Ml 1 A Jolt to the High Cost of Farming More truth than poetry in the above. Our store is now finished ami is over flowing with new goods bought in the Watts and liogers way. With new goods and an up-to-date store we are now in a position to give you what vou wantservice. We cordially invite you into our new home, and will take pleasure in quot ing you on your needs. We know we can save you money. Yours for a Bumper Crop WATTS & ROGERS ATHENA, OREGON P. S. Fishing season is drawing near. Watch this space for our ad. or being I i "OYER THE KILL" being the c-flUialinii clergymen. nd groom were attended iml Mm. George Phcard. groom la ft locomotive engineer ... . . . i ... .L- g w l A Miss Vernitft Watts has tvooviiTvd in m emiioy m v-. - from n case of inlluonsa t St. IT.I- running out T Hi .ramie rn'i Academy, i -emu no, nm- im is attending school. It in reported llmt Alex Mclutyre Mill In lit nut far diMaut future erect new bungulow ml hi on Third and Cottonwood streets, when with hi family ho will have hi farm to reside how. Supciiutcndcitt Ferris of the War rrii Construction conwany arrived in N. Mr. iiml M. !.,. II Ufl mmediulely fur IWtlnnd iiftor thc tuaiiituro cere, mony. I'mm there lliov will K t San I'itgo, Calif. Aftor u month tlioy will return to U Grande, where they will reside permanently. Mr. Clarence U Giigmni, a will known young farmer residimr mhiIU of Athena, n.l Miss Neva . I.. 'Gil lotto of Portland were iminicd in Wallu Walla at tho l'ionoor M. K. . . i r r M Atnona trom i " ". n,urvll Tuesday, February 8. ItttO. tho nuroose of netting ready for road V . ' ki. n... ij.a T. W. olnoiating. Mr. Jamoa llaworth ami Mi Florence '....... ilm rutinlo. the oor WntU & Roger have installed ft fMny ,K,()t ,H.rfonllc, n tho pre- ence of rolativoa ami mentis, a wedding dinner for twenty guests work o soon ft tho weather will per mil. now drinking fountain in thejr store at tho comer of Main ami Third jtrvot. It is ronntnioled o tha.1 . lh uwni hotol. Mr. Wfttor may bo k-oil by tom of Mrfc i;ak,noll ,v th well w ih roils. Misa Kv ShioUla ftirojl 2'J. ilauph. tor of Mr. ml Mm. S. S. ShioliU, w-oll known rcsitlonta of Milton, iliod in Sonttlo. Wallft was a victim of Inlluonsu Mr. and Mrs. A. n.SwKpart nn.l rhihirvn ftro at tho farm north of town, after having anont o of ft host uf frioiU. ' " Moiuhwra bf "ato Irrigation o- .nnmliiliin r.rllfln.1 to I4tl. ;o. ami wis buried in Walla worth of boudll lM(lM by th Kntor Tuomlay Iho yi4init dl,lrll., , Mn..h oounty ami 10S,t'rt0 worm t nonus authortifl by tho Oranta 'aa Irrlas Hon itlatrlol In JosoKlilna oouuly. Tho couple of Vnirnrl ilistrlol comnrlsoa approsl- months in Pomlleton nt tho home of nml(lly tiM ,cr,t, whll In tho Grants Mr. and sirs. m. i akott, wno irv j.trei thoro aro Inrluawl arroa. itovoiopmom wor on umu Joota Is In proarrss. A dotormlnatlon to at hottor dairy cows throuah tho oraanUatlon of a lrr bull association, tho ollmliia- WESTON LEADER CLARK WOOD, Pabll.h.f MRS. It 000DW1N. Asitn Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES Sirtclh in Aftnct Tho Yor 2 00 Six Montha 1 Three Montha 0 60 fllPAT, HAICa S, - - 12 Eattria at the poitoffict st Wtttsn. Onjos t tccoao-clsts auil Msltcr. ADVERTISING RATES Regular, per inch per insertion 15c Transient, per inch per insertion 2tc Locals, per line per insertion- 10c touring southern California. A sad death occurred Friday, Kobr. uary 27th, when Mm. Max Dudley passed aay at tho ko of 25 years, two months and 27 days, leaving her , husband and two little children, the ll(,n 'f nxjinis ami vermin, tho pro- in deference to public opinion," while youncost but ft few days old. ductlon of bolter crops throush soil maintaininu that their position has , jyjr anj jirj,. Georite Woodwanl lniproomont. conatltutod tho program boon legally, morally and economi- n( cl,rvn Delphft and Donald, of work adopted by Iho Nsxhvlllo com- cally sound and in the interest of hwvc arrivw home via Seattle and mimlty farm bureau which oraanUod consumer and pnxlucer. In fact, the portim from a dvlitfhtful trip to the ot Toledo, Tho wojnen'a meollmc. pro- profit of the packers combine has h,.