The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, March 12, 1920, Image 2

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    V . w .iff
A Jolt to the High Cost
of Farming
More truth than poetry in the above.
Our store is now finished and is over
flowing with new goods bought in the
Watts and Rogers way. With new
goods and an up-to-date store we are
now in a position to give you what
vou want service.
We cordially invite you into our new
home, and will take pleasure in quot
ing you on your needs. We know we
can save you money.
Yours for a Bumper Crou
Saturday, March 20, is BROOM DAY.
A high grade house broom for 96c.
it in the following month, and It In
charged that In one if those In
stances an agreement to purchase
had born entered Into between tho
treasurer and the broker befora
the bond were even voted. The
(mention that stick out like a naia
wart relates to the ivbkom why Mr,
lloir could m't have bought ' these
bonds himself ami aaveil 1KI Man
Oregon Jt;i7,fK0 In commissions.
- Tuesday evening, following the
motion picture entertainment, the
Saturday AftcriitHin rlub publicly de
livered to the board of directors of
Memorial hall the kitchen In its
present state of arrangement anil
equipment. During the past year
the club haa centered ita aetivitiea
upon providing a auilable and con
venient kitchen for the hull and each
member has generously contributed
both time and money with this object
in view.
Appreciation was expressed for
carpenter work donated by Henry school
SchrueJer and Marvin Trice; elcc-' farm.
trical work by Glenn Morrison; ma The McLouth family will move
terial furnished by V. C. KiUpat- mxt week to, their mountain rnm h,
rick, and the efforts of C. W. Av- recently purchased. Albert will re
cry in pioinir water into the kitchen main and continue his Mivery bus
t no expense to the club. Mention imos for Athena merchants.
was made or the Jones & Jones
contribution of a quantity of white
The American legion Is arranir-
Insr yreut boxing card for ftitur.
day. April it, at Pendleton.
Robert CopHM-k returned Mondny
from Hot lake, somewhat improved
In health, lie left Arthur still at the
Mm, Kliia I'iukerton and son,
Frank Kly and family were Sundny
Kuests tit the home of Mr. and Mrs
r'rvd I'iukerton on Current street.
Mr. mid Mm. Joseph N. Scott mid
iIiitiKhters, Margaret and ruulino of
Pendleton, were dinner guest Sun
day of Mr. and Mrs. M. I.. Walls.
Mr. W. R. Storms, wife of the
tlnptiKt niinister in Weston, with her
daughter and children, was a truest
at the decree I'ayne home Saturday.
Wesley, the young roll of Mr. and
Mrs. Mcl.outh, had tho ill fortune to
lose the tips of three, finger lust
week, while working "with machin-
Charlcs Williams this week muved
Ins family to the ranch south of
town. Ruth and Frank will attend
in Athena, inline from the
vest I
1 I
mm I
MRS. It GOODWIN. Assistant Editor
SMctlv in Afbnct
The Year 12 00
Six Months 1 00
Three Months 0 60
ntlDAT, HAICH 12, --- - 1920
E nitres at tht sdotlict st Wsitsa. Orcjea
iiccvnddau mallmatttr.
Regular, per inch per insertion 15c
Transient, per inch per insertion 20c
Locals, per line per insertion ...10c
enameled kitchen utensils, and that
of the Weston Mercantile Co. cm
bracinir three dozen cups, saucers
and plates. Thanks were extended
to the public for co-operation in J,he
various enterprises which furnished
the funds for the work.
Following is a statement of mon-
m con-
the very heart of the covenant If
changed in any material respect tho
power of this article and conse
quently of the entire covenant is
nullified. He does not apparently mojveJ ,nd txpvnM
object to an interpretive reserva- ncction with tho kitchc prwJcct.
won. a.mougn ne piaimy regaros RcceipUN0V. n, 1919, lunch af
such as supernuous. It seems to us tcr picture hoWi joq 50. Nov- u
case wherem the personal and do- proceeds of Thanksgiving market.
