The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, April 23, 1920, Image 1

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Principal Events of the Week
Briefly Sketched for Infor
mation of Our Readers.
Rnadaork U In full liut on th
main road of llaker county.
A now hospital l to ba erected at
llurn. Id county at of lUrnoy coun
ty. Thrr have born total nf 190J It-
frn loiuril Wl Tl rtate d l'T Of
Oregon far the year 1920.
Central Orrgon Oddfellow will cele
brate the I01l anniversary of Ihn or
der In I'rlnrvlll.i on (lie evrnliig of
April 14.
1h high School bond lection at
Aurora carried ty vote of 2 to 04.
Ihn bond will ln Ueued In (ho uro
of $S.$0.
Kour big mountain Horn trapped
lnc tho flrt of this year, th
rcotd mado by C. M. Ilolcon-b, of
Dentin on North L'mpqua river.
liecree drflulug and describing th
right of water uian on Tore creek,
Snow creek and Hood river wor le
Uil by lb (to water board Ut
The women- debating team of Wll
lamrlia unlvemlfy of Balcni dcfuated
College of I'Ufiit Hound womeu debat
er by a iwo loone derision 1 Tarawa,
An emergrnry landing place for air
plane la being prepared nrar Caaradla
for the convenience of plunra engaged
In for-at patrol work In the Santlam
national foroat
Th Union Oil company of Cali
fornia paid to the secretary of state.
11041 65, covering tta sate of gasoline
and distillate In Oregon during tha
month of March.
Joe Yr, hopgrower cf Aurora, haa
contracted to deliver hi entire crop
for tho 1920 season to Hugo Lotiwl
of New York at a ellpulaled price of
ti cent per pound.
A repreeciitatlv meeting of large
aatern Oregon wool grower hold at
Pendleton went on record an favoring
auction aalea cf wool at Portland ihla
prlug and nmmr.r.
Itoapli the mid winter drought. Con
tral Oregon rancher need have no fear
of a ahortage of water for Irrigation
thla aeaaon, far atorma during Ihn laat
four weeka have built up the anow re
serve In th mountain to normal, ac
cording to report received from trap
per In the foothill.
A frii-iul pointed a Ktin at Ml- El
liott of Weth and pulled tin triKpor.
At the third pull bulti-t atmck the
girl, alijrhtly Injuring her.
George Winnlilp came down front
liia homclead mar Philipsburg, Mon
tana, ami la In Walla Walla today, at
tending t!i futii'tat of hla grand
mi ;tu-r. tha lata Mr. McKay.
Minn Maud Sherman, accompanied
by likr mother, will lake an extended
niotorinir trip 'through California aft
er the clone of school, with tho x
a i I) l view of ItMHtingr In tha aouth.
The inti of the late With J.
Raymond roiiaialing of a aectii n of
wheat lainf north of Athena, lax ben
appralned at f.m.OOO by K. S. I-
Crow, II. II; Kirharila and W. O.
Henry Jtrrv(t i well pleaaed with
Iuh crop of liiinbn this aeaxon. l-amb-iiiff
oH-rution have been carried on
at hi toek ratmli north of,
for aeveral weeka with oalinfaitiry
Mra. K. C. Roeera entertained at
tinner Friday evening, Mra. McDan
lei, Miaa Crant and Mia Sherman,
teaclura. AfUr dinner the party mo-U-red
to Weaton and wilneaacd tha
claaa play.
Owing to ill health. Dr. J. A. Bad
detey left taut week with I. in wife and
little daughter for a aojourn In the
unny climate of Ariona. The doc
tor ha been iin health for aomo
time and hone by real and recupera
tion to regain It,
Mr.and Mr. C. L. Woodward Mon
day purchancd the Earl Tulloch home
in Pendleton, the purchaae prtc bc
inir f25ji0, and will move there next
fall. They made buninem trip to
Portland ln;t wwk, apcnJixtf veral
day in the mctrnpoli.
The city council declur l to exU-nd
tho replacing of water pliw the en
tire lentrth of Main atree', and Rround
U belni; broken for the work went of
Second atreet. Nuw pipe haa Uxm
laid down to Second atret, and tho ex
cavation wa filled thi wi-ek.
Joo Klliott, who auatained a frac
tured leg a year ago, when hi horae
fell on the pavement at Walla Wulln,
met with n like accident recently on
tlio roud went of Athena. Again
Joe' horae fell and thla time the man
ia nuritinif a broken shoulder blade.
