The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, April 02, 1920, Image 1

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Principal Events of tho Week
4 Briefly Sketched for Infor
mation of Our Readers.
A enmity tracheia' limiitutn la (n b
hi lit In Albany mi April it
! In t i)xM"i lu Inrnli H h" a li'iiill
linn hi i )- )ui imutli of 1 1 t Hirer
t'lixi jil apple storks In Id hi lli""l
Khar lll mil rM i i'i ij i mJn.HlN
Ih.. l I illv.r fuiiiilj Public
II- it 1 1 It Hi..'" lu' Inn I. .ii l i M IKJM it,
I le Hi ill i' poind nf Control ll.ll mill
III, lull) w.i,;!? nf In Nil i:ii,.l.l.l
A liM.nli r Ii i ll III Mb.Uil 'lln
trlr- fur iilili' Im. iiii In duw ii lo i i niH
II HHIlll.
M I- in lniHliir Ih In iiiii offered
I III lllllll-I Mi M In l.f Ktmclll III "gnu by
Inn ii f'i Din in Hi mult.
Thl"" r i ut. a uf I'lilume phciiioillta
barf til" ii klil'i-i In Ili inl fur ll ! 1 1
but Inn III llmrlilll"! rmlllly
Tlio animal - contention 'if tin1
Oregon Association of Master Plumber
mill Ce held H( Hal. m May 14
A largely attended Inccllng of the
.Win WllUm-lto Vailey Merrbnia'
or(lloti i In-fit In Wondbiirn
Hid me ;.: !! (inked for tho leaning
of mare limn 200 trsrta uf tient land
mi I he I'malltla Indian reservation.
Murlilnt ry h Iwn ordered fur 4
lailory In make Hwl chee In Coos
. unity. Tlil HI Uf the. firm factory
if III klml In Orgwi
Tli county roiiiiiiliiliirr of Wl
limn county bvo suthnrlxei) g Innu of
f 000 in (lii fur m bun-mi lu bo used In
buying iuirri polmm.
After lying Ml" for marly two year
during Initiation, Ih" Crait Harbor
I irvclupweui company ' copper mine at
Whln U now cpi'itliiK.
Ilulhlitig niiivHlm In MtMlimvllle
h- In gun In carneni and lixlii niloim
urn (nr one of Ih" most prosperous
year In Hi hlotory oiMlic rity.
Lumber amounting to marly liun'o..
(inn fci-t will b" ulilm.i-il from tin' t
liimtiln rltrr tn Australia. China. Cub.i
mill Mouth America, Ibiii month.
At r'l'i "I meeting IIm ioi pro
iliicem hi rniiiMil" n n.-.iilnllnii was
pM-d lb -wandlng mi lm Ipnt l'n of
I he iiiMlimln uf the Port hind t'lilou
t or krds. No sprrlfle charge '
ltoa Humphrey. 'tt 1. daughter
uf Mm, M"ille Humphrey, living cm
fiirui In the MinlowVIw district
imrihwMit or KuK' im. Ull nuiilt
of liurn umiHlm J lio Ml Into
fin (ilui-i.
'lb limtmuefi of ltfi'.tnft worth of
IuiiiiIh btgrlng a Kr n-iii lnirot. fur
tin! iiriop of erfcilni it hiiiiiUIimI
Unlit Hint vntiT plant, will b votwil
upon by til" renlnVnln of itpfbur t
ttlO M'l.v rlectlon.
vnit liaMburif houltl fiipport
n illy bawl ut !rt during thn mtm
inur immllig I tin Moulo flub l tlrvntlnl
lug pgtlllon to ttio'ctty conm:ll k
lug (lint body to tl In ntiiltiinlnliie
furli n 01'pnnliiatlou.
The mm blnhtiy will b riivn'hiH
by 1l.l44.Si." riu.'olv ml from tnotur
vohtolu rfjlulrgllon lnw';it Jnmmrjf
1 unil .NUrtli 15. nt'iordlim to
flgurrg inmlf ptibllo by Sum A. Koir,
RKnUUiit Hutrclnry of tnlo.