Iitical antatromsm undoubtedly felt 263.36. JaB. 20f 1920, lunch served Arthur ouglu will
by a large number of republican..-, nirtur hw u?n. ....! property and build a
Work on income tax returns tins
been strcnuou un Attorney Watts
and 11. H. Hulmnls the m.l week.
l!oth have put in Ioiik hours tus.ilmir
with long columns of Inures.
Workmen are putting in a new
bridge at the point where Wild Home
creek crosses Third street. The
work will be rushed to completion in
time for the hardsurfaclng to begin.
Mrs. Lulu Read has purchased the
residence property on Fifth street
occupied by II. I. Watts, from Mo.
M. U I-ecpcr. At some future time
take over the
modern home
March 17th
Also International News nnd Rood Comedy. Orchestra
Music. Shows at 7:30 nnd 9:15. Tickets, 25c and 50c
senators towara wuson occause or choose
. u t B 0,,u,"u Expemlitures-CofTi-c pots $3.50, Mrs. Minnio Willaby was in Tort-
j ir T o . . dl8ne market supplies $12.92. land this week where she went to at-
and Uncle Sam'a
clearly set forth
question is one that
should be en-
Profiteers say there is no race so
easy to successfully play as the hu
man race.
Jack Lait is responsible for the ob
servation that powdered noses can't
smell news. -
uuijr, v rantre 174 hR ramm mn nn Anuvn tpn.i h.-r mn f'lvl.,t
in his letter. The u k v.'. rh,.... tiar. t i ..r.ii.. i.. . i..i i
ten doxen Community silver tua- hospital. Clyde resides with his
spoons $31.00, carpenter work $15.00, family on a farm near Condon, Gil
painting and papering $10.00, plumb- liam county.
ins $79.56, lumber and hardware xn M, jolllll cttmo UJ,
$10.00; advertising, janitor work, from h.-r homo in Wn,,.f
$13.00; total, $277.49. an(r MH...t ,i, w k t th i 1
Balance in treasury, $23.07. Mr. anj M. Melville Johns west of
Dr. F. D. Watts, as president of town. Flint Johns is also hero from
the board of directors, in a few .Vancouver, assisting his brother in
happy remarks acknowledged the Mry spring work on tho farm.
lender ana appointed .Mrs. r.. M
Divorced from her husband, Mary
Pickford wil be better able to qualify
as "everybody's sweetheart."
We clip the following as one of
the latest and most poetic of "tin
lizzie" pleasantries: "For Sale -
une ford car witn piston rings; two
rear wheels, one front spring. lias
no fenders, scat or plarrk; burns
lots of gas hard to crank. Carbu
retor busted, half way through; en
gine missing, hits on
years old; four in the"
shock absorbers, and
iwo. inrec Smith cugtoian of silver, Mrs. Ella
spring; has Lavcmlar, and Mrs. C. F. Hulflnth to
cveryining. act with Mrs. SmJth a3 rarc.Ukers
in con-
President Wilson has
jtaaiaior ousted, sure docs leak; ot kU community property
omerenuai s cry. you can near u nection with the kitchen,
squeak. Ten spokes missing; front The c!ub ia()ies thl.n fUPnhd
evidently all- bent; tires blowed out-ain't cake and coffee to cvervono froe of
developed just about a pronounced worth a. cent. Got IoU of speed; charge, and those present regarded
a case of "disability" as Niagara will run like the deuce; burns cither the affair as one of good fellowship
Flta- as or tobacco juice. Tires all off; and jnoi,,,, enjoyment.
I been run on the rim. A damn good
HT I J . A. . . 1 . -
lucre uuvn v seem mj uk any ue- ford for the shape it s in,
mand for Hoover except among the
voters, according to Cleveland
If rural teachers do not get a liv
ing wage, the "little red school
house" may really develop red ten
dencies. .,(
, The bird man who flew seven
miles high above Dayton, Ohio, ex
emplified a different and Jar more
daring game of "seven up."
Much as we admire the Pacific
Coast farmer as the kingpin of in
dustry, we trust that his judgment
in holding high-priced spuds for still
higher prices will not be justified.
We rather fear, that if the Great
Jehovah- should happen to hand him
a constellation he would ask for the
milky way.