-.;:.,. Isl.nds, been so infinitesimal compared to the j(arch now storm cent They found our ed over by Mlaa Une and Misa Uiles decided con- of tho Oregon Agricultural college, was t of the Bench fit attended. Home demonstration reached the enormous total cf $1,(K5S, 000,000 in 1U19, exceeding all pre vious records, with a not income of only $14,098,500 the return for each dollar of sales, amounting to 1.35 cents net, was the smallest in the history of the organization. The re turn on capital invested was 6.74 percent net. We hear from a substantial sec tion of the democratic chorus that McAdoolI do. at Waikiki. Homer Walts has rvcoived one of the largest photographs ever seen here. It U a picture of the Hnrvard Yalo football game played" in the Vale stadium on Thanksgiving day, when Homer's alma mater waxed it to the "blue devils' to the tune of 10 to :S. The picture is on exhibition at Miller's furniture store. Sam Hnworth has returned from Sikano. While there he learned that Al NorlVan came near ilrown- Sam sold fl344.i0,6y7.84 "P recently when he broke through worth of thrift stamps, war savings lee on ijoon laKe. recuc w..n stamps ami treasury savings certili- '' 1 lan,U,, A h,-'hl cates during the past year. Probably '! mv ns the An especially high endorsement of twicc BS much WBs lost by less cau- "'k"if "''l hv ,nl" n b,K ,,,luk Herbert Hoover is found in the oppo- tiouI, investors in fake oil stocks and i,,nw trout- sition of William R. Hearst. similar worthies paper. This in- Mrs. Kdward Iteiin (tioe Sylvia vestment of one hundred and thirty- Bcathe) of Seattle, wuh a guest the A shrewd observer says of the po- four millions, particularly by persons first of the week at the home of Mm. litical situation that it will be a case 0f smnu mcans throughout the Unit- L. Sherman. Mr. and Mrs. lUnn, of the survival of the slickest. states, was made in the face of a who wore both former employes of wave of high prices and extravagance the Mosgrove Mercantile company One not altogether evil function of un)?qUalled in the country's history'- here, wore called to Milton by the wood alcohol consists in promoting Economists and financial experts con- ilenth of Mr. Ilenn's uiother, which the non-survival of the unlittcst .f the figure as a hopeful sign occurred last week. Undo ork wa now to tho Toledo ladle. Tho Ptato Taipajors' league which held a mooting In rortland denounced tho united land and labor Inague as noclalUtlc. undemocratic and a monaro to tho state of Orgun. Attending the mooting were representative rorn from all H llon of OreKon, and there w a considerable sprinkling of members of tho Wglslatuio. Tho resolution adopted: Indorsed I mill lai bill for support and maintenance of Ore gon Agricultural college. University of Oregon and Slate Normal school. In dord aoldlor'. oallor and marine' mlllnEO Ui educational bill. ludord 4 pr cent road hondltiK amendment to Hi constitution. Indorsed 2 mill tax Mil for support of elementary school of the tate. Indorsed plan lr divided aesslon of the stale b-Klslature. Adopted resolution denouncing l-i;d and Labor party and NoiiJ'arilsan league, and outlined plan to oppose them throughout the tte. Adoptod roeolutlon opposing atiempt to repeal the per cent limitation amendment tu tho cotistitutlon. Approximately 10 rest estate ileal Quality and Service are what you got when you invest $935.00 in a FOR I) SON fraeit (Farming's Kun with a T0UDS0N) MILTON GARAGE Avvnto for TKALTOKS and TltACTOU IMPLEMENTS. (I'lione 7C1. Milton. Ort'iron.) WESTON GARAGE LOCAL AOENTB -m-. twr . ffl a n i o I 11 JUNK E Top )fices paid for Old Metal, Kags, Sacks, Hides, Wool, Etc. About $7.00 (or Old Iron J. R. Reynolds that the nation is slowly but surely plans are completed for the new ,n OTestm he r,,.,, ,,,,c.lion We'e rather glad the owners got adopting the only means out of our inclcm bungulow to be vrected by their railroads back, as we can again present industrial and financial dif- M. I Watts, and construction will refer to them bitterly as "soulless faculties rigid economy, regular sav- begin so soon as weather will eniiit. corporations." ' ing and investment by every one from The prvKont residence will be re- 1 wage earner to millionaire. moved y to another lm-ation and a Only our inherent modesty