Tlifro maa ouo fiiullty In Ornuoo duo
to nedilisiiU fturimt llio v.crk emli'd
March ID, According u roport pro
pnred by llm ntnto IndiiKtrlnl sctldi-iit
cmnmlnilon. Tli victim w A. M.
Birih. brnki'niiin. of Kimppa.
Tin) fmii'inl "f Hogor II. Hlnnolt, bo
filed In Portland Twndiiy cvi'iilnn, fol
lowing u HiniiU'ti gllHik of limn fnll
uip, n hrld nl The Dulb'g Mumluy
fnilowlng tho grilvHl of lil brother,
Ripretirnlnltv N. J. Slnnolt.
Hcgotucei of tlio 25 ImnkM mid init
contpaiilm In tlio city of 1'ortlnnd nt
the clnso nf IiuhIik'kh on Fi'hni.iiy I!S,
1B20, tnlnlid 17S.710.0 M.3. iiocordlns
tn a repoi't pri'pnrMl by Will II. Urn
nett, glnto guprrlnti'iuli'iit of Imnk.
W. n. LfdhHl'T of Allfol bun Bold
onu of his prlzc wlimlm; Shlro mmin
to Frunk LnwlM of Mikknlo. Thu pnr
che prirti oh lomt. which Ih ono
of (he hliihr-Ht pilros over pld in
Union county amt probably In rnttern
Kevrnuen of tlio Kinuptir Vnllry
Itgllroad rnmpmiy, with h.-uilnuiirtors
Hi flgknr. will bo inrrmtiwil iHM'roxl
mntely I54,t35 gnmiHlly nH llio n'giilt
of k nw tiirlff npprovi'il In mi ordor
iHHiii'd hy Ihf Oregon publio 'wrvM
Without furthiT di-lny I ho prciildi ii
tlul cgmuulen of SMigtor Mile Poln-
i ii. .1. ('. Ileilnmnn. in vr l'polJitril
i mi. i 'i.'ii ' r fur fli' -gnu. nf llio Poln-
it- M I' 1'HlllplllNII. I'" MIllV.'ll III 10( I-
lumt Hint will marl Hi lull rolling
Mi liiiul nuperliil'-lnl' 1Mb ninl nn'Oil)r
if m hool bimrdi nf Hi" lurgi-r clllr
mid tnwiiH or tho WIIUiiH'Iti' alloy
huM' benn lnv...l b Hi" Albany
M-hnol board to ineol In Albany KM
ilny for llio piirpoao of an iiliig an fur
a poalblo upon a n ln -dubi of li-arli-inn
4larlaa for Ih" cuinlnK ) and
i iiimiderlng uthor inaiura of Intaraat
to tho acbonla.
rmili. mMc Hi-nlii' n han mnd" oa
Mppraranifi among the fliH-k In paiia
if It.'iiiiiii. I, Inn mid Marlon louiiilrn
and a K'-omiiI dipping of all nhi'i-p h(
fi'i ii'l lll M uiidfrinki-n early In lh
Pliring. Mininlliig lo an announii no ul
mud" b) li. W. II. I.yll". t.t" vi n rin
arlmi. 1 hi- tit ut bombardment group of ilia
air M-nlr" and llm I47tli iiMilron of
tin firci puttiilt Krnop. bolli uliiMmiril
it Kelly field, near Han Antonio. Texan.
wen i.'MKmil"d by Cnlonol l-'oiliet to
CO lo tli I'nelfie liorillFKt lo llel"Ct
i..rini riie lu ca a. Minimal patrola
are dinlrel.
Aa a pi. n ilili' lo eniplo; un lit la
the lleml artionlH. timinn-inra mint
her. iifti r be niitU'e burn Auierlraug, or
In Ida" of lhnM of for. I in birth, rauat
be uble to nhow pnpera tu tting forth
tln-lr iiil(imil"ii of liileintini to bo.
rmiie i ltliis, It ban b-'i'il dvtlded by
tin" dutrlet dlreitom.
