BREVITIES Hotict to Subscribers If thl notic is marked it aignt fie that your subscription expires Msv 1. 1920. We would nwt gratefully appreciate your prompt "subscripUon rates-by the year, Roy Road is leaving this week for $2.00; six months, $1.00; three Enterprise. months, 60 cents. Shipment of good, havy, Cascade Te Leader is invariably discord slabs just in. G. G. Ellis, tinued at expiration. Secure your carnations for Moth- era Hay from Mrs. N. Loveridjre. . All our bill, sre due sndpsysble the Another of the aerlea or pieaaam . . , ,w. by th. Athen.-W-ion first of every month. O, A. Adam, l Nt, American l.eilo... I- announced Koy Hilborn ami A. Moser, exrt for tomorrow .venln, at th. Alheoa Walla Walla sign writers, are doin .iu.r house. Th d.nce. are i.rov some work in Weston. , - . Mr. mii.1 Mrs. Arnold Woods of noon w ills popular - - . . , , . . , ... i. .linnor miesta Sunday mens Missionary X lllnanr is .m; ...u-,- - - . k, .ir..Hv. w X. ..III IhA .1 A I.linl!lln niMll.. wihiwiim v.iwiviu r:.., r....ii-K u .n.,rt.l hav. country home. HERE'S A FARM FOR YOU! My mountain farm is for sale or rent I will give any one either buyer or renter bargain. Here's a snnp that someone is sure to jrrab? Why don't you srrab it first? For other information see Mr. Fred Heath at Athena, Mrs. M. A. Heuberger 8. D. rKTKRSON Candidate for Republican Nomina of anything- which threatens safety of our Institutions. the the business of the office In as aeon omlcal a manner as can be done, i a ..a IlL .M.iImiiI Mitil tttit. -i.. - th rouii. eonsisiem Willi mn ...... - - "'"" r I-"-'-. - : UBh .Imlnlstratlun of the oftlce. I tlon lor uwirici Aiiornv ai in. Iy civil legai uu.m-. ... - axerclae due re. rr.rn.ry Election tor II. ...prunes to th. P-pU. In tM. J erX of J Ux. To. the Teople of Umatilla County., work the county Is entitled to and M iuWt I appeal to you for your endorse- 'JUU 7,,. l, "4" , Zli' of the ulnc. an Imperative demand . ... i i of alt tv snd experience. I nave vt ., r" A:..: ' practiced i.w successfully Th. ofllce of district attorney is cou,, i . . ....... i.. i. ...... .ru.... years, ami atvvnu .twin. ,i. i in (-V ."'kv) iullv so at the present time when lv "vc ii.rd or univitfuliivsa lirevalls. county CtiU energies, l IT.... uiMin hit . - . . - . .h . . .. .. ii... ,..f Aft mm ever cohbviuu. - 'I alS .".SI tH...nt.ndth.t ,ry matter wherein the P- " - - - ,;;f rt or any or the otner - . . . ,., Th. public has a rlht to know what 'ul' ., 'fB . 'rrlpM7 ;lworuus. fearless and Jmpsrtl.l ad- to expect from the Incumbent of that '' n.osf careful ami uwllvkM at- o " ofllce. If I am elected. I shall exer ... ru.A... .i..,lnl D-rae.'ri- a nivmir reitard for the nsttirsl If I am elected I shall Justly, fsirly lous hopiUlity Wednesday after, ami constitutional rhU or every iy an.i n ...r,...y e, ... . hen she entertained the Wo. cmsen, ana ai ne same nine ia. .ri..un. - - of th. aKuresrivo action ror the repression vitforouHiy anil nanv..!, 8. D. PETERSON. Paid advertisement Cash for chickens. J. It. Reynolds. row evening. rnl' furnish the music. society A cheery fire on the seen seven deer and numerous deer hesrth brought forth exclamstions of I.I! I. . t ... ......... u.l... lw The demand for pure bm I tor, .rack, a few da-s . ncar ths " cow. ,n the Inland Empire f.r ex- , , the Blues. hwiMM m u w .wds the supply. The "hortajfe n pu qu(llificd cllfinecr on til0 h(l the iock.ty ,4irw ,UBchM some of the more populsr breed, VoU for Rht, r f h ionM(T jcn, , declared to be nation-wide and north- .!.,. , mii.lic n . 