The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, April 02, 1920, Image 4

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    Notice to Subscribers
New Ford touriiiit car. First come,
first nerved. Liberty Auto Co.
H. L. Hedrlek, manager of the
Overland Sale Co., was up from
Pendleton Monday.
J. F. Snider, local dialer, sold a
Dotlpe touring ear this week to Mel
ville Johns of Athenn.
Fresh flowers from Pair's Green
house every Friday at the residence,
of Mrs. N. Loveridgc.
J. A. Lumsdeh has bought the Mc
Bride Bros, alfalfa tract of 35 acres
on Tine creek below town.
Driving a new Buick car, George
Winn returned yesterday from Pen
dleton, where he has been serving on
the grand jury.
Mrs. II. March, formerly of Wes
ton, was the guest yesterday of Mrs.
Ivcn O'Harra. Mrs. March is now
residing in Freewater.
Somebody is going to Ret the A.
Thillipa barn at comer Wasihngton
and Main streets and get it soon. Put
in your bid. E. C Rogers or F. D.
Gratifying reports are heard this
week as to the condition of C. E.
Fisk, whose long and dangerous ill
ness appears to be nearing a favor
able close.
Strawberries until frost. Kellogg
Everbearing strawberies, $ 1.00 per
hundred plants. Have' shortcake and
berries for table use all summer. Call
at the DeGraw residence.
W. L. Rayborn came down from the
mountain ranch last Thursday to
spend several days in town, visiting
his family, and to shard in the ex
citement attending the Weston Mer
cantile Co.'s guessing contests.
N. P. Johnson is here from Spok
ane, visiting old friends and scenes.
Liking activity , Mr. Johnson, who
has retired from farming in Alberta,
"makes hand" during the selling
rush at the Weston Mercantile Co.'s
Chiropractic Nerve Specialist
Rooms 1 and 2, Inland Empire Bank
Building, Pendleton, Oregon
Phone 1018
Hours 10 to 12 a. m.-l:30 to 5 p. m.
Hemstitching, Pecot, Chain Stitch
ing Embroider-, Braiding, Plain
Stitching, Button Holes and Buttons
Covered, Pleating.
Phone 036, Walla Walla, Wash.
If lliis notice i marked it iuU
lies that your subscription expire
April 1, 1920. We VoulJ nuL
gratefully appreciate your prompt
Subscription rt ly tho year,
f2.00; nix rromtlw, J1.00; threv
months, 50 ccuf.
Tho Loader is invariably ilisctm
tinuctl at expiration.
Elder Hiram Smith of Ashland,
Oregon, who conducted meetings
lust week at the Church of the
Brethren, was a guest of Elder John
Bonewiti during his stay. It per
haps need not be explained that no
connection is surmised between his
visit and the diappcaranec of an en
tire ham the last in the house
from the lioncwit home. The ham
did disappear, however, and Mr. Ron
ewiu is hopeful that its taker's con
science will not permit of his keep
ing it should he chance to read this
item and find that it is a preacher's
property. Had it not been stolen,
more ham would have been available
for Elder Smith's plate.
James Kirq'.rick expresses grat
ification over the discovery that
"some honest men are left in the
country" "Kirk" dropped a purse
in the store of the Weston Mecrantile
Co. during one of its most crowded
sales days, and later got it back to
gether with the $15 it contained his
name being' in the purse on a lodge
receipt. Leon Lundell found and re
stored it.
For Sale 2000 acres, mostly all in
cultivation; 900 sown to Turkey red
wheat. All fenced; good house,
barn, plenty of water; two miles to
elevator. Price $43.00 an acre. .For
list and particulars write to M. Fitz-
maurice, Condon, Oregon.
Trajan Tucker reports that in
opening mountain potato pita consid
erable loss is found to have resulted
from the December frees Some
resettling of grain will have to be
done in his neighborhood.
Mrs. Susan Tucker left Wednesday
morning for Redmond, having been
called there by the illness of her
daughter, Mrs. J. O. Wood.
