- V -s ESTOM JLEADER VQU " U'KSiON', OKK(jQN'.l'iUHAY. MAY 21. H" ; NUMttjlC 51 mm kews mm of ce;;ei mm Princh.-I Fvn.ii of U;- Week Criflly S! H ;li' d ler li.fcr ination c! Our ficao'crs. Wli Amu torn ' ' 1 !. lit- I f n Ml!l ) I i III. 'I'll" I Ili'UI ).!' '" I 1 1 til II t-llii iiiiii .Inn- li. Tim nlnlli ihiii mi I i.ni huff 4 !!f !im i' 1,1 ! I j III'MI'I . ! H ., i.:. '.i , . ... I.n;.". v. iil i-!..,i-. m I ni'.ii, hi. i. in ,, i.i ilif -Imloll i ll'. In-Ill ,.. viii.n in Hi.- ul- Ill.'UllI', H l U n I'n .... .. !!.!. 'I. 'II'!- I I A Kh,' i. ii,..' i I : I, 'I i.ll.ll II .!. C ull- I I If ... mil' A ( II . t ..- . i.i ! !, ! ll Hi'.' ..'l l ll'll'l lulu 111 i ; :'l I I'.ni- I. t it .Mi .Mti.ii'. !!! V, , li'...,iln i.l ,.,ii.. r .. IM lull I' (1 til .,;(. ,. l) I ... I,. M i.' '..! mi M A .; 4 1 -.I'.,".., .' '. - ,K ill .i ..( t i.f hi" iltH ill I I II i! e l !!.. i - 1. :t(l" tint UA '' Tli" liiii i iii" a f-l i' 0 In U: ! :,r laid" nl- i , i 1 'l' "f 1,'iKiu' titii railii. 4 iiu. ..I HI lli'i'it ItlV. r ml iii ri'l. i, j I ii I.i" ,1 iirli liilli'illl 11 IVilllnV r. : in' :.' i .:i i . iiiii v f.u :-i .!..! ... !.-4 ...1 I i in v. ..i.n-i t!ih:uiU ,. ii.'.. U .ik i-;iili.i , I . ii. ii ..'. .v ,i (iu.it l"X M ' i i ' I Uil.-.i. i .:.,!., i' (If, Hi HI 1 I, ,(!.., . L'lil.m liifili . h"il i Ii" ill .ll. l.l i hii Kil.-'t IO (ff It" V -' In Ih.iii! !r "il nf ii li",li':ii JH ill !ll Im il luii. i' i ii.l r.'.f l l' il li. iii ii', Mui; l.ltllil il! .(;. In 11' !l: I.I 111. si'.i.iU' . 1 I ri'.' hi it ..'.I i Tii. linn . j; tr ! I'.' fill I "ii.ir i-iiintiit'iy "If I Hi o i . -.'' ;.-.:-;i:y luf w- ! I'. I !it- I :u imiuini Ktip li.i I. I'M. I I lilUiti., 1 Im 1 1. ; ii .1. . m limulm; i.m.h.'i 11,.. t', n.-li- i I.iilsi' "li I.'": ! .', ..! r.uiv i' ) i' "! fur f .--t ;; l.f Hltl'lK i.i'.i I it." i Tin r- i" , ' I ' i, liu'ii ' ;''";' - i"1 'I iliiiti.i i if it Hi i: ..'.or,-. .V.ik liii i-i'i .jii A ii... ; ' :: i n, r- . by Hi. l.ii-u ii'iny ,1 ,v ( ii i:i- i a . ii i. i .n BUti in limr Willi (ii. U.iii .llt ,' iir mi ' ,.r i.-l niiiiii hi inlr , ! "in, !". UiiW A. ii liWilili II llitlllli lilllitl" urn. I vnlllii", i. l' i l.!h for jfMii- II.K.Illlli fll." Hi" I'lu'l til l" ' i ! I' l i. hi-li . Mtni'l ii Hii 'in " k '" Tin' ! :r.;. i.iiu'i .uiniii 1 -.ii..i i in' tlii ::.ni'liHi'n Un -1 I M ill -;,l n ;:i Toil mum hi-li! .si UM'. inn n. Il 'M ii-: viji'il in li.ilit Hi" .him si li-r. in t:s;iu rn ii-. it yiiii-. Twenty - Eighth Annual QBES Weston, THE BIGGEST AND BEST OF ALL REUNIONS-COME! i ,nrh VHP lllllll "tli " YtK Ht iliLL .Mi', hint .Mi", J.-Iiii Ki-i'li were om-i' from tin i" home ii. hi' fctnt" I. Hi' vl . it,-., nliiini'i in Allii'im and vi-iniiy tlllK WC'-K. ,M. W. IIhiim II, It, I! KuliunU and Ii. ii Il..il,r.n spent Tin-mlay in the I'liiiiiniii' dii.liiit, Miit-.n i:il.ii tli'ury uimI lllmirhe J..ioi.n mi- ( ii'llmf Hii. k lit II..' Hump Hooker home i'l Wfsliill. ,ilre, -'. .1, .Iiu KhuIi uiii! childi-n, lir'i hit il. lit: ill WV'tdll, n' I iill- ilus .Li li"' iiiiiut' (nun with Mr. n - i". I..i' I 'iiiiii.. il, wlin lulu i lum il til" !.n,, i 1 ; .