r THE WORLD MOVES ALONG JUST THE SAME We presume it w ould so continue, even in event of Watts & Rogers being out of it However In justice to our ancestors we intend to STAY WITH IT With your help we will s try to make good. Come and see what we have in Farm Harvesting Machinery Headers, Binders, Rakes, etc. You will also find we are on the job for Plumbing Goods, Heating Plants and Builders' Hardware, Save yourself a SORE SPOT by investigating before too late. WESTON LEADER ClAKK WOOD, rbll.hr MRS. H. 0O0DWIN. AmUUM tdtlof SUHICKirilUN KAIFt 11 AJVanc Ih Year M 00 Six Month i 00 Three Months 0 M FltlDAT, MAT 21, 1120 tuitri tl lh poitolllc t WtiU. tint imci cl.u mall anatltr. RUGS... ofTer them at J. C. Wo have just secured some extra values in rugs, and Penney Co. prices. Axminster small pattern, 9x12 JfjJ-JJJ in.Uf nnidonld Ovl $().).UO Wool and Fibre, brown and green, 9x12 $18.50 Suit Cases $1.93 to $21.00 Trunks-$10.90 to $16.50 YOl'R LIBERTY BON I). The United State government bor rowed money from you to fin nee the war. You hold the government', promise to pay you back. Thia promise ia railed Liberty Bond or Victory Note. On thia bond U slat ed the condition! under which tho government borowed the money from you. llJMMMjjMiMWMiMliW For instance: If you hold a bond of the Third Liberty Loan, it atatci lat ditch scrap to prevent the re that on April 15th and October 13th publican from capturing the White of each year until maturity, you will House, now that they already have receive interest on tho amount you tho congress. There' a lt of vex paid for the bond. Other issue bear atious problems coming up that the other rate of interest and other ma- democrat can well afford to slide turity dates, all of which are clearly frvm under thereupon resuming stated in the bond. their time-honored role as the great Now, if you keen your bond until critic party. tho date when the government pay vu In full for it. vou do not need to California political . Brooms 79c Curtain Rods 15c Window Blinds 98c Axminster small rugs, a nice assortment of sizes and patterns $ 1.50, $5.90, $9.90. 1 r nCMMCV m -'hone u J W. b l-i MM I VV. AtllCI Mia, Ore. WATTS & ROGERS ATHENA, OREGON wisdom Itns worry if. in tho meantime, the price never been so pronounce, y in ev. i low on. day and high the next, de.ue that the g. o. p. will be juMi You and Uncle Sam are living up to fled in following the lead of that too your agreement with each other, and much-Johnson commonwealth. neither will low by it Brynwill attend "the demo. On the other hand, if you sell your '- "" . . ,,,,,.,.. . ., , ... . . .. . crntic convention and tho democrat- Liberty Bond now. you will find that . ., ... , At the Standard Tncatre CoL Raley Will Speak at Reunion iS KJ h" rku fr tomorrow night the Standard The- The committee on speaker has for jt. The price has been brought bc,n nt '""'' .er presents one of the strange been fortunate in securing as the jown because so many people are . , , i,"",,!.! h- craracter pictures ever produced stated speaker for tho first day of the offerimj to sell their bonds. If tha We'V, b . . ' , ,L .v of pioneers can buy them cheap, but if everyone with the confident knowledge that we when it will screen "Dr. Jekyh and pioneers' reunion CoL TT 1 n au.. Af Ik. tun., nf tAnrllu,r.n m niniUM. the"Big 12" Columbia theater circuit who will certainly command attcn- js clamoring for tomatoes and there coulu puy " " " ' super-specials. For this prodrct on, tion. The second days speaker nas aro fcw to be had. the price goes to conform with the rules of the not yet been "landed." up. The same is true of Liberty fr-AABul . Mn.AM -ttilrtrvn will nr.l hp n-i. : l . : U lAHJ C V. . i tr Vi f .w niwinlff Al0 w ""i ......... - iav uuiiBiuciauvii i.iru yiv- uuuu.. i---r- , - wi.rlctiLniin in want admitted unless accompanied by their ncers. ,;, j8 indicated by the fact dumping them on the market, and Ju 01 or""k"K" imients. To offset this censor board that the Tri-SUte Auto club has wise ones are buying them. ing more Tor doing u-ss. riling the Standard will admit nil postponed its own picnic one week in The best advice that can be given cMldren under 12 years of air' free order not t0 conflict with the event to the owner of a Liberty Bond is two-reel dog comedy. "The