The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, May 28, 1920, Image 4

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In tlx Circuit CXHirt of U fuate ot
Oregon for VroaUlla ivunty.
X A. Nelson, rialntlff. va. William
S.' Schrtmrf. Uurtta Schrlmpf. W.
E. Haynle, Omar Stephens; The Far
mere Bank of Weston, a corporation
of Weston, Oregon, and Gardner ana
C, corporation of Walla Walla,
Washington, Defendants.
To William R. Bchrliupf. lurelt
Schrlmpf and Oardner and Co.. a cor.
Iteration of Walla Walla. Washington,
defendants above named:
ORIMOX You are hereby required to
appear and a newer the crow com
plaint filed against you In the above
entitled ault by The Farmer Ban of
Weston, on or before the JOth day of
July. 19!0. and you will take notice
If you fall to answer or otherwise ap
pear In said suit on or before said day.
said defendant, for want thereof will
apply to the above entitled court for
the relief prayed for In Its sold erosa
complaint on file In said cause, to-wlt;
For the foreclosure of that certain
mortgage, dated oi(he ISth day of
August. 11. securing a promissory
note of aald date for !.. with In
trreat at the rate of S rer cent per an
num until paid: said mortgage belua
given on tha following described land
wtuated In Umatilla County. State of
Oregon, to-wlt:
Beginning at a point on the South
line of lot two. Section IT. Township
North of Range 35 E. W. M. and dis
tant 1700 feet West from the half sec
tion corner between dectftm It and IT
s.ld Township ; thence West alona
the said South line of Lot i. 1307 1-J
feet, thence north at right angles 37
feet; thence north 0 degrees 1 feet
list 1S0T 1-! feet; thence South S3S
1-1 to the point of beginning, contain
ing 33 acres.
The partv of the first part intending
to convey all right, title and Interest
of the party of the first part to the
water right for IS 1-2 aches of the
above described property not to exceed
0.49 cubic feet of water per second
unless such right shall exceed tho
same la such event all right belonging
to said land Is conveyed.
Also beginning at a point on the
South line of Lot 1 of Section 17. Tp.
S X. R. 3. E. W. M.. distant 2907 1-2
feet West from the half section cor
ner between sections It ad 17 of said
Township t; thence West along the
said line of Section" 17. 3t9 feet:
thence north at right angles 823.3
feet; thence north 0 degrees and 1
feet East 39 feet; thence south 827
feet to the point of beginning, contain
ing 7 acres.
The party of the first part intend
ing to convey all right, title and Inter
est of the party of the first part to a
water right to the above described 7
ecres not to exceed 8.145 cubic fect of
water per second, unless such right
shall exceed the same In which event
all rights belonging to said land is
Also hereby conveying to the party
of the second part a right of way for
an irrigating ditch as now located and
tho right to keep tho same In repair
and to keep up, maintain and rebuild
the dam now used for the diversion
of the water Into said ditch, which
ditch is used to convey -water unto the
land hereby conveyed for Irrigation
purposes which said ditch and dam are
located on lands owned by parties of
the first part In Section 17. but the
right hereby conveyed however not
being exclusive.
Excepting and reserving from this
conveyance a right of way to the
parties of the first part and their suc
cessors in interest as the owners of
the adjoining property on the west a
right of way for an Irrigation ditch
to be constructed, maintained and
kept in repair by the parties of the
first part with the right of ingress and
egress for such purposes and to con
vey water in such ditch which is to bo
over and across the lands hereby con
veyed in a general easterly and west
erly direction, such ditch to be located
and constructed by the parties of the
first part, and rIso reserving to the
parties of the first part as tho wium
cf the land on the south of the land
hereby conveyed the right to turn
surplus unused Irrigation water on tho
land hereby conveyed, the same to foe
taken care of by the owners of the
land hereby conveyed, together with
the tenements, hereditaments and ap-
Hotice to Subscribers
I If thinjnotico is mnrkiM it eigni-
fioa that your subscription expires
f . trtOn IV'., ..... i.l.l Hliuil
gratefully npprecmto your prompt
i t
Cash for chicken.. J. R. Reynolds, renown, ,
Fordaon demonstration at the m , month- l-00: three
months, 50 cents.