-: 1- f- farm fuf ii iniii'lii I i i Vriil'., ill'.' llloV.-.l lii family mi I I i . I' lti.M' H II. Ilus. i primary (liili"ii tiny mi'l li.llll'li: lit rlillit o'llmk tin- flltv f till- fillVf lUlllll.llltl'.will l.t! UIISl'Ull-l li. ii tin.' lmll.it t'.... V-i ..j.. lu-il. ,i!i', nml .Mrt. W. ('. Uuniii'll in.ii lillUKHt. T 'Ih.-iui, will iii'ituf Jip I" J,,.,, la,!..-, Wmli, Ik VihiI h'. 'I.'- Iimiu- if .Mr. mill Mm. A I Noi'l'-.-i'. llif Wiiinii (..iiiitmition i-oiiipniiy wiU ..; li u fn w nuuiry in ci.mtri'ti'HI ttilh i.i'.i' r.i.w in npi'mUmi, to ni'iui" iiititci inl for lni:liiiy vi.iintnirtn.fi. .Mi. mill Mit. C. V. Unit nr.- mov ing liit it- lifiim-liiilil cffi'i t tn lliiim-p. Tnii'it iimnty, wln-10 l'rof. Hull will !n'l ti," Mht.nl for thv i-nmiiiff yi-nr, :'iiii;nu' Jii- H...!i'm.h mi.i in town fl. lil VVr .lrill Wt.iin-.ill.V. li" v n. win. wn. i-pv.'titl:-' ..ji. tui.'.l mi ;it M'ullii Htilhi, i iniprivini,' in l.vnllli, ,Mi- lt. it Im Murlufk, whi hitk bwn -Mfimr h r ni ii. r. Mrs. I.nii Kv n, fin niiu. linn-, luis nvvvitvil a ioitinn n tvflvl -i i- in ttn- Inch ii'iiiH'i tit Twin I n!!... Muli... ;-1- i 1 1 : ir 'Ml I ' i Mi. Il v 111 fill 111 llul lilWV-it I'll 1 .1 if tlHII 1,11. in i! wiiiK. iivinir tlu-n- will uUa n-i- .ii,.t IJi futln-i, S. S. I'arriii, at the ll"!l!l' fill 1,1. Mi. nml Mi .. W. K. lluynio K ft AtimiH Wviiiuwiny f.r n fortniKht' vii.it in NV(ii ,i!,!.ii, Run. mi unit .Mm iitiid. Mr. ll.iyniif'ii futin-r will pn-li-i-' ly i. i im v. a!i hii. fen to miiki- Lis ti.iim- in , Alln im. Mr. mill Mi.i. C!mrlt-i Nini'i- Imu-t.i--ii in Atlu-mi llii wi-cK, fr.nii W.-il-l. VViillii, Th--. iii.ii-.-.l of tliw n-s-i.i. iii-v iiii'ily in tin; iii'ilh uii't f U.-aii to Mr. t luiik-.s liivky, who is iniiiim; fii'iu I'ljiHiiim- t Athvna to I'.'siil". l.il oliufmT. lm rvsiilt-il ':i!i iii-. Iiilliiii l-.H'-i l I"I N'Vi-il inuiuiis u un;m .1' ji tii-" nif, wiivn lin y vuiitlii.i. 'I u ! i .liiv.iniit l'.'T, wn ilriivviiwl in tin-Hih-Khih' livvr u lounlf of wvi-kf n o, i.i , I the tmily twin not I'c-n n-covviv;!. In n.iiiiiiiiy witii )ii ln-i.Ui.'r-in-liiw, tf'.y Mi rii.-i-i in. In- win b.mtiiif ll til.: river, w in il III.' Unlit ii.iieil, lliiu.v in.r the two men overtmur.l. M-- riiiiiiii leiit-iu'it tlie liver Imiu m snfi-ty, lut Slmfm-r ilrowiio.l. BE3Q oindy Fioiieers Oregon 0 The May Vole lly vij:jroti.i wielilint; i f i-liovi-1, liu.!, riike nml iix. Allien ' 'onimtrcial flub iminlK-rH tiirnc'l uittu-ii la.-kt (iiniter tmluy m fity Vnrk Kri.tn h) 1,'ili.ck this nn.niiiiK' uiiti! lii.'