The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, March 12, 1920, Image 3

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    Buy Your Hew Edison
on Our Budget Plan
Expert household m ruiircrs have Ion J?
used the Hultj,('t 1'lnn. il stretehex
their incomes. We borrowed it and
urn died it to the purchase of the New
Edison. Come in. Find out how this
rood old "thrift" idea solves the prob
cm of how to irct your new Edison
Vho Davis -Kaser Co.
(ornpli-to Furnisher of llomeM, Offices, Schools
und Cimrchi'H.
10-20 Alitor St. (O.I.I Fdlows Tvni.ilv) Walla Walla.
BU1TER WRAPS at Leader Shop
One hundred 1 50
Each additional hundred 0 75
Last Thursday bring the birth
day anniversary of It. L. Reynaud
hia wife arranged an evening ur
iiriiM nartv in honor of the event.
The merry-making a com pi. to
urcess, Inasmuch a thv heml of tlm
nouM wa lait.-n unaware but cx
Vr. N. P. Ilumiet. dentist. I'hon preened delight in the unusual ctk-
No. M, Weston, bratlon. Cards, supplemented by
R. U. Paling left this week to vocal and instrumental music, rauscd
Juin his family in Portland. time to pass most pleasantly. At n
George Btaggs was business vis- lt hour an appetising lunch wns
Iter In Pendleton Saturday.
Woman wanted fur general house
work. It. (i. Worogren. l'liotie I1K12.
When Charlie Chaplin comes to
town we'll forget our road troubles.
day, attending to varioua matter uf
your grain, and will tfive prompt atten
tion to orders for anything in its line.
International Stock
and Poultry Food
Hay, Rolled Barley, Oats, Wheat and
Millfeeds. Chicken Feeds, includ
ing Corn, Wheat, Scratch Food, Bone,
Shell, Grit, Meat Scraps and Fgg Mash.
Try a Sack of our Popular Graham.
J. A. LUMSDEN - Proprietor
served by the hostess. Those pres
ent were: Mr. and Mrs. Louis
Hrh.dl, Mr. and Mrs. IIoojKr and
Miss Howard of Pendleton; Harley
Koss of Walla Walla; Mr. and Mrs.
Leon Lundfll. Miss Itubv Price.
Jake Narkaus was In town Tue- Lvle Webb. Mr. ami Mr..,.,:
Swss-Te-Ka Campfire was most
t.l..nlu n.i.t4lnl C J 1
Otis Adam disposed of Ford car. ,,,Z " Tk T
,.,..,,. ., . w afternoon at the home of ISertha
this week to II. A. Ilrandt and W. .... . aii . i. i. .
,, r , . Starmer. All member but one were
II. llOUIU. .ln,l.n Mi.. Vl.. II...;.....
Work mare H years old, weight wa, .,1 lnto membership at this A
1400 with y.arling colt, for sale. mvttwg. Interesting program num.
C. W. Mel. - bera were given by Charlotte linns
Ross King wa among the coun- and Pearl Davis. Piano solos were
try shoppers ami visitor een In contributed by Clara Starmer and
town Saturday. Velma Banister. Light refresh-
Harry Khick took away a used nients were served during the clos
Ford roadster this week from the Ing hour. Guest present were Mrs.
Liberty garage. A. J. Starmer and Clara Starmer.
Mrs. Joseph Hodgson and Miss The Guardian, Mrs. Sarah Rowland,
Mvrtle HooVson were IVndlcten vis- h" c"cd P''I meeting of the
itor. Saturday. organisation at her home for Mon-
, day afternoon, March IS.
Mr. Mark Henderson wa down
from the mountain Saturday on a Mr. J. II. Price very pleasantly
shopping expedition. entertained the Women'a Missionary
Mr. and Mr. E. W. Fehr have ofthe Methodist church at
moved to Pendleton, where "Pete" h-r home Wednesday afternoon. An
unusually large numoer oi mcmoer
were present to participate in bus
ines discussions and to enjoy aji ex
cellent program prepared by Mrs.