The Leader is invui inbly diSCOn-
Mitching, Button Holes and
Covered, Heating.
Thono IKltl, Walla Walla, Wash
Price homestead Friday, Juno 4.
A. Adams, local agent
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Kinnear mo- ti,,UlHj ,t expiration.
a ... ... r.mi.M ntv.
Wash., for a visit with the Frank
Coir K. G. Lucas, realty operator,
has returned from nearly two weeks
..... , , , . , of "roughing it" m tho Athabasca
Miss Iva McKmncy. daughter of . . ,nrthirn Alb.rt.
Col. Lucas represented a largo Chi
cago company in the appraisement
... k I lL. I.L
...... . 2000l)0 ........ 0r laiui, ami tne job
A daughter was born Friday even- invoi..i tha exploration of much vir-
to Mr. and Mrs. James McLain . trri.orv ith - n...!, outfit sun-
Dr. McKiitney. is here for the sum
mer vacation from Helix, whero she
is a high school student
Hemstitching-, IVcot, Chain ftitoh- tilla. ruiniliT va and for other e.iultable relief.
W. Kmbrolderv. llraldlmr. Plain ' This summons la puuiisne. pur.
"... . .. siunn i. mumiiKu'a -..' . . i 11..,, fiiitir w .
TP John 1. Montague, defendant " n,,. ' f i ,V Ai t h Jullei
TO' Name ot the State of Ore- WlJ Jhj, -U !
Kon. You are hereby requlw. o . .- tf Xl, 1020 and the n.t
pear an.) answer the cum,. hji. I Uh - ( , Krl.
ngaint you in tho 'd ' u lJ " , A mo
suit wilhin six weeks of the ilaf of l . " x ' " , , ,
nswer said eomplmi.t. or ..Ihet wUe , of A ,0o0i
plead thereto, within a.d time the Iled iqm j. J I. VA liii,
.lalntitr. for want thereof, will apply Athena; Oregon.
o the Court for the relief oraynl AttoinVy for VlaintlfT.
f.r and demanded in her said com- , , .AttoineyirMini.n .
plainl, nnotely for a tleeree of the , V,j telephone for sale. Inquire
said Court forever dissolving tno h( ,
l.nn.l. mnlrimonv now and hereto- l ,nm ""v'
Estimates Furnished Free on All
Kinds of Work.
All Work Guaranteed.
Phone No. 43.1 ' Freewater. Or.
at their home near Washtucna. Mrs. ... h , . cn.niov,re. He describes
M.-T-sin was formerly Miss Ldna ... , . .u.,, ,l. k
Miss EUa Love of the Weston
school faculty left Friday for her
f w
the trin as about the hardest he ever
undertook, yet he was repaid by see
inir a country which in his opinion
is destined to become a wonderfully
i -a T T ........ t i I rvm ex ; -1- : - t t,.!nttl
nonie iiv itin,iv,. " " run viiipn-i v v.
poets to teach next year at Juneau, while a plains wilderness now, M
.. .i in.--.-
Miss FJna Hollenbeck left Satur
day for her homo in' Portland, hav-
predicts that northern Alberta will
some day hum with industry.
nay ior ncr hviuw m v. . xurs. uaroara ii. i iuvvv. .
ing completed a very successful year thc jaltf rcv. ye. n. rruett, an early
as English instructor in the local pjonetfr minister if the Weston
high school. neighborhood, died of internal cancer
Mrs. Letha King received the high- Thursday at Walla Walla. The fun
est grade in tho local examination eral will be held Saturday at 10 a.
