A Frank Snider Returns to Weston pjIDjLJ SCHOOL IN WESTCN f v 1 J.. K. Snider han returned to Wo- At mrt i CniintV Politic! turn will I for the whold or tno roun- mo ouic. ui ui..i IaXZ. Pr, ?l y. ""U " """birred. Ke.tor want. It. n.l o 1'"kU '' (Athena 1TVM.) ' nil..,, hi. niYouiu-inllt with tllil BREVITIES FEBRUARY 27 AND 28 j-.- JTJS, r - ton twin Athena, whore he hH been with Watt & Kogvni, and will v- l.Ulo attention I. being given to ' ' '' " k.v,, fr a little rhortlln from Mr. caire in bunineM here again, but on Arrangement are being erfeeled .. r. ..... .. .1.. a larger acnle than formerly. roiinty politic yet. " "" ' , for the two-day potato ami grain . i iiiuw lu nnov onn ny unr - , . 4 Snider has Knight the Wotun I.Ullvn hen lie dormant a door . .M . - - J .O ... I-, all (-Mnt, 111 r Kitten cao.net ,or ,e. ,lh Potion mid .hnrket mg .c oc. to rv,mb,ioan. ar, not togeiher on JJZZ Thl. . fac, of tha ...lendlJ o,. "'"- , . ,,, n-ii a t!rvi,r n,i h alo 1,0 ml" i,,,,u,r"" '" their county court ironnei. ror un . ..-.. -- -. 1Hr(.m(,y that I t.ren e to lHt Tom Booher a busino.. MMtor fjm ' V .1.," , next Friday .ml SatuMay. February ,,, lhtt th, rlK.kburn..Sohanm., " th"tll", ' ."iT , fhe l."u at ve ticket who can, In .W, Saturday. "k " "v, r lh ; 1' . Tr ! 27 and 2. riWar C K. HyM,.,. of frllllw.up , m,t bein irleefully aup. vau-ntltm om e In while. l.Uirl t be a ' ' u , .atructlvely J,w Ilctn and J. U. Prue were jt, Jli .a "-''"' " -rll by any J Whether up. .UKl.1e rand dale r i I'; JJXJ " Spla, It over" rend.et.n vai.-ra Sal-ntay. ilnVion t ,,- V U to thi. corner of the .late J , , " - K Ir".! ,rt, t.cket Mr. und Mn. Jack Kead weiv vi- (((.t , , f mgv ,mHim !ls nm, aN I Al I ml HennU.n. who ,,B!( iu Inception frm knowledge of ' J" J;:. ""'J "J.,;" "4"or,l!l. o J!- r,.lal. for illustration. itinir in Weaton Sunday from WiU- lri,m,,,.1 Wm-twuithlmr and nm- " '""''", l1 committee U , burn'a caPabil.tie or whether lt that ( hailii-InU '' " . U i,K in wi a ireiuial .ImMin.tmm. ami ma preparin k' for the Vvent. u lmf utlK ,wn ,utu, f Schan- " t.civafler inatead of tylnR hnn- " &Sk fflsl SS2 SSSaws ... a . . 1. . 1. a .. f Wik.I.iF latin v U'MI rlllMlll 111 the aurla. Auernoon iiuu . .... (vrvallis which i. i Athena until the close of the school iorain, wnin r-i n....:., u year, when they will asam occupy in this vicinity this week in connec tion with his county work. Mrs. Marjraret Kabb is in Tort land this week, buyinit millinery for the Weston Mercantile Co. Having recovere.1 from intluema. Miss Lois Porter has resumed her studies in Whitman College. their home on. Normal Heights. Gratitioation over regainintt so val uable a eitiren as Mr. Snider is tem pered with regret over the probable loss to local business and industrial circles of Mr. Hall. Hi remains un til the first of the month or later in order to close un his a:Tairs. For the present Mr. tireer will eon- ? WESTON SCHOOLS Lewis Van Winkle Junior tHk the tjt,ui. in business harness at tl' Wes rural mail out on route two Monday. tlin (;arage and assist Mr. Snider in substituting for Kay Gordon. taking care of the front oi!icc W. L. Kayborn spent a few hour in town alula.v, reiurmnK w n mountain ranch in the evening. Mrs. Ellsworth Woods has been confined to her farm home with an attack of the prevailing epidemic. W. S. Price was engaged a few days this week in painting and pa pering the Memorial Hall kitchen. Miss Dorothy Bulfinch and Mr. ami study of the Mrs. Elmer Tucker were Sunday aux Yeux,' nicsts at the C. F. Bulfinch home. esting. as Tim McBride came in from the M -Bride Bros, farm Saturday to vUit and shop a few hours in the metrop olis. Frank English, bachelor fanner uf Weston mountain, was in town Sat urday looking after matters of busi ness. Lee Billings of Walla Walla spent Thursday as the guest of his bister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Ross. was attended by fanners from all over the state. Grain and potato judging and grad ing will be practiced by those who attend. An important matter to come be fore the school relates to some changes ill federal grain grades, such as making sub classes in white club wheal.