pre- , splendid, completely modern home vents us from saying that a good Ttlc vast wjntr wheat crops of erected on its site nt Fourth and Jef- name is one of Wood'a most valuable tj,c paiouse country must be changed ferson streets. campaign assets. from 80ft to hard wheat if the farm- Mrs Kl!ith M yVjlliums, beloved era of that section are to continue to wjft, of f;harlo E. Williams, died If Berkman and Goldman are now Ket pricCg( according to Spokane at st Allthony-s- hospital in Ten working twelve hours a day in Kus- asrrjcuitural and milling experts. lUcton Mon(8y( March j, iW, and sia, it cannot be said that bolshevism The change will be effected princi- thc fullcrai wail hcld Wednesday af is an unmixed evil. pally by the rotation of crops. This ternoon at two 0viock at the Moth- will consist in planting wheat and . hnrch In thin eitv. Serviee for license for aTordlnx to a report prepared by O. V. Johnnou, who Is in charge of the real estate depart ment of the Insurance commissioner'! office. I.ast year the application for licenses totaled 1339. Twentytwo alleged vloliition of federal prohibition law are Included In the final report of the November tenn federal grand Jury In Portland, which was discharged Saturday, rend ering Its report to Federal Judge lloan, Water Stret't (second block north of Main) WKSTON OREGON i f I E E J show with or chestra imthic ut 'i'c and GOc ndmia- the erand Juror returned 37 true bill, ion. Tomorrow night, Sitturduy, five not true, bills aud four secret. an Artcraft snecinl. "The The claim of William Gibbs Mc- peas or sweet clover in alternate of 1X78. The limb had been cut . .1... . first of the three bi-jr picture '"" ' pw i'' the Standard will bo "P "u"r "c lui'- " means or a luiKler, anu ft iookoui with ft spy gins slaliuned himself on thc platform and scoured tho country fur hostile rvdnkius, who ' were en gaged about that time in a skirmish White w'ln aoldiora from Fort Walln Walla. families to the . The IliR riclure, 'Toggy.' The March' at screened next Wcilnesdny night, when Hillie Hurke will be seen In 'Toggy," a ten-reel Adoo to distinction does not rest al- years to give to the soil thc proper jaync of Weston. together upon the iact tnai ne is me amount oi nitrogen necessary ior me son-in-law of his father-in-law. raising of hard wheat, for which the millers will pay top prices. An in- Manufacturc and sale of 2.5 per- creasc 0f $25 an acre in thc yield cent beer has been legalized in Wis- ls expected to result from such rota consin, which loves its lager and Vic- tjon were conducted by Rev. W. S. With a tractor and road plow, the :. . . II I...-" .U.. ..l,.l..r.. ...I I. r. Ilirllf OOlMOrW Hlltl Hieir Il W Tnlrteon il sir cis in lamnni cuom ihuim. i -i - . ,i - . i- i.. ii... .i...,i,. .,r ti, ;. iiu'i.t her number of about 200 ussvmbled with were represented In a mee . at Mo- U the .In lbs of t e sea-tog thcr Mlnnvlllo for the organisation of the a .Venmtt .omuly, will be Vtnlilll founlv rul.Uc Forum, the shown Ul regular prices, ' " . .. '. " macadam surface was broken over obJcpt of whlcn , tho ..frM ,nu'open night, Wally Heid uppenra in "Lesa t'l'r irosent owner, tor Berger not wisely but too well. thc pint; line that is to be replaced with new steel piping on Main street, before the hardsurfucing of the street begins.- The new pipe has been treated with a thick coating of tar to preserve it from rust, and will be laid in thu trenches so soon as thc weather permits of work to dlcuslon and action on all public Jhun Kin. Also mine nueatlnna." It I non partisan m char- Lloyd Comedy. actor, yet political discussion will bo nermltted. ' Itominder of Imliull News n nd " ... Thc Pendleton Tribune comes to Mexico continue, to do its best to a morninK newspapcrf thus demonstrate that it the only coun- cnabl jt e n! thc try in the world where a bolshevik .. . - ,, government might conceivably be an Vmatm county, Thc ..Trjb., is one begin, improvement. of th, cumty;. ,,wncl!r newsnaners Kl,b,jrt Coppock . ........ . . . and has weathered many vicissitudes. The united stales semue na au- aDDarcntly now on he hif.h roa,i from rheumatism ot tho original Im ire reserva- it is apparently now on me nign roa-i tion. Better so, perhaps, than to re 8000 OFFICERS CUT is sojourning at Hot Lake this week, seeking relief. A. R. Coppock, nbjo at thc nanulurium, to that material nrosneritv without n,s fton i: l it r and thin urik whh firifrntffl unon f,r ..