'i w.n a J,...r. ... vie commissioner. Adv. piven under the Icadcrshin of Mrs. Mr and Mrs. Ralnh Kinncar and Letha Kin. Anpctizinit refresh- ' 1 westenj dairymen ar. planning ex tensive importations from England. CARNATIONS For Mothers' Day CUT FLOWERS and POTTED PLANTS Phone or wire Your order to THE FLOWER SHOP 16 East Main (Phone 353) WALLA WALLA. Wn. little daughter were hers from their ments were served durinjr the socisl assisted la B Coue creek farm this week, visiting hour by McsdMincs John Calder and H r m an at the Ivcn O'Harra residence. Otis Adams was csllod to Tendle ton this week to overhsul the ditTer ential in a Stutti car a job requir ing considerable mechanical skill. A. J. Starmer, hostess. G. W. Stiigtrs A Sons are shinping 120 hone power caterpillar this week to their newly-acquired hold- at once Second - Hand Sad dies. We will trade new saddles for old ones. Harness Oiled for $1.00 per set. Whitman's Harness Store (Phone 122) Milton Oregon Mrs. Albert Gciss was brought in "o Kaiticsnsxe nai uiainci, Wednesday evening for attention at where they have 1400 acres in grain Dr. McKinney's office. She sustained and 2 COO acres to plow. Some 60 a broken arm while cranking a Ford, heod of horses will slso be used n t u.--i .-j , Kiij. their plowing operations. The "cat" Mr. J. O. Wood and ehM ured ,t Pemcton umll.r arrived from Redmond Tuesday to Thc nd tQ 8pi.nd a few week, at the home of their ncw Mrs. Susan Tucker on Normal now,ched , toUl of m.,r. helgnts- 1 ly six thousand seres. Herman Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Price hsve re- Sltggt ,,j J,mes Besmcr accompan- turned from a visit to Mr. and Mrrs. jcd thc caterpjiiar shipment Finery William Ross near Washtucna. Mr. SUlfrf, js kept t home for the pres- Price reports a good crop outlook in mt by his injure(j foot. that district - L. The Umatilla Baptist association A caterpillar has been enlisted in today jts ,Ilnual met.ting, spring operations on tho mountain whjch cxU,nj8 0Vt,r Sunday. The farm of W. L. Rayborn. It will be program is being carried out as pub equipped with a headlight and run Ushcd , lfcgt wct.k', 1,,,. One early and late. hundred visitors or more are here for Mrs. J. A. Lumsden and Mrs. R. this important church event. Free G. Saling motored to Pendleton Wed- meals are being served in the base- rtesday to attend a meeting of the In- nient of the United Brethren church, spiratton club, for which Mrs. Joseph and free beds have been donated Scott was hostess. about town. Pastor Storms speaks Mr. and Mrs. Robert Proudfit and in terms of warm appreciation of the daughter Mary motored over from help extended h-Weston people. Athena Monday afternoon to take a William Beaton has bought a bar- look at their former surroundings snop at College TIscc near Walla and pass tho time of day with old walla, and will move his family to friends. their nnnr home after school closes Mr. and Mrs. George Carmichacl here. Robert F. Reynolds will proba tive returned from their visit to bly assist him at College Place. Mr. their daughter in California. Mr. Beaton has been succeeded in the CarmichaelX health has improved to Reynaud shop here by William some extent, although he is yet far Franz, late of Walla Walla, from well. Thc . Missionary society E. O. ITeMoss sends the regards of of the Methodist church will give a the DeMos family to their friends 8ilvt.r tca al Mcmoria j, Saturday in Weston. He is now a member of aftcrnoon. May 15. An attractive the undertaking firm of Brady & Dc- prof;rftn, Wni bo given, and a cordial Moss in Oregon City, having bought invjtation is extended tho public to a half interest in the business. attend. L. B. Davis was elected chairman Four C08C1 of BmanIK)X ef a mild and S. A. Barnes secretary of the ex- type ere nvorteii in Weston, and ecutive committee of the pioneers thne homc, arc un(Jcr quIlrBnti,Ic. reunion at Weston June 4 and 5. The patiel)ts are Raymond Bonistcr, This committee includes the various Mjgs Cambiin and j. D. Mi)icr and committee chairmen and has general one of hu children. directioruof tho affair. Tho reports made indicated that with favorable nry Schroeder has recently ad weather the big picnic is sure to be ded fifty-one volumes of Balsac's a decidedly successful one. work to b' hhrary, thus affording the book lancier an unaoriugea ein- A total vote of 36 was cast in the tion of this famous author's writ- special city bonding election Tuesday. , TM. . t : : .EAAA I logo. xne queiitiuu ux innuiiiK fuuvu in bonds for waterworks improvements was answered in the affirmative by In Honor of Mrs. Rabb the overwhelming vote of 34 to two. Honoring Mrs. Margaret Rabb, who The bonds will run ten years and left Tuesday for Philadelphia, a sur bear six percent interest A Port- prise friendship shower was given at land house, Carstens & Earle, Inc., the home of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Ri- has agreed to take them at (96.50. Goodyear Cord and Fabric Tires. Your Car Repaired Promptly and Satisfactorily. LIBERTY AUTO CO. (O. A. Adams) chal, last Friday evening. Music and conversation caused time to pass very pleasantly, and many tokens of esteem were presented to the honor ee. A bountiful lunch was served at a late hour, and was greatly enjoyed by the following guests: Mrs. Mar garet Rabb, Mr. and Mrs. DeGraw, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Lumsden, Mrs L. McMorris, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Richal, Ralph Saling, Lois Saling; Mrs. Har ry Warren of Pendleton; Mr. and Mrs. Emmel and Mrs. Lilla Kirk of Athena. Mrs. Rabb was again the honor guest at a seven o'clock dinner given Saturday evening at the Arnofd Woods home, in Athena. Additional guests came in for the evening, which was spent in dancing, a deli cious supper being served ut mid night. Weston people who were in attendance included Mrs. Margaret Rabb, Miss Lois Saling, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Lumsden and Ralph Saling. For several years Mrs. Rabb has been a member of the sales force of the Weston Mercantile company and has made many friends by her win ning personality and thoughtful con sideration of others. She takes with her to her new home in Philadelphia the hearty good wishes of Weston people. Mrs. Lumsden and Mrs. Saling ac companied Mrs. Rabb to Pendleton Tuesday on the first lap of her jour m . IIS Just think what it would moan to have a path three feet wide anil a full mile loii of dainty voiles! That is just what we have in a recent shipment, and the patterns are most delightfully suggestive of the beauties of spring and early summer. I he material is that' so much in vogue this season so scarce that we compli ment ourselves on eing able to supply tho needs of our trade. Would sell ordinarily for 85c to $1.00 per yard, but we place it on spec ial for only 59 cents Onforcis or the Seasosi Could anything be more comfortable for the warm days to come than a beau tiful pair of oxfords, pumps or negliges? The -new styles are here and priced from $7.50 to $11.00 Do not fail to see these. THE " WORK A queer name for a shoe, but that is what it is. ' Made from heavy brown duck, very strong and durable; heavy rubber soles; laced. An ideal shoe for boys and men; far less expensive than leather, and wears better than cheap leather. It is a new shoe made to combat thc H. C. L, and you will find it very satisfactory. Priced Boys' Shoes, $3.00; Men's, $3.50 LADIES' SHOES at Special Prices From our sale we had about 100 pairs of ladies' shoes that are the choicest of stock. The style is good but the lines are broken, and we shall place them on sale tables to close out at about the wholesale cost. This is an opportun ity to save from two to four dollars on a pair of shoes. Surprising Values in Millinery Beginning Saturday, our millinery stock will be readjusted and some sur prising values offered. Watch for this special. The line is one of .the best in the country full of the season's latest offerings. This will be a rare opportunity. Make your selection early. SHU" Our COATS and DRESSES continue to be the admiration of our customers and the price is far under regular. You can own a new spring coat or dress for $15.00 less by mak ing your selection now. A handsome coat or dress for from .50 tOs $45.00 Be Willi Us June 4 and 5 The Biggest Picnic that ever was is going to be, Tune 4 and 5, when the Pi oneers hold High Jinks in Weston. PREPARE TO BE HERE n i E 1 I ii l ney east