- These arc of especial inter est to growers of rod chaff and other harder vaiietic of white club. This matter will come up Sntuiday, as will also discussion of the proposed gov ernment extension t f the price guar antee. A line on the sentiment of the fanners attending the Weston meet ing is desired. Friday will be totato day. The mu st ion w ill lo discussed, llow can can grow two jtj y bushels r ,rj 9 potatoes be grown with prollton We- Jessie Ilavis is back in high school ton mountain when with but little after a long period of sickness. greater cost the Yakima valley and The French II class has be run the other irrigated sections ci classic, '"La Pander or three times as many and finds it quite inter- acre? It will be shown that potato t is something new. growers in nearby irrigated sections ; The rhysics class has found a new nre sending as far as Michigan and , field of experience and experiment Wisconsin for seed. In 1918. when j since its laboratory equipment has table potatoes were jelling at K'5 , arrived. per ton. a Buckeye Washington dry ; The library books are being cat- land potato grower sold his entire t alogucd by Mr. Fitzpatrick this crop for seed at $70 K-r ton. The j week. fact will bo impressed upon the Blue English classes are beginning to Mountain potato growers that if they j take their outsidt reading. take advantage of the wonderful soil , Much activity has been shown by UI1d climatic conditions with which I the high schocd boys in getting ready the Creator has endowed their re for the baseball games, basket ball gion, they can more than double their having been out of favor this win- profits. Potato men are urged not to i The parties who borrowed the jack tor on account of the "flu." miss Friday's program, and Bre also ; screw from the Hall blacksmith shop Miss Rintoul was back .Monday to j,,! to brins samples of their spuds. , are requested to return the same to teach the little folk,- after an ab El Frank Snider. Mrs. W. II. Gould and Mrs. Sidney " Tucker motored to Athena last Thursday for a day's visit with Mrs. Zella McPhcrrin. Mrs. J. M. Coinpton has been as sisting in raring for the ill members of the R. L. Reynaud household dur ing the past week. Farmers and other friends of Mem orial Hall got out yesterday with since due to sickness. The grades are having Cour tests again this week ami them. . Valentine boxes were put in the rooms of Mrs. Fitymtrick, Miss Colvin ail Mrs. Pell and nil were made happy by the valentines they received. Swings and other kinds of play Attcndauce is improving in high school, after many pupils have beiri a 1 ; I I .1 . .1 learns anu ui.pieuiems anu Kraucu thc obst,Ilt litit, the hall grounds. M(jgt of Miss BruW-s ciUS!) in An. Jim King was in town Saturday, Ancient History" are out, leaving only making his first calls upon Weston two of the original six. merchants since influenza went to ground apparatus are being erected the mat with him. 0n the school grounds to afford ex..-r- Miss Rosaline Rohde of Pendleton, rise and pleasure for the pupils. who was the guest last week of her sister, Mrs. 5. 0. Petiersen, return ed to her home Saturday. Jake Narkaus was in town Wed nesday and reports that despite De cember frigidity his cattle have win tered well in the Helix district. Stevens Lodge, Knights of Pythi as, conferred the knight rank Wed nesday night on Sylvan Kennard, Carl Brandt and Marvin Adkins. Miss Frank Harris Davis is being entertained this week by the Misses Edna Hollcnbeck- and Mabel Colvin at their cottage on Normal Heights. Henry Craigen exhibited to friends last Saturday a beautiful branch of silvery pussy willows which he se cured along the banks of Pine creek. Gordon Nelson, former Pendleton high school student, is wanted in " Pendleton for passing worthless checks. He has been apprehended in Portland, and Sheriff Taylor will bring him to the county jail. At the sale of Indian lands Mon day, R. F. Kirkpatrick of Pendleton, was the highest bidder, paying $200 per acre when he bought 40 acres for $8,000. There were nine parcels of land up for sale and all were sold. J. E. Bowker, who sold his place last fall to Fred McGrcw, is closing out his :-txk and machinery with a view to locating on a small tract near Freewuter. Mr. Bowker bus announced a public sale f'.r Febru ary 27 at the Andy Douglas resi dence. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Pell, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Gordon and Jess Fowls visited the lower Umatilla Sunday on a fishing trip. Incidentally, they were away Monday also, their auto having decided that it was a good time to break down with two garage men aboard. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Hartman of Pendleton are leaving February 28 for an extended tour of the Orient. They will visit the Philippine is lands, where Mr. Hartman served 22 years ago when a lieutenant in the Second Oregon. Mr. Eugene Eppin ger of Walla Walla will accompany them. A meeting of thc entire Annual staff was held Wednesday and plans for the school publication were made. Reports came from all the depart ments and the Annual will be pub lished soon. J he seniors will be es- lielnw is the fvo-day program: Course 1. Potato production. 1. Potato varieties, their identifi- enjoy cuj0(1 m,(i improvement. 2. Potato soils and their prepara tion and fertilization. :!. How to plant and grow a crop of jMjtatnvs. 4. Potato storage. 5. Potato marketing grading. 6. Potatoes in rotation. Course 2. Wlici.t Production for L'liiutilla County. 1. .Summer fallowing methods and seeil bed production for maximum yields. 2. Standard variety, seed treat ment; time, rate and manner of seed ing. .". Special production problems: I (a weed control. (b minimizing frost injury. ! (e) controlling volunteer, (d) winter killing. j 1. Wheat harvest; handling and 1 , j . i , ,u marketing methods, penally featured and it is hoped the year book will bring pleat-ant mem ories to them all in after life. Charles May was in the city Sat urday from his home on Weston mountain. & once Course '!. Grain Grading and In- ! speetion. ' 1. Dockage and its determination, j 2. Varietal mixtures; their deter- J ruination, grading and utilization. j 3. Standard varieties. j 4. Color and texture of wheat us i indicative of gluten content and miil- jW im- villus. ? 5. Smut dockage and value and uses of smutty wheat. n. Factors affecting wheat value at shipping point. Second - Hand Sad dies. We will trade new saddles for old ones. Harness Oiled for $1.00 per set.. Hitman's Harness Store (Phone 122) Milton - Oregon Notice to Subscribers If this notice is marked it signi fies that your subscription expires Meh. 1. 1920. We would most gratefully appreciate your prompt renewal. Subscription rates- by the year, $2.00; six months, -51.00; three months, .10 cents. The Leader is invariably discon tinued at expiration. FOR SALE. Three hundred and hovoii ictch heavy black loam il, located in Co lumbia county, Wash., eight miles from Waits burg and right at ir -small station ok the O.-W; l!Ui crop averaged 42 bushels per acre; ll-'i acres now iu winter wheat. Improve ments arc C-rofim modern bungalow, born for 28 head of stock and 70 tons of hay; granary mid sheds. With the place foes 12 bead work hordes, some young stork, complete set of implements and machinery and all crops if sold before March 1st. Price in $150 per acre. ROSS C. LASH LEY, manager Oregon-Washington Ranches Co., P. O. Box 510, Phone 1010, Pendleton, Or. 9 Pendleton pa-r rejiort a greater number of smullpox eases than flu cases in that city. KEEP THESE BEFORE YOU THAT TIIK KAItMKKS CJKAIN and POTATO SCHOOL IS TO UK HKL1) FEU. 27 and 28. That this is the biggest thing for Wes ton that has come our way for years. That evefy farmer is expected, urged and pleaded with to be present. That we have the THKKE SEASON underwear for men at only $2.00 the garment. That we have at a bargain. a good piano for sale That it will pay you to ask about out bargain piano. That SPUING COATS are beginning to arrive and that- we will have a fine assortment from which to make your selection. That Mrs. Rabb is now in Portland buying your spring hat. That the information in our ad. last week is very timely and gathered from reliable sources, backed by the judg ment of the most prominent business men of the country. Head it again; then act by buying your needs for the coming season now. That whether a Main streeter or a Water streeter you are welcome to all the conveniences of our1 big, light store, and we solicit your patronage for the coming season. That we carry the Huckingham & Ilecht Army shoe for men and boys, the perfection in work shoes and th price $6.75. That spring house cleaning calls for new draperies and that we have them. That spring is here ; get out your rake and paint brush. That the kitchen in Memorial Hall is complete and is SOME KITCHEN. weston ii Mercantile FACTS 3 Go.