The Weston leader. (Weston, Umatilla County, Or.) 189?-1946, February 27, 1920, Image 2

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    to COIIVIIUO till'
vrntien that the
ought to carry more
L. L . .
Francisco con
: & : &
Hi. van opinion
than average
A Spokane U!y teacher's my war.
cut in two h.tauo she went on teach
in;: when "broken out" with miihU
l., tiii.l jrl i( ilm's'i't uiH'ni' thut
there wic miy tpots nil her record.
up the
T. 1h;s! i'l' Now Yolk sics
entire nt'.i itn-ii pretty w. II
l.lli.l -i .T .n M
who he savs- "The lijif tiourtV ha .
t,n the world has hcvu trying
to li I1 I II sihstillltc for wink,"
ji rv
llPOliver Pulverizer!
Quality and Service
are what you got when you invest
m a
FORDSlON Tractor
SV . saw.-"- , r . -v. r
-V..av- JVS V.-
(Farming's Fun with .1 FOKDSON)
(Phone 761, Milton, Oregon.)
If we Know our oll g. o. i. friend.
Frank S., whin he gets back to I 'hi- f J
rago the Curl won't hi in the eUs'JiI
phnut' tail. Frank leads while oth
er follow.
The allied government have decid
c.l go easy with bol-hevik Russia,
liws for the- s-amc ' reason that
one doesn't profit by disturbing a
polo cat.
i'olhiul'ii position ns n butlr klale
nns'ht he more fcinfoi table if she
weren't so unpleasantly eognunnt of
what she is butTing sgaimt 011 either
' Ini'oniiatioti conns from Washing
ton thut the semite i considering the
pence pact, which will likely be dis
losel of before we write it 2000 A. l.
Soring would le especially wel
cor.u" this year were it n..t for the
feiu- that "it will germinate unu
sually abundant crop of candidates.
No tragedies resulted from tlic
Pokie doings at Pendleton, but we
lire credibly informed that the tyros
had n shocking experience.
The Kiilerntii'ti of I.uU.r muy tinil
the bhiniier in the blucklist bluiulvr-
bus and likewise a ilamaping re
It i.- not scrpi isiiic thut the lry
law enfonvrs have run up niiainrt a
ha 11I proposition in Iron county.
Rough Roads for Wheels Are
Smootli Roads for Passengers
TT7ATCH Overland 4 on
rough colbles or un-
paved roads. The vhccls fol
low surface int qualities, but
the new Triplex Springs r.ivc
enr nnd passcnRcrs tcinurkablc
riding stcadincr.y.
Thc &ivc 130-inch Spring,
base to a car of 1 00-inch
This makes for the gently
buoyant road action of a large,
heavy car with the economy
in upkerj, fuel and tires, and
convenience of handling of a
scientifically dcsiRiiedlifchtcnr.
Auto-Lite startingandlight
ini, d.Kr .opening curtnins
and dash lip.ltt give but a hint
of the completenesi ind iual
ity which characterize every
thing about OVcrland 4.
CURK 00D, Tubiiihtr
JVRS. It. GOODWIN. Asiisunt Editor
5.('c(i'v fi ASl'Anct
The Year W
Six Months 1W
Three Months 0 &"
TOD4T. FEB. 27, - - -
What is wmtteil is a railma.l liill
iiicht aiui .-hakes dice for the drink thnt the public won't have to pay.
in."' ,
nil day. If it wasn't fur the
work, I wouhl like to be a printer.
Statistics have just beer. ;;.--.em-bled
by n insurance men's paper,
Saft '".lardiiif: America Ajrain.t Fire,
for the fire losses in It 1 S. These
reached the tnoruiuus t tnl of $l!tu,
000,000 recorded losses, while un
recorded lo.;i!s are estimated to on Fourth
1920 brim; the staptferiiur total of "burn- pmk, and
Work was eonunenied on the new
bank building Monday uf this week
John F. llerr has purehased
itroet from Hubert
will Imild a resilience
d a lot
rt Cop. Iff
Notice Friends
I will hae a Carload of the Little
These are hard t j get and will go very fait. The first orders are filled first.
You should have your order placed without delay.