Eternal and 5. The motorisU were urged to ring the war: it is as safe and sound "J h "tabl.shed a new world Triangle" will be presented. do this bv the commercial clubs of as the-. United States government 'titude record. Nazimova, in "The Brat." will be Pendicton ,nd Athena, and graceful- itself. ' x ITITifiii i In the big feature picture for Sunday , acceded. Below is the text of a Buy as many more at the present mou Toreador is MILhI In night: Prices have been arranged for by Secretary Barnes low rate as you can afford. If you B" Rn. Three rousing cheer. Sunday night as follows: Children from j E Morciey 0f WaUa Walla, hold them to maturity, you are bound tor tho buIIU underlZ, tree; over 12 and unaer if, Dre8ident 0f the auto club: to make the difference between what a i r . j. J-J J. . ... . I. . . "Answering your letter of the Hth "ey sen at now ...u . if )U n-vor Wn n n - XOU will also receive wu Economic problems of the ilay aro by no means simplified by the atti- The serious cost of high (lying is indicated by the broken health of the 30c; adults, 50c; war tax included in above prices. Wednesday night, Elsie Ferguson will be seen in "Tho Dan- Everywomane of the greatest Conuently we stage productions of modern tines, will be presented with special orches tra music inst, oneers there are very glad to extend the date of our Tri-Stato pic nic one week. The secretary of the Chamber of Commerce had already written me requesting this, so really . it had been arranged before we re- George Snider and Clark Israel of ceived your letter. Dayton were in Weston the first of "Thank you for your special invi the week. The former is a brother of tation to the Tri-State Auto club, Frank Snider and the latter lived and we will try to have some repre in Weston during his boyhood. sentative down there." Wonderful. New ISSUED BY THE BANKERS LIFE COMPANY of DES MOINES, IOWA Assume You Carry $10,000 If you die from any natural cause, the Company pays $10,000 If you die from accident, the Company pays 20,000 If you become totally and permanently disabled, during such dis ability all premium payments are waived and after one year the Company pay you $1,000 per year, long as you live, and at your death pays - 10,000 Under the disability benefit, if you live eleven years, you receive 10,000 Or, if you live twenty-one years, you receive 20,000 And t doih your family or estate "knll recetbt 10,000 (the annual payments to you being subject to continuance of total disability.) FRANK PRICE, Agent, Weston, Oregon Baecalaureate Services interest The auditorium of Weston High ' " i i .1 t Wkiii nu ni'oriMur wouldn't be any of us. " y"r investment. cnW, wn3 ... v.. Hold on 10 your noervy -uuuus miu who an iicm.iuti.v hnv more. assembled for the bacculnurcato sir- vices of tho Senior class. The stage What Senator Lodge said in The WBS artistically decorated tur the oc Forum magazine in December, 1918, Casion, under the supervision of Miss is of especial interest at the present frank Harris Davis. Miss Ruby time. If Senator Lodge was right prjce opened the program with n then, he and his colleagues who fa- brilliant piano solo. The scripture vor the resolution for a separate eRson wax read by Rev. Mark A. peace, are wrong now. Thi i what phinncy, after which Mrs. Rem ice he wrote: "The president who deliv- Biomgrvn rich contralto voice wns ercd the war message and the con- nw,rd to advantage in a solo from grcss who voted for war would be Mendelssohn's Elijnh. The address guilty of the blackest crime if they vt evening was delivered by Dr. were willing to make a peace on the Stephen B. L. Penrose, president of status quo ante bellum, and re -ere- whitman college, and embodied a ate the situation which existed be- most jnspiring message. Special fore the war. If we send our young Btrcss was placed by the speaker men abroad to be killed and wound- upon the 8pjrit 0f friendliness. An ed in northern France and Flanders otK.r 80 by Mrs.Blomgren delight- with no result but this, our entrance t.