The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, May 07, 1920, Image 1

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ston;; Leader
Principal Events of the Week
Briefly Sketched for Infor
mation of Our Readers.
invrRflIp!!liP 111 77ic Annual Spring Wrestling Bout if
VI kit i lib iiifcfc r uji
Ths total registration of voters In
county at the present lima It
Several employe! of the elate library
at Bslsm have Imon granted ealary III'
Jibn W. Todd, superintendent nf Its
loin public schools, ha been circled
president of the Ralxm llntsry cluli.
A sturgeon o Isrga that It required
tha united efforts of three men to get
It out of tha water baa boon caught
hoar Oregon City.
Attorney Oeneral Hrown baa given
an opinion ibat (hart la no law In Dra
gon to pravaot a roan or woman from
working on Sunday.
Superintendent J. A. Churchill baa
returned from tour In Kaatarn Ore
gon In the Interest of tha educational
Institution measures.
Hoy W. rinaeth, youngest aon of Mr.
and Mra. r. A. rtnaath of Dallaa com
mitted aulclda by shoollsjg himself
with a St caliber revolver.
Miss Paulino Klin, of Corvsllls. will
be reappointed aa a member of tba
board of Inspectors of child labor when
her present tarm expiree on May 11.
A definite price, according to ship
para. baa been act on contracted appla
boxes for tha year. Tba ahooka will
coal tba growere from tl to SO cents.
Tba Jersey Calf club at 8hedd wilt
exhibit on Msy I. Fourteen of It nem
bar owner! of registered purebred
balfara. and tba rest own blgb grtdes.
Tba Union and Itaker county forest
flra patrol aaaoclatlona ara to be di
vided Into two eeparate organitatlone.
according to F. A. Elliott, atata toreet
er. On tha rulha of th mill burned laat
fall at Enterprise, the East Oregon
Lumber company baa built a larger
mill, which will begin operatlona about
May IS.
Fire resulting from an explosion In
tha engjno room of tba mill of tha
Iluebner Lumber company plant at
North Hand did damago estimated at
Tha aprlng flablng season on tha Co
lumbia river opened at noon Saturday,
May 1. and there ware fully 1000 gilt
net and trolling boats In tha water on
that day.
A cherry banquet la propoeed by the
chamber of commerce of The Dallea
for Bhrlnera who paaa through tbat
city on June 21. Clierrlea In all styles
will b served. '
Seventeen centa a pound for straw
berrlea and It centa pound for cher
rlea were the offera made Willamette
valley fruitgrowers at Salem Saturday
by Puyallup buyera.
Wilton R. Illaln. 72 yeare old, and a
member of one of Oregon's earliest
pioneer famlllea, la dead at Dayton.
Ohio, according to newa Juat received
by a brother at Albany.
Lee Hollenbeck, 20, and Frank taw
la, 22, employed on tha ateamer Re
lief, ware" drowned In the Coqullle river
while loading nTllk on tho boat at the
Panter landing near Lampa.
Bend bulldera expect a record year
for 1920. Permits for conatructlon Is
aued to date total $103,480. aa agalnHt
249.976, the value Of building nuthorlx
ed up to thle time laat year.
Mra. Sophie Fore. 43, wire of Cbarlea
Fora, Aatorla contractor, waa Inatantly
killed when the automobile In which
he and her buaband were riding turn
ed over a few mllea aoutb of Aatorla.
Reglatratlon In Douglas county to
tala 3882, of which 6688 reglatered aa
Republicans and 2676 as Democrats.
Tha total rtvjtstrstlon for the Novem
ber election la expected to exceed 12.
000. Bolng. ahort handed In hla office,
while the coming election itaelf Vastly
a'dda to hla duties, Sara A. Koxer, can
didate for aecretary of atate. will not
v be able to leave hla dutlea to make an
active campaign.
The Oakrldge Lumber company,
which recently bought 7.000.000 feet of
tlaber In the Cascade national forest
above Oakrldge, has the ground clear
ad for the erection of Ita mill, three
rale from that town,
May 17 will aee tho start of the
Ship-by Truck caravan, a aoliil con
's, voy of motor trucka which will pro
ceed from Spokane to Lewiston and
return, with stops at oil towna en
route. The object la to demonstrate
possibilities of improved transporta
tion where good roads exist.
4) .
Mrs Harry Warrm of J'rndletuii,
epent the week-end with Mr, l.lllu
The partition In the Commercial
'lull room have hern removed and I he
work f remodeling III begin at our.
