Safety in F limit we Unlike other merchandise you can not !c too careful in buying furniture. "Safety lli-Ht" has a very deep meaning when applied to furniture. Compare our Quality and prices. You can buy in our store wit!) your mind at ease. We enjoy the distinction of be ing truly the "Home of Home Outfits" because of the advantages we offer and the policies of this institution. We guarantee our Homo Needs to give nerfect satisafction and to be priced as low as possible consistent with that Quality. Vho Davis - Kaser Co. COMPLKTK HOME FURNISHERS 10-20 Alder St. (OJd Follows Temple) Walla Walla. 'if BREVITIES One of the happy evrnU of last VWWTiW week was the birthday celebration Jj of Mrs. Martha Van Winkle, whone U ftOth birthday anniversary waa oh- f served March 24. Several friend S called to extend convratulutiona, in- U dulge in happy reminiscence and partake of cup of tea and portion of birthday cake. No one derived Dr. N. P. Uennnt, dentiat. Phone No. 83, Weiton. No. 1 alfalfa aecd at 45 cent the more pleasure from the affair than pound. Watt Ri(er. the hastes herself, whose keen wit Joo Blomgren la quite III at hi "dded pi'iuant note to tale of pi farm home with an attack of tonail- oneer day. Those participating In t, the afternoon' festivitie were: Mia Vir. Morrlaon i confined to Memlamee WiUon and Carder, of a troublcom throat "J"1- M ' Phinnev. Mr. Jack Chapin, Mr. her home with alfection. Mi Vida Stagg wa a week-end vliltor from Pendleton at the E. W. Achillea home. The J. E. McDaniel cottage on Water trect 1 to be remodeled, re painted and otherwiae improved. me a. rniuip Darn at mu corner renU on tno of Washington and Main street 1 w m.rriaifo BUTTER WRAPS at Leader Shop One hundred 1 50 Each additional hundred 0 75 TERMS CASH ONLY William Drown and Mr. L. R. Van Winkle. Fred W. Kleeae and family ar rived Tueaday from Seattle and will occupy the mountain farm vacated by Fred McNcff. At one timo Mrs. Klcese mado her home with her pa- came farm, prior to Undeterred by the for aale. Inquire of K. C. Roger hlh ei m. vieesc nlan or F. D. Watta. ciiifatfo in potato raising rather After an lllne of acveral week heavily thi year. He contemplate from rheumatism, I. C. Ilopkina i planting 25 acre thi ipring. He reported to be improving at hia home jjkc the Wenton country, it cli on the mountain. innto and it people, and any he i Word wa received Iat week from glad to aidetep the fog that is too Mr. and Mr. C. F. Bulfinch that prominent a feature of Sound win thcy are being greatly benefitted by ter. their iojourn at Hot Lake sanatar- Whether seeking a cozy place to ium. build a next among the attractive Where can you match it? A choice greenery of the conervatory, or home, facing tho eat, on wcat aide lured thither by a melodious Chan State Highway. Big walnut and ma- on du Soir being played upon the plo tree. The Watta home for piano, a Chinese phcasunt bolted ab- $3200. ruptly through n mi K.... J Mnnii.v of Mr. Lilian from a trip to Colfax. He went up venlnir. and instantly became that way to "see the country," but ntcr attraction. An exam ran Into now.torm and decided to tioB disclosing no cut or bruises, beat retreat - ...A Pair of... The World-Renowned HOOSIER C The Time and Labor Saver Vacuette SUCTION VACUUM SWEEPER A PLEASURlSyrO SHOW THEM ROSS FURNITURE STORE ETI window in the home Frederick lat Mon- THE WESTON MILLS will ROLL, GRIND or CLEAN your grain, and will give prompt atten tion to orders for anything in its line. International Stock and Poultry Food Hay, Rolled Barley, Oats, Wheat and Millfecds. Chicken Feeds, includ ing Corn, Wheat, Scratch Food, Bone, Shell, Grit, Meat Scraps and Fgg Mash. Try a Sack of our Popular Graham. J. A. LUMSDEN - - Proprietor Prof. F. C. Fitspatrick wa in La Grande lat week attending a gath ering of educators. He left for Spokane Tuesday of