Dr. S. L. Kennard, Dealer, Weston and Athena
in.- ,l,,llni-j" mi I., :;.M1 fillll om It '!.. r. ,itl
Enttud at the poitotlict t Wcitvn. Orrjon Wuiild be ;renerully supposed that .Mr, an, Jirs. c itili-.s (ierkinjr are '
iccnd-(lif mail mailer. defective chimneys and liueit would hoiiie from a visit of several weeks .oaipnnied home by their iliuoMitir, to attend the lln puti. nla. an- IkiIIi
cause the "reatest loss. This is not duration with friends nnd r.-lutie.. Il....n u h,. ha t....oi aii. iwlin,- ,i nt ,, l,i... i ..ioh.-IIlmI i,i Mint tli.-n.
the case, however. The loss
this cause uh:1 a little under twelve
P,nilnr rur inrh npr Tnsertion IjC :ti: . .4: : 1
rw. r nuiiions. M ime jiiecirieu' oeeasiuncu v-j,,,,.,,.,. t,r vah
Transient, per inch per insertion 20c a Ioss of more than twcnty millions. hiyin' a ''
-,n.a, tt !. v-' .-uateiies and careless snioxers were
- responsible for more than sixteen
THE PLT-IT-OFFS. millions, while incendiaries de.stroy-
. cd property valued at less than ten
We have been waiting confidently millions. Exposure (including con-
for the past ten years for the rc-ap- flajrrations) caused the prentest loss
Iearance of the subioincd lines, of all, tfiven at nearly sixty-four
which about every decade arc cin-u- millions. Petroleum and sparks on
la ted in the public prints from coast roofs were about equally destructive
to coast. This time the East Oregon- factors each causing a loss of more
ian has evidently started them off, than six million dollars. The elec-
and the Orepon Voter reprints them: ttic flat-iron is regarded as largely
responsible for electricity's
record. This and other
My friend, have you heard of the
town of Yawn,
On the banks of fne rivef Slow,
Where blooms the Wait-a-while
flower fair.
Where the Sometime-or-Other scents
the air,
And the soft Go-easvs prow?
It lies in the valley of What's-the-usc,
In the province of Eet-'tr-slide:
That tired feeling is native there,
It's the home of the listless I-don't-care,
Where the Put-it-ofTs abide.
losses could be avoided,
with b little more care.
from iM Tacoma.
Flint .lolini is here this week from
lie contemplate
a wnrat ranch near l.a, Wash.
School rsunieil Mondiiv after a
two Weeks' close down on account
of the fiu epidemic, with nearly nor
mal attendance.
The Preston-Shaffer Milling Co.
this week out in ehctiinil installa
tion fur pumping danti at the
homes of Cass Cannon and Sirs.
la Kirk, on .South Third street.
.Mr. and Mrs. (leo. 11. Woodward
dismal have landed on their return trip from
similar a winter', visit t Honolulu. 'I hey
course, are visiting friends at .Seattle and
Pot Hand, and will be home in a fev
the smallpox iiiuil'nutilie in
Helen's academy at Portland. Mits until
Helen has Ix-en ill for some time mid lilted.
comes home to retrain her health. chan ip time is hue, am
Mr. Hamster rcHirt cold raw wrath- ,, ui(.VH and vacant lot have nl
i r, even in the sunny imiith. ,dy received necessary attention.
The drive fur new members of the Mrs. t. Kopriwi, wife of tho pus
merian IKioti under way this t !' of the Methodist Episcopal
week is expected liquid between .00 chureh, i. in Spokane, where who sun
il 300 tuuiies to the dilTneiit u s- laim-'l a Liirical operation thin Week
t."s throuKhotit the county. Al- m a lt"i' ilul in that citv. Mrs. Ko
i.ady Pendleton pot ha.-, more than punt hu-i lin in mr louith for
71 new members. Membership cards nuine time, neeesnitaliiiif liniilly an
are bein); mailed out as rapidly as operation. Itcv. Koprivn aeeompan
npplii ations are received, in older to ied his wife to Spokane.
Proudlit lundeil five beautico, Oimir
.Stephens three, Mullen llnnscll lime
ami Win. Pinkvrton one. The fmh
inn from 1H to..'10'.j imhea in leiiKtli
many of m"' W'cij:hel from 5 to H pounds.
Omar Mephrnn, who mmled tho ao'
inch trout, hns so for a kimmI chauvc
of w limine the $ll" lishinx rod put
up by Watts & RoKer as a prize for
the largest trout rniiKht during the
' Jar--.
We were surprised and .'ratified Arthur Conpock, who has been se
at learning- that we attended the riously afflicted with rheumatism,
recent newspaper conference in Eu- has returned from Pendleton, where
pene. The esteemed East Oregonian Uv has been taking treatment. Ac
taught us both a-going and a-cnminif. companied by Mn. Coimock. he tms
jfono to Hot Lake.