Estimates Furnished Free on All
Kinds of Work.
All Work Guaranteed.
Phone No. 433 - Freewater, Or.
Ere.GIass Service Phone 136-J
Eye Sight Specialist, Penland Bldg.,
Over Tallman Drug Store
Pendleton, Oregon.
at once
Second - Hand Sad
dles. We will trade
new saddles for old
Harness Oiled for
$1.00 per set.
; IVbilman s
Harness Store
(Phone 122)
Milton - - Oregon
(N. P. Bonnet. D. M. D.)
Decayed or infected teeth, while
not giving any perceptible annoy
ance to their owner,, may be the
cause of many and varied disorders
of the human system.
One or more foci, or areas of in
fection an abscess, commonly
known as an ulcer may exist at
the end of a tooth root, and although
not being manifested for several
years may be the direct cause of
any of the following ailments: Ar
thritis, which is gout or any joint
inflammation; neuralgia; many stom
ach disorders; insomnia, or wakeful
ness; kcadaches; nephritis, which is
inflammation of the kidneys; myo
carditis, or inflammation of the mus
cles of the heart; nervousness.
These areas of infection, including
pyorrhea pockets around the teeth
and gums, have only one outlet if
left untreated which is, of course,
through the' body. This naturally
renders the system weaker when it
Li called upon to combat any pre
vailing epidemic, such as typhoid fe
tfer, smallpox, Spanish influenza or
whatever the disease may be.
One can readily realize the import
ance of the early treatment and cure
of these harmful agents, constantly
tearing down and weakening the hu
man system.
Memorial Hall Election
At the annual meeting Monday of
Weston Memorial Association J. II.
Price was elected president, Hey
Winn vice president, Mrs. H. Good
win secretary, C. L. Pinkerton treas
urer. G. W. Staggs, F. C. Fitzpat
rick and S., J. Culley were chosen
directors. These, together with the
officers, constitute a board of seven
in whom the Memorial hall manage
ment is vested.
Upon motion of S. A. Barnes the
retiring president, Dr. V. D. Watts,
was paid the compliment of a unan
imous rising vole for re-election, as
a tribute to his earnest and untiring
efforts the past year in behalf of the
community hall enterprise. The
brunt of the motion picture manage
ment has been borne by the doctor,
who in this as in other respects has
shown a whole-hearted devotion. He
explained that he could not continue
with the duties of president, as ho is
about to move to a neighboring
town, but would ever take an interest
in the hall's welfare. ,
A good representation of the mem
bership attended in response to offi
cial call. Voting was done in the old
town meeting style, without nomi
nations. An hour or more of ballot
ing was required to elect the seventh
It is reported that the president
elect is unwilling to qualify, and
that another meeting may be held
soon in order to fill this important
i W
We are confident this selling event has never been equalled in Umatilla
county. This is not an ordinary sale. We were told by a great many
that the sale could not be a success at this time, and that the best we
could wish for would be a couple of days selling. We are now on the
eighth day of the sale, and the receipts are heavier than was anticipat
ed on the opening day.
tarm a m am nrv ni W m If II
There is a reason for the remarkable success of this sale. It is no se
cret; here it is: honest merchandise, live and let live prices. Mmd you,
we have not advertised to give away nor are we giving away merchan
dise, but we are quoting
rices mwi
d lieacH of mpemion
There is a reason why we can quote these ridiculously low prices
and yet break even on our merchandise. The main reason for
this is that the buyer of this concern has used rare judgment in
selecting the goods carried throughout the store. A great part of
the stock was bought previous to the recent advancing prices.
Those who buy at this sale are benefited by this.
Sale will continue until the desired amount of cash is raised. The ex
tra specials that we are giving away each day are, to say the least,
most profitable. We urge you to remain every remaining day of the
sale, and buy all you can.
ft. . 3 im ?-a 'i p-
Weston, Oregon