thi week on a busincs visit Mr. Sarah A, i visiting at the home of her daugh ter, Mr. M. W. Pederen. Mr. Jone will alo be entertained by a daughter in Pendleton. the bird was taken to the open and liberated apparently highly satis fled and not bit abashed by its ad venture. Several Weston citizens have re ceived letters thia week asking them to represent the University of Jone of Portland Oregon in thi locality. Thcjt will secure data for the records of the late-wide urvey as to mental de fect, delinquency and dependency which the legislature requested at its McKin W. R. Utah GOAL CANDO Dry ileachara WOOD Your orders solicited, and will be promptly filled at right price. Phone 272 Of 93. WESTON TRANSFER CO. GILBERT G. ELLIS, Mgr. Surely Suitable After returning from a trip to hurt session. They are: Dr. Salt Lake City F. G. Lucas, local ney, Mayor Banister, Rev. realty operator, left this week for Storms, Clark Wood, school Spokane and Wcnatchee. "Luke is intendent and teachers. super- by way of being aome traveler. While carrying the mountain mail last Saturday Jim Jones had to buck anowdrifta In the region of Tamar ack church. Snow had fallen to a depth of about five inches on a level. Mrs. Ine Young, whose husband died from influents February 4 last at Burley, Idaho, has now had the misfortune to lose her infant daugh ter. Death called the little one a few days ago. Emest March runs a small band of "blanket sprouts." 50 head in all, The best home bargain in Weston. Dr. Watta' place for $3200. Wall telephone for sale. Inquire at this office. A Fine Private library One of the most interesting expe riences which Weston accords to the book-lover is a visit to the library of Henry Schroeder. Unpretentious as is the cottage of this ingenious car penter, nevertheless it shelters a li brary such as few private homes are For years the WESTON CASH MARKET ' FRESH MEATS OF ALL KINDS HIGHEST CASH PRICES PALO FOR LIVESTOCK. HIDES. PELTS, &c. HASS & SAUER SHOWING SOME SWELL SPRING SUIT SAMPLES WESTON BATHS, BARBER and TAILOR SHOP R. L. Reynaud i 1 A.W.LIHU. X x x J privileged to possess. t. has kndm ftntrttCfA in f ol IfM't 1 II t? at his Dry creek farm, and believe . . . authors, of PWAVAV.VAVAVAViVAVAVAW that they will prove to be a profit- ujiform ,ile and binding, so that the ule investment. Me nas neany nn- thB hplvp in verv fgf - HAT . BR1TE FOR COLORING OLD AND NEW STRAW HATS EASY TO APPLY ' ATTRACTIVE COLORS II, GOODWIN, Druggist I Preston-Shaffer Milling Co. Established 1865 Athena, Oregon . Waitsburg, Wash. American Beauty and Pure White Made of selected bluestem in one of the best equipped mills in the Northwest. Sold In Weston by Weston Mercantile Company ln.Ktn ufith ei ivinrr an IB II III miilwiUKf m '! tfrnfHv of nearly 120 percent "Books," remarked Mr. Schroeder, Ostensibly here for recreation, J. .. a wor,j. There is much of W. Jones was perhaps persuaded corarort and consolation to be found by his "better half that he would Jn them Their friendship is never do well to get busy during his stay. estnmgej and outlives all others. At all events, he has been wielding Tho igf part of every man's cdu a paint brush with good results at cu,jon j, that which he gives him his domicile on Franklin street. 8ciff ana it is for this that a good Succulent young onions have ap- library furnishes the opportunity and peared in the local markets. This tne means." favorite spring relish is regarded by Although Mr. Schroeder is a bachc sorne epicures to bo at its best ac- iorj ,e jg never lonely nor unhappy, companied by thin slices of bread uis friends on tho shelf provide and butter and eaten largely at mid- picnty of entertainment and are like night, after society has done its ullto fat aaiilng ships which waft worst. him away from present cares to the The II. A. Dowds are .having a de- Fortunate Isles. Included