Ahntlf txi'Vilv l.'tdii.u t,f Hi,.
busy finirer of our far too solid cor- du() , othcr ,ivitc Mt
porea entity were pounding the keys joyp(, Ul(! ho!tpitality ,)f Mn) jj
Pi-rchance it was our astral body
that journeyed to Eugene, while the
Mve all the new legion men a chance
to atli ml the bi smoker tomoi iow
niK'ht at Pendleton.
Mrs. ( liHiles Williams liar, been in
rt very alarming condition the past
week as the result of a relapse, after
recovering from the influenza Mon
thly nijrht. l)r, fluy Hoyden was
c.-riled in consultation with Dr. Smith
nnd relatives were summoned, as her
life wum almost despaired of. At
present her condition is somewhat
improved, although she is delirious
at times
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Cnton. who
Next Wednesday cvenim', March 5,
Taylor Holmes' emit plituiv, "It's a
llrar," will come to the Standard
Mi. litre at 1'i'k'iilar prices. The pie
tine wan hooked for the Standard
last fall, hut was cnm-clled mi uc
(ount of missimf railroad connec
tions because of a washout. This is
the first opportunity presented fur re
booking this splendid comedy drama.
Two shows, remcmocr nt 7:.'I0 ami
!l:ir. Coiuo and laugh at the Hear.
Atheim aniflers have been success
ful this week in their quest for steel
heads alon;,' the lower Umatilla. Hob
,.t - If .L..I. i- ... . . ;
o. - .e.K.Hna.e.. no n must nave Watts Tuesday aft-.-rnoon. A delight- l'vo spent the winter at Newman,
been, since we found it impossible, .,:..:,. f i!1K;i;. i f idifoerdn .,u,.d i,rni,l, w,..
The Put-it-offs smile when asked to m"1'' regret, to be at Eugene-(lainty refrcf!hn,ents wer3 acrvedt ,iay on their way to Spokane., where
vork, " rest o. me .,k.i they will visit their son. Tom. Thev
v, ill return to their home near town
in n few days. Tho. families of Leon
And say thev will 1 it tomorrow; f"'s how to run a country newspa- r. r Jti " '
And so they d.lay from day unto day Pr and sulestep the sheriff. Any- out f' . ,' '
Till death cycles ut and takes them thing may happen la one's aura with w ' I"-'"""- .- )
3Way Sir Oliver Lodge 0 this sidj of the ,t,,at thc "t
a . u t v v. nond t'00" "Cou't of themselves in the
And their families starve, beg or pona. i u . i , ,
, , conference games to be scheduled for
uuiivn. ,
ili.t Max Kidder remained at New
John Rothroek returned this week
from an extended trip through the While in Oklahoma he Invest
ed extensively in oil lunds, and has
aiiendy realized a considerable bum
It is not difficult to fathom the re
curring popularity of these lines.
They not only possess a peculiarly
fetching lilt, but contain an entile
flerman financiers are proposing an
"Economic I.taue of Nations," to
include Kj&sia, cs the ri.-rht way out.
fMiund.'i inLereKl iiii'. hut', ilne'l nut. e,,n
... . r L 4 . . . t in I, in ;.,.,.l .,,..f 11.. ,.l.,:i...l
vmct. Old ..Jan World h certain to " vl ""l l!,r "' a ru:i- preveiitu- " "'"
The new steel pipe which will be
laid under the hard surface of Main
treet has umraJ. It is btinir civen
California and Mexico points, as well
I-.:, several other states.
Mrs. .lenuie Stuinnf Mills died re-
sermon . mpW.y iivut upj.i.ea Ui,jt h( wouI,,n.t h.lV(. t() l,v,... The alkali properties of Mn.
vo u..i out if Germany hadn't got him in. ' here have a tendency to
. vironment, but always to the other - . ' water pipe.
... . . r. . When troublnl over our country s .Superintendent Hal of the Athena ee.illy at her home in Mild, Alberta,
Thev are credited by the Or- ... .. . , . . , , , . ., , " ,., , , ... .,, '
e lia and the Voter t "Oil Cli ) ,ila"'' S.m comfort to schools returned .Sunday from Los- all'T u few days illness. She urn
egoiuan an t o ir o . ip- mijj,u .(,.,, tlt. jjniteil Slates is far tine, where he spent the two wceka t' yt-ara of age and was born in M.h-
,K, . .v.,,,,, .,.. u-tu.,. n; than any other power mix- 'hiring which -Imol was closed be- na, h
cd up in the lale
Chicago scribbler who flourished, we
think, contemporaneously with Eu-. House cat pelts
gene lew. f 1.24 "each in New
And speaking of the genial Uene
reminds us of his witticism at thc ex-
are selling
i orx, ljut we
opine thut ino:t people
them worth mere than that on the
pense of the old-time printer a jest batka of p,ln-m,, pt.ts.
