H . ni buyer? iitMttort tunrby, tn DeparUnf Westonltes Honored Astoria. Rwtliiul ami other places ' , honor of Mr ,nj Mrt, K 0, In wc.tern Or;on have Utt rrt. lv,MoM ,lu ,on Roh,nl( wmi , ' n"w m,r T"uo .wm - loMvinir tomorrow for Seattle, tho 8ntui-tly Afternoon club upon. farewell party ilmtlny not k't the chanr iro by. Further .. .... ..... - fur . evening. March 17, at Mimoriul hull A carload of SOIL PACKERS and other tillage tools is now on the way. , They will be great for the present conditions. GANG PLOWS ARE STILL ON THE MARKET SUPERIOR DRILLS will hatch the old seed and plant the new. Next Saturday is BROOM DAY. A good one for 96 cents WATTS & ROGERS ATHENA, OREGON price In year ami make their hold era rich, what on earth la the reason the present owner i aill thorn ? Particularly, why will thoao owner aoiul out an agent, tit trreat txpoiie, to throw thir H-ur' before cold and tuiplcloua world ? It la an old game, like selling nilit. inn and oil stock and orchard tracts, and irotd bricks, and ita aucce prows the Klib vhr of the conf dene man, 'There' auckf r btrn ev ery minute." t , i j a uvIUhI gueit were himlianda of I lie 'lull lniitili4.r Mttil tlin fiiHitU'iiitr wining . A,h,,nn fok. Mr, m, Mrj Ei Vt UK'i. Mr. and Mrs, Hubert I'rvud lit and Mis Mary 1'romlfU; Mr. and Mra. Frank Snider, Zada and iH'an Snittor mid Mra. t II. .Smith. The ocraaion waa marked by many enjoyable feature, a St. I'atrick'a Pay motif apprarini; In the decora lion and merry pastime arranged for entertainment. At a late hour refreshment consisting of green and white brick ice cream, individual rakes and colTee were served byMes dame E. M. Smith, J. C. Price. U en I.umlell. Sim J. Culley, R. Mor liMin and II. Goodwin. Mr. De.Mosa was then presented with a loaf suit ar tray in the new gold enameled Kearly nineteen thousand Thank- porcelain, as a token of the esteem giving dinner and 208,671 Christ- hil, h bV Ml" lb ma dinner were served to the poor member. Mr. and Mr. DeMos of the United State last year by were also recipient of a beautiful the Salvation Army relief depart- bouquet of pink carnation, the Rift mvnt. of Dr. and Mrs. C. II. Smith. i In the departure of this estimable lt' about up to the Lowdcn crowd family the community suffer a dis ta uriMi the suppression of Wood tinct loss. They have ever been ac- It seem to be the view, even of the defense, that tho I. W. 7 on trial at Moutesano were either guilty of first degree murder or they re innocent Well, they are not innocent. club a dangerous weapons. WESTON LEADER CLARK WOOD, hiMbhtr MRS. It GOODWIN. AuisUat Editor ENDANGERS THE WORLD. When an individual is gradually for 60 cent HE I'SED TO SPLIT RAILS. 'Tolitical Gossip" in Oregon Voter contains a paragraph about our own "Roaring Bill," who ia self-made made that has right to bo proud of the job. 'Says the Voter: "Will M. Peterson of Pendleton hoed corn tive In matter of public welfare and civic betterment, and will lj greut ly missed from the business and so cial circle of Weston. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Slricth li Af)nct The Year 2 00 Six Month 1 00 Three Month 0 SO ntlDAT. MA1CH It, . - - -120 Esttrtf it th peitellic at W its. Orcjea i iicenlctssi ail ittf r. ADVERTISING RATES Regular, per inch per insertion 15c Transient, per inch per insertion 20c Locals, per line per insertion- 10c weakened in moral fibre through un- tain land, drove a team, cradled bar wholesome habits of thought or de- ley, split rails, dug ditches, spread generate manner of living, and then manure, worked in sawmill, made meets with great reverse in a well- brick and otherwise earned money in planned coup through which he had the hills of Eastern. Tennessee and every reason to expect an equally North Carolina to finance a college great success, the result is very and law education. He was born in likely to be his total collapse. Hi 1874, came to Pendleton in li)02. spiritual being has not been trained practiced law there with enough to withstand material calamity and profit to acquire a 400-acre he fall not as Lucifer fell "fiam- farm and stsk in local Dissolution Notice Notice is hereby given that K. R. Hall and F. C. Greer, doing business ,n.l.i .Km flmi nam.. if Hull J& day. ploughed moun- Gwf hye dMovw p,rtn.,hip by mutual consent. All account are payable to F. C. Greer at the Wes ton Garage. Weston Or., March 5. 