on home nursing recently conducted m., with services at the grave in
by the Red Cross, her award being Kees cemetery. Mrs. Pruett was
08 2-3 percent. held in the highest esteem through-
G W. Mitchell, one of the earliest out this section, which had long been
settlers in thc Read and Hawley her home. In recent years she had
mountain district, was called by resided at MeM.nnvillo, Oregon,
death Wednesday at the home of his She is survived by one daughter and
son near Ferndale. one "on-
Mrs. E. M. Warren returned this Swas-Te-Ka Campflre held its reg
week from her extended visit at Ba- ular semi-monthly meeting in the
ker Oregon. She was accompanied club room of Memorial hall Saturday
by Mr. and Mrs. Will NorDean and afternoon. First aid work in cases
their little daughter, who will re- of sunstroke and binding an artery
main a few days. b' Misses Pearl Da v,s and
xt j i- ni; v MFernn ho. Blanche Thorsen. Miss elma Ban-
Mr. and Mrs. Ohn F. bter dvieTlhed fulIy five varieties of
came the happy parents of a little
Kay uoruon lias lounu nis new
motorcycle to be a real help, and
generally quite well disposed, on his
McFeron is a daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Willard CrabiU.
The Ernest Rosa residence on Nor- wnte nm TU oUwr
mal heighte has been closed for the how u took vantage of a mo-
summer and tne tamiiy nave re.u...- f inattention on his rnrt to
ed to the reservaUon ranch, where . . Km Bnd tumb,0
however, it took advantage of a mo
on top of him. No harm was done,
however, and the rider learned
thev will enioy the bracing country
air until school opens in the fall.
J. E. McDaniel is reported to have lesson in the school of experience
turned another deal in mountain soil .Brj Brownell of Umatilla drove
by the sale of the old McBride place fnm j,jg ,omc t0 Weston mountain
to Martin Kupers of Pendleton for nd back a total of 138 miles in
$4000 cash. Mr. Kupers and family his forc car t0 gl,t five backs of
will move to the mountains for the mountain spuds for seed. He ap
summer. plied to a friend, Eph Tucker, who
Mrs. Sylvia Hutchinson of Bremer- really had no potatoes to spare but
ton. Wash., was a recent visitor of could not refuse them to a man who
her aunt, Mrs. Fannie McBride, and had come so far to get them,
attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Tuesday evening the indergradu
Z. C. Price. Mrs. Hutchinson was on atcs of Columbia college, Milton,
her way to visit her old home at gave a musical which was very fa
Kirksville, Mo. vorably received. Worth P. Watts of
Dancing at Legion hall will be a ! the . "
v..v.B , on,, 0 an octette of saxanhone play-
feature of the pioneer r.n on - t
next week at Weston Ttojww. h eycnt
will be given on both Friday and ...... . ,
Saturday nights by Athcna-Weston Miss Bertha Hildcbrand, who w
Post of the American Legion, which hero from Colorado for a visit with
ry tn irnlo them ncr iainer, 105. a uuim
enjoyable and successful.
$75 a few days aco on or near the
Main and Water street square, ii
Prof, and Mrs. F. C. Fitzpatrick fou. jt ha8 not yt,t rc8torcd to
A Mm FHurnrd Thornton left Tues- .. :u u i
tne owner, wnu win m crjr
and Mrs. Edward Thornton left Tues
day morning for their home in Rose
burg, by auto. The trip to southern
Oregon will be made by way of Spok
ane, Tacoma, Seattle and Portland.
Miss Frank Harris Davis will ac
company the party a far as Port
Tops and Cur
tains made to
order. Large as
sortment of plate
glasses a glass
for every car.
A good stock of Sad
dles and Heavy Harness
always on hand. Also
Collars, Pads, flatters,
etc. Get our prices be
fore buying.
Harness Store
J (Phone 122)
Milton, Oregon
recover it.
