Weston- EADER WESTON, OREGON. FRIDAY, APRIL 0, 1920 NUMBER 45 VOLUME 42 OUTLAW KILLS ONE OF POSSEAND PAL Deputy Sheriff Killed In Duel And Companion Slain In Flight. Bwttle Two rttfit no of thm Deputy Hliorlff l(iil)irt (', Hrott, for nirly of Portland-- dad. and thrlr slayer li the hunted quarry of more than 400 pollci-mmi, ileiuitLn and apec'lal officer s the result of arl uf daring aulomubll robuurlr Haturday nlahl. which had tlio silling a Ihnlr rlimai. Tb police rrrillt thf crime to "lllarklv," an uuUaw ami iIiuh ailiilrl, known In tlm ofllcor only by .the nick name fnstniit.il ou hint by fnllow crooks, Klmer fail)', aaWI In hava bon the second member of "lllacklo'a" lis int. la Ilia twuml dead uiaa. Police ay "Illarkle" killed blm and alrlpped lilra of Ma ahar In the lout of tlx auto mobile rnbberlra committed by the lalr durin the nlrht. faunlit with a companion In the art of holding up motorist! along Hie vat ley road, the bandit opened on a W'X of deputy aherlffa. killing nobert C. Bcoll. whmn they robbed. Then speed Ing toward the city In a command eered rar driven under compulsion by Karl M. Kb, one tuiidlt idiot and killed Rimer C'ady. hi! bandit pal, rob bing the body and leaving It In the rar when he kapvd from the mar blue and dlaappeared at First avenue aud Pike atreit. Club Has Delightful Afternoon Mra. K. M. Smth. extended delight ful hospitality when alio entertained the Saturday Afternoon club at her home, April 3. Flower appropriate to tlio Eauter season decked the rooma, lemlinir an attractive note to the scene. Roll call wa! answered by quotation! on Spring. At tho close of the bunineaa session program num ber! wero glvrn a follow: Vocal solo-Mr. E. M. Smith. Ukca of Killnmcy Mm. L. R. Van Winklo. i Cork-Mr. FD. Wutts. River Shannon - Mm. W. S. Price. An Faster motif was developed in tho refreshment served by Mradame N. P. Hennct and II. Goodwin. Cov era were laid at an attractively ap pointed table, centered with a alatc ly Ranter lily, for twelve member! and two guest Mm. A. G. Fink of Parma, Idaho, and Mrs. Mnry C. Me Neo. The April 17th meeting of tho or ganisation will be held at tho homo of Mm. S. A. Ilnmea, and a full at tendance is desired, as the annuul election of ofllceri in scheduled for that dote. Mr. and Mm. C. F. Bulflneh re turned Tuesday from Hot Lake. Shoo repairing. Call at residence, North Broad street. K. T. Wicker. at once Second -Hand Sad dles. We will trade new saddles for old ones. $1.00 per set. Harness -Store (Phone 122) Milton Oregon whitman Assails Non-ParUzan League 'l.u i'i.nifra Non-Partiaan Politl. cul league is not a .'ernier' organlxa tlon," declared Arthur Fouler, North Dakota farmer, In an addreaii at Pen dleton, Saturday night to wheat grower of Pendleton and virlnity. "The farmer furnish the money, but vote ai they am told. The organlxa lion aland for elate aorialiim, the name old socialistic pill with a dif ferent sugar roatlng. They have been at work in North Dakota for five year and it will toko 60 yeara to rrpltir the damage they have done in that state. "Oregon will be Invaded by organ isers by June 1, we are told," Mr. Fouler said. "These people expand In the inol "nt, insidious manner. 1 hey do nut visit tho town nor !o they herald their coming with pub licity. Highly trained urguuUcrs vU it tho fa nm i in their own field or at their home. In North Dakota they arc known a the Non-1 'artisan league, in Waslhngton they are the Triple Alliance and in Oregon their atari wa made a the '.and and La bor league. Whatever the gula In which they come, give them no mon ey and writo them no check, for money it their power." Mr. Foster, early a homoatcder in North Dakota, recently moved hii family to Portland ao that hi chil dren might not be obliged to attend the achoola controlled by thla party in hi home state, lie i now touring the agricultural district! of Oregon, at the request of the Stale Taxpayer! league, aya the F.ast Oregonian, to warn againt the coming of the Non Partisan organitation, which, he de clare!, ha eaten tho heart out of hia own ital. The approach of