Grain Grading School for Umatilla
iMoto irradinif t anipulKn in t.'mn
ti'ta tiiuuiy i plnmieil for the com
in;; miniiiHr by the fiiim rrnpa ile
!ii!!iii'iit of Oieo!i Aurii ii It oral
Ciilli't-e, acoordinjf to Georiti- Hyalop,
beuil of (lie f,..iirtiueiit. Similiter
field inMH't'iimi of tho Krojvini: vroj.a
will be niiole iilmi fur the purpoRO of
liHiitiiiii mo.mI need hiih muy Inter
I.e muinliH'inled t the futllHTS of
-.e vuunty.
"We luie in.ipivted atveral tllOUn
iin.Ii of m ria of uruin in the field biiiI
Ik jii!i litivc extiiiiilieii muny auiiijili-a
nl the toJ!e,jc," Miiit I'r)ifitii llyn.
lop. "Our mum objut in tu IovjiU'
(in :k vt unit hUuuiarli,:i! it. We mv
then utile t" vn.nmiiiin l n Mitircc of
finpply to the funnels of tlio county
thi'iiUi;h til" iniiiily intent, t'matillii
teUtile Ima !l normjil tthent em tef
l.itMn ii f'U'l Hint tiM- lno lu Is.
line H'l' i-t'tit of the wlient crop of the
t'luteil Stiiten i nmit.eteil tliioiijrh
"Wu huvo tealiil H (Treat nmotinl of
nlfiitfii eit for the western rt of
tho eounly to ileU'iminc tho Kenninn
ti.m t'H-l well us to a.sit in avoid
ing wot d pcitii in the gviil. An enor
mous amount of comcpondcnco ia re
ceived by the ilopnitmeiit ankinir for
iiifmniulion on all phases of crop
pioiim lion iiiehnliiifc' fornirc, ioluto',
niliiRe, ptiHturc nd oven cotton."
t'openhngen. KliiK Chilttan r
fuamt to comply with the ultimatum
of Iho Sn-tnl DemoiralH demaudln
tlio relitsiiilement of tlio Zahlo mln
tHtry, dlHinlHued by tho klnpt, and other
Rcilon In connection with tho govern
ment erlsla.
Horlullat and trade union reprcaon
tallvo who confermt with King Chris
tian relative lo tho crlids which has
trt!n tn IVnmark s rH of tho
dlamlaaal of Premier Zahlc'a cabinet,
demanded Immcdlalo rolnntatement of
the Zahlo mtnlHtry, an Immcdlalo call
for a liioetiuH of the H1ksi1;ii; and the
liiiroiluetlnn ome more of constitu
tional eoiiditiona lit tTTTs coimlry.
Itiichiratlmm wero mode that if
iheno demand wero rejected, all fan
Inh tr.uto iiulona would cull u meeting
wlfli a view to ileclnrinK u jjenerai
Crowds ill tlio public Ripinroa were
rnlhlii cries for tho establishment of
A republican form of novernmeiit for
New Cannon Fires Mlaailo 110 Miles.
Purl'V-Heluniaro .Miu. a lTcnch
Invelilor. sold to Iho Prom h i;oeni
meiil the psient of a newjons raiiKo
tun whb-h iiin r ihnrouiih lei-li. haB
shown it has a raiiK" of from 100 to
U'O miles.
La Cro3c, Wig., Flooded.
I.a Crosse. Wis. Uiiilroad tracks
Infilling I ;) fi'icloi les and JobbliiB bouses
iiloiiK the river front are under water.
