11 to" S HU BE R I il I Hal J HIkV- X T C A. a S.. Inc. The Highest Prices Ever Known That's What You'll Get Ircm "SHUBERT" WI WANT 'EM NOW ANO WILL PAY THE TRICE TO CET 'EM COYOTE HNnrt00t9 2S.C021C0t8lSlK)jlS.00toU.CJ!i)to 9.00 lllto to 7.C0 OmmMm (22.C0 to 1S.00 1 16-OC to HOP 1100 h 11.00 1 10.00 to 8.COi0C0t 500 MUSKRAT Spring I 8.00(3 7.00 1 SiOta iSOl 5.Wto 3J5 1 3iO!o 2.75 3 .00 to 2.M Winter 650 to 5ifl 5.09 to 4.M I 350 to 2.751 ISO to 1.75 1 2.50 to 1.50 MI "NiTtZ Fine, Dark 1 30.00 to 25.00 1 20.00 to 16.00 1 15.09 ta 1100 1 10.00 to O 10.00 to (.00 Usual Color 20.00 to 15.06 liCOtollOO 10.09 to 8i9 8.00 to 6i0 8.09 b) 5.C0 Coast 15.00 ta 12.00 1 11.09 to 9.00 1 8.00 to 7.00 1 6.00 lo 5.00 1 600 to 4.00 These extremely high prices for Oregon Furs are based on the well known "SHUBERT" liberal grading and are quoted for immediate ship ment No. 3, No. 4 and otherwise inferior skins at highest market value. Ship your Furs now when we want 'em. You'll get "more money" and get it "quicker" too. "SHUBERT RETURNS WILL MAKE YOU HAPPY SHIP TODAY AND KEEP 'EM COMING FAST SHIP All YOUR FURS DIRECT TO AaBaSHUBERT THE LAR6EST HOUSE IN THE VJORLD DEALhSS EXCLUSIVELY V AMERICAN RAW FURS 27t W.Austin Ave. Depti906ChicacfO, U.S.A. Omnia ruin'.)'. Washington, twelve women made complete nam, nii'inu iug frames and trimming, at costs $1 to I 'tioli. At a l")' clcanin! dcmoiisli at ion. worth of denning n (Unit tit a r.t if fi.M. rahri.s cleaned, tanged from the daintiest of gvonri'lte t leather cents. Towns wit limit n aula tourist icmp ground liiv dii-tincd to 1h de vi.l.'.lly nut of the running. The Spokane Chamber if Commerce ill-t-iiiU iisiiinvf ii guide book listing nil Inland Km pit o towns which pro.- Vi.i.' iieh CotlVenielllf h. rhoto- graphs of tin- must attractive site will ho i')'i uili-l in the hunk. t'milriilri' f t'uiivii.'v WillinniH atutisl in Iun lisvHt iiiuuial ivpurt t l'iit;ri'5 t hut tho Umkinir .vrr uf the country is tiiiu tiimn proHtor than it was thirty .warn ni;. Ilo rs-1 timatoa that one vrsoii out of vvvry ti'U has ii bank account. LI! iik hi SPB1MG iyjii! t)ut of a total of ;ll.7;0 of Ucd I'nss t'hnst nni: acal vvU in the stiitc. sales m I'matilla county t.tl loi.i Willi MilllC ('.U'tl'lvtS yvt tu ro- port. I'matilla u mvoikI only tn Mullnomiih in proceeds from tho sah' of scat- t the Thonias Shop 725 MAIN STREET PENDLETON, OREGON - Now on display all the newest creations in Women's and Children's r- i i I Tho week of Kchn nry :l to 2y hus liei'n ilesinate.l National Sunir week, tn he observed in the .silumU thnnitrh out the country. The ainvintf .of pa trutic solids and favonto old hymns is to he chcimiutred. IS I'pun ii(ii;i;r the advance proofs of hi book we uie inclined to think the former crown prince is a belter"" writer thnn a fiphter which isn't jH.vim; superlatively much. After all it nsiirht jn-rhapit la Ut tcr to let l!i!l Hohenrollein pass out as the biKKcst damphool in history 'rather than, if only in the eyes of his compatriots, a martyr. We invite your inspection when in our city. CAMPBELL 1LLBV Rose 'Campbell Bertha Turner I lie iMiitor or t.'tis miluculuil siuel j-t may he a bit obscure in other re- Ixi siui ts, but he has at least achieved frj t'le I'i.tiiu'ti.m of lift being a candi- ."i i:ate f r pn si.lvnt. llnly l;ecuus. our .Merc, fuini.she.i !m'y of ii; ! r;. mv we able tu sit f. :t i the fact teal iermany has is .uid .!.,Mi,K!i,,rio i m;icr marl.t. 1 bv the Inly in it Im. hit the av iation der fire, it i:; perhaps that we should still be as to the merit.' of the program mi only natural "in the air" controversy. WESTON LEADER CLARK aOOU, fubli.lwr MRS. H. GOODWIN, Amilint Editor SL'BSCRirilON RATES Sl.icliv in AfHAna The Year Six Months r Three Months '! !i. . who are fund of say mi: that Wilson is un autovrut would be the first t' call him a jelly li -h if he took instead if giving them. furnish p'st-war ediicational yervic: a( pie-war prices. If titey !'i not re ceive what they must receive in order to reaeh and n:aint.un a standard at all comparable with that of similar orders institutions in other states, it will be to Oregon's indubitable shume and ' -'ain tiu' oltr" llu' (Ml disgrace. Also, it will be ta Ore- returning .