Mayor Harrctt lin named next
Wednesday ami Thursday, May llth
and llth a clean-up day for Athena.
Alheim lilath school commencement
exercises will lia held at high school
auillturlum, rrldny evening. May 14
to-glnnlng at eight o'clock.
Mra. Llll Kirk, Mr. Hurry Warren
and Mr. Mi'tianli-I attended a party
lit We.ton Prtdny nlslit. given In hon
or of Mr. Margaret Italib,
K H. I,elrw lf sjunday for a coii
pln of weeks vllt to hi liH-k I mo ll
near I'lillliburg, Montana. Ueorge
Wliishlli. who I down from Montunn
I working In tha Flrat National bank
during Mr. LeOraw's absence.
Mr. and Mra. Hush McArthur are
expelled here from their home In
Portland. In tha near future. They
hv recently returned there from Hun
Diego, California and Mr. McArthur
haa been aerloualy III alnc comlog to
Mr. Jennie tiros and duutlitor,
Mr. Lulu Itead had a their aural thla
week Mr. K. T. Malheny of Keattle,
Mr. Matheny U the Uitr of J. C.
Walter, and farmer))' lived with their
parnl. Mr. and Mr. (Mark Walter,
wet of town. ,
Tho Aihena high whool ba tH
team I In the wet end of the coun
ty today, where th boy play games
with the Mnnfleld and llermlaton
school team. The team wa accom
panied on the trip by Principal Hall of
the Athena school.
D. A. IMnkerton, accompanied by hla
son Lauranc. left Wednesday fur
Montana, where they will put In a
spring crop of wheat on the I'lnkerton
ranch. Seventy sacks of aeod wheat
w exprvased from Athena. The ex
press chartfee amounted to 1123.21.
Mlaa Ueaala Andrews of llelth has
been retained by the Athena achovl
board aa Imtruclro In the high
school. IllRtory and Latin being sub
jects assigned to hir. Two teachers
rem In to be employed In the high
school department a man and a lady
teacher being required.
Mr. Ueorxe H- Uerklng this week
went to I'ortland. taking her Aaughter,
Mrs. Chester Davis, for medical treat
ment. Mrs. Pavl ha born In a Walla
Wall hoepltsl for several months, suf
fering from blood poisoning, contract
ed while picking apple at Lewlston,
Idaho, wliere she resides.
Mr. Leach, representing tho Itruns-wlck-Collander
company, waa In the
city yesterday from I'ortland. and sub
mitted price on blllard and pool
tables, to the purchasing committer of
the Athena Commercial Club. The
tables ro to be a part of the equip
ment of the Club's new qusrtcr.
The houe purchased by Or. F. 1
Watte from Mrs. Urookner, on the
Weai Blue, haa been moved this week
to Its now site on Third street, -whore
It will be remodeled. Dr. Watt also
purchased the warehouae located at
the rear of the Athena (ttate Bank
building, and will remodel It for a gar
age. The warm days of the pat week
have materially been of much bene
fit to tho growing crops, and wheat In
the fields looks much better than for
merly. A number of fufmcrs In this
section have been harrowing their
grain fields on account of the hard
crut. which had fornal end was
holding buck the growth of the crop.
Bob Koprtva. fleet short distance
runner, will represent Athena high
school at the Eastern Oregon track
meet at La Grande. Mob will enter In
tho 60 and 100 yard dushes. The
Eastern Oregon meet Is the final
, wind-up of the season's school con
ference nlhlotlc events and the win
ner thero will be topnotchers In every
repect. 1
Athena-Weston l'ost. American Le
gion, haa leased the Athena opera
house Ircun 8. L. Spencer, the ownor,
and will lake possession at once. The
poBt will hold Its dances and soclul
gatherings In the opera house The
executive offices will bo maintained In
tho Commercial Club rooms. The
lease to the opera, house was drawn
up and signed yesterday, and Is now
under supervision of the post.
Miss Cnrrlo Sharp arrived home
Tuesday, having been brought over
from Bt. Mary'a hospital In Walla Wal
la by her parents. Dr. and Mrs. 8. F.
Sharp. The pstlent Is slowly recover
ing from a protracted Illness, caused
from the after effects of Influenia and
In receiving the congratulations of
her many friends. Dr. and Mrs. Sharp
.r. Ktnr nxxiKtril In her care by Mrs.