1920. E. R. HALL. F. C. GREER. Rcautiful Blossom. Parr' Green wheat house plants on sale at Mrs. N. I,.,!,,,,.:,, LoverMg' resilience. Call and see 9? S. . - . jLf'ilLlffiZti-A Oliver Pulvenzern i&W&jte .11 wtmrn uality and Service are what you get when you invest $935.00 in a (Farming's Fun with a F0RDS0N) MILTON GARAGE Ajrents for TRACTORS and TRACTOR IMPLEMENTS. (Phono 7G1, Milton, Oregon.) WESTON GARAGE LOOAL AQENT8 ing headlong from ethereal hcighu, and bank, waa active enough in them- 0r,lcr tk4'n f,r cut "wer The new German dictator ia dently trying in vain to Kapp climax. to bottomle perdition" but in a idential elector in 1D12 and national manner at least as hopeless and delegate in 1916 and is now a candi complete. The same may be true of date for delegate to the big San a nation even of the great German Francisco convention of 1920." nation, only a few year ago afford- ., ing an example of wonderful com- n m . r,nntn Cnmri. the now in the throes of bloody civil Mr- "nd Mr"- Alblrt O'Harra wero '" 1 to 12 trife which mav vet enirulf it in thc victim Monday evening of one the tremendous debacle that has of thoe delwh'ul DR. W. H. REYNOLDS Chiropractic Nerve Specialist Rooms 1 and 2, Inluud Empire Bank Building, Pendleton, Oregon Phone 1018 m.-l:30 ta 5 p. in. neighborhood.' IIKMSTlTrillVC tlKPAHTMKNT OljJ John Barleycorn look a bit threatened the Fatherland ever since urPrl parties lor which "Happy; A M JENSEN co more cheerful, now that he is sport- it. decisive detnt in th ,.t Canyon" is becoming noted. The ing a New Jersey. world war of ita own engendering. merry-makers assembled at the home Hemstitching, Pccot, Chain Stitch- Th nrmo of William Fchr and proceeded to the 'ing Embroidery, Braiding. Plain The Montesano verdict is just an- very characteristic that waa once his O'Harra residence after the occu- Stitching, Button Holes and Button other reason why America, with so .tmtht,in hi. panU had 4 retired for the night. Covered, Pleating. muvu law, iuka aiov au u uv. ti unms ness. ciency and achievement. suffered a colossal blow shorn him of confidence This has With ?reat tooting of auto horns which h3 and hilarious shouts made their presence the visitors known and In a few MRS. C. E. FERGUSON Phone 936, Walla Walla, Wash. Rural Carrier Elimination bated wa the resolution that "The The United States civil service ram United Stales should take immediate mission ha announced an enamina- step toward the nationalisation of tion to be held at Pendleton, April the coal deposits and petroleum re 10, to fill the position of rural carrier source." at Athena, and vacancies that may - later occur on rural mutes from other Guardian For U Fontaine, pnstoflke in Umatilla county. The Gu LaFontaine who I remember examination will bo open only fco-cit- cd a the proprietor Of the French izens who are domiciled in the terrl- and Quelle resturauts at Pendleton, tory of a postoflke In the county and has for some time been confined In a who meet the other requirement set Portland sanitarium, afflicted with a forth in Form No. 1977, whit may brain malady. Hi wife last week bo obtained from the office mention- wa apiminted to act a hi guardian ed above. by the court, and there is little hope for hi recovery. . Champion Debater. Pendleton high school won tho de bate championship of Umatilla coun- u tney ieei, or course, ma. mey - .mu.ed the sleenv.hen,)!. . tl -i t j wutii ilia Dnysicai oower ih vnntiv ter for the Germans to be shooting eted fndf he "f8 "'J of vdrit the .niriud ac , ,nofhr his moral strength in order to meet a"nccr responded to tne spirited ac one anotner- the CBlamity resulting from the mis- cord,on mus,c of Gcorfc 0tte- At At least let ns rejoice that the taken and almost criminal policy of Iato "r d1,ciou" "ll8t'" WM .;.i-. r . 4 j his former leaders. Th, .nti .;. 8Crved bv Mesdames P. C. McCau- toawtatwii vi wiiaai viuicu w - pray for the ex-kaiser cannot also world may well shudder over prey for. him. the outcome. If the German nation now collapses, following Russia's de- Lucy Page Gaston is a candidate scent into the abyss- of Bolshevism, for president on an anti-tobacco the result may be a world debacle platform. She may be right, but such as was pictured by Ignatius she'll never be president Donnelly in "Caesar's Column." Even here in the United States we Eliza Morrison. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. P. C. McCaus land, Mr. and Mr. Wm. Fehr, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Winn, Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Pedenen, Mr .and Mrs. Elmer Tucker, Mr. and Mr. Newton O' Harra, and Mr. and Mr. Albert O'- ELECTKIC SUPPLIES AND WIRING Estimate Furninhrd Free on All Hindu of Work. All Work Guaranteed. FREEWATEIt ELECTRIC SUPPLY HOUSE Phone No. 433 Freewater, Or. Eye.Glasn Service Phone 436-J DIl. A. M. SIMMONS Local Dokle were advised thla week by Huntingtonian, Scribe, that ty Saturday nijtht by decision over tho ceremonial teheduled for Wait both the Echo negative and tho Mil. burg will be held instead at Walla ton (Tlrmiitive teams, reports the Walla probably the latter part of East Oregonlun. The question do- tM month. S ft. WTrn i. r.- It is the view of a close observer may not succeed In escaping the Iarr"! Misses Dorothy Bulflnch, uye ggnt Specialist, IVnlnnd Bldg.. that the high cost of living is es- chaotic reign of anarchy and destruc- . penally tough on the fellow who. has tion should it involve the Old World. an active tape worm. Wavel O'Harra, Gladys Smith, Eliza Morrison and Ruby Price; Mrs. All the power may well extend warfe'arct "abb "no Mrs. Wilms whatever help is needed by their Mmnick; Messrs. Ray Jones, L. I. The proposed "jrrave concern" res- former enemy should the counter 'IIa""' Levl '1Iorrfl. George Ottc, ervation of republican senators is revolution threaten to engulf her K8y 1Iarr- about as viUl and effective as the in "tavic dissolution. The hands of button on a coat sleeve. Den na osice, in wnom would Wall telephone for sale. Inquire appear 10 rest me nope oi we world at this office. A inconsistency is not a jewel, it as wel1 88 of Germany, should be is perhaps in order to amend the strengthened if need be against the decalogue by striking out the third assault of the monarchic reactionar word in the sixth commandment. ies- Tlje situation Is too critical to admit of an attitude "of "hands off" An esteemed contemporary re- indifference. The powers may well marks that advertising is the light- extend toward Germany much of for house which keeps the business man givencss as exemplified in practical from being wrecked upon the rocks, concessions, if such will serve to save what yet remains of the Ebert gov- ine moaning song oi aiarcn winds ernment and restore it to power, is music to the nature lover, for he knows that it means the departure of winter and the- advent of spring. Over Tsllmnn Drug Store Pendleton, Oregon. THE STWH0 THEATRE Wed. March 24 WHAT AGAIN? About once in a decade it has been More than 20,000 women in the the practice of suave and persuasive United States broken in spirit and real estate agents from the western unable to find work, were provided part of the state to make a tour of with good jobs last year by the Sal- Eastern Oregon and offer town lots vation Army employment bureau. in Astoria or its environs. We well - remember the time when buyer up If Hoover is neither a republican here were stung with a bunch of sand nor a democrat, it is distinctly not a banks in what was known as New disqualification for the White Houia. Astoria. Now it seems that these For once, we would rather have a agents are exploiting Wallowa president belonging to the nation county, and Brother Cheney of the than one belonging to a party. Enterprise Record-Chieftain hands - them a burning roast. Among other C. P. Strain is being urged by things, he says: "If the lots are not democratic friends to run forpublic worth what the agent asks for them, service commissioner and represent why should you bite and buy? By ' this section of the state on the com- so doing you are making a simple Mission as the successor of H. H. donation or gift to some shrewd Corey, whose term expires. We agent or manipulator. If, as the know of no man in Eastern Oregon agent claims, the lots are worth more who is better qualified by reason of than is asked for them, why should knowledge, experience, integrity and he go to all the expense and time of temperament. coming clear to Wallowa county to DOROTHY OALTON in Mame of the ffukon THE BIG NORTH STORY at once Second -Hand Sad dles. We will trade new saddles for old ones. Harness Oiled for $1.00 per set. Hitman's Harness Store V A t tj li ! I I; i : J. R. Reynolds 1 Water Street (second block north of Main) WESTON - ... . OREGON JUNK Top prices paid for Old Metal, Rags, Sacks, Hides, Wool, Etc. Abour $7.00 for Old Iron rU fi (Phone 122) Milton Oregon estoti Garage GENERAL OARAGE WORK pood Mechanics Good Equipment cAll Work Guaranteed AJAX and DIAMOND. MS at the right prices Auto Supplies Try Us GENERAL BLKCKSMITH1NG at Snider Shop