AN ORDINANCE provldin lor the iMuancc ot City ef Wentou Water Honda In the m ' fv thou.iml dollar tfS.utfOt for tx purpose providing fund for the payment t th com of repaint and Improvements .f tho naier nyicm of sold oiy. pro viding for ihe lorm of the bond to ho Intucd unit the coupon nlt.ichoil thctx i.. rnililnc n nnrox iiu: Mil J colMlt'lll in Ihe le of til build UorxUxtfore MOTE! Cash for chicken. J. K. Koynolxls. All our bill mo Iu "' payable tin1 liint of everv month. 0. A Adams. TJt li.un of Mm. Lilian Frwler- i.Wn .m Hi cen lhui,luy after noon of pupil Kltnl In which ton of her music student were pivonloil in piano ihiihIhts to tho 1U'un of thoso who UMlliftv.l for the vv fit . Tlu u.'K"t'um was n tlolit,'liiful oiu' Those who contributed nolo xx.ic; Misses Kmm Thocuv, Minnie ,1'hap in. Or Webb. Flsie Ihiwr, Kvl n inn Ihe le of ixuu iiorxxM" .otiu nii ....,..,. i , . , ., made, provldm for the .aecution and for lh .hrit-valty. a in twn jro. 0Yrsc.11. Low Kinir, Mxiw t Uoy .liiv..rx- thiwf and deelarlmr an .....i... and .''l.rvluv Uoss. luicst present pmrrKviioy. .....I iiulu.lo.1 Mr. II. Wadilinuham wih.-I'.kasS. U...I.T ..:ul to Mrs. r.. M. vxurrcu . ,""". tio i.iovisions of iho vhaiur f Ou home mt work ruy ul Woun h mvcial city clvoium nrtor. Otviroru v.?... .. . ... n . .,ut cuv irn: for ''' w ronmioiviHl i-lul. irv - aoihortxod n:ul empovr.l lo li.s rHms in Atholi. nn.l wii ui!otiail coupon Ih"J." of M , Mrjl wnion .ho Oiy in mo um of fix "' , , t k t thl, nu.uti,i dollar. ,:.".,. for tho purpose of . procminn fn.U for ihr p.n.out 01 faun of J. K. Join . ... ..,.1. ..I rviuiiia .xinl luiproxe- V..slit nnJ cllililivii li'lt moms lo Itit xator n.xstviu of nM .; ,v,u ,,.,1..,.il,or f.,r vbit xxith rein from her nt O'llarrn l ml li:ixe this moniinir for visit . . tit.. i,.,. live At lioiso, mnno. Mi. u V. niisk.ll. Miss Hiolimt Amler- .iii. Mis.s Knthli-eii IVilers u, Mi. mi ."slolla York. Miss Phuutu' Thoiseii. Mis. Sim .1. t'ul'.tv, :.i:.. Mury I. Tobey of l.tlaiul mnl Mrs. II. ll.o.l xxin. I.iirlit" xx.iv s. iv.J - tlu ho.lis-. !!.! li'i boor i f MK'ial fonvi'i-ati n loim.leii mi iiftn - noon of pt. iisaiii i iiti i iiiinmi nt n.ul eojy hospitality. TIll l'O Vlllllli.' Hvoplt' l f W l'.sl. ll -- H K V STlTm I N? 1FI A TtTM KNT A. M. JPNSEN t'O. eiotit. hinir, . iVfot, Cham Kiiteh inic Fmliroiilory. lluiulmir. t'liin , lite!!, r.ittioti II.-'. i'i's x ovenil. I'loulnii!. ;us. t F. FFUtil l lioiie I'll'', Wullit Whll.i. KLKl-TUU' .l I I UrX AMI WIKINU r.stiimtlcN I'nrniNheil I no on All hi mis of VimL, Ml oik l.nai.iil'iil. I ia;i:w rn i i i i nix' si irn hoi m: ! luine No. Hi I r. , " :i; I. Or. (.ir.'iroii for tlw t'oimty nun. KHii l 1. M""l.v.ue I liiintiir, . John I. MonlHi'K, I'euii.l.itil. Co .Inl'ii ! "i.'iiliipio, ili'feinliilit ll.'t ih : III tlio Niiiue of the Mule i f Oie ! oil, You in.' lii'ii'hy i.'.iim. .1 lo no n or unit iiiii 'f tin' CMOiHiiiiit lileil . . -...I. .1. It... III. .X i' I llllU'U lioivili.n.ib nn.i .' i- - tmly of MhiJoiIi' Mnntmriw, th mln or thilil of pliilnll:r Mini ilrfeii.liint. unit for otlier i'.iillahlii iclicf. Tbi iiiiiiiiiiona l iiuliihliil .iiisii. nut i mi oi.l.'i' ol' lion, l.lll.i'M V. rinli., Ju.l(.e of llm Sixth .Imll.iiil iis'ii.t f tho Stiiti1 of Oievoii, ilnly' iiii.I lileil lii'iein on tho I' M' .l.iv of oill, ll'l'l1; nn.l the llfnt iiutai.iitmii luieol' in liimle on 1 !! ,,, t xvith'.n mx xxe.'Ks of tl..