the Non-Partiaan organixer i unpretentiou. An auto tqroe Into the farmer' gat, a man steps out and auk for a moment of tho farmer' time. Ho present hia plan aa one of cooperation, .in which moet farmem, Mr. Fouler raid, are interested. Then the "robber" tactic of banker, merchant and big bul noss are breached. Ae an antidote for these evils, the farmers can pay fid for a year"! membemhlp In thi! organixation and join In a fight to put banker, merchant! ami all out of Iheir gouging buinc. Two thou mnd farmem in Clarka county and 1000 In Klickitat county, Waxhing on, have already aigned with thi! Triple Alliance, Mr. Foster uid. Each hits Jpaid hi $IH to "rtform tho eco nomic and political condition." Tho Non-PartUan movement in North Dakota had it! beginning in a dUxatisfaltion among wheat grower becaue of the dockage charged off by terminal warehouse! at St. Paul und Duluth, according to the speaker. Morrow County Lands Morrow County Farm Lands offer better Inducement to investor at present price than any other wheat section In Eastern Oroiron or Wash ington. We have hirpo tracts attractive prices, near the Douglas and Brown holdings. We invitu you to com and see them. Andy and Rufo hnvo nmdo godd nnd their lands havo doubled in price. Wo are pioneer of Morowr county and know all the lands. Correspondence solicited. HYMER & HALE Real Estate. (Seo Hale in Weston this week.) A Big Picture Saturday. Tho big super picture for this week at tho Standard Theater, comes Saturday, (tomorrow) night, when tho grcnt screen production, Malo and Female, will bo shown In nine reels. This is .one of the season's greatest pictures , and has but recently been shown in the theaters of the large cit ies. For Sunday night the offering will bo Douglas Fairbanks in "Mr. Fixit," and you can leavo it to Doug, to do tho fixing. Huge Natural Cross. In the remote recesses of tho Blue Mountains in Eastern Oregon, Storrs Lyman of Dayton, a former scientific student Of Whitman College, has dis covered -a hug natural cross -which he has named , in honor of the college, Tho WhitmanCroM, He found it at the tip of a'jagged peak" in the wild est part of the mountains,, and made a photograph of it which he enlarged and has presented to the college. Strawberries until frost Kellogg Everbearing atrawberies, $ l.Op per hundred plants. Have shortcake and berries for table uso all summer. Call at the DeGraw residence. " - Transformation mi ihi j i ' i i i i ' hi Mr The Senior Class of Weston High School will give a three-act farce comedy "Safety First" Friday evening, April 16, at Memorial Hall ORDINANCE NO. 260. An Ordinance authorizing the Com mon Council of Tho City of Weston, Oregon, to borrow on the faith and credit of The City of Wcton, Ore gon, tho sum of Five Thousand ($5,000.00) Dollars, for tho pnyment of tho costs of repairs and improve ments to the Water System of The City of Weston, Oregon, and to sub mit the same to the taxpayers of the City of Weston for their approval. The People of The City of Weston do ordain as follows: Section 1. Tho Common Council of The City of Weston, Oregon, is here by granted and shall have power and authority to borrow on tho faith and credit of Tho City of Weston, Ore gon, tho sum of Five Thousand ($5,000.00) Dollars to be used in tho payment of the costs of improve ments and repairs to be made to the water system of thuCity of Weston, and for the payment of any and all outstanding warrants and other evi dences of indebtedness incurred on We've got a fight no, five of them on our hands In Pendleton, Satur day night From the Arst "shake hands" by Denver Ed. Martin, refer ee, to the final gong of the 10 round - headliner between Hurry Casey and Johnny Noye. every one of the 34 rounds will be a real battle. Look these over: Sailor Ritchie Davis vs. Soldier White Jimmy Duffy vs. Frakie Fontana Smiley Fulgham vs. Red Young Buddy Stevens vs. Gene Bartcll JOHNNY NOYE vs. HARRY CASEY Pendleton Post, American Legion, is staging this card for the sport lovers of Umatilla county and all the buddies from the service. The first bout begins at 