The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, April 16, 1920, Image 3

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To Our Out-of-Town
It is true that many of the big furni
ture factories throughout the country
are oversold and will not accept any
more orders for 190. Which undoubt
edly means that furniture will be hard
to obtain for some time to come.
Fortunately, we have Lon successful
in having most of our orders filled and
we now own a splendid stock. Hence
we are prepared to meet the demands
of our customers for the new things in
home furnishings. W advise that you
come direct to this store and make
your selections while the Spring stocks
arc at their best.
Vho Davis -Kaser Co.
Complete Furnihlicrs of Homes, Offices
Chtirelu'H and School.
10-20 Alder St. Walla Walla, WorH.
BUTTER WRAPS at Leader Shop
One hundred 1 CO
Each additional hundred 0 75
your grain, and will give prompt atten
tion to orders for anything in its line.
International Stock
and Poultry Food
Hay, Rolled Barley, Oats, Wheat and
Millfeeds. Chicken Feeds, includ
ing Corn,' Wheat, Scratch Food, Bone,
Shell, Grit, Meat Scraps and Fgg Mash.
Try a Sack of our Popular Graham.
J. A. LUMSDEN - - Proprietor
Cash for chickens? J. It. Reynolds.
Font touring car for sale. Frank
Mm. I'. T. Harbour and daiiKhter
Mildred were visiting in Pendleton
Bud Walden waa up Sunday from
Pilot Rock to see the old town and
hit former tillicuma.
Little Zona Catherine Price,
daughter of Mr. and Mn. J. C. Price,
U convalescing after quite a aerloua
Karl Olson came up Friday from
Prospect farm, where he report
abundant rains and a promising crop
About thirty citizens of Milton mo
tored over to assist in the revival
service at the Methodist church last
Friday night..
Mr. and Mrs. Ilarve J. Driskell
were here from Dayton this week,
visiting at the homes of their re
spective parents.
Lady rook wanted on ranch; wages
$00 ter month until harvest; during
harvest will pay harvest wages. Ad
dress Box 132, Pendlvtotij, Or.
Weston High defeated Helix High
at baseball Wednesday on the Helix
diamond, score 6 to 0. Monday the
locals will play Athena High on the
Utters grounds.
The Weston garage has sold a new
Dodge car to Lester O'Harra. Al
though Dodges are now selling at an
advance of $116, it would teem that
they must have 'cm.
Weston lodge No. 68, I. 0. 0. F.,
has elected the following delegates to
the grand lodge, which convenes at
Baker May 20: S. A. Barnes, J. A.
King and R. H. King.
The Women's Missionary society of
the Methodist church met with Mrs.
Ella Lavender Wednesday to pre
pare the blocks for "friendship
quilt." Names for the quilt will be
secured during the coming months.
Ed and Sid Tucker were here with
their respective families this week
from Holdman for a few days' visit.
Ed has 350 acres in wheat on his
Holdman holdings and reports a
good crop outlook in that neighbor
hood. Sid is foreman of the Peter
Weidert ranch.
The flower garden of Mrs. Fannie
McBride on North Water street pre
sents a very attractive appearance at
this season of the year. Bright-hued
hyacinths vie with gay narcissus aid ;
Jonquils in calling attention to their George Ashwotrh, one of the spry
beauty. Mrs. McBride possesses one est of Weston's "three score and ten
of the choicest bulb plots In the contingent, has been busy mis v.ce
city. garnering' with
tritus in his
installed in their new home, the L.
Seward residence on South
street The residence
fllf I i
Li ti VviVJVg&at ill (iVll w
T? v n
LfcftWsataJ IhsMM WlattJ WHsl sT nsj Lstttfsl MsJ km&r $KsM4 skesl MuT
Weston. Oregon
BrHffi wsaxsmsm
a raKe unsignuy ue-door-yard.
Now and
then he pauses from nis woors 10
Water comment with passers-by
(Telephone 83.) Monday, Wed.
and Friday evenings by
i Liberty Bonds I
II. GOODWirJ. Duiggist
on the
. . . . i A :1
Franklin vvmmsicai moons ut npiu.
street which they vacated is ecu- The National ueograpmc wago
pied by iU new owners, Mr. and Mrs. tine is placed every month in the lo
Iven O'Harra, who have moved in cal library through the generosity of
from the country. His pioneer cro- Mrs. W. A. Barnes. Anyone desiring
nies are glad to have Iven handy for to read this splendid publication can
conversational purposes. secure it by calling at the library.