.n the "fk i-f triiiiKfurminir the n-H.ruiu'0 of the :ilk, bo fur us B Ifiix'iul i'li-MtiiiiffU provch is ron ceineit wh in rroKrv.i, anj the redult in very utitii.fartuiy, imieed, tj tiie n;vinl.ei uf liie civie eluli, wlio ,i.it miivd the event mid Berved the ban ket dinner. Of fue itluU vliliilled in the Wu t. rmnii M-lioot northwest of Athenn. Mn. I.iliun Dobsoii, tember, four l.nve 1h-'II tnkinff the fttnte tXmnina linli! thii week. The m-lmol el!ni tmiiiy mid the pupils uu- this tifter ii.M.n enjnyiiiir n weenie-inurnhiniil'.ow i.unt us m Ket-inl trent. Mrn, ltobnon hint niitned up to teueh the Riinitf mhiM'l next year fur u term at nine liuitiUi lit n Hilary of I20. flu i eiue Guy, wh'i spent a pmlion of his time in the hocpitJiln of i'liiiii-e durintf bis wrvieo in tlie world wtir, in thu result of a wound roeeiv til in lmttle, hpent TiK-sday in Athena, visitinif friends. An a ir.ementu if tlie wiir, flureiiee carries in his p, eket the bullet thitt ploughed thiotiKh li ruiorod onuloiuy and put l:iiii out of active participation in l'ie iiitii irumc'on July IS, I'.'IS. V.'. K. Dolmon. former Atlieim city niarlia!, ia exH-ctcd up from Toi-tlund .-.ooii for a i.hort stay here while pre (uiriiiK bin houm-Iiold puods for ship ment. Mr. Dobsoti lias been improv iiik lii -10 acre ranch mai' I'wrtland, and will be accompanied back by Mr. I)olM ii, who will pend the siidmnier there, ivturninir here in the fall to vv minie her school work. Wednesday nitiht i its r-siViU.r ciimiiuir.icntion McKeiiKie f impter No. II'.'. Order of Eastern Star, was hot to ltliahee f imjitcr, .No. 1'.', of IVlidle ton. The local chapter was gratified at the ReiuiMun ri-fiionie to its invi tation, when fifty nieniliets from the viiiitinir lodirc arrived in automobiles to hhare their liuapitality. l're.siilent Watts of the Commer cial "Club has asked the civic- club to solicit funds to be used for the pur pose of elenninir up ami improving the appearance of the cemetery. The civic club members will take up the work at once in order that it may be completed before Decoration Day, May tlOth. The city council has decided to inadu and macadamize the road lead; inn from Third street west . to the Preston-Shaffer mill. The improve ment will bo Btaited if possible in time to have ttie work completed be fore tho heavy trnCfic of wheut haul ing betciii8 in tho latter part of the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Sims Diekesou will arrive from Arizona to again rcr-ido on their wheat farm northwest cf Athenn. They have been residents of Amonu for several years ilurim which time tho Diekeson farm has Iccii leased out. A ease of scarlet fever is roprortt-d from tho country vest of town, the little nine-year-old won of Ucv. C. K. Maxwell of the M. K. church, South, having; been ill with the disease last week. Dr. Sharp is the attemiir.t; physician. F.leclrie litfht nnd telephone poles, now on Mairt street, between l-'ouvth and Second alrer-ls, will be removed and located in the alleys that paral lel tlint portion of Main street which is to be hurdsurfaced with bitulithic pavement. Fendleton plays Athena cn tho locrl fti-miiid-! ii'.t Hundiiy mvl the cci-.t::. piomlits Tj bo a hot one. s in ,.,. rnirrnni'CJiT nr.MTDm ii i fi. -i.ro i W .; Dt'a ii Dsiireroua. I i.i' :. 