9 o'clock sharp the place is Happy Canyon arena. Write or phone today for your soot to THE COZY or CHARLES CO. ' Ringside $5.50 Grandstand $3.S5 and $2.20 War tax included. accourt of said water system; and the said Common Council of the City of Weston shall have full power and authority to pledge the faith and credit of tho said City of Weston for the wid sum of Five Thousand ($5,000.00) Dollars and to enter into any and all agreements necessary to secure the said sum of $5,000.00, by the sale of bonds or otherwise. Section 2. This ordinance shall not take effect or bo in forco until the same hss been submitted to a vote of the taxpayers of The City of Weston at a special election and shall have re ceived a majority of tho legal votes cast at said election, in -.favor of its adoption. Passed the Common Council of The City of Weston, Oregon, this 7th day of April. 1920. Approved April 7, 1920. J. M. BANISTER. Mayor. Attest: C. W. AVERY, Acting Recorder. Butter Wraps at Leader office. "Over the Hill" Mr. and Mr. II. McArthur hava re turned from a winter residence in California, to their home at 681 East Ankeny street, Portland. One of the latest addition to the equipment of the watu & Roger Etore, i revolving screw rack. Chance can explain it to you. Mm. David Taylor i in very poor health, at her home on South Firit street. Her niece, Mm. Etta Gerking, will remain and make her home with Mm. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Jair.es McLean thi wutk ma'ic another trip to Portland, wher.3 they took their little child to a bpeciuliht for treatment. They were accompanied by Will McLean. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Ilawortli Klarted Saturday for their Spokane ranch, expecting to visit en route with relatives at Pomeroy and Colfax. They shipped their household goods and made the trip in a Ford car. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph II. Templeton recently married in Seattle, were vis itors in Athena for a short time Tues dny. Mr. Templeton i aa old ac quaintance of Attorney II. I. Watts, having been room mate at U. of O. Mr. Templeton returned to Seattle to adjust affairs before he and hi wife make a trip East Mr. and Mrs. John Keen arrived in Athena Monday and are guests at the homo of their daughter, Mrs. Fred Gross. Mr. Keen and wife have been on an extended tour through east ern and southern states, spending the latter part of their visit in Califor- nia. They will go from here to their home near the state line. Mr. and Mm. Wm. Sbrimpf have moved into their newly purchased home, the Mansfield residency cor- . . ! tk ner of Fourth and Jefferson The w.. u. ,,., j ., decorated and Mr. and Mr. Schrmf ..ill lu. t.!....l..r ciftiatnl in thaii- M', home. They sold the residence in the north part of town to Mr. Kibbe. An ovation was tendered the fu ture principal oi tiw nign sciiooi, i ro- lessor uadiey. vm?, wnen an- idente MiM DorU Barnes, Mrs. nouncement wosmndo before the stu- Proebstel Jr., Mrs. John Mar- dent body by Principal G. W. Hall, yi fice; secretary. Mrs. Herman that the present assistant principal Goodwin. treasurer. Mrs. E. M. War had been retained by the school board wtu to head the school next year. The en- Gameg ,ppropiiate to -All Foob' thuiiastic and vociferous reception day wen then introdu cU8ir of tho news should have occasioned time pass nlerriiy; i . written some satisfaction to Mr. Hadley, aur- contest upon the subject, "The Most uring well for a harmonious years FooIish rhing i Ever Did." Mis work. Principal Hall goes to Haines, Rintouj was awarded the Baker county, as head of the school priie Mrs G UeGmw ,d Mrs. L. there. , - S. Wood acted as judges of manu- scripts. Cramped Quarters at 0. A. C - The closing hour was spent In ,, . ... . friendly converse around the tea-ta- Miss Ruth Stewart, writing at O. , . . n.,j . . .. ' t tables, a dainty collation being serv- A, in cummenmis upon wo (ivv ' ', 4 . . ,. , need for voters to support the mill- oge tax measure, among other inter- esing facts, gives the following: "The seventy-five Umatilla county