John Stanton, her professional nurse
having returned to Seattle.
The 1'nrent-Teachera meeting last
Friday evening In the school audi
torium was addressed by Assessor C.
P. Htraln and County Superintendent
W. W. Oreen, both of whom tnlked In
favor tho two milluge measure to
be voted on May 21. A very compre
hensive and lucid explanation of these
Important measures was given by the
epeakera and wee listened to by a good
audience. The meetlnga of the P. T.
Circle will automatically close with the
cud of the school year.
1 ;r" , SJ
ill1!1!1''1'"' y-v'r'V; ffiWtk. . i. Mi'sm, ,
Washington. Plana of radical lead
ra for nation-wide May day demon
La Orande, Or Leonard Blckford,
nr t Rrandn. was Instantly
stratlons. Involving atrlkea ana piouea k,(,(j M(, 1( peracn injured In a head
assassinations for more man a acore
of federal and atate officials, fell flat,
according to reporta to the department
ef Justlca.
t.l.n h fajtral
and atate autborltlea to block the re
Icala' widely aisseminatea appeal iw
a "May day ahow of power" were de
scribed at the department as decided
ly successful.
Despite the fact that there were n
reporta or attemptea assassination v. J he d,d
public offlclala. It waa aald tbat the Bckfor(1 w
government Intended to maintain lie
guard over the persona threatened.
The appeals of thj radicals for a
demonstration agslnsf the government
in behalf of aovlet Russia also WM
on collision west of Huron at 1:5..
o'clock Tuesdsy mcrnlng. when a local
O. W. R. k N. railway passenger train
eastbound from Umatilla smashed Into
helper engine running light ana
west The wreck was one of
the worst on the division for many
Engineer Symons saw the helper
engine coming and applied the air
brakes, calling to Fireman Blckforu.
Symons Jumped, but
caught In the wreck.
Engineer Hamilton was said to have
misinterpreted orders.
The eighth jcrarlcre are studyinic
very hard for the ttate examinations
nhich come next week. '
Gwendolyn Compton it quite ill at
her home on tho mountain.
Many sprint; flower are appearing
on the teachers' desks.
On April .10 the last baseball Kama
of the season was plavcd on our
grounds airairint Helix. In the first
iiininjr our catcher, Eugene Smith,
slid into third base and dislocated his
Mi shoulder. He had to quit the
fame, leaving' the -rest of the team
no handicapped that they could not
Io their best. The visitors won.
The county track meet was held
May 1 at Pendleton. Our district
took fourth filacc, with eiirht points.
Worth Watts took third in the 220
yard dash, and Bob Kopriva of Ath
ena second in the 100 yard dash.
The relay team consisting of Leon
ard liulfinch, Walter Rayborn, Bob
Kopriva and Worth Watts, won sec
ond place in the 880 yard relay.
The eighth erode have finished
their school paper. It is a fine pa
per, and the students deserve much
praise for their work.
The public is invited to attend the
Baccalaureate service Sunday even
ing, May 10, in High School auditor
ium. President Penrose of Whitman
college wi!f give the sermon. Mrs.
Eernice Blomgren will sing.
The schedules for finals waa given
Substitute For House Proposal
Would Repeal War
Washington. A Joint resolution pro
posing repeal of resolutions by con
gress declaring a atate of war with
Germany and Austria Ilungsry waa re
ported out by the aenate foreign re
lations committee by a strict party
vote. . ,
The resolution waa Introduced by
Senator Knox, republican. Pennsylvan
ia, as a substitute for the republican
resolution recently passed by the
bouse. Leaders of both parties pre
dicted several weeks of discussion with
little prospect for action until near the
time aet for a recess for national con
ventions. Straight-out repeal of the war reso
lutions Is the principal object of the
Knox substitute, which would request
the president to establish friendly di
plomatic and commercial relatione
with Germany and with "the govern
ments and peoples of Austria and Hun
gary." Like the house resolution, it
would reserve all American rights un
der the treaty.of Versailles and provide
for repeal of war legislation and for
war powers of the president. It would
bold German property until all Aroeri-
out today, and from signs many are can war claims were aatisfled, but does
very interested. The finals begin on not include the house provision for ac
ceptance of the resolution's terms by
Germany within 45 days under penalty
of a commercial embargo.
Mny 13.
The "Westnia" is expected to be
on sale next week. It is a fine pa
per and seems to be in great demand.