.In the western territory of the
United States last year, 412,469
meals and 128,584 beds were supplied
in 32 Salvation Army
President Wilson says that he is
unable to distinguish the difference
between a nullifier and a mild nul
lifies Perhaps one would modify
by nullifying and the other nullify
industrial by nifying.
Gary Taylor, who recently wns
promoted to the managership of a
new J. C. Penney store at Kijksville, "l;(,
Mo., has now established himself in
that city. "The Taylor household
tlwro was recently saddened by the
death of ono of Mr. Taylor's sisters
and her infant child with influenza.
The Athena High school baseball
team is gettinc well under wav in
practicing for the season's confer
ence games. Tho grounds will soon
be put into first-class condition.
Ihc district trakk mw-t will be held
10 DIDTIV IfinCDTPn Athena this year, and the local
10 rAIilLI AOULr ILU thlt't; rc soon to round into form
to compete in the different events.
William McPherson caught a steel
head trout in tho loivcr Umatilla
river Sunday that measured 32
inches and is in line to win the $25
prize rod offered by Watts & Hogcrs
for the longest trout cauirht durlnir
Washlngton.-Prtsldent V.'llsm th.c Rh,ng wson. Harold Haynio,
cepts with reservations the proposal of v'no omj)anicd Mr. McPherson,
the British and French premiers that 8,80 cauhi KHd-iI steel head.
Italy and Jugo slavia undcrtako a sot- When Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Caton
tlcment of the Adriatic guestlon. He arrived homo from a winter's stay
las also putvhniied the Mrs, Un ul;.
tier house on the West sid anil
will mov it to the Third street site.
The hou:tn will be remodeled in bun
galow style.
I.enora L. Troth has tiled suit or
divorce from Morgan I.. Troth,
whom mIiu v. in marrieil in 1.HJ4. She
alleges desertion. The plaintiff,
who resides in Athena, has rrtnincd
Homer I. Wutls an her attorney.
The couple have no children.
The infant child of Mr. and Mn.
Walter Hoohor, born about tin dnys
I Moiidity uinl un buried
Tuesday, The young parents have
tiie sympathy of many Athena
friends In their bereavement.
Mrs. G. Kopriva, wife of the pi
tr of the Metlmdi.Ht Kpt.wpitl
church, arrived home IKt evening
from .S;ioknm when nil
Mrs. II. A. Itarrett and her little
daughter, Genevieve, have both xrn
ill this week at their home on North
Fifth street.
Mm. It. II, Hill vUiled yesterday
at the home of her daughter, Mrs
ta Otis Whitcmmi, in Walla Walla.
Mr. and Mrs, A. A. Fuss, who
spent the winter in Portland, re
turned home luht night.
Miss 'llnlnin ('rnliill was in the
r"y from Weston Wednrsdit".
uidciwcnt it surgical acrutiuu.
In the on-hard districts near Med
ford, robin mid sparrows feeding
upon rotten and fermented apples,
became intoxicated and went stag
irering about, flapping their wings
in a iiio-.i undignified manner.
Conn i led lo tion by one thousand
moiiiim to force down the high cost
recently of living was decided Ukjii at a miu
meeting held in Spokane.
if m
v.. I i
President Outlines Basis For
Settlement but Objects to
Treaty of London.
V-ill, ""vjli
'Willard P. Hawley Jr. of Oregon
CifV flflvintr VMI tho tVtreria ii n
brought by his wife, we are hopeful he ?reaklnf.
that the . Hawleys will disappear
from the front page.
beach, and the flight of
At all events, it is more likely '8 apparent that not a few sov
that Bryan will control the demo- i"n citizens look upon world
erotic Convention, as predicted by P6"6 firefly competing with a
Mark Sullivan, than that the con- erchlight, compared with the ques
vention will control him. tion getting beer with a "kick"
. in it.