John Bonewiti is the "lucky man" Mrs. R. Morrison drove in from
to securo by purchase the attractive the ranch Wednesday to fill up the
Dr. Watts residence property on larder of her bachelor maids, and to
south Water street, consisting of a exchange fashion hints and choice
commodious residence and seven and cooking recipes with - her town
one-half lots. Dr. Watts retains the friends.
little library building on the corner, Mrs. Susan Tucker is having the
and will move it to his lot on Main interior of her cottage on Normal
street next the postoflkc. For the heights re-papered and decorated,
present it will contiue to be available Elder John Bonewiti is superintend
for library purposes. ing the renovation.
N. C. Jansen of Portland was hero Mrs. Harry Shick arrived this week
last week on business visit and from Forest Grove to attend her hus
was a guest at the home of Dr. band, who is recovering from a se-
Watts. Mr. Jansen is at the head vere attack of mumps,
of a concern which has fifteen drill- The joyous spring song of the
ing outfits in operation in different rod-shafted flicker adds another de
parts of the country, and is also lightful note to the merry-making of
well drilling superintendent with the the vernal season.
l lunches! i
An absolutely safe invest
ment. If you have money to in
vest, buy Liberty Bonds from U3.
If you sell Liberty Bonds, sell
to us.
We buy and sell Liberty Bonds.
Any denomination $50 $100
James L. Elam
Walla Walla - - Washington
Baker's Goods
Phone your dray orders,
93, or call at store.
Davis & Ellis
i IV C I
; I VI. al. u.
g t
Veterinary Surgeon
Phone Main 253 i
Preston-Shaffer Mjjlinj Co.
Established 1865
Athena, Oregon . Waitsburg, Wash.
American Beauty
Pure White
Made of selected bluestem in one of the
best equipped mills in the Northwest.
Sold in Weston by
Weston Mercantile Compa ny
f. P. & S. railway. He lately struck
water on the Watts & Rogers hold
ings near Washtucna at a depth of ployed on
(516 feet after two years of persist- farm.
cnt effort. A broken formation ren
dered operations difficult.
At the recent meeting of Weston
Memorial association S. A. Barnes
was elected president to fill the va
cancy caused by the resignation of th Collins mm
Dr. watts, xne nonor was practi
cally forced on Mr. Barnes, and the
fact that he accepted it has occa
sioned general satisfaction. The
Memorial hall picture shows will be
conducted along the same lines as
Luther Shellenberger was here
Sunday from Helix, where he is em-
thc Mrs. Minnie Walker
Frank English, one of the substan
tial farmers of Weston mountain,
was in town Monday.
Sidney Barnes was up Sunday from
Pendleton, where he is employed in
Mrs. F. C. Fitxpatrick is confined
to her home this week with an attack
of tonsilitis.
Try Mitchell's Magic Marvel, the
Wash Day Wonder. A. Phillips,
Each dollar saved is another step higher on the ladder of
future independence. Any man can earn money, but only
he who can save is the successful man.
No matter how small your first deposit might be you owe it
to yourself to start saving now small beginnings become
big endings and we welcome your account.
at present, and Worth Watts con- state agent.
tinues as operator. President Barnes
has signed for new line of come
dies. The local temple of Pythian Sisters
held a most enjoyable session Mon
day evening In Society hall. The cold
Misses Lottie Brandt, Ruby Price
and Wavel O'Harra; Mrs. Mary Mc
Gibbon 'and Carl Botndt, Herman
Mrs. W. L. Rayborn is quite ill this
week with a troublesome throat af
fection. Mrs. J. M. Ashworth has been
quite ill the past week with a heavy
O'Harra and Marvin Adkins were in- Estimate Furnished Free og All
itiated into the order. Miss Ruby
Price contributed several piano num
bers that were a pleasing feature of
the evening's entertainment. At a
late hour a bountiful lunch was serv
ed, bringing to a close an affair of
keen delight to all present
Kinds of Work.
'All Work Guaranteed.
Phone No, 433 - Freewater, Or.
Independence is what our forefathers fought for it's what
you should save for get a Liberty Bell Bank today.
The Fanners Bank ol Weston
r i