at one time current in every compos- .
ing room in the country. In the old Organized labor has so much black-
hool was closed be- n;i, her parents, Sir. and Jlr:i. J'hil-
i.iiuie of inlhienzu. While al Lo.;- 'i' Stnmpf, having resided in thii
tine, Mrs. iiall's father died, after a ity for a number of years,
for lingering illnesn. Athena friends are o.vtciidine-
WfO'd ll.'IM heeri All., di-.f U'elf'.eiii. f,. A rwrnu HI f'.llliu ,l,
will consider r,.;,i -i...i. i. i...r.'. ... ...!.... . i.:.. ' .. i'.. .. ....
.,,..,,'.. ... vij- .ivin.ii t;.-n iTV'inie .usi, . mil; vntiiy h'iiii ma . n iisiniieiai
of Mrs. Grace Parker Hutchinson i.t wheat ranch.
her home in St. Johns, Wash., as the r,ir. ! A. Miller and infant damrh-
result or influenza.
days the devotee of the art prescrv- )jsting to do that it will have to be . . "tr nus"aml an" tnrtc "' home in Walla Walla, which is un-
Otive was ever a convivial cuss. He tareful not to smudge itself with the l",',,'," llt"r father, mother and half m ,. quarantine. Thev bad just been
generally - worked at night, which gct-evcn ink. " brother. diseharged from the hospital afl-r
let only the daytime for the gratifi- 1 Mr. and Mrc. George Pa!ii:;ter ar- no attack of influenza from v. hi li
cation of his sporting instincts. Mr. Kryan ha.-s said that every dem- rived home Wednesday morning, af- I-'r. Miller is also coiivah-iiceiit.
Said Field: ; ocrat is entitled to his opinion; but ter having spent the winter months Pawlu and his mother, Mrs. N. A,
"A printer is a man who works all we fancy he will make come effort at San Diego, Calif. They were jh - Miller, who went over from Athena
She leaves be- ter are ill with sjiiallpox at their
For 1920
Plant Only
Our Seed
nd Plant
er's Guide
Is thc
growers of thc
jrtiiwrst, lis tina
complete lines of
Js. Trees. Plants.
Bee isjonlics. taravs
and Sora vers. Dalrv
Supplies and Equipment.
Your Nm thoukl b on our
Mailing Lik.
Ask for Catalog No, Ij( .
Infliieiin lit i.irim; in Klsniiuli I'aUs.
lUeordlliK to a liletrlll rrieel-.ed I.)
State lle.ilili Ofdeer ItoberK from Cily
lli'iillh lirfleer Houle. More Hun Coo
eases huvo been reported In Klamath
Fall, with 10 drain In onn da y .
Tlionsanils of vlaltors sro expected
to view me bfituiles of the pruim
orchards surrounding tUloni ilurliiK
hluksoiu time, If plans msde recently
iimterlnllKa. I'nili-r these plnnn it Is
proposed to run special tourist trains
from Portland and other points to
fjnlem during the prune blossom
Mrs. Toby rtlddl, descendant of n
long line of Modoc cht"ftaln, Is dead
at the Klsmtth reservation. Hhe was
official Interpreter for ths govi riim' tii
during the Modoo rebellion and was at
tho conference on April 11, 187.1, when
General E, It, 8. Canby nnd Dr. Thom
as were treacherously nluln by t'sptaln
Jack, the Modoc loader.
The Oregon State Retail Merchants'
asHnclHtlon Is the iianin solactml as tho
namo of tho consolidated body to sue.
cecd the Omgon Htste rtotsllers' n.
soeliiliou and th Orogon rtoiall Mer
chants' association, which held I heir
consolidated convention nt Astoria,
Mnrshriulil was selected by unanimous
vote as tho nest convention cky.
Bids for tlio construction of 20
bridges, two of which am dcHlfcmilcil
as overhead railroad structures on (he
route of thii Columbia river hlnhwny
In eastern Oregon, and for Hie Im
provement of approximately 3d miles
of road, will no opened at the next
meeting of the state highway commis
sion to bo held In Portland on March
A letter received by the tax depart
ment of Douglas county from the act
ing aiulitor of the United Stales treas
ury stated that Douglas county's clnlm
for back taxes oB the Oeos Hay nagon
rosd grant leads In the sum uf f.i:,,
070.27 had heen allowed and that a
treasury warrant for the amount had
been forwarded to the county treasurer.