With a sIiikV of U.S. over a foot above
flood stage, tho Mississippi la still
Ilia Spring Soup
Mr. mid Mrs. huilea N'orria were M. L. Wntti h:..i pnnhaseil tho lot
in the citv Wi-dmiolay from Walla .11 Thir.l trot oppofito Dr. Sharp's
Wnlla to iittend the funeral of David
:i'Vernitn will arriv.- tu
day from PortlnnJ, where alio ia al.
tending St. Helena Hall for the East
er vacation. . '
Henry Koepke Jr., up from
I'uiTone, where he it u atmleiit r.t the
I'liivcruity, to apcr.d the lister va
cation with friends.
J. N. H. Cerkfns came up from his
home at Mudraa, Oretrun, this week,
ticiiu called by the death of bin
brothir-in-liiw, David Taylor.
Walter 1'amcroti, well known re
ident of the i enervation, dieij Sun
! nl M. Anthony' hospiul in Pen
lib ton, from o complication of dis
tu.'.es. Mr. ami Mr, Charlea I'inki'rtiml'f
(-.toti. and Mr. (.'eor,.'e (iniian,
wi re iliiuier (,'mnti SumUy ut the
Kved Piukcituti home on Current
hi reel.
.Miss Helen t'uiinihiiii, county lie '
I'iiims niilM' who liiMl I'ridliy uflelininu
iisiliiieil the leMil-j lieu1, U'lrun by
'.ti.-. Wiilsh, wu culled to Seattle
I his week by the death of her father,
which occurred fioni pneuiiioniii.
Mr. mid Mrs. B. D. Klliott ' leave
loduy for Portland, wlieao Mr. Klliott
will umieriro n surgical operation for
it troublesome goitre with which he
has been afflicted for some time.
. Koy and Waine llansell have re-
turned to their farm near Lewi.stoii.
Idaho, lifter liavinir Acconipanieil the
remains of their uiandmother, Mrs.
Stafford -Price, lo llalsey, lor ouiu.i. wiu u. of I1H nl.,t,erial benefit
Mr. mid Mrs. Flint Jones came up hiiould it go off ijukkly, which is coti
from N'otivottver, Wash., tliis week sidered more than likely. Should it
ami they will make their home heve,,iij,aj)jWU- yi-auually,. mountain
Flint takinir u pnrtnershi in the utt'cuiiis would remain stronger as a
fannini; operutions of his brother, consequence.
Melville. Mr. and Mrs. tieortre Cerliing were
Mrs. Martha Mays cmne down j v"ulla Walla Saturihiy where they
from Huntsville, Wash., last week, went to see Mr. (Jcrking's sister,
where she has spent the winter with Airs. Fay Decker, who recently sub
tler son Grunt., and will upend tho mitted to ait operation at St. Mary's
summer here with her daughter, Mrs. hospital for tho removal of a fibroid
Jennie Barrett. tumor. Mrs. Decker, who resides at
Miss Zolu Keen is homo from Whit- Enterprise, Wallowa county, is re
man college for the Faster vacation, covering from the operation,
and is accompanied by a younjr hniy W. E. Dobson writes friends hero
friend from Wullu Wnlla. - Miss-that he has purchased'' a 10-nere tract
Keen is completing her musical stud- nf land near Portland and will im
ics ut Whitman. prove it with the viiav of making it
Miss Ruth Stewart writes home his home. He will be joined by Mrs.
that she" has secured all her credits Dobson as soon as her school here is
necessary for graduation at the U. of finished. At present "Mr. Dobson is
0., and will remain during the bul- running a tractor on a dairy farm
mice of the school year, to take up near Portland.
other work, until commencement.- Joe Cannon has leased tho Krnest
Lynn Ferguson of Athenu was re- Koepko ranch near Helix and will
cently appointed first4 sergeant nt move his family there to live. He has
Hill Military Academy in Portland, engaged the services of Jesse Smith,
Cadet Ferguson will share honors and the latter will live on the Crig
with other officers und cadets at tho lar place, also fanned by Mr. Can
Academy with an Easter ball to bo mm. Mr. Smith has heretofore been
given in the academy urmory on employed by the Tum-u-lum Lumber
April 10. company.