-.itter in huldimt what looks 1 iki Kon's indubitable disadvantage, if 1(1 bl' n !'1,t h""'1 11,0 Adriatic 0 51.1 .she cares anything about jraimii); a Knie. citizens the immitrrants to this coast HUDAT, FEB. 20, 1920 Enlcud at the poilollicc l Mtslon, Oregon 41 tccond-clait mail matter. AUVERIISINU RA1FS ..15c Regular, per inch per insertion .. Transient, per inch per insertion. Lrls, per line per, insertion ...10c FIRST RANK OK SECOND? In a letter to this paper thanking it for support of the educational hill which comes before the peopk- in May, President P. L. Campbell of the University of Oregon says: , "The crisis is really acute at the higher educational institutions and relief must be secured as speedily as possible. It is .iuft a jue seems to me, as to whether )ree;on i going to take a first rate or a second rate position in Pacific Coast matter tional advantages for their sons and daughters. It will be found, too, by the indi vidual taxpayer that while the cost rf maintaining these institutions may look pretty hijih in cold print, it is 20c ri!aratively low per student. He wiil also iiii'l mat it anus a mere trifle to his individual tax bill. If he is an average taxpayer he will rave the added cost of the schools by do inj; without a few cigars during the year. i'o weakening effect.; of tin ident's illness is yet apparent vertebrae. pres in his MISLEADING. Any person transacting business in these days must keep a cool head or from MsUint nt the AUu.a 0.w depot to station agent at Adams. "OVER THE HILL" Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Dames were in the city Wednesday from Weston. George Kinntar. old timer of Wes ton -from boyhood up - was in town Wednesday. The doc poisoner is taking a va cation, no canine deaths liavini: been reported this week. Kaymond Geissel has been promot- he will he misled, says the Enterprise Keeord-Chieflaiii. In every h-' the volume of salts looks large, and you tion. it i,re likely to think you are taking in to much money that you must be making a good profit. Kut the iiafu course is to hang on to every cent, A great immigration is coming to Vm: to watch it as never before, until you Coast, and the state must be in a po- have paid your bills which you will sition to attract the best class ot f,n,i are 0n the same level with families. If the higher educational ceipts. Riil (ih StnKffx, who haH resided here the past winter recently moved Ut the J. A. Lummleit place near Wes ton. Mrs. A. J. Walker, who has been ill for several months, is reported very low at her home on North Third rc. street. Dr. and Mra Newsom and two institutions are not adequately sup- This is true of the merchant and sons were in the city Sunday from ported, we shall undoubtedly lose to manufacturer and equally true of the Ereewater, quests of Mr. and Mrs. Washington and California. . farmer and stock grower. Old habits Robert Tharp. "The most important argument, of aie no guide, for never was so much ,f, v. I'inkerton is preui-itir to course, relates to the duty wc all money handkd as now. As sales are muke extensive improvements iri his have of taking the right care of our made of wool, wheat, clothing, gro- residence property on Fourth and sons ana uaugnters. i r.e statement caries, lumber or any other commod made in support of the Fisher bill in jt; such a sum of money is received England that education i3 the debt l;, s would have turned our heads in which maturity owes to youth, is former days. There is a temptation profoundly- a true one. In the face (,,, f ,,(.