in the col lightful time In the Hawaiian isles, lection are unabridged editions of where they are visiting their son-in- Carlylo, Oaudct, Thackeray, Shakes law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. But- peare, Schiller, Paul DeKock, Samuel ler Smith. They expect to be sail- Browning, Moliore, DeMaupassant, lng for the States in a few weeks, Smollett, Swedcnborg, Gautier, Gib however, and will spend some time bon, Burns and Musset. ' In addition in California before returning home, there are many volumes of philoso- .; r.t Phieal and religious works, essays '?.u.T-ZZr. and commentaries upon various ine invcrcnunii nuuu mv....v... wl be held in the Pendleton Methodist J8"- church on April 11, all day, accord- Liberty Bonds An absolutely safe invest ment. If you have money to in vest, buy Liberty Bonds from us. If you sell Liberty Bonds, sell to us. We buy and sell Liberty Bonds. Anv "denomination $50 $100 $600-11000. General Insurance and Real Estate LIFE HEALTH FIRE AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Do you want property? If to sell your it is salable 1 CAN SELL IT James Walla Walla L. Elam - Washington Dr. S. L KENI1ARD Veterinary Surgeon ? 8 ji LUNCHES ICE CREAM CIGARS CANDIES Baker's Goods Phone your dray orders, 93, or call at store. sub- The books are generously loaned to ZtoZTull: interested readers, as the owner is I . . u always willing to share his treas- the local arrangements in charge. The first session begins at 9 a. m. This Is one of the conferences which wil be held in every county In Ore gon during the early part of April. J. E. McDaniel returned Friday always willing ures with others. Phil Metschan, prominent in Ore gon politics in years gone by, and manager of the Imperial hotel in Portland, died in that city last Satur- from hi winter' sojourn in Call- day. : Mr. Metschan held the office of fornla, wearing a smile that refuses state treasurer for a number of to come off except upon grave provo- terms. Eetiring from office and pol cation. Hia rheumatism was greatly itics a number of years ago, with his benefitted by the climatic change, sort, Phil Metschan Jr., he has since Jim was In San Diego for a time and conducted the Imperial, and made it met Joe Clodius, who has grown the favorite hostelry of Eastern Ore more nortly than ever. Joe ha de- gon visitor in the metropolis. velopcd into an enthusiastic San Di ego booster. March 30th marked the return of tho graceful tree swallow, the first of this species of birds to appear in our locality and likewise the first to leave after its young are reared. Miss Mabel Colvln, an enthusiastic admirer of America's feathered creatures, comments upon the swal low's beauty of appearance and movement, Ita intense delight in life manifested by a 'constant twittering while performing bewildering and tireless evolutions upon the wing. Phone - Main 253 1 1 avis & EIHs 0 AS!SSSSRSSSSS33SSSSS3!SS8&8 n 3 The Fanners Bank of Weston Established 1891 TROY LAUIiDRY CO. I : Pendleton, Oregon Leave your bundles on the porch MONDAY and THURSDAY for our House-to-House Service "We Wash Everything But the Baby." Save and Pay Up Treasury Department advise that it is just as necessary to save at this time as during the war. Production is low and distribution hampered by lack of cars. - In your program of saving it might be well to visit the Weston Mercantile Co. during their sale and purchase such supplies as you may need while the ipric'e is reduced. Do not forget that Jones & Jones carry a complete, up-to-date stock of farm and home supplies. Other Weston stores have com plete stocks in their lines and The Farmers Bank is always glad to extend assistance. - One-half of your taxes should be paid before April 6th. We shall be glad to attend to this matter for you if you wish. See us before contracting a farm loan. ; 1