Mrs. Iiura J'.erbii bits resigned her Matt Taylor, only surviving brother
position at th local telephone office f the late David Taylor, is 'in the
and lias purchased u small tract of cy fTOm his homo in Portland, hav
nll'alfa land near Walla Walla. With i,)(? como to attend his brother's fu
ller mother, she moved yesterday -ueral. Mr. Taylor is well known to
from tho. Dell Cottagu on Fifth many Umatilla county pioneers, hav
street where they have resided, to oc- jnK: lived in Weston and this vicin
eupy their new home. ' it y in the early days. At Weston he
Mr. add Mrs. A. D. McFwen hnvc owned n blacksmith ' shop, which he
purchased u line home in Alt. Tabor Mt,t to the late Ransom Liounllon.
a suburb of Portland and this week Air. Taylor at one time "took up" the
will move into it. The property com- land now comprising the Kirk hoine
piiscs a half-acre of .ground, ami con- atcmi Adjoining Athena and after l:;y
tains a rose garden hose owner last in..; ;! foundation for H shark, traded
year took several prize at the Rose the l'0 acres for a yearling calf.
Festival for fine roses. Later ho did the aamc with what is
niiue:n;c ami will icmove t'of hotis
liniiimr.rk of old Cmtervile t!:iy,
therefrvm ami l;uve bin piisent re
i. lenee moved to that ait'1 front th'
i inner of FoiTtii and Jefferson, bo-fiu-e
lx't,inititirr the 'erection of a fine
tu w residence. It in understood that
fir. .iinl Mm. (". I,. iVoodward bavo
ii. adv nnanpenieiits to rent Ih? Thirl
street property for occti nation next
m hnol veiir. ninvimr in from the fiirm
wcst 0f town.
With open ditches and newly luid
v alor mains und connections with wa
ter service for Main street business
houses, the city has its work of pre
pnrincr for bardsurfacinjr of ktreets
well underway. Advertiiinjr for bids
for the hardiitirfacing and the trrail
iiisr of streets is lciii!'le:iilly roai
l lieil with, so that by the "time tire
.urfacirt;: of the hicrhway west of
town is completed, all will be in read
iness for the street improvement
Mrs. W. J. Ashby, formerly it resi
lient uf Umatilla county, died ut Iho
home of her ciauirhter, Mrs. Xt. E.
Miller in Los Angeles, March 21, ct
the remains were interred in Weston
eim-tcry Thursday of last week.
Mrs. Ashby r-iiii family for
imilv resided nl Weston. Tho de-
(,,1 ttns tl)e mot,er ot Mrs. J. .N.
ilan.e(M, ,o is survived by seven
,flu,r,-l,tei-s, one son and twenty-two
-rllKV ml f sni)W is u.p0Ited at
T(1 (;utCi ,u. SMXM;t 0f the Blue
mmmUlilm CU(it t,f Athena. This
BIlovvfall is f uU. .currenvo, is lik'ht
iikw tho Juhna farm, m-nr Rnwliiile,
mul tradt-il it for h auc;. Mr. Ty
lor liua many inU resting am tdute
of Umutilla couiity'a palmy i!ay.
h'uK ili.Uiiilent Hull of the Athena
fti lioolx aUeniKd a mettintf of Euitcrn
o,.,. .. hoot principal!, t L rand
fcut-jiuay. A ulary sihi'il'ile of
Si'.'i0 a-. ti iiiiiinn'iiii for imnnal
isihool (jiailuati'i mul H 101 for teach"
ei in hiph m h'Hil , w ith 12 months
" tlm liaiin i'Mi!ir'.-i by tlio-e
in Htu-ndancv, na wai otlur fca-
tun of tho aihiUuIu propou-d by the
Otenn tat" Tow l.i i'd Amox i.iiion.
Iti i. il intin iiiii.irsinir the to-rui!l
'ta' fur huip.irt of i-leini'iitary HehiMili
mul tin.' inillinri' tax lnw for ii-.'yun'n
thrte ii:.l!t.itFoi.;i 'f iuKl i-r Larnir.i;,
w. ri- i..,M-ii.