1 II- !; .'; : ''i,' U,... IT rail n i I I ro li.-i li.ii . ii-fu- 1 a i.it.ii!-nt i" i xit .Id;." ( " J r It ti h 5 e : liu th-r .".cf if furth. .- ii.-: !'i iti.-'-!ns ihe t i rin tf:' r.-oi."" tor ln re 1 wfi n. '!n- lirnHiiTlioo'I .ffice's aniwd In I'lii.-iun fur !!n- i Mmpiinn of !.-:ir nss In f re Ihe railway labor l,i ord. Hcofl Cill Aimed t Sugar Desli'. '.s'lililimt.ui. Sii'-'.!' i!i.ii-.--'i wi'i'.d I, - r.'ipiiii-.l in f ll ih"!r !i"Mii!K8. ac .r.l!:iB lo ii!iif.-rm i-r:-.n fi!-il witli Ihe I '.-! rl I In 1 1 V.Iiim'UI or pny j U.X uf two i-i-nt.-i a po-.ii.il on nil s-iir :...!J ..I. 1,-r a bill iitrii,li:iT.t in Hie tioaso Ly Uipri sentattvi- S'eviwsrn, Minnesota. Dritiili Eoldiery rtoshed t" Ireland. fork.---1 - tluiUMiml tr u-jifi frotn Kt-!;Ui:iit were iiiid"l at J!-iif. Sit urday and im;:ioiliat.-!y cliMribntea throughout Wen foi-k. Tror.p.-t tn tiip numlier of K..i also nr.iv.-i a' Sl ib br r-.li-en. 'l?i'-.y c r.nir.iariuii'.. 5 aev ril tuilijinitii laur BRITAIN AFTER WORLD'S 0!!.. Presitient Tflls Eenate John Bull Would Exclude Aliens. Wittiiiinntmi.-- f.re.it Britain's policy w iili i f. rcitc.' U world petroleum siiji plles is reported to he to exclude b!l-ns fiotii the control cf petroleum sup-plies within tliu empire, and to endeavor to el. tain some measure of control ever oil pi.pertie la fort-ip" cetiiuries. tlie senate was uiiorined in a i tute depiirxnient report transmit-! by Presi'leiit Wilson. Tbo report, sinned by Cmler Secre tary Frank L. I'ork.. was furnished in response to a resolution by Senator Gore, democrat. O'.hiluima, asking what disabilities v,. re beiiiK Imposed upon Ame:;cn exploitation cf world oil rcsc.urces by other countries. An asreement 1ms been reaelted between representatives of the Tri stnte Terminal company and the Wheat Growers association of Wash-, itiR'ttin, Idaho and OreRon for a co operative marketing association for farmers of the northwest, C. W. Nelson will In-come manager of the Washington, Idaho nnd Oregon asso ciations and the Tri-stnto company will help to provide facilities for bundling the 19-0 crop, while Mr. Nelson will ltnvo charge of sales. The mnnapement of tho Spokane Interstate fair las secured, tlie pii bund of the "2d Seaforth Highland ers of Canada, a splendid kilted bat talion which was one of the few Canadian organizations to preserve its numerical identity when drafted for service overseas. The band is under the direction of Pipe Major John Gillies, 18 years with the Scots Guards and a veteran of tlie South African and world war. Notice, horsemen. IVmce Albert II, No. Ulv.'