( jt, to gratify some of the of enormous expenditure.;, IJiiglaud many whims and ambitions every 'man nourishes and buy what he has wanted so Ion if. If he yields he is gone, for the bills for materials ami for labor and incidentals will be found to be in proportion to the re ceipts, and the margin left over when made the heaviest appropriations in her history for popular education. It is both an investment and a safe guard for civilization." President Campbell is right. Oregon cannot expect to take first rant in education without paying for the a accounts are squared will sober a privilege. Oregon has been too much man. in the habit of expecting first-class it is an old truism of business that service from its institutions of high- the money taken in by any concern cr. education at a second-class price. ,f,K.s ,)t belong to it until the bills In the main, Mie has not been disap- alc The fact is overlooked by pointed, although never so generous inexperienced men just starting up. Washington and Jefferson streets. Mr. and Mrs. I!, it. Kichnrds and litlie son Koland, who have been ill with influenza, ure improving under Dr. Smith's care. Henry Miller has been sawing while the sun nhines, with tin- result that he converted some trees near tile city park into cordwood. ,N. A. Miller, who went to Portland ''" ' "si'h' with l,, """iplet,ion of liist week to purchuse a new slock of tl" present term of aehool. furniture, has been spending several ,vr,, Therei.a Merlin left Wednes days at Shepherd Spring He is ,i.,y morning for Portland, where she expected to return today. t'iiw medical attention for her Miss .Stasia Walsh county Mod Cross little daughter, Fay. Mrs. Berlin will nurse, who has endeared herself to '"' ' her brother, Grovor many iieoplc in Athena and the coun- "ay. tllu ''ty. ty during her Incumbency, left this Mrs. W. K. Young, a former reid- one of the two nui'si s sehct Kid Cross for as .icmncnt t Poland lit this time. Athena Weston I 'oft, American l.i tion, will give a benefit dam at Atliemi oht house tomorow ( Satur day) nirht. Good music has been se cured for the occasion and a good tim' is assured all who attend. A i" nci'Bl invitation is extended to ev erybody All are invited t'J come nt:d assist in making thii scries of dames a success. The family of Otho IJocdi r has been seriously ill this week with influenza, but with the exception of the little laughter the puticnts are recovering ni.ely. The little gill has In en threatened with pneumonia. W. J. Cholsoii, father of Mrs. Keeder, has In en staying at the Iteeder home dur ing the family's illness. After closing two wicks on account of the flu epidemic, the Athens school v. til oK'n Monday for work. Miss i-lary Ijinibert has been secured to t aeh in the third and fourth grades in plaei? of Miss Hudson, who hum forced to resign the position on ac count of ill health. J. E. Froonie of the .St. Nichols hotel proposes a sewerage district to embrace the business district on the north and south sides of Main street, with an nutlet into a modcruly-con-stiucted septic tank. he has brought the matter before the city council. I-'avorabIc weather conditions are resulting in noticeable increase in county road work. Grading opera tions arc now under way at the John limiister place east'tjf Athena. The hot stuff plant will not resume oper ations for some time yet. Earl Williams, Pendleton contract or, has secured the contract for building the new Athenu .State Itank building, coiner of TUnin and Third streets. The cost will he $1 4,100, and construction