With tw'.'."!- vn-aiKcr coinlinoii, tins
w.iik on ir.. .TJire inri;w:iy ni i.c
ri'Miiiif-.l in ti.ii future. In fait,
yi.i u r in now und t ay, A
f' men U iojf t!ii''ioy."d on ti e
irriiditiK, pt. ii.'i'lory to,
the bitulithie oh the stretch of road
we: ', of town. In ord. r to facilitate
t!c completion of this section of the
road, the State Highway ongim'eM
v.ii! ba compelled to close all travel
from Main street oulh, and west
townrd Adams, where the highway
rcii'.ains to be finished, and it will be
necessary for ail traffic to take the
detour route.
Hot stiff from the Warren Con-
M met ion eoini-miy plant in Athena,
will be transported to Pendleton by
trucks for use in making repairs io
hard surfaced streets there. The
repairs arc necessary at points where
the bithulithic was broken to make
replacements of gas and water pipes.
For School Superintendent
Announcing that she believes the
present time is one in which unusual
interest ii being manifested in tW
schoI system and feeling'lhat she in
well cjunlitied for the position, Mrj.
Tora Partridge Stone of Athena
has declared her candidacy for the of
fice of county school superintendent,
subject to the decision of the Republi
can primary election of Friday, May
ui, iy'u.
Mrs. Stone has Iiad twelve yenrs"
experience teaching in tho Oregon
schools, including positions in the
Athena and Milton high schools.
During- other years she has
been employed country dis
tricts, which she considers has given
hcr opportunity to observe conditions
existing and occasion for noting
where improvement is needed in boCi
Iho city and country schools.
She holds a life certificate as well
as degrees of Bachelor tf pedagogy
and psychology and has studied in
Europe. Her father served in the
I'nion army of the civil war as a gcit
Dublin. -Ireland Is bellcrt-d io be the
scene; of a deadly vendetta.
Kinn I.VIn lenders said a rein Of
terror had been declared by extremists rection, however. The roles have au
,r ,hui, r,,vs on one hand and nouueed that several ot the bolshevik
sympathiiers of the government, police
and military authorities on the other.
The murder ot James McCarthy,
Siuu Fein leader at Thurles. was seeu
is the latest expression of the vendet
ta. McCarthy was shot and killed at
10:50 a. in. by a band of armed men
who broke into his bedroom. Siun
Feinera said he was. murdered in cold
blood without opportunity to defend
himael f.
1'n.iaiiiil nrerautlons have been taken
t ,,ri,-t ih lives of all coverumcut
officials. Tho government feared early
efforts at retaliation by the Irish ua-
llonalist radicals who have asserted
... , . i i Tre, :
.ipemy mat ine cieucua m omu -
members will not go "unavenged.
Brunt of a Tornado Falls cn Illinois
KlRhi. 111. With eight known drad.
100 or more injured and property loss
that may exceed $4.wMW0. Kjsln was
paralysed as a result of a tornado that
swept over Ibis town at noon bumla.v.
The storm, which swept a path 00
yards wide acimss the heart of the
eity. took its greatest, toll of; lite at
tho Cousreittonal raid llaptist church-
es where four women were killed and
doejis injured.
Tho siorm struck Flgin from the
smiihwest diirins a torrential down
pour Of ruin, . Th" trhndn wa i fol
lowed by a terrific hail storm !j;U"5
15 minute b.
7fl0USanrj3 Rendered Homeless
and Millions In Property
"hlrrf Iteporla from h" Mt'si
In (i,,, tnld.llo weat which were torr-
rfonaept Sunday lmlleti (tf"T Jl
p.-r-i.iu Jont ihlr ivn, while thou-
gandn ern rendered hometeaa aid
million of diillam worth of ilnmain
i:i;;in. III., aurferixl tho liav!tnt
proporb lor-n, llio datnaco there b-in?
i i" i
ll!uir,,s n Ih" bardejt hit of tho
e.-i' stiloa, wttll 30 dead, mora
tlinn Infill injured and 2OO0 homelesn.