We hope all will secure a copy. I8 Hodgson is reported to be
The commencement exercises will considerably improved at Walla Wal
be held in Memorial hall Wednesday 11 expected that he will be able
evening. May 19. Br. M. E. Bollen to submit to another operation,
of the White Temple. Walla Walla, this time for the removal of his ton
will give the address. B''8-
The J. W. Harbart ranch of 1375
Apply engineering efficiency to. Approximately 100 pigs have been acres four miles east of Walla Walla
...I rnntml nf m.hlic utilities." Vote iven out by Armour & Co. to boys 0n Mill creek, was sold to . William
ltbrur-mrrft-th-TeHrta Indlcafa2 for Khc. Luper. republican nomina- &T throughout the Inland Em- Bowe for $237,000, or at the rateof
Incendiary speeches and demands that tion for publlc .jce commissioner. P' who are members or junior pig aout 2175 an acre. The deal waa lor
the United Statea resume relatione A(lv clubs. cash.
with Russia were made at meetings In
several cities, Assistant Attorney-General
Garvan declared, but the net re
sult was negligible.
New Jersey Primary Results Will be
Re-examined May 10.
Newark, N. J. Chief Justice William
8. Gutnmer of the supreme court
signed an order for a recount of the
vote cast in the presidential preferen
tial primaries for Senator Johnson and
Major-General Wood. .
The recount will be for the entire
state and will begin May 10 in Essex,
Morris. Camden, Gloucester and Cape
May counties, where the supporters of
Senator Johnson allege that mistakes
were made in vote tabulations.
j J I
'J 0
Sale of Ships Limited.
Washington. America's first mer
chant marine bill, virtually as drafted
by a aub-committee. was ordered fav
orably reported by the senate com
merce committee. The bill is a sub
stitute for the bill passed by the house,
the senate bill provides that coast
wise shipping shall be entirety American-owned;
that 76 per cent of the
stock of American corporations en
gaged In foreign trade ahall be owned
In this country, and that American
vessels can be sold to foreign inter
ests, with one exception, only after
the ahipplng board Us approved of
the sale.
Borllle Convicted of Communism.
Portland, Or. A verdict of guilty
was returned by the jury In the case
of Lawrence A. 8orllie, charged with
violation of the state antl-crlmlnal syn
dicalism law. Leniency was recom
mended. Borllle Is one of the 26 al
leged I. W. W, members who were in
dicted on the charge of criminal syn
dicalism after the raid on the I. W. W.
hall iu Portland on the night of Ar
mistice day, November 11.
Order Your Repairs Now
We want you to get full service out of every
implement you have purchased from is. If repair parts will
prolong materially the .service you can get out of your old
machines, we want to assist you in getting new parts.
Don't Trait until your busiest season. Make the most of your present
spare time and save important time later by doing your repairing now. Get
your machines ready for field use before you need them. Right now is a good
time to go over every implement that you can repair and can use profitably this
season. Jot down every part that needs replacing plow shares, cultivator shovV
els, wheel boxes and worn parts.
Bring this list to us. If we ran't supply you fully from stock
we will order the new parts for you at once. j
A carload of thoroughbred Jersey
stock, recruited from farms In Linn
and Polk counties, waa ahlpped from
Albany by express to Payette, Idaho,
for distribution In that state. Thirty
six cowa and alx calvea were Included
In the shipment.
Independebt or any other legal voter
who 1 registered or may be registered
upon election day, haa a lawful right
to vote upon the measures to be sub
mitted at the special election on May
II, according to a le-al opinion given
by Attorney-General Brown.
Ordering; now will save you delay end
trouble. It will enable you to fix up your
old machines when you have plenty of
time to do it. It will save you costly de
lays when your machines are needed badly
in the field.
In "checking up" your ..present imple
ment equipment, there is just one thing to
consider. Will the old implements, when
repaired, give you full service for this year
at least? If not, it will be economy to get
new up-td-date equipment.
In addition to the repair service we want
to render, we also want an opportunity to)
show you our full line of new machines,
many of which are greatly improved.
When you bring that repair order in, take
enough time to took over our new stock of
implements. We have a number of labor-;
saving machines that you can put to prof "
itable use on your place.
Don't Put Off Ordering Those Repairs k,.
Do It Now -J$k&tjJ- --
JONES & JONES, Weston, Or.
i): !iX?kii Sii)V IJi 8 1