work will.. begin in the near future. Mrs. David Stone has a fine pute hivd Holstein cow which is giving oiirht gallons of miik per day. Mrs. ft tone proudly says she intends ad ding to her herd of llolstcinx by the purchase of more cows in the near fu ture. .luhn McGibbon has Conic from Weston to take the position vacated by Frank .Snider. Mr. McGibbon hns a family who will come to Ath- Jchis. wh.ie ,ir. Vmiliw loliduclcd n harness shp. ."she n survived by her husband and one dam'htcr, Miss l-c-ohi Young, of TVoimi. Mrs, Dura Tavlot, tufv of Gary iayl'ir. until rvunlly maiiacer id the .1. C. lYnmy conipiiiiy store in this city died ycf't'idnv morning at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. I'.atir, in Wulhi W:ilia. from pneu monia following a r.i"it illness with nit!um:?a The funeral was held at two o'clock tin - afteiiiooii in Walla M alia. jicrviecH were loliduclcd by Kev. It. II, ISuitou. Athenu's quota to the Armenian itclief fun.!, as prorated bv the coun ty committee, was placed at IdlMI. The sum was raised in a few hoiir.i of actual solicitation by I."U Hodgcn, .Marion llansell and S. S. Pnrriit, who worked in hit district northwest of town, Mr. and Mrs. '. E. I isk of Weston were .Sunday guests at the Jc Myriek residence. IIEMSI ITCHING DEPAUTMENT A. M. JENSEN CO. Hemstitching, I'ecot, Chain Stitch ini; ("inbroidery, liiauling, Plain Mill bun , ISuitou Holes and Iluttons Covered, i'ltuliiig. MUS. C. E. FEUCl-WON i'hunu tt.iG, Walla Walla, Wash. Ill, A tlo mi Teacher MrilRns. .Mi-s Itinhon who was stricken ill while teaching in the A the mi pub lic school, conveyed to her home m I'eiidh ton Sunday, mid so moii n lur coinlitioii will permit will I ta ken to a KuiuUriiitii in Poitland for Irentiiicnt Miss Hudson ha made many friend during her work rf and all eiteiid dicpest sympathy au l l.upe for lur curly recovery. Her nsii;iition has Win tendered the school board, Utah GOAL fAND1 II Your ortU'rH Holicitod, ami will bo promptly lillcd at ru'lit prit-ir. Phone 272 or 93. WESTON TRANSFER CO. GILBERT C5. KLL1S, Mrr. :" I Sleep? You can lo cither or both with entire satisfaction at WESTON CASH MARKET f WESTON HOTEL 1 1 PRICES PAD) North Water St. Hoard by the week, or by the day. Clean beds. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Hebert FRESH MEATS OF ALL KINDS HIGHEST CASH FOR LIVESTOCK, HIDES, PELTS, &c. MASS & SAUER 1W.LUNDELL!;! lunches General Insurance and Real Estate in her fcchools as Washington and When the cash iliawer is full thev aro California and' others of hersistcr ar,t to think they are on the' high ,"l'kon the first stage of her journey dent of Athena, died at her homo in commonwealths. Compared to the r,',a, to wealth, and they may scatter l'' I'uhind where she is sent by the Tafoma Inst Wednesday, February II. maintenance they receive the univers- thiir funds-befoie they have paid Rtl Gross.. Her work in the classes The cnuse of death was pnucmonia, ity and the college have been doing thfcjr bills. '" nursing anI home hygienu her contracted from influeiiita after only crand work. Dut with the prices will continue under her successor, so four days of illnesH. Mrs. Young and . ...rvthine' else doubled and often. At a recent clothing demonstration it is said. Miss Walshs' picture up- family left Athena about fiftten years j LIFE HEALTH FIRE AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE ICE CREAM CIGARS CANDIES Baker's Goods Do you want properly? If to sell your it in nalublo 1 CAN SELL IT V "- -rf C ... .. . . . . . n , . . - , , . T trebled they cannot be expected to conducted l.y the rarm JJureau in peared in last aunday s yrcgoman as ags alter Tcsnunc nere ror many 44a4a,4444 1'hone your dray orders, j. .. ? j yj, or call at store. S Davis & Ellis i n 3