Herbert Hoover says his ambition
is to remain a "common citizen.
ays that if Italy and Jugo-8!avla pre- California, they found their house
are at least three things fer to abandon the so-called buffer outn of town had been broken into
the average person never tires of state containing an overwhelming ma- an" robbed of many valuable artl
watching: the blaze of a wood fire; jority of Jugo-Slavs and desire to limit t,cs' bedding, etc., and that lumps
of waves against a the proposed free state to tho coroua aml dishes were broken. It is rc-
a flock of separatum of Flume, placing tho sover- Parted that at the C. L. Woodward
etgnty in the kague of notions with- noml wet of town, tho house was
out either Italian or Jugo-SIav control, entered and table linens were miss
the United States is willing to leave
the determination of the common fron- A splendid display of fishing
tier to Italy and Jugo-Siavla. tackle is attracting the attention of
The president says ho "cannot poa- all who pass tho Watts & Rogers
lbly Join" the premiers' suggestion store, hether you be angler or
that the memorandum settlement of not, you cannot resist the temptation
December 9 be withdrawn; declares to stop and "rubber" at tho artistic
that "Albanian questions should not arrangement of what is considered
Top prices paid for Old Metal,
Rags, Sacks, Hides, Wool, Etc.
About $7.00 for Old Iron
J. R. Reynolds
Water Street (second block north of Main)
WESTON . - . . . OREGON rD
A quaint philosopher remarks
We are inclined to think, however, tha ve Brc a" in favor of doing the be Included in tho proposed Joint dis- to be one of the most complete lines
cusslons," and reiterate that the Unit- 01 fishing tackle to bo found any
that he will always be regarded as mo8t ood to the greatest number-
very much of an uncommon citizen. an the greatest is number one.
-President Wilson's letter to Sena- Tnt Salvation Army distributed
tor Hitchcock contains what seems 650,032 pounds of coal to the poor
to us is unassailable logic. He ,ast yea" in the western half of the
points out that the United States United States.
took a stand for universal peace that
ed States cannot approve of the execu- wncre tn Lastern Oregon. Of
tion of the terms of the treaty of Lon- course, Bob Proudfit had something
don. to do with designing tho window dis-
Finally, he expressed the "earnest play
hope that the allied governments will W. C. Emiiiel has received news of
not find It necessary to decide on a the death of his cousin, Itev. Harry
govern- IS. Einmel, which occurred while ho
course which the American
maue a ueep impression upon r,u- mere seems to be some reason accoraance wun us reiterated wai serving as secretary of the Y.
rope. He does not say, although for the acceptance of State Treasur- tatement will be unable to follow." M. C. A. with American troops in
this is a well known fact, that our er Hoff'e invitation that his bond Tne President's note to the premiers the vicinity of Rozdalncy, Siberia,
government propaganda, spreading transactions be investigated. As the D0W be,n" considered by the allM The young man contracted typhus
throughout Germany, had much to Oregonian points out it is pertinent nPree council at London. Mean- while 'doing outpost duty in the
do with winning the war by damp- to inquire why the state treasurer time, direct negotiations between Jugo- swamps of Siberia. Ho leaves
ening the spirit of militarism so long cannot bid directly for the bonds of BlavIa, and Italy are proceeding. widow and four children at Hood
drilled into the German people. Now Oregon municipalities instead of ' River. Mr. Emnicl was born at Day-
he says in effect that the United paying brokers two percent. There During 1020 eight counties in the ton' 0n'"' nnd httl rved as pas
States should cither make good on are two instances that seem to call Inland rmi, ,m i...;i.i i tor of the Methodist church at Her-
.,..,!.... .1 ..A ni. I
iiinwil, aim MIBU ttb X'UCK nnu ivcn-
r , , V . w "'wk mateiy im m e of permanent
" ' ' i"' """ "l ",B wraspon highway at an expenditure of $2,-
" iuciid, wuim, umi. nu iwu- unuer oaie oi iMovemper l l'Jia: an- 375 000 Vivo nf h. :
w-ay course is open; that if we do other by the City of W.rrenton W.Jhington and three in ' Idaho. Preparatory to moving to Athena
not choose to fish we cannot even under the same date of issue. Both Adams county, Washington will lead Dr V IV witu h hn fh . i .
cut bait Article Ten he regard. were delivered to the etate treasur- with 70 -DYttSSfc ' Sirt -S !2,S ToJ Current! lie'
an expenditure of $2,- Iuano- was ,,uriea 1,1 b'-
oeria. .
eston mm
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