07 1-5 SIHnt iat week with friends and rel- int,rcgt in tl
fort, thence north at rlRht ancles s.. t UeUx tmt fMi v
tt; thence north I 'f Miss Esther Williams returne.1 lltf to wl
:bX"cZ:t from California Sunday night, hav- Jfter hiding
infr :J acres. ing completed a most interesting und m,,untains it
Tk. nnrtv of the first part Intending ,Vahle vear at Mills college. tif,. am hav
to convey all risht. title, and Interest ... , ms.i., traded horses four pa. he manacctl to . make his way
of the party of the firs. : part t ho Monday just to keep in out of the country. That was live
,rifMr , , fc bko- H.d7 rt kmr
. "t. -,tr m-r second Newton Loverklgo has lccn busy whether the relatives he is going to
unless such rlphl shall exceed the the few days trimming off un- Mv arc living or not, and is certain
m-,me in such event all right belonging (iprj)rUsh and mowing grass in the that if they arc they suppose him to
to said land Is conveyed. . . ,h it -.mi nresent an K .l..a.l Mrs. Ramirei will remain
Ale beginning at a po nt oi. jne ' ' ar)Doanlncc t,, pionecr pic. ,t thfi home of r nu,her. Mrs
.mth line or unj - I i,,i I .ns.lale. on Weston moun
'. from the half section cor- -...i Mr., r v Bulfinch are an- ,a;n. durintr his absence.
ner between sections l and 17 or saiu ticjpatin , visit from their daugh
Township ; thence st along the Agtws Walker at Wasco.
rhltrrhir'XhV'an who P.ans to arrive ir j time for the
feet- thence north 0 decrees and 1 pionecr reunion festivities,
feet' East 39 feet: thence south S27 pau sown wheat throughout this
feet to the point of beginning, contain- gecWon looks as green, thrifty and
Ins 7 acres. . promising as it did in the good old
J.o'cS-" .. S&?Jfi&: -y "umper cro,s. Also, it
t"fetX party of the first part to X apparently as well advanced as usual,
water right to the abovedescrlicd 7 Spring-sown wheat, on the contrary,
ceres not to exceed O.Hi cubic feet of ,Qok gQ heaithy a.i it might.
..rZftZfZrJZ e'ven Mayor Banister of Weston, who was
HUH ... omonc those th s SDHng tO Til Kil 11 I.1IIU .
Mrs. Sudie Purccll. one of the ear
liest pioneer women of Weston, is
(!o Portland visitors at the
Robert F. .Reynolds ia here from
Franklin rnuntv to remain a few
weeks in the old home burg.
Walter Williams has returned from
the Heppner neighborhood, to remain
until after tho picnic.
Mrs. J. J. Beeler has returned to
i'..i,t from IIi-rmiKton. where she
ir.ww -
among those mis spring -
conveyed. . . .t P" 01 nc" "Vv.' u" " f.m, of Miss Hall, formerly of the
Also hereby conveying ;.. -" remark that ne migni nave " , " n KitTmaX facttUy. Mrt. BeeWr
of the second pan a . v. tcr off to navc Kepi im kv .... w - -
nnve uiKtn a Limovv - AitrV. am now located and
,h. ,ieh to kecD the same in repair nave wmi. - , . i nt fIlc. She will again
to keen un. maintain and retniild stand. . . . . j Wcbtuli and will
the dam now n for the diversion Mr, R. C. leaves e .fcinK.
of the water imo ... morning w .
ditch is used to convey water unto the agemcnt there as soloist of the Ore- The East Ortgonmn recalls in Its
land hereby conveyed for irrigation Agricultural College commence- Twenty-Eight Years Ago column
purposes which .said ditch andh dam are Tuesday morning, that "the first annual reunion of tho
located on lands owned by part e T ' m . . ,,.-,:. Colinty PiIlecr association
the first part in action i.. .... . - .. ... . ... . wton juc 27 an(,
right hereby conveyed mum. airs. umm."
beina exclusive. aill he entertained at luncheon Tues- 28."
Excepting and reserving from this . president Kcrr. Wanted By June C, a competent
conveyance a right xt. .i Mr. n W. Warren arc blacksmith to rent complete shop.
nnrtiea of the ttrsi pan ana . -
the owners of mm their Franklin county Mrs. R. Lieuallen. Weston, Or.
the adjoining property on the west a farm gr the reunion. They are ac-
tr n.l Mm. Charles Royce of
right of way for an Irrigation ditcn ied by Mr8. Edith Mucklc. Spray, Oregon, were here humiay ana
to be constructed, maintainea nfi daot-htcr met the mother of Mr. Roycc, wno
kept in repair by the parties of the . Mra Susa (own fr(m Dayton. They dec-
rfTchVrp-: : ande-on- ker wdinne gue.U Sunday at orated the grave of hi. father James
vey water in such ditch which ia to bo the imer Tucker farm home. Royce. one of the earliest nettlm on
-ivtetr And across the lands hereby con- ,...j tj, , mw to man- Weston mountain. The departed pi-
veveri in a general easterly and west-
hniicrht the second lot sold in
er.V direction, such ditch to be located nooa on . ... .. . ; ;
j ortnatrnrtpil Iiv the parne i'" aim uuw - . .
Hrst part 7d ! alio- reserving to tho perous farmer of this section, died at Furniture, etc.. at private sale.
... .u- ..,.r. ... the owners i. c....i ronh Whnt in left Saturday, June 12, wTIl
antes o, ...c latruiua oumiua; ...,..- -
of th land on the south of the land . . . .