W. S. Price. Interesting topic were
presented by Mesdame Charlc
Price, Mary C. McNee and II. Good-
Having taken over the DeMoss Furniture
Store we will appreciate the patronage of the
people of Weston and vicinity, which we will
endeavor to merit by careful' attention to
their wants. Quality and price both consid
ered, we are confident that our well-selected
stock will appeal to the discriminating buyer.
A large, varied and attractive showing of
new goods just received by Mr. DeMoss may
be seen on our floor. We invite a call.
i employed in a garage.
Svltner Thompson assed several
hour in town Tuesday, renewing
acquaintance with local merchants.
Z. A. Lansdale, representing the
Western States Life Insurance Co.,
wa In town this week from renaie- win. Durjng the final hour a dainty
ton. if collation wa served by Mesdame
While many are coming "Back to Ernest Ross, W. S. Price and W. L.
God' Country" (here) don't fail to Rayborn. The next meeting will be
bo there when it reaches Memorial held April 2d at the Frank Price
Hall. home.
My home property In Weton i for Friday evening, March 19, for the
ale at a reasonable price. Jo. S. bcnefit 0f Weston library supper
Lieuallen, 2101 N. Fir St,. L Grande, ,IKj motion picture entertainment
Oregon. will be given in Memorial hull.
Mis Dolly Brouillard came up Serving will begin at 5:30 and a film
from Pendleton Friday for a few of merit will be screened at 7:30.
day' visit with her aunt, Mr. Em- The public i cordially invited to as
est Ross. dint in this worthy enterprise. If
During a recent Inspection J. A. "V0 h" book to donate to the
Lumsden found his grain crop on the il Kratefuliy received.
Wade place north of town to be The Ptroncases for the affair are:
looking well. Mesdame J. H. Price, W. A. Barnes,
I am going away, and before I J"1M SUnfield, W. S. Price, C. F.
go I have .omething I wish to ay Bulflnch. S. A. Bame. Elmer Tuck
to you: If you owe me, please pay " w- s- pnc. JoePh Wurxer and
your bill. E. 0. DeMoss. Goodwin.
Mr. Jacob Narkaus and little Plan arc being made for the en
on were here Monday on their re- tertainment of seven to eight thous
turn home to the mountain from a and people at the 28th annual picnic
visit to her mother at Umapinc. of the Lincoln and Adams County
l i ci,.. i.. il. v.,. ..... Pioneer and Historical association
uvuun v wv a. ivvniv
June 15. 16 and 17 at Crab
IWSVtti Tuesday and wired the residence of mile south of Davenport,
14 Mrs. Anna Anderson for electric Frank I. Smith ha been appoint-
fi light. ' ed to the position of assistant cash-
9 Mr. and Mrs. Frederic McGrow w of the Farmers State Bank t
motored in from their Pea Ridge "V. Wash. l(ie Coulee nty
ranch Sun.lay for a few hours' visit Register speak highly of his work,
with the C. 0. Pedersen and H. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Carmichael are
Goodwin families. leaving Walla Walla next week for
Glenn Morrison is convinced that extended visit at the home of
spring is at hand. Monday morning their daughter, Mr. May Triest, at
ho saw a flock of abut thirty wild Fresno, California,
geese pass over the city on their Mis Edith Carr, who ia teaching
journey northward. the Basket mountain school, came
Beautiful BlossomsParr' Green n Saturday on her way to visit
house plant on sale at Mr. N. mother at Canby, Oregon.
Loveridge' residence. Call and see If you want to buy a wheat ranch,
them. Order taken for cut flower write M. Fitzmaurice, Condon, Ore-
OA N D-r
Dry rileacbam WOOD
Your orders solicited, and
will be promptly filled at
right price. Phone 272 or 93.