.iU. will make thq season in nnd around Wes ton, l-'or reference, see Lnfe Mc nride. S. I. B1RDSELL, Statiatlcs show. aeciilitiK to the war department statement? that treRon's nllstcd strength for its national guard is 2152 men, of which Vi It! have been enlisted Pur-ins the mouth eliding May 1 thera were cnllHd In Oregon two companies of infantry, two com panies of coast artillery, one company of cnyiact-r; with 31? eics azi for o;:ic.'rr:"aac! one ..juatt-.:.ter Zstatl' mtnt e;; '.t-1'", a-.:i'r commissrousil ciiice.s. 2 ufccmM crunmc uufLHhrtjLrii oumnuL i i e Krooui'ii'if exi-riiMH of VW t'lfi llit'h school were held in Mcmor ii.l l all We'lrieiay ev-( inir," May The iitidiiorium win fill 'd with cnthu h j it f 1 1 1 sell ml patr.jiu! an. I friends of the Senior class. Tin- iii-.t iit.mur ui"ii tlie piiirtm wan a pinn 'il'i bv Mrii. .' I. WaltA wlinl. :. w.-ll received. The !!... at'n n iii irivi n bv R.-v. Mark A. I'iiinn.y, iifu-r which I.'-la G. fiul-in.-r -ani; "Villanelle" in faultlcs tyle, A I'louo if nuntri by Victor .1. W. Orr, Columbia rolK-tre ir.struc tor in voice, phased the audience The MH-ukcr of the c-venine. Dr. 51. I'.. lb lb ii, im.-.tor f.f White Temp!.-, '.Valla Waliit, was then intr ducc-il, find il. h.i n il a siilen'lid &ildrcs up i ti inirtam world nrnblnns which mi! lemanuifiK Siiitior;. lie chil li njced the tli.-s to avail themselves ef the opportunity to uiiiti overcom ing tiio diJIicultiea presented. Mm. Stlituf ci.ritribuU.-d hnother so!-, "II Kacio,'' which di-lirhted her hearers. Pr..fo!.tr I". C. Fitzpatrick awarded thrw si h'lhirs'tiijS frt.ia Whitman ei-llee, WilSanu Ue univ r.,ily and an aM.(laUd jrroun of coi'i-irei, to Gail iiili-r Williams, JIis3 Anna Lavender erd Miss Goldie Ncsbit, resni-ctive-!y. Joseph H l;,riiori, president of tiie lu ani of directors, in a wholesome mid happy vein spoke briefly before pr.-s ntin"; diplonias, and echoed the sentiment cf Weston citizens when be remarked: "We can turn out as sim.rl and pood-looking a graduating: class as any of them." Tiie f iliowintf youn? x.nple are members of the lt'20 class: Misses Anna I.avc;ider. Goldie Xesbit, Jessie Davis. Lois I.ieua'.kn, Ruby Hall; Worih Watts, Theodore Walden and Gat! Miller Williams. It is probable that Weston can claim the distinction of having the younjrest high school (rraduate in the state, Gail Miller Williams havint; completed the e-i uise at the ai;e of fourteen years. Finch Urowncll, a Cheney. Wash., lad who belongs to one of the beiys pi..j dub?, made ?S00 out of his pigs last year and expects to realize a pro lit of ?1500 in 1020. t . Vi ..i iv ..'Hiv 1 paint z - v THE lift?, thdlue, the beauty of youv home, depend on tho care you give it. H Weather-beaten and warped siding, cracks and open joints aros forerunners of decay. Many property