A number of member of the, local
KniKhta of Pythin Unliro attended
tho Doklo ceremonial at North Yaki
ma, Saturday. They went to Walla
Walla and joined the carayin thero on
$1,129,000,000 COST
. -
. . . -r . an
i m w u i -.a .. .. ... li
Mra. Luella Pinkerton waa given an
-ovation by her pupila Monday when -
.he appeared in the hool room fot fuch governrnent Loafrt tO
the flrnt time after a . prolonged ab-
ence due to ilineaa. , Railroads Considered as
The children in the first grade
have juit finished all their reading .
wrork for the year aifd are "looking ' '
for more world to conquer." Next Washington. Total loee to U gor-
week they will atart reading the up- eminent growing out of federal control
plcmentary book, Around the World, of the railroada waa ettlmated by the
The attendance in Mra. Fitzpat- houa appropriation committee at
rich' room ha been nearly perfect more than JU29.0O0.0OO, Thla In-
thi week Ordell Pedtrwn, who ha elude th 1225,000.000 eatimaUd aa
it bad cold, being the only one ab- guarantee to tha roada ander the
wnt Thg third and fifth gradea term of the transportation act
have made an attendance record of The actual loa during the Jl month
1'8 8 percent, winning the banner for 0f active government control, wa
the month. placed at 1304,000,000. The commit-
Mi Love' room wa the accne tee pointed out that tb government
Tuesday afternoon cf a terrific pea- jnt $862,000,000 to tbe railroada and
nut ahower in which, according to re- Mid that alnce much of thl went to
port. Mis Love waa nearly over- weaker line, to nrcvent nweler.hfn
. --.4- . -tr : .' V
,f - fir. J i t i
I . ' " .t, .... . 1
After applying the whitewash
brash to Helix, Weston High was
taken into camp in a baseball game
with Athena, score seven to one.
Friday, May 7, examinations in
both Old and New Testament will be
The baccalaureate service for the
graduating class will be held Sun
day, May 16, 1920, in High School
auditorium. President Penrose of
Whitman college will preach the aer-mon.
during federal operation, all of thla
aum probably would not be recovered.
Tbe committee waa reporting on th
emergency deficiency appropriation
meaaure. In which 1300,000,000 waa
Included for tbe railroad administra
tion. Director-General Hlne baa ask
ed for $420,000,000 to wind up tb administration-
affair, but the commit
tee cut the total $30,000,000, and rec-
ommended that tbe treasury be In-"
atructed to purchaae $30,000,000 worth
of liberty bond held by tbe railroad
View of Biahpp Scott achool and Salvation Army boy being aught orchard
work at Lytton achool.
One of the big phase of the work the Salvation Army Is doing in
Oregon to prMn the III of wrong teaching and poverty and to strike at
lh root of the dTpVr and erlef found In the cities. Is the training and care
of dttpindeni boy and girl. One of the item of tho budget to be raised
for the Stiilvsllnn Army work In Orejon provides for the purchase of the
Illshop Scott school at North Yamblll a.i an Industrial and agricultural school
here neglected kiddies will be edurnted and made efficient Workers ao
that when they go out Into the world they will be an asset to society and
not a cliarKO upon the cemmuultics cf which they will be members. The
1000 acre farm has a walnut grove and other orchards, and, under proper
care of agricultural experts who will teach the boys, its productivity will go
far toward making the school self supporting. Tho school Is In no sense to
bo a penal or reformatory Institution but on tho. other hand It I intended
to provide sound vocational education for youngstera who, without It, are on
Ilia road to bad cllUoiublp. . .
administration, thna mftklnr Avllhfa
Commencement exercises will be u,mt .ddJUona, ,monnt for wlndIng w
held W ednesday evening. May 19. tte ministration', affaire.
Safety Firat," sparkling farce The committee explained that It b.d
comedy presented by the Senior class ja,ie y,e reduction because the trana-
of Weston High school at Memorial portatlon ct provided $20,000,000 for
hall last Friday evening, drew a ca- Bettllng claims against tbe govern-
pacity house. The play is conceded ment growing out or federal control,
to have been the best home talent
Work on tbe Grants rasa nutria ir
rigation project la being pushed a
rapidly aa possible. Deaigna tor th
construction of the diversion dam are
being prepared and several mile of
ditch have already been, completed.
n special train. Five hundred Dokies
marched in the parade Saturday nipht
and 72 tyros were led through the
mysteries of tho order, which at this
time U having a vigorous growth.
