The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, March 26, 1920, Image 4

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    Notice to Subscribers
Ir Henderson attended to several
business errands in town Tuesday.
J. W. Porter earn ve.' from Free
water to spend the week-end with his
Lee Billings came over from Walla
Walla for a Sunday visit at tn Em
rt Ross home.
Mr. n,i Mrs. E. O. DeS.O"s and
If this notice is marked it eitrni
fies that your subscription expire
April 1. 1920. We would most
gratefully appreciate your prompt
Subscription rate by the year,
12.00: six months. $1.00: three
months, 60 cents.
The Leader is invariably diseon
tinued at expiration.
E. D. Eliot of the Preston-Shaffer
Co., installed a transformer this
week at the corner of Water and
ir. ana nn. c. pomerov streeU for the purpose or
son Kicharti were wee en v ... , , a five-horse motor
the F. D. WatU home. wh,c wi furnish at the Sni
The A. Phillips barn at the corner jor blacksmith shop.
of Washington and Mam rccis Strmwberries until frost Kellog
for sale. Inquire of E. C. Rogers EverbcjkHn(f .trawberies. t 1.00 per
or F. P. watts. hundred plants. Have shortcake and
Mr. and Mrs. Sim J. Culley and berries for table use all summer. Call
Mrs. E. M. Smith motored to Walia ,j the DcGraw residence.
Walla Saturday to attend to niters gj, ,s t0 gti the A
of business tn tne v,aroen viij. philips bam at corner Wasihiurton
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Tucker mo- ana Main streets and (ret it soon. Put
ta to lloldman the first of the ! VOur bid. E. C. Rogers or F. D.
week, having a ranch position there. Watts.
we v 1.1
They accompamea w. n. whiiu. Dan McBcmn of FJorcnce, Mont,
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Price and Will McBean and family of Adams
daughter, Zona Catherine, and Mrs. nd Joe McBean of Pendleton were
Z. C Price were dinner guest Sun- guests last week at the Ernest Ross
day at the Frank Price home on or- home.
mal Heights. Mrs. G. A. Mets and daughter
Mrs. Brown of Portland was a Fanchon of Hatton, Wash., are vis
guest at the Joseph Hodgson home a itors at the home of Mrs. W. E,
few days last week, having come up Haynie, sister of Mrs. Met,
to visit her daughter, Miss Lurline Mr. and Mrs. Will Hall and Mrs.
Brown, a member of the High School Cynthia Hyatt were down from the
faculty. mountain Wednesday attending the
A. J. Starmer returned from wyuj "
Peach, Wash., Friday, having termi
nated a sucecsful revival me ting at
that place. He is now conducting a
revival at the local church, and in
vites all toome- -
The Misses Edna Horpbevk and
Mabel Cotvin were dinner guests Sun
day at the Charles Price country
home. The afternoon hours
Mrs. J. H. Price and Mrs. L. S
Wood will entertain the Ladies' Guild
at the home of Mrs. Price the first
Thursday afternoon in April
Richmond Blomgren
At five o'clock on Wednesday after-
were noon, March twenty-fourth, a pretty
most pleasantly spent with variiu3 but simple wedding was solemnised at
themes of speech that provided mat- the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Rk li
ter for good talk and piano numbers mond, 71 Park street. Walla Walla,
contributed by the visitors wore when their daughter, Nellie Bernice,
verting features of entertainment became the bride of Mr. Ernest L.
ggnggoBHgKn Blomgrcn of Seattle. The living
rooms were prettily decorated in pot
ted plants and bouquets of daffodils.
Preceding the ceremony Miss Ruth
Woodruff sang "At Dawning."
To the strains of the wedding
march from Lohengren, the bridal
m. couple approached the improvised al-
tar, unattended. The Rev. M. E.
Bollen D. D., pastor of the White
Temple Baptist church was the offi
ciating minister, and the ring service
was used.
Chiropractic Nerve Specialist
Rooms 1 and 2, Inland Empire Bank
Building, Pendleton, Oregon
Phone 1018
Hours" 10 to 12 a. m.-l:30 to 6 p.
Hemstitching, Pecot, Chain Stitch
ing Embroidery, Braiding, Plain ( The bride wore a beautiful gown of
Stitching, Button Holes and Buttons white tricolette, richly embroidered
Covered, Pleating.
Phone 936, Walla Walla, Wash.
Estimate Furnished Free on All
Kinds of Work.