' Property Iom in lllluoi.s alinoM all
In tho Chiracs district, was estimated
a' JH.ifinnnn; In western Ohio at fl.-
Aaowrfi, hi Oorgla at more than, while other slates visited by
the tornado reported much damage,
The following fatalities wero r-
ported: Ohio, 26; Greenville and Nash-
vl!!e. 8; Van Wert, 2; Sfoulton. 1;
lieimleitc and Prunersburg, (; Genoa,
2; liaabs Corners, 4.
!!-na, 3; Adams county. 2; Allen
county. It; Jay county, 11; Steuben
c-.untyr 1; Montgomery comity. 1;
Cnnni City. 10.
Illinois, 3d; Elgin, 8; Irving Park,
; Melrose Park, 9; Haywood, 4;
rialnsfield, 3.
Georgia. 38; L Orange, K; West
Point, 10; Macon, 1; Milner, 1.
Alabama, 17; Alexander City. 11;
Aicrieola, S; Cedar Springs, L
Missouri, 1.
St. Louis. 1.
Wisconsin, 1 ; East Troy, 1.
Michigan, 12; Fenton. 4; MapU
Grove, 3; Co'dwater, 2; Hart, 1; Kala
mazoo, 1; Yankee Springs, 1.
.Bolshevik Drive Fails
Warsaw. Polish armored train
fought pitched battles agalust the bol
shevik monitors aud other fighting
craft on the Prlpet river during the
bolshevik thrust which was designed
lo gain control of additional links of
the railroad extending from Homel to
Kalenkowlei und Mozi.
The liolshevik drive has been uo-
SUet.0ssful, according to a communiea-
lioa ssur(j here. 'The communication
alin0UIlcci (,at the Polish military au-
Uioritics after eight days of fighting
at various pojtg on the 00 kilometer
friVn, g, 8igU8 of weakness in the
long plauned spring drive of the bol
shevik!, which was designed to break
the hold of the Poles upon the entire
The communication also reports se
vere fighting in the region ot Olensk
and to iho south along the Slutcb riv
er, with both sides usiug artillery ex
tensively. .. :
On tho Podolian front there Is fight
ing along the railroad from Ploskirow
to Zioerynka, tho bolshevikl having
attacked. They were driven bark a
few kilometers in a northeasterly dl-
formations were annihilated. During
the recent fighting In the swampy
country near Moilr, the bolshevikl
used long-range guns, the newspapers
said, arousing the local population,
which took up arms and aided the
Poles, Tiefendlng the railroads and ths
countryside. ?
Publisher's Statement
Statement of tho ownership, man-
agement, etc., required by the Act
of Congress of August 24, 1912, of
Weston Leader, published weekly at
Weston, Oregon, for April 1, 1320:
Publisher, editor, managing editor,
1 ,! ... -1- ntonntrA, nm1 nuftpp I InrK .
u.,.-. ...... - ,
Wood, Weston, Oregon.
Known bondholders, mortgagees or
other security holders, none.
Sworn to and subscribed before me
this 30th clav of March, 1920.
, . S. A. BARNES
Notary Public.
(My commission expires November
1-th. "lt20.)
A WaJh Waa cisnak.h of March
j..Hh-Bnnoum-es the tleath of Jlev. A.
w RobertSt wbjch occurred in Ari-
Simo whcre he hatt sojourning
f), hpSlhh for Kbt)ut a year. The
bwJy vas shiDI,e(I to Walla Walla,
w here the deceased has a brother, W.
O. Roberts. Rev. Roberts was well
known in Athena having married
Jli..v, J,tce.!yii K"ont?-. who survives
him. H w3 a minifcttr iu the Mfclh
odrt church.
di xler will bo put under way In Oro-