cvners neglect to iook xot such signs, judging: their houses r.nd buildings by general appearances only. It is good business to make regular inspection of your . property, and to use paint of good quality, which is the purest preventive of decay. Through the varying conditions 'of weathor in idl their xtremes, FULLER Paint lias proved both its presew ing and beautifying qualities . Pacific Coast Product for Pacific Coast requirements. 71 vears of paint manufacturing experience are back of every blushful of FULLER Paint. - Some olF the FULLER Products HOUSE r AIN'T FLOOR PAINT TORCH and STEP TAINT SHINGLE STAINS SILKENWHITR ENAMEL For interior woodwork. P. Fuller Co. ' 1313-1920 " i-j-.ji !?-AiL.: a' Portland, Seattle. Ta- conia, ?gei'-w i ii i i ASKED B, RiLHSADS Officials Request . Interstate Commerce Commission to Handle Crisis. Washington. ftallroads of Ihi rci-in-try, fhroiiKh the a-MorlMlnu of rullway execute mid the Arte ri. an Hailwsy aMoclation, have uokxd the Iiiiersii-- comniTci! comrui -i"ii to cxerclne I s m.frr t.'-.r .ot to n-lleife lbs vr bortaao and freiiclil conetion. In a sut. mt nt fllrd with the com mission. tb! railroad official! declared the kiiuailoa a such a to "warrant and to r'outre emergincy action aim Tar te that takto b.c tbit country eaten d the war." 1 The ralli-oaaa' formal petition aka the cotiiii.ifci.lou to assume lt enter peiicy power under the Ksth-f unitnliis bill, which givta it power to superviwi distribution of cars and motive eipiip ni'nt. coitail pasto-user service and lssu?! priority ord r. App-ils e;f the rallioa.ls for b"lp have brought to light n Uawfer. He Tilopmeiita Bhowed that a d-cidetiiy Uieliacing condition contromed the commertial world through the tie-up of the financial resources of business bouses. 1-Iay lu movement of prod ucts was declared to have brouKhl m iny plants faee to face with aa Im neid late v hut do wu. Interest ra'.n at tbiii time are so hlKh as to uiako It out of the question far mos 0f the maiiufacturins coii cerns thai borrow to liuanee further production, aecordibs to treasury of ficials. It as said th- congestion was costing the cation "million a day" thtouitb imii..i-i,r..iuciiou. Wholesalers and retailers alike are suffering through inability to obtain dtliv.-ry of sood. railroad men said. Newberry for District Attorney. S. A. Newberry, Pendleton attorney will have his lame iJen on the -ballot at the democratic primaries to day for district attorney. His dcci- sion to make the race on democratic ticket for the offiee of district attor ney was decide! on this week. , bJit-t- , i-t rioht &v;sy with ' ft- - as DECOKET combined stain and varnish in all shades for "refinishing furniture, etc. VARNISHES DEKORATO tho Sanitary Kalsomine AUTO ENA1IEL Korthwest Branch Houses Spokane, Boiss ;-.ii ,,. lvtJ.t-11 i-j.' jfcrrt (4 A yfmr.i--'3tiaaxy.. JgwsaKJTigUBBCM r