- .lato of '"'. ''.' ., iv "l rt I ... n'-o. ...... r ..' ,. l,l,,..iu,M of tliiiMi ioiim. tl"' hi t ...ihli.n ion xxifl I.. ul. Ol ,'V, : . i.,.'.,.' I'lulny, 0..' Will ''' - '"V "r "-u-li.v of J inc. I'.".M; nn.l x.n. uill inl.r Wr-A lhr. " ncxx i'',ii,e UiMt ,f vo.i fail i.tM'".r ,! ('ohhsliul ,.t Weston, l ini.tllli. t ..nn- r.ll' x i' mi ..I ctniiliniil. ol' ..tli.'i vx.s.'.l ). Oi, ):,'ii. ,,,.,.. r.i xi,,t, i,,,.',., ..-,.,. 'in',. r.1::;:.,1,':;: ., ; , LV'; ,, . ' V, ' a.. y r.,-1- .... ( "'- :-""' lx- !''' n 'h'i ;' ' he is,, ,., .,.ni.' (l i .'tit f.'lex.-r dl-oUliH.' I ho . . I: ,e . ei i.uili.iii.'in i.'.xx nn.l heivt... " '"' "I.i. . . siil' . Impiiiu ',!., i,,i Moii'is, ii. Ml -i Helen iiertiloiorc ijssuc.I for naid iir.oo ami Tho Legion jnist uiinoiiiK'e a liiiiuv j, !,,,.,, lUi Fin:-.'!!- Smtili hn.l a n orxiir i vroeur in n'.iuiMnf.iuiius jor tumorrow (Satunlny) cveiniiK mi ,.,,, ,-s,-njv fioe.i We.lne- r ilrixen Uy .1 111,.. I t';,ilK .iiorcior it nox, ........... . I.,! Athena opera ..v a;U, ,, ,,!m, n ,,s..e una . -" ' ' " , .,, K,v, Meflrexv n.o- th, U,ter t PI'-.t ditlU H Kiiiu umiivM luiwv-.i ... - - - ... t.i';'.it oxir u.l ' I fix,, tnoutumi dolUirs iJJ.iJi'Mli now, ihcrfxr. , Tut; I'uoi'u; os tub oity i'c" WUSTOX. OKKlil'N. Ke OKPAIN AS SIX'TIOX 1. . Uie c'U.i i f xi's toil do issue bond In me nam of ami uiMlcr tho coipor.iie o.u ol s.ii.1 x "J . . , ... tbeum of live thound dollar, in uu...., s lio.idoi, y.u.1 bonds to b in ilenoinina- with a severe attack of ncuinlsia. ions ot one thousand dollar 11. "!. MW ,,t' ir, am Jjr!) ;t J xUrm- ,nu..iered Iro.u t upward, to be d.ited " . . Vt.rv j wlt!i ptieil Juno J IS1;" and lo maturv .itmolulo- , . . . . iv "vllhoul op.k.,, of !'..... reUen.puen .noma . renorteil th.s xxcek lo bo in,- June 1. 1S30 to bear interest at the proving. rate of six pec cent (i per cent per j,j;rs x.;ivjra Ims returned" annum. seiiii-anuuaJly on Hi cxUn.leU visit at tlio home i st daxs of June and IW m her In each ' v ,,,.,, ,. in Vr. smx year, both principal and interest to l of her. son. Lark Koynol.!,. in rr.sno. i,avbie at the Kiseal AReney of the Culifornia. Stale of ureson In Nexv York City, said . i.i Walla Walla Sanilay for day" visit with relative. l f ..n.l M P4 V . Snider left this iiiorniiiK on their return home to the car xx. re pinned l...ieath it. m Tacoma. after a rleasa.H visit here. the civek hott 'iu. lv.i.-ene sckiiuM.-.I . . ...... i ... mit ami relfiis,,! Miss .Morrison. lle J.