All Work Guaranteed.
Phone No. 433 Freewater, Or.
Eye.Glass Service Phone 436-J
Eye Sight Specialist, Penland BMg.,
Over Tallman Drug. Store
Pendleton, Oregon.
at once
Second - Hand Sad
dles. We will trade
new saddles for old
Harness Oiled for
$1.00 per set.
Harness Store
(Phone 122)
Milton ... Oregon
and carried a bouquet of white car
nations. After the ceremony dainty refresh
ments were served. Only immdiate
relatives and intimate friends of the
families were present
Mrs. Blomgren is well known local
ly, having been for several years one
of the leading contralto soloists of the
city. She is a graduate of Whitman
college of the class of 1914 and receiv
ed her degree in music from the same
institution in 1918. She spent' last
summer in Seattle as a voice student
of Edmund 'J. Myers of New York
Mr. Blomgren is the son of Joseph
Blomgren of Weston, Oregon.. He re
ceived his business education at
Northwestern, Spokane, and Wilson s
Business college, Seattle. He enlisted
in the U. S. army on April 10. 1917,
where he served until July 1919, hav
ing spent twenty months in Trance.
Since his discharge he has be-a in
the employ of the Smelter Steel Co.
of Seattle.
Mr. and Mrs. Blomgren left for a
short wedding trip, after which they
will be at home at the State lir.c,
where Mr. Blomgren has recently ac
quired farming interests.
. Saturday Afternoon Club
The March 20th meeting of The
Saturday Afternoon club was held in
the social room at Memorial hall,
Mesdames Ellsworth Woods and Leon
Lundell being hostesses for the af
fair. As each member's name was
called she contributed a dish-towel to
be added to the kitchen furnishings.
Following the business session, an
interesting program consisting of the
following numbers, was given:
Piano Solo Mrs. F. D. Watts.
Pflper, Donegal Mrs. Joseph
Reading, Legend of the Four Swans
Mrs. S. A. Barnes.
Phonograph selections.
During the social hour an appetiz
ing collation was served by the hostesses.
Memorial Ball Annual Election
We hope every subscriber, wheth
er a $10 member or not, will be
present at Memorial Hall March 29,
1920, at 7:30 p. m., for the election
of Board of Directors for the coming
year and such other business as may
properly be taken un at this time.
F. D. WATTS, President
MRS. H. GOODWIN, Secretary.
nn r? nri 7l
"Jammed" doesn't half describe it. I've been in the sales ' business a
longtime, but really and truly I've never seen such a crowd, such a
thrifty bunch of bargain-seekers. They just simply pushed and
shoved, pulled and hauled. They carried it away in armloads. I act
ually saw a man going up the back alley with a wheelbarrow, full, and
the best part of it all was that everyone I talked to as they were leav
ing the sale said: "I am coming back tomorrow." If you were among
the unfortunate ones who for some reason could not attend the sale
the first few days, for pity's sake get down there Saturday. I am
banking on you and will be disappointed if you are not there.
Because, in the first place, we have given the people everything prom
ised in our advertising; and the fact of this selling event coming as it
does in the very heart of the season, and the utter disregard for rising
wholesale prices, the very timeliness of the event itself, is it any won
der that the buying public stands aghast at our wonderful methods of
merchandising? And the beauty of it is, it will get better as it goea
We're going to turn a whole flock loose in front of the store Saturday
morning at nine o'clock. The catcher is the keeper. Really, you can't
explain it very well in writing, but I'll guarantee you never saw any
thing like this' for a fun-maker; and besides, you may get a fine fat
turkey for Sunday dinner.
It's a Free-For-AU-No One Barred
emembei, It's Saturday Periling at
Extra Specials
Every little while during this sale
there is something extra special
pulled. Keep your eye on that man
Gregson, as you can t tell what he will
do next. That vill mean dollars to
you. Aside from the turkey chase,
there is going to be another extra Sat
urday morning at nine o'clock. Come
in Friday and we will tell you about
it. Then be here Saturday at nine.
For the benefit of those who are busy
and unable to attend the sale during
the clay, we are staying open evenings,
and so far the crowds have been as
great as during the day. Come on
' down and spend the evening with us.
It will be worth your while to see the
display if you don't buy a dollar's
worth. Music n'everything.
Selling the Stock of
ili MuibH l 1 . i . I k 111 In
$75,000 Stools to Choos From