(1 auf an(j the service was closed into the war with such an intention w;tf, the benediction pronounced by was a crime which nothing can jus- pr pt.nrose. tify. The intent of congress and tho . intent of the president was that there fa BanqUet the "GradSM could be no peace until we could ere- " h ate a situation where no such war as A charming affair was the banquet . m.u given the Senior class of Weston mis cuuiu iwui. v.... - . . . ... ... c . i. It Illln scnuoi oy Hl o.m;imiiiiwi Policy peace except Tables were placed Preston-Shaffer Milling Co. Established 1865 Athena, Oregon . Waitsburg, Wash. American Beauty candi Pure White with nur Allies. t i ... ...:.u .i..ii ,ii. wonaay evening. honor and bring ruin to us also if u,K-n the .Uge in Memorial hall and - i.t, , .v. . ,-narate the floral decorations were tastefully we undertook to make 8CPrte arrangcd. class colors of yellow and PeHce- e green were emphasized in the place Questions of finonce and taxation cards, favors, flowers and shaded are serious enough in these "United candles. A delicious menu of five States especially with the need ap- courses was served which seemed to of raisin two billions some- have a taste and flavor unequalled how or other as a soldier bonus, elsewhere. Harvey , Lundell, prcsl However, what we owe we owe to dent of the Sophomore class, acted as ourselves. It is merely a matter of toastmastcr and called upon the fol ono hand paying the other. We are lowing to speak: Miss Lurline in so much more fortunate case than Brown, Miss Anna Lavender, Miss any European country that we ought Goldie Nesbit, Miss Frank Harris to yell with jov instead of pain when Davis, Miss Edna Hollcnbeck, Prof, mulcted v xation. What if Gcr F. C. Fitzpatrick and Maynard Jones, many had won and we had to pay x. her an indemnity on top of the cost ft Memorial Hall Theatre of a lost war? We would then have An cgpCCjaiy attractive nine-reel some justification for "making dolor- 8,)ow win givcn at Memorial hall ous moan." As it is, we as a nation next Tuegday evening, May 25, at the emerged from the struggle in a con- rcgujar prices, 25 and 15c, which dition of vigor and prosperity. We wouij C08t double elsewhere. The HEW wmmmoamm mm Mi PAPER (Just Received) for your Living Room or Bedroom. Standard Patterns Moderately Priced We will be glad to have you call in and see our line. A. 1 ROSS FURNITURE STORE 9 Furnished and Printed at the Leader office .11 Want V V V f li III 1? . , 1 I ' 1 1 JUNK Top prices paid for Old Metal, Rags, Sacks, Hides, Wool, Etc. About $7.00 for Old Iron J.R. Reynolds Water Street (second block north of Main) WESTON OREGON Cascade Slabs tAND- Utah GOAL Ask our prices for dray inpr. Phone 272 or 93. WESTON TRANSFER CO. GILBERT G. ELLIS, Mgr. Surely Suitable ; Kye-UlnH Service I'hone 4;)6-J DIt. A. M. SIMMONS Ere Sight Specialist Fenian Bid;. Over Tallman Drue Store Pendleton, Oregon. SHOWING SOME SWELL SPRING SUIT SAMPLES WIqut Made of selected bluestem in one of the best equipped mills in the Northwest. Sold in Weston by Weston Mercantile Company are in far better shape than any of our allies, who bore the brunt of a war we helped to win when they had nearcd the verge of collapse and ruin. We may have a kick coming at the profiteer, but not at the tax collector. bill opens with Pctrova in "Daugh ters of Destiny," followed by Charlie Chaplin in "A Dog' Life." It close with a Lyons-Moran comedy. !: WESTON l: CASH MARKET "Anybody who ha seen motorcy clists travel when no a peed 'cop' ia Zoe Is at It Again. (Athena Press.) He came into the office in the same old way on the same old mission, did in sight, wonders wny more uo not fuewi uuuki, rcimvmau iiu sustain fractured skull," remark for sheriff. Time was when Zoe wa the Oregonian. But these peed sheriff of -Umatilla county and ever fiend know that even if they are ince he quit he has hjd a hankering spilled their skull are immune to get back into the office again. He against breakage. recognized far and wide as being ' good old scout, but the boys be- If discretion is the better part of lieve he's done broke down when he valor, the democrats will not put up enter a race with Til Taylor. WESTON BATHS, BARBER and TAILOR SHOP R. L. Reynaud A. W. LUNDELL FRESH MEATS OF ALL KINDS 2 i HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAH) FOR LIVESTOCK, HIDES, PELTS, &c. HASS & SAUER 4 General Insurance and Real Estate LIFE HEALTH FIRE AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Do you want property? If to sell your it is salable 1 CAN SELL IT I I i tj rl 1 I I i