students at O. A. C. are victims of the crowded conditions prevailing nere on account ui mueijuuw j . - ... j ,,j.,i niOOailOllS lur Hie hiv,i:oii o.uw. , enrollment. . mumty M "The boys have hard work keep- " , ing their heads under roof. There is For Sale-2000 acres, mostly all fa only one dormitory for them. Of cultivation; 900 sown to Turkey red course the frats taSe care of many, wheat All fenced; good houser but the rest must shift for them- barn, plenty of water; two miles to selves, and when there is no place for elevator. Price $45.00 an acre. For them to Shift to they leave school, list and particulars write to M. Fitx Homcs have been opened to the stu- maurice, Condon, Oregon. dents, among them, that of , Prof. Horner. "Mr. Horner drove cattle over the a vounir man.and now he recounts many interesting storite about that "Of the five from Athena, three of us, Hazel Sanders, Kathren Froomo and myself know that they conserve heat, for every night the heat is turn ed off at 8:20. Here the nights are cold and we are compelled to sit in our cold rooms and study until 10 or 10:30. The heat does not come on until 6:30 in the morning. But this is only one evidence of curtailment in expense of operation due to insuf ficient funds to operate the state ed ucational institutions." So boost ' for the millage tax measure and help us out" ' -', , Water for LaMar School. A forty-four foot well has been drilled out at LaMar school house, and a good quality of water was se .,! Mr , West nf Iji Grande did the drilling and, the surface water was' cased out, thus insuring a good supply pf pure drinking ater. Two good prospective buyers are nibbling- at my home place nere in Weston. You'd better beat them to it F. D. Watts. M. D. FRENCH TROOPS CROSS HH1HE Cities fif Darmstadt and Frank- fort Are Occupied With out Opposition. Mayence. At t:20 o'clock Today morning French tanks entered Frank fort. Ihey were followed by a batta lion cf sharpshooter! and a company of engineers and these troop occupied strategic point and the railroad stay Uoo. The French found in Frankfort only a email German force, left there to afford police protection for the peo ple. Tbo occupation of the city was a mere military march and wa not at tended itf any fighting. Darmstadt wa entered ihortly after ward by French force. The German, government garrison of that city hod left at midnight to avoid contact wltfe the French. General De Gotifte ha Issued a pre clamatlon to the cltle and town witV In the area to be occupied, decUrlng French trooD have crossed the Rhine r.innrt 1 1 m m VN.rn.nl with 111 A miUM and asserting there 1 no hostile tnV ' tent toward the people of that regies. Ladies' Guild Eects Officers For the first time in several months the members of All Saints' KTfld assembled April 1 to enjoy one ?J theTir delightful afternoon parUe. "VJ- ? U "Z at the home of Mrs. Price. The ... . . . . . rooms were gay with bright spring blossoms presenting . dec.deoV eon trast to the snow and cold prevail- ,out of d. A short, busines session was held, and officer were elected as follow for the ensuing year: prudent, Mrs. L. S. Wood; vice jt.ii. u t . r..... .k. ed by the hostesses. Guests other A . . . R. than club members were: DeGraw, Mrs. Fisk Sr. and Mrs. F. C. Fitzpatrick. Mrs. C. E. Fisk and Mis Doris Barnes will be hostesses for the May 6th meeting of the guild, which win , .... tU :i rim- be held in the social room of Cun DR. W. II. REYNOLDS Chiropractic Nerve Specialist Rooms 1 and 2, Inland Empire Bank Building, Pendleton, Oregon Phone 1018 Hours 10 to 12 a. m.-l:30 to 6 p. m. HEMSTITCHING DEPARTMENT A. M. JENSEN CO. Hemstitching. Pecot, Chain Stitch- mg Embroidery, uraiamg, riam Stitching, Button Hole and Button Covered, Pleating. MRS. C. E. FERGUSON Phcne 936, Wralla Walla, Wash. ELECTRIC SUPPLIEf AND i WIRING Estimates Furnished Free on AU Kinds of Work. All Work Guaranteed. FREEWATER ELECTRIC SUPPLY HOUSE Phone. No. 433 - Freewater, Or. Eye.GIass Service Phone 436-J DR. A. M. SIMMONS Eye signt Specialist, PenUnd BMg, Over Tallman Drug Store Pendleton, Oregon. i