-Jl. Williams lias ueen couuneu n into Tine creek. The aai.Unl occur- r'I e.l nt a po.'" nbout a hnlf ii'i'.e iiW.e 1 . . . . i . . t'. K'VkV lol'd. All tnive oni.aius bond to be sivrued by the Mayor and counlerisn-d by the Ueeorder of said City, who shall affix the corporal seal of the City thereto, where y ie City of Weston shall bo held in sub stance and effect to undertake and promise in consideration of the prem ises to pay to the bearer of each of said bonds at the reipc"ixe maturi ties thereof the sum i.crciu muin.d in ,l states. io- Mr. ar.d Mr. Kollie Complon of American Falls, Muho, are visiti.v reiativts here. Rollie will be enlist eil in the local ball team for tho pic nic games. .John York has relumed to iii -.rk on the O-W. afte an enfnrccil vacn ti n due to a broken bone in hi' el bow. He kueiit live ilays in tiie hos- VolU COII1 Ol nil- hi... .. , ... ii 11 gelher with interest ihereon in like ruta! at Walla. sold com at the rule of interest Here- Heube.-gei is now at her bv determined by said Council, to- ' K w'it six per cent per annum, payable homo in Portland at 4o0 4t,t!i St. N. senii-annually as provided in saixi Mrs. Heubcrper announces that her coupons which bonds shall be known pace js stiil for sale at a bargain, as "City of Wt-slon City Water l'.onds " ,ay write to lier at the the interest on did bonds li-ing re pre- address, or see Mr. Fred Heath nted by coupons annexed Athc or Mr. Selmer Thomp- w men sain iuui,, a p...... two then ics.'..'.l Ms .Tohiisoii. x-,!;o C.Hll,! not moX'' alt. I wi.s i.i .lancer of ilrownimr. AH xxeie uioir or !.'' brtiisi"', lint n t seiioi:: ly hint. As the i ivik hank v. here t c ji---i.!ci.t lui; oei;.',! is ;u!.i to l. tv:t feet !.!(;; in'.,'. i ar. n Foul, went ever it a-'.l then f.-II hetloiu iim in t!.e stream, the fact that nil thrxe y i.i.-. people cnisie tl.n.uirii the ii.isa.ixeu ture intact is reariled as but Ullie sliott of liiiiaculous. Mrs. I.ela ll. of thU city will he the soloist f' f toe lcc;to!i Agricultural t'oihee i n. emeu' . Iiaxini; lecelilly iuiejilv.1 all n...t.i tion to 'n; f r that event. S'te xvi!! he on li'.e proitiant for a -onii-r s to,, jin una and a v.i'"t' ' '"" Fn.s" '" .sons. For the last wok :n lay, y.r. Sal ill); w.U be assistated in two concert with I oimell Jess. . I'ertliiml luimist. Then- wilt ttur in lVii.ih't on and Vuit.-!n,ir', and beyond iaesto.n will bo a .-ouice of liciitrht to the music lovers of those two cities. Mrs. '.. C. I'riee, xsi.i'.w of the Itlto of simile enpraved aiunaturcs Jlayor and City Jtecorder. SECTION 2. Vhat said City- oi Weston Waier Bond and the coupons attached thereto shall be in substan tially ihe following form, to-wlt: No....! nooo.on rXlTKD STATES OF AME111CA - STATE OF OH EC! OX CC'CXTY OF CMATILLA CITY OF WESTON WATElt BONO. THE CITY Oi VVE-T'iN, Umatilla tvumtv Orttron. for value received. W Bon, who 'lives near the lleuberger Tlumiu .!. PrE.'C and of the m ' , - , .... . . . i .,r 1 1 . , farm. sum together with Interest thereon was uuttioriitcMl by the Ic-Kal voters of said City to be created for the l-tf-pose at providing funds for the pay ment of the costs of repairs and Im provement to Ihe Cliy water system. And it iJ hereby certified that evciy rc'piiremcnt of law relnllntr to Ihe is eup hereof has been duly complied with iil lliat this bond is within ,,!.. nr,.mlsi-i to tnjv to bearer lh .ii, .md ,,ih,r limit oreserllu'd sum of by the Constitution or laws of Hi- ONE THOUSAND DuEI-AKS" state of orrpon or the charter .f s.nd on the first day of June 3'. with In- ,-K. terest tiiereon at ihe rate of six wr f. lM puiu-timl payment of cent (6 per cent per annum r,rjttc,nt hereof arid the int. ret-l ieml-annnallyon the first days of i((.rc0n the oll faith and credit of tho aune and December lo the bearer of ,, nVst'.n Is hereby he respective coupon therefor hereto p.'jged. tiached upon presentation and sur- in WITNKSS WllEftOF, tho City of ender thereof as they mature, both wston has caused this bond lo be jrincipal and interest beiniF payable jjjg,,,, i, the -Mayor and countersmn- i United States fold coin of the pre- v, i,-, p,r;, i.r.b r under the eor- -nt standard of value at the Fiscal ,)f,ral(, f the City, and the int. r- igency uf the State t'f Oregon In New w, coupons attached hereto to bear : orK cii. nc-siiiine c,.,....ew o.h... ThiH boi.d is one of a series of like s,tllt Mayor and Iteorder this first a'lvi.wr, i r.t. rU'llilcl the day of J iino, 1 iMinr. .lEErecatlna Ilvo i...;,,n,i 1,.1'j.ra iSS.oi.OV value in ji mount, numbered 1 to 5 Inclusive, au- i vjtinteisii--"'-horized by the voter of said City at special election held for said pur poM in said City on the 4th day of May. J 920. after due notice given, at Vo 1 let-order. K.VUPON) vhich election an Indebtedness In r,aid at once I hiel lv-M'swet. d women of tiii, die.i sudi'ictdy at two o'clock tni at t(v Price liolnestcii J ii.'m' t. Mii from heart fnilan-, iluritii-' an attack of usthn.a. Mis. Piiie wus ," i years old and i siirv.vcd by n laryc fdiinly. The funeral w iii be hci.i Su day at 2:o0 p. in. lYoni the Mi the.i.s, church. The ohitiii-ry will npi'i-iu' n next wet!, "s issue of ti.u I.uit.ler. .1. I-l. .Ivne and i'eUr Has-, "xvciv out U:ar iuititinj; Su;:t!;'.y i- th ..' vi cini.y "!" f'anip Mcl'uujtal. 'I Hey rw a female hear and xvi i-e in the url of crccpint; up -:l ll," irame lo u favotaole fo:-itii.n vLvii the bear's cubs, which liu-y luol nut lreviou;'ly noticed, friliteiieJ l it' i-l-' breakintf cover and scurrying to her side. The luckless- hunters then lt sight of the whole bruin fnm'ly with out Kttiiiff a shot. Miss Itiriine Prov.-ii, Scnitr cuiv' .iint; s;rlu- alt's i f W eston lii-jn in .1 io me l ty Tuesday a'ttniooii on the break.; of the riialilla river. . Unc:-. jokes, merm- conversation arid nn abundiitt'-e of delectable dishes for the f'-asl I30.0U made a liirect route to the comfort, cuntentmetit and hearty f,d fellow- 1 In Jrvi IK j i i r -U ;m i - Mas or. has tc-'tcJ i librarian at tin- V.'c;it'.n l.hrary U jias.-l t'.vo xveeks, ;nd :c,)oiU a rati; fvintr circulation of books and pi-rio- Second - Hand Sad dles. We will trade new saddles for old ones. Harness Oiled for $1.00 per set. Eli On the first day ol December, I June. .,.,!., ., ti ,.,.,..f run city t,V WESTON . UMATILLA 1 H COUNTY. OKKOON. will pay to bear- Mr i. JjiirtvB II. Frki- 11 . er Tiiinrv doiaum n. ..mii'.i Kmtes gold c.ln of the present Hlaiid ard of value nt the FIkc:,I Agency "f iho h.mi of tjreiion In New York City. for six months' interest then doe on icais. City of lVeln Water Bond, dated y. .rot.blit,.l .Sr. ' ' ' ' are coming soon from Portland to i.