Athena-Weston Post, Aueiican le
gion announces a dance for tomorrow
night at the Athena opera house, ai'd
a lerco attendance is expected. Pay
ant's orchestra will furtii:.!; tho mu
sic, and an enjoynblo time (3
You arc expected to go and talsa
your friends with you.
Standard Theatre Sunday EVne Apr. 25
lit '. .
IV- V r
t f t. , .
Tlio permanent orianixatioa nf the
Athena Commercial Club was effect
ed Tuesday evening with eighty-one
member on the roster, with a possi
bility of at least twenty-five more
whom the committee on membership
had not the opportunity of soliciting.
M. L. Watts, vice president of the
First National Bank of Athena and
manager of the Preston-Shaffer mill
ing: plunt of this city and treasurer
of the Proton-Shaffer Milling com
pany, was given the honor unani
mously, of becoming: the club's first
The Warren Construction Com
pany, answering tho call of the city
of Athena for flat, bitls on certain
specified street improvement, was
the successful bidder at a meeting of
of tho city council, held Monday
evening. The Warren Construction
com puny 's bid for the work as speci
fied, i.i $19,700 complete, making the
approximate cost to Mnin street prop
erty $-1.20 per lineal foot where there
is curbing, and $5.20 per linealfoot
where there is no curbing at present.
Manager Littlejohn will pit his
Athena baseball aggregation against
the fleet bunch of Helix tosscrs on
the home grounds Sunday afternoon,
in the fii-st game for the Blue Moun
tain League pennant. .
production given in Weston for years
and the work of the all-star cast re
flected great credit upon the efficient
directors. Misses Lurline Crown and
Elza Love, who had entire charge of
the performance. Payarit' orches
ra contributed tuneful melodies be
tween acts that were an enjoyable Messrs. Worth Watts, Paul Hopkins,
feature of the evening's entertain- Gail Miller Williams, Maynard Jonea
ment. Box office receipts were $136. nd Theodore Walden.
The cast included Misses Anna Lav- It is rumored that "The Westonia"
ender, Ruby Hall, Lois Lieuallen, is to be the best high school publica
Goldie N'esbit and Jessie Davis; tion in Draatila county.
,,A- f
h5 i;
jr T Ks
' 1 I
fi'iitavria n- i ... . ...
George LoceTuckersTheMir -
The Year's Greatest Picture will come to' the Standard Theatre on Satur
day and Sunday evenings, The Miracle Man had six weeks run at the Im
perial Theatre, San Francisco; three weeks at the Strand, Seattle; seven
weeks in Los Angeles and two weeks in Portland. You will see it at the
. Standard.
70 Per Cent of Gallantry Certificate
Go to Ranker.
, Washington. Enlisted men received
nearly 70 per cent of the gallantry
certificates issued to the A. E. F., a
report Issued by tbe war department
showed. Citations in orders for gal
lantry In action for which no medal
was awarded included SS43 enlisted
men, 1219 company officers, nine gen
eral officers and IS civilians and
.The second division led all other
divisions In receiving gallantry cer
tificates, 911 such citations having
gone to that division. The third divi
sion was second, with 535.
Soldier Insurance Pay Railed.
Washington. By unanimous vote,
the house passed a bill increasing by
$20 a month the war risk insurance
payment of the government to $25,000
disabled soldiers and sailors now re
ceiving vocational rehabilitation.
Under the measure, which now goe
to the senate, single men would re
ceive $100 a mouth and married men
1 f
Your Hom3
i n trz
fEVER has there been a better reason for
preserving your property than at the present
time. .
High costs of construction have greatly increased
the value of homes and building3, no matter how
old they might be. -
Paint -GOOD Paint, will do more to preserve and
increase the -value of your property than anything
else you can possibly invest in. It is the greatest
safeguard against the favsges of time and weather. .
It is tho best kind of insurance.
Guard your home and buildings with .
and other products. Dack of them are 71 years of
paint-making experience. Thousands of property
owners have used these products for years.
t Look Up a FULLER Dealer
ia Your Town ...
W. P. Fuller & Co.
Northwest Branches at g
Portland, Seattle, Tacoma, Spokane, Boise