Mr. Reetlcr be sold at publie. sale. See Sulmg
hereby conveyed the right to turn i,0i,h fm- a number huildimr. F. D. Watts.
surplus unused irrigation water on tno ' . ... . thc
l.n.i herebv conveved. the name to lie oi moiuns, nnu.uu iw.n. r - - , - .... ..
taken care ,"f bv'the ownen. of the fecte arrangements to motor south J. Calder home in this city during the
. . ... .....thc- oith ... . v,;u h,.lh' ol.oi.n,... of. their Nardil.",. Dr. and
land nereoy i;vii;j. ln nopes vi ...o """"" -
..n.n,ni hereditaments and an- ' Un f II. Smith, who have cone to
purtunciiccs . hereunto ieinn..o, portIand to attend the meeting or
I Tops
and Cur-
tains made to
order. Large as
sortment of plate
glasses a glass
for every car.
A good stock of Sad
dles and Heavy Harness
always on hand. Also
Collars. Pads, Halters,
etc. Get our prices be
fore buying.
I'Mman's .
Harness Store
(Phone 122)
Milton, Oregon
in any wise appenamma . . B)(sociation.
recorded in tne omco m i ----- - ,,.
County Uecoder of l-n.atila l ounty. Having gained in strength ur a
Oregon, on the 19th day or August, ,)0re serious operation, uesicr h.ik-
uregon, on ine iin u.,y w. um, moit; khuu. wv-..., -----r.
1919, in Hook 68 of Mortgages at pane on submitted again to the surgeon's
229 thereof; for a judgment. Joint ano .... . , Waa Thursduy. Uis
tonsils were removed.
Mrs. Mary E. Tobey left Tuesday
for her homo in Portland, having ter
minated a three weeks' visit at the,.
ir ftoorlwin home.
Mrs. Wm. Driskell spent a few days
in Frctiwnter an tlw truest
and rif hor rfautrhter. Mrs. H. C. Fetter.
Mrs. Iley Wmn motored to walla
Walla Friday to spend thc day with
Mis Eliza Morrison. Miss Ksthcr
Williams and Lester O'Harra were
several ut'aiiuit William B. SchrimpI
and Iauretta Hchrimpf for I627.S6
with interest at the rate dt 8 per cent
from tho 12th day of August. 1319.
for 150 reasonable attorney fee and
for this defendant's costs and disburse
ments; for the sale of the said prop
erty and the application of tho pro
ceeds to the payment of said Judgment,
costs and disbursements, costs and
expenses of sale and attorney fees,
that plaintiff's mortgage lie foreclosed
a in plaintiff's complaint prayed, for,
and -if any money remain from the
payment of plaintiff mortgage that
. i.,. o..,.,n I,., r.n.iiic.l to the payment of
. . . - . .. ..... . .!... nil . ........... .. t it... f
thin ueieiiaanm jus"..'.... ..- dinner guev
persons claiming through defendants, ,nrm j,olnC Monday evening.
William K. Schrlmpf. l' A fcw Jerscy miik customers want
Schrimpf. W. K. Haynie, Omar Bteph- '
ens and Gardner and Co., a corpora- cd. Mrs. I'. It. LUias.
ton " i w T) I,,.oln relnroixl TlllKllaV
tion oranyotinem is ran" ...- . ... ,,vw.. .
of all right, title, and estate In raid from l',asket mountain, where he has"
mortgage premises aim r. Hm ,cip,ng Harry ucavnc jiui in u
thereof, except the right of redemp- . ,
ion-JjLl?:Z"ll TZ Mrs. Lulu Beathe came down from
,h- ,...rehaiu.r in dos- the mountain ranch to spend Decora.
ine ..:rti i'.u-vc ...c f- - - t - ,
i nt alH nremises. and for such ios dav with relatives and friends
ether relief as pertains to equity and m Wel!ton
good conscience. The i:ttie- 0f Mr. and Mra,
This summons i published puauam nm, who has been very ill
to an order of the Hon. O. W. I'helps. Henry Beamcr, who has Deen very m
Judge of the above entitled court, the past week, is now gaming satis
made In open court at Pendleton, Ore- factorily.
gon, on the 26th day of May, 1920. Mrg j Harj Williams spent Satur-
8ald order provides that the first pub- y?Mt Walla attending to va-
ligation of thin ummns ahall be made , "' . .
m l " t ay f May. 1920, in the rious business errands.
w Jton trader CUud Davis came down recent y
JAMES A. FEB. from Molsun, Wash., for visit with
Attorney for Defendant, The Farmers hi(1 parcnt)lj Mf. and Mrs. J. C. Da
Bank of Weston, se corporation. wjfe a.ompanjcl him, rc
I'ost office address, I'endleton. Ore-
" Bn. . . ,
'rices Gut iiegardless
A Real Opportunity for Our Customers
We have had consigned to us about
50 coats and 60 dresses all of the lat
est spring styles and of excellent ma
terial and workmanship beautiful
garments, indeed. The season is short
for selling, and we have had instruc
tions to close these out for the cost of
- WE HAVE CUT THE PRICE accordingly, and
any of these garments is yours for less than the cost of
the material at present prices. The time ia limited for
this sale and we advise makiirg selection early, as we
shall return them not later than ten days from now.
Coats from $16.50 to $27.50. Dresses from $16.50 to
$35.00. Think of it!
j j