-ountersiVned:' .Mayor. visit, their daughters in Pendleton and Weston and attend th:: KECTiOXr'That the sale of the Vu of Foreman Ba.uuu,', iv.,d aforesaid bonds heretofore made to ciev has returned to Weston from i-nrHteiis & F.arle. Incorporated, be Drv cteek and is gra-iinK Water and the same hereby is ratified, ap proved and confirmed. SKCTIOX . That the Mayor and Recorder be and t.bey are hereby au thorized empowered and -instructed to , ti. th l.rooer .'xc'cution of sjild Whitman's street in the ut-ncr end of town. Thoiiiin G. Monl,:.-oii!evy, hi.nke, , irrii'ationiKt and a "reKuler fellow," vu;i here yesterday on his way to Maker, Oregon. Wanted Hy June fi, competent blacksmith to rent complete Mrs. R. Lieualhm, Weston, Grog Trv Miteheir Alairic Marvel, the Wash Day Wonder. A. stati: accent. I have a limited number of good tn Li In r-r- m Its yi ?( B mi- secondhand Reynolds. sacks for sale. J. K. Harness Store (Phone 122) Milton - - Oregon bond and lo the delivery thereof up- cn payment of the purchase price tlifc-reof. KECTliiN Inasmuch as It Is at the present time necessary to proper ly protect the health, peuce and safe ty of the people of the City of Wes ton, that work be at once commenced en Kit id City Water System, and In or der so to do it Is necessary to enact this ordinance in order to obtain the necessary funds therefor; now, there fore, AN EMERGENCY Is hereby declar ed to exist and thl ordinance shall go Into immediate force and effect upon Its auojjLion unu Biiinwon. t .... Passed by tlie council tin tne h mis nonce is inarivcu ii bik"'- jjt; 17th day of May, 1920, by the follow- fleg that your subBcription expires jSl ln vote: June j 1920. Wii Wul(l most f?J n-'s: Nonl"' gratefully appreciate Submitted to the Mayor May 17, renewal. 1020. Subscription ratf by the year, y.. Approved by th Mayor, May 17, $2.00: six months, $1.00; thrpe 152- months. 50 cents. fi - J. M. BANISTER, Mayor. Th XmA nv.riahlv Piiicon- 31 Notice to Subscribers shon. BjCJ he fcw-i Phillips, in hi 51 n a'1 V.. V-"i "4 prys i'i iifip mum 1 t?ttfa ,1 7 .- I 1 t: 1 j 4. - iyiXi tui t;x- t-" ' ft 1 V 1 Oniy Two !..! L r i o, i! i n u i-l V ecks j .xi 'A J Away 'sv-xy . or n m n . K .want. 7n it s, km f- mi lesses One hundred dresses to select from that will be sold E out at practically the factory cost. We prefer to f;i 1 1 i i it - 1 I . . m j. , . A i have our customer kjc tiie beneiii rauier uiau it- it- turn tlx-m, and are olteriiiK "tlie season's choicest & creations at less than the cost of material at present prices. Be advised, .md buy a dress or coat now for &; from Sl9.n0 to $12.00 that will cost you elsewhere jg from $;J(.).0l to ij&S.OO. and be convinced. Make .your own comparison 'M i ii 1 1 11 P F 1 1 It P ft 1 1 1 liJIll isllmm ml tJiUU jt...i.).Hl 'i'. - r -1- ' This would seem an impossibility, but it's true; and beginning today we' place on sale our entire line of milli nery at a price that will move' it quickly. The selling season is draw ing to a close,- but the wearing season is just beginning, So call at 'once, that you may have your choice of any hat in the house, regardless of former price, for only $5.00. There are about one hundred of them, and they will not last long. Attest: -. C. W. AVERY. Recorder. The Leader is invariably piscon tinued at expiration. i Hi 4I