I Surely Suitable i
X iiirrPAfi
i in
R. L. Reynaud
TZ5. 1 Liberty Bonds
Wash. J
and Dye
Water proof and will not fade.
Try a can. For sale by
Goodwin's Drug Store
Preston-Shaffer Milling Co.
Established 1865
Athena, Oregon Waitsburj, Wash,
American Beauty
Pure White
Made of selected bluestem in one of the
best equipped mills in the Northwest
Sold In Weston by
.Weston Mercantile Company
and floral designs for funerals.
The Standard Theatre presents
Bill Hart in "Selfish Yates" Satur
day night, Margusrite Clark in "Mrs.
Wires of the Cabbage Patch" Sun
day night, and Clara Kimball Young
in "Eye of Youth" next Wednesday
Patrons of the local telephone
station are asked to kindly give the
numbers wanted when calling for
service. This is nut only required
by the company rules, but would bo
an especial help just now wha the
new operators are "Jearning the
J. A. Lumsden has been trading
quite a bit in work stock the past
few day. In oe of his transactions
he acquired six head of mule from
Sim J. Culley and - parted with a
span of horses. Mr. Lumsden lost a
good work mule recently, the animal
having been inconsiderate enough to
break its leg.
Scott Banister
gon, for his list
to $65 an acre.
Price from $25
Receipts of the automobile depart
ment for February, 1930, as shown by
a report issued by the secretary of
state were 1200,856, as against $38.
706.50 for the same month in 1919.
The large increase ia due, according
to Sim A. Kozer, in cliarge of the
motor vehicle department, to the new
law, which increased the license fee
for all classes of motor vehicles.
Eight democrats and five republican
have filed formal declaration of their
candidacy tor delegates to their re
spective party convention. Fully a
core of republican have been men
tioned as possible candidates or have
expressed a desire to be delegates, but
they have not taken the trouble to
file with the secretary 'of state. Half
a dosen democrat are preparing to
Under the market road act there
will be available about $2,000,000 dur
An absolutely safe invest
ment. If you have money to in
vest, buy Liberty Bonds from us.
If you sell Liberty Bonds, sell
to us.
We buy and sell Liberty Bonds.
Any denomination $50 $100
James L. Elam
Walla Walla - - Washington
Veterinary Surgeon
Hospital at corner of Main
and. Broad streets.
Phone Main 253
General Iiisiianee
and Real Estate
Do you want to sell your
property? If it is salable
Baker's Goods
Phone your dray orders,
93, or caU at store.
Davis & Ellis
Tbe Farmers Bank-of Weston
Established 1891
in this and succeeding years for the
recently . returned development of strictly market road
from a visit to hi holding in the La in the various counties. Through the
Crosse neighborhood. He found crop action of this law the state will even
prospect bright. There wa less tually be webbed to the most remote
frcesing than at Weston, and winter section by feeder roads. The law
moisture has entered the soil to a was enacted in 1919, with some amend1
depth of about 18 inches. Scott hos ments at the speclsl session in 1920,
about 360 acres in wheat, which Rnd jt wm be placed iu operation this
how a good stand. yer. Because of the importance of
Mrs. Iva Martin of Bremerton, laying a ulUble groundwork for future
Wash., was here this week for a development of the market road sys
visit with her father, Mr. L. Nolte. tern, the etate highway commission
Mr. and Mr. Martin are both in ha for month been working out a
government employ at Bremerton, Policy tor applying the enactment
and have been for the past two The reult of this exhaustive research
years, rncy recently prontea oy iu,.ue.u "--
the rise in Bremerton real estate by la it of regulations which ha Just
elling a house at nice profit. iwued by the commission.
June 30, 1919, resources of all banks in the
United States were:
Banks under State Charters
Banks under National Charters
. 20.799,550,000.00
Difference; favor of State Banks. .$ 5,166,125,836.30
In Dollars there is strength. We hold a
State Charter.