The approach to Memorial hall was
concreted this week under the direc
tion of K. G. Salig. The finishing
touches will be applied to thc hall
front, and it will soon be ready for
the admiring gaze of visitors at the
or pioneers' reunion. t
In common with other Umatilla
purtanences hereunto belonging
In any wise appertaining and
recorded in the office of the CQUnt to Weston is "short" of
TZVTlZt feline. The local garage, have no
1919, In Book 68 ofMortgages at page gasoline for their customers except
23 thereof; for a Judgment, Joint ano an occasional small supply which
several against William E. Schrlmpf tney are ahle to beg from Walla Wal
ond Lauretta Schrlmpf for 827.96 j dealerg
with interest at the rate of 8 per cent '
from the 12th day of August, 1319. G. B. Cliseby, forest ranger, was a
for 1130 reasonable attorney fees and last week end visitor at thc home of
for this defendant's costs and disburse- j a. Lumsden. While here Mr.
ments; for the sale of the said prop- aieeb bou(?nt 0f his host a saddle
erty and the application of the pro- . ...
ceeds to the payment of said Judgment, horse, pack mule and outfit. He will
costs and disbursements, costs and be stationed hereafter at Duncan,
expenses of sale and attorney fees, jjr an(j jjrs. Ray Gordon have
that plaintiffs mortgage be foreclosed J d th(J omcr NorDcan property
as taPl-tatlfr.wmi.Ulnt prayed or nQW
ana u any muney rtrau nun, -payment
of plaintiff, mortgage that comfortably installed therein.
the same be applied to the payment or
thin defendant's judgment: that all
Try Mitchell's Magic Marvel, the
persons claiming through defendants.
Wash Day Wonder. A. Phillips,
viinm v.. Bchrlmnf. Lauretta BlaM! "gem.
Schrlmpf, W. El Haynle, Omar Steph-
ens and Gardner and Co., a corpora- NOTICE TO WATER USERS
Hon,, or any of them be forever barred
of all right, title, and estate in said Aj water must be paid on or
mortgage premises and every part of cach moJlth ,
thereof, except the right of redomp-
tion; that any party to said suit may advance. ...
become a purchaser at ald rale; that Irrigation will be charged for from
the sheriff place the purchaser in pos- june ist, and users commencing at
session of said premises, and for such that t!me have prefcrenco in
other relief as pertain, to equity and rf inguflJcient water for all later
gcod conscience. ,
Tht. summons Is published pusuant " tne season,
to an order of the Hon. G. W. rhelpe. Commencing with June the collect
Judge of the above entitled court, 0r will be at Goodwin's drug store
made in open court at Pendleton, Ore- on th(J Bth anj 10th 0f eacn month,
gon, on the 26th day ol May . 1920. receipU. Those wishing to
Hald order provides that the first pub- l - n .
llcation of this .ummons shall be made do so may pay the collector at any
on the 2th day of May, 1920, In the time prior to the 0th of thc month.
Weston leader. Users now delinquent must pay at
JAMES A. FEB. once.
Attorney for Defendant. Tho Farmer. B d tfa Councll
Kank of Weston, a coloration. avfpV
1'ost office address, Pendleton. Ore- vv' .A ,
goa bupenntendent.
There is just one week for preparation.
Make those days count.
If extra bedding', let us supply you.
If eats, our grocery is teeming with the good
things you will want for such an occasion.
If new curtains for the extra room, we have a
most attractive line of scrims and draperies that
will help in making your room look cozy.
iillSIOT dd m
I Down Oothe Prices of Dresses
1 and Suits
For a limited time we will offer at less than the
cost of manufacture, 38 dresses and 36 coats. We
are instructed to sell these, and our customer will
have the benefit.. This means a coat for from
$15.00 to $27.00, a beautiful dress for from $16.50
to $32.50. These are unheard-of prices, but we are
giving our customers the benefit of a reduction
from the wholesale house to us. We cannot keep
them long, so would advise that you make your se
lection very early. Note the bills that will be dis
tributed. This is a rare opportunity.
All able-bodied men and boys are
meet at the council room Monday evening at seven
o'clock foa the purpose of cleaning up the new auto
campgrounds. BE THERE!
Mnnv rwsnns have taken advantage of the un-
S usual offer and supplied their wants in this Mine.
Every hat is to be sold, and the price is the same on
I all. Hats that sold as high as $17.50 all go for only
ffi $5.00 each.
at s n rw 4M art m.nt i ft rm a bbbi ua c wm ma mm
MmmM f ilc uui i
mi I