- tlw Wirue of nations wmtn no newspaper can w pv-norm .. , TT. . . i ... . on any terms. its function of public service. Llovd Georcte would have bolshe- After nine years, four vism left to "develop and die." Bui- the United States supreme court de thevism ia a malignant growth, how- clare that thc steel trust is all right, ever, and it's usual with cancer that and three say that it is ull wrong. the uaticnt dies. As it is a two-billion-dollar trust, we ' . conKider it good business ' to along the removal of hit) tonsils. Art has reduced .his weight during hi stay . . .at the lake about 40 pounds, but hopes to regain it and be able to be gin spring work. Mrs. Cojpwk is with him at Hot Lake. For the first time in lh history fought 26.179 officers and the house trail the Athena water system pumping committee granted 17.80. Fire in the ( hinese iunrter in Walla Walla Monday caused the War. ,1111th of eleven Chinese, including a Not long ago a board plutfoim fell woman and three children. Fire OUT from a big tree uboul 100 feet high crackers used In celebrating the Chl- ut the Tom Diggins plactTon Basket nose new year were believed to hava War Department Estimate Reduced mountain that had been used as a cuused the holocaust. All the bodies , y th Houe Committee. lookout alution during the Indian war have been recovered. Washington. Elht thousand fewer , rmv e1timr thin kal fnr Kv tho . -. . war department are provided by tho house army reorganization bill, for mally preented by Chalrninn Kalin of the military affairs rommltten. Ite duetlon In the number of officers were made In every branch of service, but the sharpest cut wa for the avlntlon service, which received only 1164 of tho 4B0O asked. In all, the department lias of necessity been resorted. In in A deficiency of winter moisture on the watershed furninh ing the flow to the gravity system Octavius Roy Cohen has told us a wrought about an inadequate supply .ri. . I .. ..nur a onir Willi the mummy. (Ailvcr Kurouc is not without its silver lin- ti'K rutes made known on applies- - ing. We learn that Bulgaria marches tion.) her profiteers in chains through the streets of her cities. have lot in the Saturday Evening Post "'r uomcstic purposes, with the ru by no about the "Sons and Daughters of I It '' pumping plant was op- means sprouted wings, it is equally Will Arise," but the two best known r a pan oi last month, true that they have not been holding Lodges just now are Henry Cabot The snowfall of Tuesday, while it the helpless consumer with a pitch- and Sir Oliver. benefited crop conditions materially, fork while exploring his pockets with ' ,vns ' l,ulc M " "toring water 'forked tail. Wo believe that they A recent writer remarks that the ',r thc Jfravity iyslcm. ha've been exploiting the public to books that charmed us in youth recall At thc Christian eburrli in I'rndle its advantage rather than its dbad- the delight ever afterward; wc are ton Man-h 3d, Min Mamie Kheard vantage, and they mean what they hardly persuaded there are any like of this city and Mr. Otis C, McDow say that in giving up their grocery them any equally deserving our af- ell of La Grande were united in lines they did ao'rankly and solely fection. marriage, thc Rev. R. L. Bussaberg- None of the various plans offered to the committee for reorganising' the army was adopted by the committee.. Instead the committee report a sub mitted by Mr. Kahn, baaed on the na tional defense act of 1916, wos used as the working basis, the new law be ing a revision of tho old one. Forbid Liquor Search Without Warrant r:hlrgo. MJor A. V. Tinlrjniple, commander of fhe eipedltlon agalnit the "Mlchlgn rum rebellion," returned to Chlcego with hi cmsadsr to bo fared with positive federal order for blddlngTlquor search or arrests with out proper warrant. eston Garage J. F. SNIDER GENERAL GARAGE WORK Good Mechanics-Good Equipment c4tt Work Guaranteed AJAX and DIAMOND HRES at the right prices o Auto Supplies "Try Us GENERAL BLWCK SMITHING nt Snider Shop